GLIRC - Advanced Console IRC Client ============= Packaging status * **glirc** [![Hackage](]( * **irc-core** [![Hackage](]( * **hookup** [![Hackage](]( Client Features --------------- * Support for [a wide variety of IRCv3 capabilities]( * Joins, parts, and quits fold into one line to save space without sacrificing context. Detailed view (F2) shows additional info, such as part/quit messages. * Ignore support that folds ignored messages into the joins and parts. Detailed view shows the messages. * Searchable channel list, who and names list, and list modes (beqI) views separate from chat messages. * Dynamic, in-place message and list view searching using `/grep`. * View and open long URLs with `/url`. * Context-sensitive tab completion and command hints. * WYSIWYG mIRC formatting input. * Multi-line editing; Enter sends one line at a time. * Atheme-flavored-ChanServ integration. * Nicknames in chat messages are colored to match messages from that nickname. * Correct handling of [STATUSMSG](, including CTCP ACTIONs. * Command macros. * Support for a wide variety of SASL authentication mechanisms, including `ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE`. * Split-screen view. * Configurable color palette. * Desktop notifications on important messages while unfocused. Can run arbitrary commands instead (or turn them off). * Extensions, a Lua plugin system, and trivial piping of IRC messages to arbitrary commands with `/exec`. * Plenty more, but this list is getting a bit long. ![]( Building ======== [![Build Status](]( glirc uses recent versions of packages, make sure your package databases are up-to-date: ``` $ cabal update ``` To install the latest version from Hackage using cabal-install: ``` $ cabal install glirc ``` Building with cabal-install from source checkout ``` $ cabal install --dep $ cabal build ``` Startup ======= ``` glirc [FLAGS] INITIAL_NETWORKS... -c PATH --config=PATH Configuration file path -! --noconnect Disable autoconnecting -h --help Show help --config-format Show configuration file format -v --version Show version --full-version Show version and versions of all linked Haskell libraries ``` Environment variables ``` USER= IRCPASSWORD= ``` Configuration file ================= Most of glirc's settings are specified using a configuration file. The file format is [config-value](, an indentation-sensitive format that resembles YAML. It has macros which are documented [here]( The default configuration file path is `~/.config/glirc/config`. Relative paths are relative to the home directory. To view the full list of configuration variables, run `glirc --config-format | less`. If any variable is unspecified, a default value will be used instead. ``` -- vim: filetype=config-value -- Grab the Vim syntax highlighting file from the config-value package -- Defaults used when not specified on command line defaults: nick: "yournick" username: "yourusername" realname: "Your real name" tls: yes -- or: no, or: starttls -- enabling tls automatically uses port 6697 -- Override the defaults when connecting to specific servers servers: * name: "libera" hostname: "" sasl: username: "someuser" password: "somepass" log-dir: "/home/myuser/ircLogs" connect-cmds: * "join #glirc,#someotherchannel" * name: "znc" hostname: "" port: 7000 -- Override the default port password: "IRC server password" tls-verify: no message-hooks: ["buffextras"] -- Use this when using ZNC's "buffextra" module to get correct playback flood-penalty: -1 -- Disable flood controls flood-threshold: -1 macros: * name: "wipe" commands: * "clear" * "znc *status clearbuffer $channel" * name: "mysplits" commands: * "splits libera:#haskell libera:#haskell-offtopic" -- Example use of macro in combination with an extension * name: "extra" commands: * "extension Lua somecommand $network $channel" extra-highlights: ["glirc", "hello"] nick-padding: side: left -- Try "right" if you don't like left padding width: 13 url-opener: "open" -- This works on macOS; use "xdg-open" for most Linuxes key-bindings: * bind: "C-M-b" command: "masks b" palette: line-marker: yellow time: fg: [10,10,10] -- RGB values for color for timestamps bg: blue identifier-colors: -- Used for nicknames and channel names [ cyan, magenta, green, yellow, blue , bright-cyan, bright-magenta, bright-green, bright-blue , 218, 88, 89, 124, 160, 205, 212, 224 -- reds , 94, 130, 166, 172, 208, 214, 216, 180 -- oranges , 58, 226, 229, 184, 187, 100, 142, 220 -- yellows , 22, 34, 40, 82, 70, 64, 48, 85 -- greens , 25, 27, 33, 39, 51, 80, 81, 75 -- blues , 69, 61, 56, 54, 129, 93, 99, 147 -- purples ] notifications: terminal-notifier -- Use terminal-notifier for nicer notifications (macOS only) ``` Commands ======== glirc has built-in documentation for all of its commands. To view the full list of commands and what they do, use `/help`. To view help on a specific command, use `/help `. Unlike some other clients, glirc does not send unknown commands to the server. Use `/quote` to send arbitrary IRC commands. The following is a curated list of commands for basic use: * `/help [command]` - Show in-client help * `/exit` - Terminate the client * `/reload [path]` - Load a new configuration file (optional path) * `/palette` - Show the client palette * `/url [n]` - Execute url-opener on the nth URL in the current window (defaults to first) * `/toggle-activity-bar` - toggle channel names in activity bar * `/toggle-detail` - toggle full detail view of messages * `/toggle-metadata` - toggle visibility of channel metadata (joins, parts, quits, nick changes, etc) Connection * `/connect ` - Connect to the given server * `/quit [message]` - Gracefully terminate connection to the current server * `/reconnect` - Reconnect to the current server * `/nick ` - Change nickname * `/away [message]` - Set away status; no message removes away status Window management * `/windows [filter]` - List all open windows (filters: networks, channels, users) * `/setname [letter]` - Assign a one-letter name to the given window. * `/channel ` - Change focus to channel/user on current network (alias: `/c`) * `/channel :[channel]` - Change focus to channel/user on the specified network (alias: `/c`) * `/clear [network] [channel]` - Clear contents of current or specified window * `/splits [focuses...]` - Enable split-screen view. Focuses should be space delimited list of NETWORK:CHANNEL * `/splits+ [focuses...]` - Incremental addition to splits * `/splits- [focuses...]` - Incremental removal from splits * `/toggle-layout` - toggle split-screen layout between 1 and 2 column view Chat commands * `/join ` - Join a channel (alias: `/j`) * `/part [msg]` - Part from current channel * `/query [msg]` - Switch focus to target window on current server, optionally send message (alias: `/q`) * `/msg ` - Send a message on the current server to target * `/me ` - Send action message to channel * `/say ` - Send normal message to channel; useful for macros and messages starting with a slash * `/ignore ...` - Toggle ignore status on a list of masks * `/topic [msg]` - Display or set the current topic of a channel Views * `/channelinfo` - Show channel topic, creation, url * `/grep [flags] ` - Filter using a regular expression * `/ignore` - Show all ignore masks * `/list` - View the list of public channels on the network * `/masks ` - Show channel bans(b), quiets(q), exempts(e), or invex(I) * `/mentions` - Show all the highlighted lines across all windows * `/names` - Show the user list for the current channel * `/who [channel] [options]` - Perform WHO query, sending options to the server, or show the results of the previous query. ZNC-specific * `/znc ` - send command to ZNC module without echoing to all clients * `/znc-playback` - ZNC playback module - play everything * `/znc-playback