{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | -- Module : Issues -- Description : Queries about issues created against projects -- Copyright : (c) Rob Stewart, Heriot-Watt University, 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : robstewart57@gmail.com -- Stability : stable module GitLab.API.Issues ( defaultIssueFilters, IssueAttrs (..), DueDate (..), IssueSearchIn (..), IssueOrderBy (..), IssueScope (..), IssueSortBy (..), IssueState (..), projectIssues, projectIssues', issueStatisticsUser, issueStatisticsGroup, issueStatisticsGroup', issueStatisticsProject, issueStatisticsProject', userIssues, newIssue, newIssue', editIssue, ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 import GitLab.Types import GitLab.WebRequests.GitLabWebCalls import Network.HTTP.Client -- | No issue filters, thereby returning all issues. Default scope is "all". defaultIssueFilters :: IssueAttrs defaultIssueFilters = IssueAttrs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just All) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | When an issue is due data DueDate = NoDueDate | Overdue | Week | Month | NextMonthPreviousTwoWeeks instance Show DueDate where show NoDueDate = "0" show Overdue = "overdue" show Week = "week" show Month = "month" show NextMonthPreviousTwoWeeks = "next_month_and_previous_two_weeks" -- | Where to filter a search within data IssueSearchIn = JustTitle | JustDescription | TitleAndDescription instance Show IssueSearchIn where show JustTitle = "title" show JustDescription = "description" show TitleAndDescription = "title,description" -- | Ordering search results data IssueOrderBy = CreatedAt | UpdatedAt | Priority | DueDate | RelativePosition | LabelPriority | MilestoneDue | Popularity | Weight instance Show IssueOrderBy where show CreatedAt = "created_at" show UpdatedAt = "updated_at" show Priority = "priority" show DueDate = "due_date" show RelativePosition = "relative_position" show LabelPriority = "label_priority" show MilestoneDue = "milestone_due" show Popularity = "popularity" show Weight = "weight" -- | Scope of issue search results data IssueScope = CreatedByMe | AssignedToMe | All instance Show IssueScope where show CreatedByMe = "created_by_me" show AssignedToMe = "assigned_to_me" show All = "all" -- | Sort issues in ascending or descending order data IssueSortBy = Ascending | Descending instance Show IssueSortBy where show Ascending = "asc" show Descending = "desc" -- | Is a project issues open or closed data IssueState = IssueOpen | IssueClosed instance Show IssueState where show IssueOpen = "opened" show IssueClosed = "closed" -- | Get a list of a project’s issues projectIssues :: -- | the project Project -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues.html#list-issues IssueAttrs -> -- the GitLab issues GitLab [Issue] projectIssues p filters = do result <- projectIssues' (project_id p) filters return (fromRight (error "projectIssues error") result) -- | Get a list of a project’s issues projectIssues' :: -- | the project ID Int -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues.html#list-issues IssueAttrs -> -- | the GitLab issues GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) [Issue]) projectIssues' projectId attrs = gitlabGetMany urlPath (issuesAttrs attrs) where urlPath = T.pack $ "/projects/" <> show projectId <> "/issues" -- | Gets issues count statistics on all issues the authenticated user has access to. issueStatisticsUser :: -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues_statistics.html#get-issues-statistics IssueAttrs -> -- | the issue statistics GitLab IssueStatistics issueStatisticsUser attrs = gitlabUnsafe (gitlabGetOne urlPath (issuesAttrs attrs)) where urlPath = T.pack $ "/issues_statistics" -- | Gets issues count statistics for a given group. issueStatisticsGroup :: -- | the group Group -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues_statistics.html#get-issues-statistics IssueAttrs -> -- | the issue statistics GitLab IssueStatistics issueStatisticsGroup group filters = do result <- issueStatisticsGroup' (group_id group) filters case result