{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This contains examples of general widget transformation functions.
module Glazier.Example where

import Control.Category
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.Semigroup
import Glazier
import Glazier.Strict
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))

newtype Action a = Action { getAction :: a }
class AsAction s a | s -> a where
  _Action :: Prism' s (Action a)
instance AsAction (Action a) a where
  _Action = id

newtype ConsAction a = ConsAction { getConsAction :: a }
class AsConsAction s a | s -> a where
  _ConsAction :: Prism' s (ConsAction a)
instance AsConsAction (ConsAction a) a where
  _ConsAction = id

data Reset = Reset
class AsReset s where
  _Reset :: Prism' s Reset
instance AsReset Reset where
  _Reset = id

data Tail = Tail
class AsTail s where
  _Tail :: Prism' s Tail
instance AsTail Tail where
  _Tail = id

newtype Set a = Set  { getSet :: a }
class AsSet s a | s -> a where
  _Set :: Prism' s (Set a)
instance AsSet (Set a) a where
  _Set = id

-- | Transforms a widget into an optional widget.
-- This wraps the original model inside a Maybe.
-- The new action is now a sum type that contains the additional actions:
-- * A Reset action
-- * A Set action
-- * A mapping action
-- * The original action
-- The original action is wrapped using the given prism and will only
-- modify the state if the preview of the prism is not Nothing.
-- The view will be mempty if the model is Nothing.
-- Widget was a w s m c v
-- Widget s v m a c
optionalExample ::
  ( Monoid v
  , Monoid c
  , Semigroup v
  , Semigroup c
  , AsSet a s
  , AsReset a
  , AsAction a (Maybe s -> Maybe s)
  , Monad m
  => Prism' a a' -> Widget s v m a' c -> Widget (Maybe s) v m a c
optionalExample p w =
     implant _Just -- original update will only work if model is Just
     >>> dispatch p -- make original action part of a smaller action, in preparation of adding other actions below
     ) w
  <> statically mempty -- change mempty to specify a rendering function when Nothing
  <> dynamically
    (  dispatch _Set    (review _GadgetT $ \a _ -> pure (mempty,Just $ getSet a))
    <> dispatch _Action (review _GadgetT $ \(Action f) s -> pure (mempty, f s))
    <> dispatch _Reset  (review _GadgetT $ \_ _ -> pure (mempty, Nothing))

-- | Transforms a widget into an list widget.
-- Given a separator rendering widget, and a widget,
-- this wraps the original model inside a list.
-- The new action is now a sum type that contains the additional actions:
-- * A Tail action
-- * A Cons action
-- * A mapping action
-- * The original action
-- The original action is wrapped using the given prism and will only
-- modify the state of the head.
-- The view will be mempty if Nil.
listExample ::
  ( Monoid v
  , Monoid c
  , Semigroup v
  , Semigroup c
  , AsTail a
  , AsConsAction a s
  , AsAction a ([s] -> [s])
  , Monad m
  => Prism' b a -> Widget s v m a c -> Widget [s] v m b c
listExample p (Widget (Window d) u) =
     -- Create a list rendering function by
     -- interspercing the separator with the View from the original widget.
     statically (Window . ReaderT $ \ss -> do
                        ss' <- traverse (runReaderT d) ss
                        pure (fold $ intersperse separator ss'))
  <> dynamically
    (  implant (ix 0) u -- original update will only work on the head of list
    <> dispatch _Tail       (review _GadgetT $ \_ s -> pure (mempty, tail s))
    <> dispatch _ConsAction (review _GadgetT $ \(ConsAction a) s -> pure (mempty, a : s))
    <> dispatch _Action     (review _GadgetT $ \(Action f) s -> pure (mempty, f s))
  & dispatch p -- make original action part of a smaller action
 where separator = mempty -- change mempty to specify a rendering function

-- | Transforms a widget into an dictionary widget.
-- Given a ordering function, a key function, and a separator rendering function,
-- allows a dictionary of k to Widget.
-- The new action is now a sum type that contains the additional actions:
-- * A mapping action
-- * A tuple of (key, original action)
-- The original action is now a tuple with an additional key, which will act on the widget if the key exists in the map.
indexedExample ::
  ( Monoid v
  , Monoid c
  , Field2 b b a a
  , Field1 b b (Index (t s)) (Index (t s))
  , Ixed (t s)
  , Semigroup v
  , Semigroup c
  , AsAction b (t s -> t s)
  , IxValue (t s) ~ s
  , Monad m
  , Traversable t
  => Widget s v m a c -> Widget (t s) v m b c
indexedExample (Widget (Window d) g) =
     -- Create a rendering function by folding the original view function
     statically (Window . ReaderT $ \ss -> do
                        ss' <- traverse (runReaderT d) ss
                        pure (fold ss'))
       -- This effectively dispatches the Update
       -- ie the action type has changed
       -- so a @dispatch prism@ is not required
         x <- ask
         let k = x ^. _1
             -- a = x ^. _2
         -- run u but for a state implanted by ix k
         zoom (ix k) (magnify _2 g)
      dispatch _Action     (review _GadgetT $ \(Action f) s -> pure (mempty, f s))