github-0.7.3: Access to the Github API, v3.

Safe HaskellNone



The repo commits API as described on



commitsFor :: String -> String -> IO (Either Error [Commit])Source

The commit history for a repo.

 commitsFor "mike-burns" "github"

commit :: String -> String -> String -> IO (Either Error Commit)Source

Details on a specific SHA1 for a repo.

 commit "mike-burns" "github" "9d1a9a361266c3c890b1108ad2fdf52f824b1b81"

commentsFor :: String -> String -> IO (Either Error [Comment])Source

All the comments on a Github repo.

 commentsFor "thoughtbot" "paperclip"

commitCommentsFor :: String -> String -> String -> IO (Either Error [Comment])Source

Just the comments on a specific SHA for a given Github repo.

 commitCommentsFor "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "41f685f6e01396936bb8cd98e7cca517e2c7d96b"

commitCommentFor :: String -> String -> String -> IO (Either Error Comment)Source

A comment, by its ID, relative to the Github repo.

 commitCommentFor "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "669575"

diff :: String -> String -> String -> String -> IO (Either Error Diff)Source

The diff between two treeishes on a repo.

 diff "thoughtbot" "paperclip" "41f685f6e01396936bb8cd98e7cca517e2c7d96b" "HEAD"