of Left _s -> error "issueStatisticsGroup error" Right Nothing -> error "issueStatisticsGroup error" Right (Just stats) -> return stats -- | Gets issues count statistics for a given group. issueStatisticsGroup' :: -- | the group ID Int -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues_statistics.html#get-issues-statistics IssueAttrs -> -- | the issue statistics GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) (Maybe IssueStatistics)) issueStatisticsGroup' groupId attrs = gitlabGetOne urlPath (issuesAttrs attrs) where urlPath = T.pack $ "/groups/" <> show groupId <> "/issues_statistics" -- | Gets issues count statistics for a given group. issueStatisticsProject :: -- | the project Project -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues_statistics.html#get-issues-statistics IssueAttrs -> -- | the issue statistics GitLab IssueStatistics issueStatisticsProject proj filters = do result <- issueStatisticsGroup' (project_id proj) filters case result of Left _s -> error "issueStatisticsProject error" Right Nothing -> error "issueStatisticsProject error" Right (Just stats) -> return stats -- | Gets issues count statistics for a given project. issueStatisticsProject' :: -- | the project ID Int -> -- | filter the issues, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/issues_statistics.html#get-issues-statistics IssueAttrs -> -- | the issue statistics GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) (Maybe IssueStatistics)) issueStatisticsProject' projId attrs = gitlabGetOne urlPath (issuesAttrs attrs) where urlPath = T.pack $ "/projects/" <> show projId <> "/issues_statistics" -- | gets all issues create by a user. userIssues :: -- | the user User -> GitLab [Issue] userIssues usr = fromRight (error "userIssues error") <$> gitlabGetMany addr params where addr = "/issues" params :: [GitLabParam] params = [ ("author_id", Just (T.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (show (user_id usr))))), ("scope", Just "all") ] -- | create a new issue. newIssue :: -- | project Project -> -- | issue title Text -> -- | issue description Text -> GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) (Maybe Issue)) newIssue project = newIssue' (project_id project) -- | create a new issue. newIssue' :: -- | project ID Int -> -- | issue title Text -> -- | issue description Text -> GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) (Maybe Issue)) newIssue' projectId issueTitle issueDescription = gitlabPost addr dataBody where dataBody :: [GitLabParam] dataBody = [ ("title", Just (T.encodeUtf8 issueTitle)), ("description", Just (T.encodeUtf8 issueDescription)) ] addr = "/projects/" <> T.pack (show projectId) <> "/issues" -- | edits an issue. see editIssue :: ProjectId -> IssueId -> EditIssueReq -> GitLab (Either (Response BSL.ByteString) Issue) editIssue projId issueId editIssueReq = do let urlPath = "/projects/" <> T.pack (show projId) <> "/issues/" <> T.pack (show issueId) result <- gitlabPut urlPath (editIssuesAttrs editIssueReq) case result of Left resp -> return (Left resp) Right Nothing -> error "editIssue error" Right (Just issue) -> return (Right issue) -- | Attributes related to a project issue data IssueAttrs = IssueAttrs { issueFilter_assignee_id :: Maybe Int, issueFilter_assignee_username :: Maybe String, issueFilter_author_id :: Maybe Int, issueFilter_author_username :: Maybe String, issueFilter_confidential :: Maybe Bool, issueFilter_created_after :: Maybe UTCTime, issueFilter_created_before :: Maybe UTCTime, issueFilter_due_date :: Maybe DueDate, issueFilter_iids :: Maybe Int, issueFilter_in :: Maybe IssueSearchIn, issueFilter_iteration_id :: Maybe Int, issueFilter_iteration_title :: Maybe String, issueFilter_milestone :: Maybe String, issueFilter_labels :: Maybe String, issueFilter_my_reaction_emoji :: Maybe String, issueFilter_non_archived :: Maybe Bool, issueFilter_order_by :: Maybe IssueOrderBy, issueFilter_scope :: Maybe IssueScope, issueFilter_search :: Maybe String, issueFilter_sort :: Maybe IssueSortBy, issueFilter_state :: Maybe IssueState, issueFilter_updated_after :: Maybe UTCTime, issueFilter_updated_before :: Maybe UTCTime, issueFilter_with_labels_details :: Maybe Bool } editIssuesAttrs :: EditIssueReq -> [GitLabParam] editIssuesAttrs filters = catMaybes [ Just ("id", textToBS (T.pack (show (edit_issue_id filters)))), Just ("issue_id", textToBS (T.pack (show (edit_issue_issue_iid filters)))), -- (\i -> Just ("assignee_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_issue_id filters, (\t -> Just ("title", textToBS t)) =<< edit_issue_title filters, (\t -> Just ("description", textToBS t)) =<< edit_issue_description filters, (\b -> Just ("confidential", textToBS (showBool b))) =<< edit_issue_confidential filters, -- TODO -- (\is -> Just ("assignee_ids", textToBS )) =<< edit_issue_assignee_ids filters, (\i -> Just ("milestone_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_milestone_id filters, -- TODO -- (\ts -> Just ("labels", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_labels filters, (\t -> Just ("state_event", textToBS t)) =<< edit_issue_state_event filters, (\t -> Just ("updated_at", textToBS t)) =<< edit_issue_updated_at filters, (\t -> Just ("due_date", textToBS t)) =<< edit_issue_due_date filters, (\i -> Just ("weight", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_weight filters, (\b -> Just ("discussion_locked", textToBS (showBool b))) =<< edit_issue_discussion_locked filters, (\i -> Just ("epic_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_epic_id filters, (\i -> Just ("epic_iid", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< edit_issue_epic_iid filters ] where textToBS = Just . T.encodeUtf8 showBool :: Bool -> Text showBool True = "true" showBool False = "false" issuesAttrs :: IssueAttrs -> [GitLabParam] issuesAttrs filters = catMaybes [ (\i -> Just ("assignee_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< issueFilter_assignee_id filters, (\t -> Just ("assignee_username", textToBS (T.pack t))) =<< issueFilter_assignee_username filters, (\i -> Just ("author_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< issueFilter_author_id filters, (\i -> Just ("author_username", textToBS ((T.pack (show i))))) =<< issueFilter_author_username filters, (\b -> Just ("confidential", textToBS (showBool b))) =<< issueFilter_confidential filters, (\t -> Just ("created_after", textToBS (showTime t))) =<< issueFilter_created_after filters, (\t -> Just ("created_before", textToBS (showTime t))) =<< issueFilter_created_before filters, (\due -> Just ("due_date", textToBS (T.pack (show due)))) =<< issueFilter_due_date filters, (\iids -> Just ("iids[]", textToBS (T.pack (show iids)))) =<< issueFilter_iids filters, (\issueIn -> Just ("assignee_id", textToBS (T.pack (show issueIn)))) =<< issueFilter_in filters, (\i -> Just ("iteration_id", textToBS (T.pack (show i)))) =<< issueFilter_iteration_id filters, (\s -> Just ("iteration_title", textToBS (T.pack s))) =<< issueFilter_iteration_title filters, (\s -> Just ("milestone", textToBS (T.pack s))) =<< issueFilter_milestone filters, (\s -> Just ("labels", textToBS (T.pack s))) =<< issueFilter_labels filters, (\s -> Just ("my_reaction_emoji", textToBS (T.pack s))) =<< issueFilter_my_reaction_emoji filters, (\b -> Just ("non_archived", textToBS (showBool b))) =<< issueFilter_non_archived filters, (\x -> Just ("order_by", textToBS (T.pack (show x)))) =<< issueFilter_order_by filters, (\x -> Just ("scope", textToBS (T.pack (show x)))) =<< issueFilter_scope filters, (\s -> Just ("search", textToBS (T.pack s))) =<< issueFilter_search filters, (\x -> Just ("sort", textToBS (T.pack (show x)))) =<< issueFilter_sort filters, (\x -> Just ("state", textToBS (T.pack (show x)))) =<< issueFilter_state filters, (\t -> Just ("updated_after", textToBS (showTime t))) =<< issueFilter_updated_after filters, (\t -> Just ("updated_before", textToBS (showTime t))) =<< issueFilter_updated_before filters, (\b -> Just ("with_labels_details", textToBS (showBool b))) =<< issueFilter_with_labels_details filters ] where textToBS = Just . T.encodeUtf8 showBool :: Bool -> Text showBool True = "true" showBool False = "false" showTime :: UTCTime -> Text showTime = T.pack . iso8601Show