{-# Language TemplateHaskell, BangPatterns #-} {-| Module : Client.State Description : Primary client state type and update operations Copyright : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016 License : ISC Maintainer : emertens@gmail.com This module provides the core logic of the IRC client. The client state tracks everything about the client. -} module Client.State ( -- * Client state type NetworkName , ClientState(..) , clientWindows , clientTextBox , clientConnections , clientWidth , clientHeight , clientEvents , clientVty , clientFocus , clientConnectionContext , clientConfig , clientScroll , clientDetailView , clientSubfocus , clientNextConnectionId , clientNetworkMap , clientIgnores , clientConnection , initialClientState -- * Client operations , clientMatcher , consumeInput , currentUserList , ircIgnorable , clientInput , abortNetwork , addConnection , removeNetwork , clientTick -- * Add messages to buffers , recordChannelMessage , recordNetworkMessage , recordIrcMessage -- * Focus information , ClientFocus(..) , ClientSubfocus(..) , focusNetwork , changeFocus , changeSubfocus , advanceFocus , retreatFocus , windowNames ) where import Client.ChannelState import Client.Configuration import Client.ConnectionState import Client.Image.Message import Client.Message import Client.NetworkConnection import Client.ServerSettings import Client.Window import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Lens import Data.Foldable import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.Maybe import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.ICU as ICU import Data.Time import Graphics.Vty import Irc.Identifier import Irc.Message import Irc.UserInfo import Irc.Codes import LensUtils import Network.Connection import qualified Client.EditBox as Edit import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.Map as Map type NetworkName = Text data ClientFocus = Unfocused | NetworkFocus !NetworkName | ChannelFocus !NetworkName !Identifier deriving Eq data ClientSubfocus = FocusMessages | FocusUsers | FocusMasks !Char deriving Eq -- | Unfocused first, followed by focuses sorted by network. -- Within the same network the network focus comes first and -- then the channels are ordered by channel identifier instance Ord ClientFocus where compare Unfocused Unfocused = EQ compare (NetworkFocus x) (NetworkFocus y ) = compare x y compare (ChannelFocus x1 x2) (ChannelFocus y1 y2) = compare x1 y1 <> compare x2 y2 compare Unfocused _ = LT compare _ Unfocused = GT compare (NetworkFocus x ) (ChannelFocus y _) = compare x y <> LT compare (ChannelFocus x _) (NetworkFocus y ) = compare x y <> GT -- | All state information for the IRC client data ClientState = ClientState { _clientWindows :: !(Map ClientFocus Window) -- ^ client message buffers , _clientFocus :: !ClientFocus -- ^ currently focused buffer , _clientSubfocus :: !ClientSubfocus -- ^ sec , _clientConnections :: !(IntMap ConnectionState) -- ^ state of active connections , _clientNextConnectionId :: !Int , _clientConnectionContext :: !ConnectionContext -- ^ network connection context , _clientEvents :: !(TQueue NetworkEvent) -- ^ incoming network event queue , _clientNetworkMap :: !(HashMap NetworkName NetworkId) -- ^ network name to connection ID , _clientVty :: !Vty -- ^ VTY handle , _clientTextBox :: !Edit.EditBox -- ^ primary text box , _clientWidth :: !Int -- ^ current terminal width , _clientHeight :: !Int -- ^ current terminal height , _clientConfig :: !Configuration -- ^ client configuration , _clientScroll :: !Int -- ^ buffer scroll lines , _clientDetailView :: !Bool -- ^ use detailed rendering mode , _clientIgnores :: !