~~~~~~~~ # Section heading ## Subsection Formatting: *italics*, **bold**, super^script^, sub~script~, ~~strikeout~~. A line break can be forced with two spaces at the end of the line. > Indented quotation: > note: the '>' must not > be flush with the margin > or what follows will be > treated as Haskell code > -- bird-tracks Haskell: > fibs = 0 : 1 : > zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) Links: [external](http://google.com), [Wiki Link](), ![image](/img/logo.png), [to heading](#section-heading). Indented code block: #include Or use a delimited code block: ~~~ { .haskell } let a = 1:a in head a ~~~ - bulleted - list * * * * * 1. ordered 2. list a. sublist (indent 4 spaces) b. another 3. item three term : definition orange : orange fruit ~~~~~~~~ For more: [markdown syntax](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown), [pandoc extensions](http://pandoc.org/README.html).