{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

-- | A minimalistic Mustache-like syntax, truly logic-less,
-- pure 'T.Text' template library
--    * Use only the simplest Mustache tag {{name}} called a variable.
--    * HTML agnostic

module Text.Glabrous

  -- * 'Template'
    Template (..)
  , Tag

  -- ** Get a 'Template'
  , fromText
  , readTemplateFile

  -- ** 'Template' operations
  , toText
  , isFinal
  , tagsOf
  , tagsRename
  , compress
  , writeTemplateFile

  -- * 'Context'
  , Context (..)

  -- ** Get a 'Context'
  , initContext
  , fromList
  , fromTemplate

  -- ** 'Context' operations
  , setVariables
  , deleteVariables
  , variablesOf
  , isSet
  , unsetContext

  -- ** JSON 'Context' file
  , readContextFile
  , writeContextFile
  , initContextFile

  -- * Processing
  , process
  , processWithDefault
  , partialProcess
  , G.Result (..)
  , partialProcess'

  ) where

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (encodePretty)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict      as H
import           Data.List                (uncons)
import qualified Data.Text                as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO             as I

import           Text.Glabrous.Internal
import           Text.Glabrous.Types      as G

-- | Optimize a 'Template' content after (many) 'partialProcess'(') rewriting(s).
compress :: Template -> Template
compress Template{..} =
  Template { content = go content [] }
    go ts !ac = do
      let (a,b) = span isLiteral ts
          u = uncons b
      if not (null a)
        then case u of
          Just (c,d) -> go d (ac ++ [concatLiterals a] ++ [c])
          Nothing    -> ac ++ [concatLiterals a]
        else case u of
          Just (e,f) -> go f (ac ++ [e])
          Nothing    -> ac
        concatLiterals =
          foldr trans (Literal "")
            trans (Literal a) (Literal b) = Literal (a `T.append` b)
            trans _           _           = undefined

-- | Build an empty 'Context'.
initContext :: Context
initContext = Context { variables = H.empty }

-- | Populate with variables and/or update variables in the given 'Context'.
-- >λ>setVariables [("something","something new"), ("about","Haskell")] context
-- >Context {variables = fromList [("etc.","..."),("about","Haskell"),("something","something new"),("name","")]}
setVariables :: [(T.Text,T.Text)] -> Context -> Context
setVariables ts Context{..} =
  go ts variables
    go _ts vs =
      case uncons _ts of
        Just ((k,v),ts') -> go ts' $ H.insert k v vs
        Nothing          -> Context { variables = vs }

-- | Delete variables from a 'Context' by these names.
-- >λ>deleteVariables ["something"] context
-- >Context {variables = fromList [("etc.","..."),("about","Haskell"),("name","")]}
deleteVariables :: [T.Text] -> Context -> Context
deleteVariables ts Context{..} =
  go ts variables
    go _ts vs =
      case uncons _ts of
        Just (k,ts') -> go ts' $ H.delete k vs
        Nothing      -> Context { variables = vs }

-- | Build a 'Context' from a list of 'Tag's and replacement 'T.Text's.
-- >λ>fromList [("something","something else"), ("etc.","...")]
-- >Context {variables = fromList [("etc.","..."),("something","something else")]}
fromList :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> Context
fromList ts = Context { variables = H.fromList ts }

-- | Build an adhoc 'Context' for the given
-- 'Template' with all its variables empty.
fromTemplate :: Template -> Context
fromTemplate t = setVariables ((\e -> (e,T.empty)) <$> tagsOf t) initContext

-- | Get a 'Context' from a file.
readContextFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Context)
readContextFile f = decode <$> L.readFile f

-- | Write a 'Context' to a file.
-- @
-- {
--     "something": "something else",
--     "etc.": "..."
-- }
-- @
writeContextFile :: FilePath -> Context -> IO ()
writeContextFile f c = L.writeFile f $ encodePretty c

