0.6 --- * Stopped exporting all extensions from `Graphics.GL`. You'll need to import `Graphics.GL.Ext` as well. * Added exports for `GLhalf` and `GLhalfARB` 0.5 --- * Haddock links to the OpenGL ES 2 registry * `Compatibility40` depends on `Compatibility33` * Shorter modules names to try to eke out a successful windows build. 0.4 --- * Haddocks! * Fixed a major issue where pointers to pointers in the API were getting the wrong types. 0.3 --- * Switched to non-C style types for the most part. `Word32`, etc. have better understood support within the Haskell ecosystem. `CPtrdiff` remains as it varies across viable target platforms. * Added a dependency on `Numeric.Fixed` from the `fixed` package for `GLfixed`. 0.2 --- * Support `Half` from the `half` package for `GLhalfNV`, so you can compute with the results. 0.1 --- * Initial release