(HashSet Identifier) -- ^ ignored nicknames } makeLenses ''ClientState clientConnection :: Applicative f => NetworkName -> LensLike' f ClientState ConnectionState clientConnection network f st = case view (clientNetworkMap . at network) st of Nothing -> pure st Just i -> clientConnections (ix i f) st clientInput :: ClientState -> String clientInput = view (clientTextBox . Edit.content) focusNetwork :: ClientFocus -> Maybe NetworkName focusNetwork Unfocused = Nothing focusNetwork (NetworkFocus network) = Just network focusNetwork (ChannelFocus network _) = Just network initialClientState :: Configuration -> Vty -> IO ClientState initialClientState cfg vty = do (width,height) <- displayBounds (outputIface vty) cxt <- initConnectionContext events <- atomically newTQueue return ClientState { _clientWindows = _Empty # () , _clientTextBox = Edit.empty , _clientConnections = IntMap.empty , _clientWidth = width , _clientHeight = height , _clientVty = vty , _clientEvents = events , _clientFocus = Unfocused , _clientConnectionContext = cxt , _clientConfig = cfg , _clientScroll = 0 , _clientDetailView = False , _clientSubfocus = FocusMessages , _clientNextConnectionId = 0 , _clientNetworkMap = HashMap.empty , _clientIgnores = HashSet.empty } abortNetwork :: NetworkName -> ClientState -> IO ClientState abortNetwork network st = case preview (clientConnection network) st of Nothing -> return st Just cs -> do abortConnection (view csSocket cs) return $ set (clientNetworkMap . at network) Nothing st recordChannelMessage :: NetworkName -> Identifier -> ClientMessage -> ClientState -> ClientState recordChannelMessage network channel msg st = over (clientWindows . at focus) (\w -> Just $! addToWindow importance wl (fromMaybe emptyWindow w)) st where focus = ChannelFocus network channel' wl = toWindowLine rendParams msg rendParams = MessageRendererParams { rendStatusMsg = statusModes , rendUserSigils = computeMsgLineModes network channel' msg st , rendNicks = channelUserList network channel' st } -- on failure returns mempty/"" possibleStatusModes = view (clientConnection network . csStatusMsg) st (statusModes, channel') = splitStatusMsgModes possibleStatusModes channel importance = msgImportance msg st msgImportance :: ClientMessage -> ClientState -> WindowLineImportance msgImportance msg st = let network = view msgNetwork msg me = preview (clientConnection network . csNick) st isMe x = Just x == me checkTxt txt = case me of Just me' | me' `elem` (mkId <$> nickSplit txt) -> WLImportant _ -> WLNormal in case view msgBody msg of ExitBody -> WLImportant ErrorBody _ -> WLImportant IrcBody irc | squelchIrcMsg irc -> WLBoring | isJust (ircIgnorable irc st) -> WLBoring | otherwise -> case irc of Privmsg _ tgt txt | isMe tgt -> WLImportant | otherwise -> checkTxt txt Notice _ tgt txt | isMe tgt -> WLImportant | otherwise -> checkTxt txt Action _ _ txt -> checkTxt txt Part who _ _ | isMe (userNick who) -> WLImportant | otherwise -> WLBoring Kick _ _ kicked _ | isMe kicked -> WLImportant | otherwise -> WLNormal Error{} -> WLImportant Reply cmd _ -> case replyType cmd of ErrorReply -> WLImportant _ -> WLNormal _ -> WLBoring -- | Predicate for messages that should be ignored based on the -- configurable ignore list ircIgnorable :: IrcMsg -> ClientState -> Maybe Identifier ircIgnorable msg st = case msg of Privmsg who _ _ -> checkUser who Notice who _ _ -> checkUser who _ -> Nothing where ignores = view clientIgnores st checkUser !who | HashSet.member (userNick who) ignores = Just (userNick who) | otherwise = Nothing recordIrcMessage :: NetworkName -> MessageTarget -> ClientMessage -> ClientState -> ClientState recordIrcMessage network target msg st = case target of TargetHidden -> st TargetNetwork -> recordNetworkMessage msg st TargetWindow chan -> recordChannelMessage network chan msg st TargetUser user -> foldl' (\st' chan -> overStrict (clientWindows . ix (ChannelFocus network chan)) (addToWindow WLBoring wl) st') st chans where wl = toWindowLine' msg chans = case preview (clientConnection network . csChannels) st of Nothing -> [] Just m -> [chan | (chan, cs) <- HashMap.toList m, HashMap.member user (view chanUsers cs) ] splitStatusMsgModes :: [Char] -> Identifier -> ([Char], Identifier) splitStatusMsgModes possible ident = (Text.unpack modes, mkId ident') where (modes, ident') = Text.span (`elem` possible) (idText ident) computeMsgLineModes :: NetworkName -> Identifier -> ClientMessage -> ClientState -> [Char] computeMsgLineModes network channel msg st = case msgActor =<< preview (msgBody . _IrcBody) msg of Just user -> computeLineModes network channel (userNick user) st Nothing -> [] computeLineModes :: NetworkName -> Identifier -> Identifier -> ClientState -> [Char] computeLineModes network channel user = view $ clientConnection network . csChannels . ix channel . chanUsers . ix user recordNetworkMessage :: ClientMessage -> ClientState -> ClientState recordNetworkMessage msg st = over (clientWindows . at (NetworkFocus network)) (\w -> Just $! addToWindow (msgImportance msg st) wl (fromMaybe emptyWindow w)) st where network = view msgNetwork msg wl = toWindowLine' msg toWindowLine :: MessageRendererParams -> ClientMessage -> WindowLine toWindowLine params msg = WindowLine { _wlBody = view msgBody msg , _wlText = views msgBody msgText msg , _wlImage = msgImage (view msgTime msg) params (view msgBody msg) , _wlFullImage = detailedMsgImage (view msgTime msg) params (view msgBody msg) } toWindowLine' :: ClientMessage -> WindowLine toWindowLine' = toWindowLine defaultRenderParams clientTick :: ClientState -> IO ClientState clientTick st = return $! over (clientWindows . ix (view clientFocus st)) windowSeen st consumeInput :: ClientState -> ClientState consumeInput = over clientTextBox Edit.success advanceFocus :: ClientState -> ClientState advanceFocus st | view clientSubfocus st /= FocusMessages = changeSubfocus FocusMessages st | otherwise = case Map.split oldFocus windows of (l,r) | Just ((k,_),_) <- Map.minViewWithKey r -> success k | Just ((k,_),_) <- Map.minViewWithKey l -> success k | otherwise -> st where success x = set clientScroll 0 $ set clientFocus x st oldFocus = view clientFocus st windows = view clientWindows st retreatFocus :: ClientState -> ClientState retreatFocus st | view clientSubfocus st /= FocusMessages = changeSubfocus FocusMessages st | otherwise = case Map.split oldFocus windows of (l,r) | Just ((k,_),_) <- Map.maxViewWithKey l -> success k | Just ((k,_),_) <- Map.maxViewWithKey r -> success k | otherwise -> st where success x = set clientScroll 0 $ set clientFocus x st oldFocus = view clientFocus st windows = view clientWindows st currentUserList :: ClientState -> [Identifier] currentUserList st = case view clientFocus st of ChannelFocus network chan -> channelUserList network chan st _ -> [] channelUserList :: NetworkName -> Identifier -> ClientState -> [Identifier] channelUserList network channel = views (clientConnection network . csChannels . ix channel . chanUsers) HashMap.keys changeFocus :: ClientFocus -> ClientState -> ClientState changeFocus focus = set clientScroll 0 . set clientFocus focus . set clientSubfocus FocusMessages changeSubfocus :: ClientSubfocus -> ClientState -> ClientState changeSubfocus focus = set clientScroll 0 . set clientSubfocus focus windowNames :: [Char] windowNames = "1234567890qwertyuiop" clientMatcher :: ClientState -> Text -> Bool clientMatcher st = case break (==' ') (clientInput st) of ("/grep" ,_:reStr) -> go [] reStr ("/grepi",_:reStr) -> go [ICU.CaseInsensitive] reStr _ -> const True where go opts reStr | not (null reStr) , Right r <- ICU.regex' opts (Text.pack reStr) = isJust . ICU.find r | otherwise = const True -- | Remove a network connection and unlink it from the network map. -- This operation assumes that the networkconnection exists and should -- only be applied once per connection. removeNetwork :: NetworkId -> ClientState -> (ConnectionState, ClientState) removeNetwork networkId st = case (clientConnections . at networkId <<.~ Nothing) st of (Nothing, _ ) -> error "removeNetwork: network not found" (Just cs, st1) -> -- Only remove the network mapping if it hasn't already been replace -- with a new one. This can happen during reconnect in particular. let network = view csNetwork cs in case view (clientNetworkMap . at network) st of Just i | i == networkId -> (cs, set (clientNetworkMap . at network) Nothing st1) _ -> (cs,st1) addConnection :: Text -> ClientState -> IO ClientState addConnection network st = do let host = Text.unpack network defSettings = (view (clientConfig . configDefaults) st) { _ssHostName = host } settings = fromMaybe defSettings (view (clientConfig . configServers . at host) st) let (i,st') = st & clientNextConnectionId <+~ 1 c <- createConnection i (view clientConnectionContext st') settings (view clientEvents st') let cs = newConnectionState i network settings c traverse_ (sendMsg cs) (initialMessages cs) return $ set (clientNetworkMap . at network) (Just i) $ set (clientConnections . at i) (Just cs) st'