[[!comment format=mdwn username="Gastlag" subject="Is xmpp the problem ?" date="2015-10-30T10:42:06Z" content=""" Hello, I was wondering why assistant \"is increasingly rarely used\" ? if you look the different item of the survey http://git-annex-survey.branchable.com/polls/2015/, yes 53% of people said \"I use the assistant, but without XMPP\" And \"missing ports\" : - \"I'm good -- git-annex runs on my OSes of choice! (43%)\" - \"Windows (13%)\" - Android (6%) But if you look other anwsers you see - \"using with\" : - by myself (59%) - by myself so far but I hope to get others using my repository (28%) And : - \"Pick the operating system which you use git-annex on the most.\" : - \"Linux (78%)\" - \"OSX (13%)\" Further more \"blocking problems\" : - too hard to install (4%) - too hard to use (7%) - not good enough documentation (16%) - The only use for the assistant would be in combination with a good, native, fully automagic Android version which includes some sort of native UI (16%) - I use the command line, and **find it difficult to show others** how to use the git-annex assistant (12%) - The lack of selective file sync (ie, git annex get and git annex drop) is what prevents me from using the Assistant (5%) And \"focus\" : - make it easier for nontechnical users (25%) I think remove xmpp is a bad idea because as you say it's enable \"Friend discovery and easy sharing of git repo to friends.\" and there is already a lot of people who use xmpp and XMPP address are user friendly because close to email adress. And the main problem seems to be that git-annex assistant still too hard to use and not usable on the platform where users are : windows. The main problem is that git-annex is still not ready for users. It have too reach other people than \"hardcore linux users\" to be a social tool and remove xmpp may not be the good solution. """]]