[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-08-11T17:37:05Z" content=""" I tend to be uncomfortable with wrapping many git commands into git-annex commands with the same name. All the regular git commands can be used in a git-annex repository, and I don't want to get users thinking they need to look for git-annex commands instead when the git commands work perfectly well. `git annex copy` is fundamentally different than `git push`, so the user needs to learn about the complication of needing to copy the contents around separately. Perhaps even copying content to different (special) remotes than where git pushes to. `git annex sync --content` is there for users who want to keep two repos in sync and don't want to be concerned with the details. `git annex push` would seem to be for users who want to know about the details, but not all of them. Seems like a losing and/or confusing choice. """]]