name: git-sanity version: 0.0.2 synopsis: A sanity checker for your git history. description: This tool allow you sanity check the history of local git repository. . A 'sane' history is one where there is no interleaved merged. homepage: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Alois Cochard maintainer: category: Development build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -fwarn-incomplete-patterns exposed-modules: Git.Sanity Git.Sanity.Internal build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.8 , bytestring , machines , machines-io , machines-process , process , safe , transformers executable git-sanity default-language: Haskell2010 main-is: src/Main.hs ghc-options: -threaded -fwarn-incomplete-patterns build-depends: base , Cabal , git-sanity