-- | Based on the given 'Context', write a
-- 'Context' file with all its variables empty.
-- @
-- {
--     "something": "",
--     "etc.": ""
-- }
-- @
initContextFile :: FilePath -> Context -> IO ()
initContextFile f Context {..} = L.writeFile f $
  encodePretty Context { variables = H.map (const T.empty) variables }

-- | Build 'Just' a (sub)'Context' made of unset variables
-- of the given context, or 'Nothing'.
-- >λ>unsetContext context
-- >Just (Context {variables = fromList [("name","")]})
unsetContext :: Context -> Maybe Context
unsetContext Context {..} = do
  let vs = H.filter (== T.empty) variables
  guard (vs /= H.empty)
  return Context { variables = vs }

-- | 'True' if the all variables of
-- the given 'Context' are not empty.
isSet :: Context -> Bool
isSet Context{..} =
  H.foldr (\v b -> b && v /= T.empty) True variables

-- | Get the list of the given 'Context' variables
variablesOf :: Context -> [T.Text]
variablesOf Context{..} = H.keys variables

-- | Get a 'Template' from a file.
readTemplateFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Template)
readTemplateFile f = fromText <$> I.readFile f

-- | Write a 'Template' to a file.
writeTemplateFile :: FilePath -> Template -> IO ()
writeTemplateFile f t = I.writeFile f $ toText t

-- | Output the content of the given 'Template'
-- as it is, with its 'Tag's, if they exist. No
-- 'Context' is processed.
toText :: Template -> T.Text
toText Template{..} =
  T.concat $ trans <$> content
    trans (Literal c) = c
    trans (Tag k)     = T.concat ["{{",k,"}}"]

-- | Get the list of 'Tag's in the given 'Template'.
tagsOf :: Template -> [Tag]
tagsOf Template{..} =
  (\(Tag k) -> k) <$> filter isTag content
    isTag (Tag _) = True
    isTag _       = False

tagsRename :: [(T.Text,T.Text)] -> Template -> Template
tagsRename ts Template{..} =
  Template { content = rename <$> content }
    rename t@(Tag n) =
      case lookup n ts of
        Just r  -> Tag r
        Nothing -> t
    rename l@(Literal _) = l

-- | 'True' if a 'Template' has no more 'Tag'
-- inside and can be used as a final 'T.Text'.
isFinal :: Template -> Bool
isFinal Template{..} = all isLiteral content

-- | Process, discard 'Tag's which are not in the 'Context'
-- and leave them without replacement text in the final 'T.Text'.
process :: Template -> Context -> T.Text
process = processWithDefault T.empty

-- | Process and replace missing variables in 'Context'
-- with the given default replacement 'T.Text'.
  :: T.Text    -- ^ Default replacement text
  -> Template
  -> Context
  -> T.Text
processWithDefault d Template{..} c = toTextWithContext (const d) c content

-- | Process a (sub)'Context' present in the given template, leaving
-- untouched, if they exist, other 'Tag's, to obtain a new template.
partialProcess :: Template -> Context -> Template
partialProcess Template{..} c =
  Template { content = transTags content c }
    transTags ts Context{..} =
      trans <$> ts
        trans i@(Tag k) =
          case H.lookup k variables of
            Just v  -> Literal v
            Nothing -> i
        trans t = t

-- | Process a (sub)'Context' present in the given template, and
-- get either a 'Final' 'T.Text' or a new 'Template' with the list
-- of its 'Tag's.
-- >λ>partialProcess' template context
-- >Partial {template = Template {content = [Literal "Some ",Tag "tags",Literal " are unused in this ",Tag "text",Literal "."]}, tags = ["tags","text"]}
partialProcess' :: Template -> Context -> G.Result
partialProcess' t c@Context{..} =
  case foldl trans ([],[]) (content t) of
    (f,[]) -> Final $ toTextWithContext (const T.empty) c f
    (p,p') -> G.Partial Template { content = p } p'
    trans (!c',!ts) t' =
      case t' of
        Tag k     ->
          case H.lookup k variables of
            Just v  -> (c' ++ [Literal v],ts)
            Nothing -> (c' ++ [t'],ts ++ [k])
        Literal _ -> (c' ++ [t'],ts)