{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Client.EventLoop.Network Description : Event handlers for network messages affecting the client state Copyright : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016 License : ISC Maintainer : emertens@gmail.com While most network messages only affect the model of that network connection, some messages will affect the mutable state of the client itself. -} module Client.EventLoop.Network ( clientResponse ) where import Client.Commands import Client.Commands.Interpolation import Client.Configuration.ServerSettings import Client.Configuration.Sts import Client.Network.Async import Client.Network.Connect import Client.State import Client.State.Focus import Client.State.Network import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time import Irc.Codes import Irc.Commands import Irc.Identifier import Irc.Message import qualified Client.Authentication.Ecdsa as Ecdsa import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text as Regex -- | Client-level responses to specific IRC messages. -- This is in contrast to the connection state tracking logic in -- "Client.NetworkState" clientResponse :: ZonedTime -> IrcMsg -> NetworkState -> ClientState -> IO ClientState clientResponse now irc cs st = case irc of Reply RPL_WELCOME _ -> -- run connection commands with the network focused and restore it afterward do let focus = NetworkFocus (view csNetwork cs) st' <- foldM (processConnectCmd now cs) (set clientFocus focus st) (view (csSettings . ssConnectCmds) cs) return $! set clientFocus (view clientFocus st) st' -- Change focus when we get a message that we're being forwarded to another channel Reply ERR_LINKCHANNEL (_ : src : dst : _) | let network = view csNetwork cs , view clientFocus st == ChannelFocus network (mkId src) -> return $! set clientFocus (ChannelFocus network (mkId dst)) st Authenticate challenge | AS_EcdsaWaitChallenge <- view csAuthenticationState cs -> processSaslEcdsa now challenge cs st Cap (CapLs _ caps) | Just stsVal <- join (lookup "sts" caps) -> processSts stsVal cs st Cap (CapNew caps) | Just stsVal <- join (lookup "sts" caps) -> processSts stsVal cs st Error msg | Just rx <- previews (csSettings . ssReconnectError . folded) getRegex cs , Right{} <- Regex.execute rx msg , let discoTime = view csLastReceived cs -> addConnection 1 discoTime Nothing (view csNetwork cs) st _ -> return st processSts :: Text {- ^ STS parameter string -} -> NetworkState {- ^ network state -} -> ClientState {- ^ client state -} -> IO ClientState processSts txt cs st = case view (csSettings . ssTls) cs of _ | views (csSettings . ssSts) not cs -> return st -- sts disabled TlsNo | Just port <- mbPort -> upgradeConnection port TlsYes | Just duration <- mbDuration -> setStsPolicy duration _ -> return st where entries = splitEntry <$> Text.splitOn "," txt mbPort = readInt =<< lookup "port" entries mbDuration = readInt =<< lookup "duration" entries splitEntry e = case Text.break ('=' ==) e of (a, b) -> (a, Text.drop 1 b) upgradeConnection port = do abortConnection StsUpgrade (view csSocket cs) addConnection 0 (view csLastReceived cs) (Just port) (view csNetwork cs) st setStsPolicy duration = do now <- getCurrentTime let host = Text.pack (view (csSettings . ssHostName) cs) port = fromIntegral (ircPort (view csSettings cs)) policy = StsPolicy { _stsExpiration = addUTCTime (fromIntegral duration) now , _stsPort = port } st' = st & clientStsPolicy . at host ?~ policy savePolicyFile (view clientStsPolicy st') return st' readInt :: Text -> Maybe Int readInt x = case Text.decimal x of Right (n, t) | Text.null t -> Just n _ -> Nothing processSaslEcdsa :: ZonedTime {- ^ message time -} -> Text {- ^ challenge -} -> NetworkState {- ^ network state -} -> ClientState {- ^ client state -} -> IO ClientState processSaslEcdsa now challenge cs st = case view ssSaslMechanism ss of Just (SaslEcdsa _ _ path) -> do res <- Ecdsa.computeResponse path challenge case res of Left e -> do sendMsg cs ircCapEnd return $! recordError now (view csNetwork cs) (Text.pack e) st Right resp -> do sendMsg cs (ircAuthenticate resp) return $! set asLens AS_None st _ -> do sendMsg cs ircCapEnd return $! recordError now (view csNetwork cs) "panic: ecdsa mechanism not configured" st where ss = view csSettings cs asLens = clientConnection (view csNetwork cs) . csAuthenticationState processConnectCmd :: ZonedTime {- ^ now -} -> NetworkState {- ^ current network -} -> ClientState {- ^ client state -} -> [ExpansionChunk]{- ^ command -} -> IO ClientState processConnectCmd now cs st0 cmdTxt = do dc <- forM disco $ \t -> Text.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" <$> utcToLocalZonedTime t let failureCase e = recordError now (view csNetwork cs) ("Bad connect-cmd: " <> e) case resolveMacroExpansions (commandExpansion dc st0) (const Nothing) cmdTxt of Nothing -> return $! failureCase "Unable to expand connect command" st0 Just cmdTxt' -> do res <- executeUserCommand dc (Text.unpack cmdTxt') st0 return $! case res of CommandFailure st -> failureCase cmdTxt' st CommandSuccess st -> st CommandQuit st -> st -- not supported where disco = case view csPingStatus cs of PingConnecting _ tm _ -> tm _ -> Nothing