= Client Commands :toc: == /exit Exit the client immediately. == /reload Reload the client configuration file. If `filename` is provided it will be used to reload. Otherwise the previously loaded configuration file will be reloaded. == /extension Run a command provided by an extension. `extension` should be the name of a loaded extension with a process_command callback. == /palette Show the current palette settings and a color chart to help pick new colors. == /digraphs Show the table of digraphs. A digraph is a pair of characters that can be used together to represent an uncommon character. Type the two-character digraph corresponding to the desired output character and then press M-k (default binding). The digraphs list is searchable with `+/grep+`. See also: grep == /keymap Show the key binding map. Key bindings can be changed in configuration file. Run `+glirc --config-format+` for details. == /rtsstats Show the GHC RTS statistics. == /exec Execute a command synchnonously, optionally sending the output to IRC. Arguments to this command are: `+[-n[network]] [-c[channel]] [-i input] command [arguments...]+` `input` is sent to the standard input of the command. When neither `network` nor `channel` are specified, output goes to client window (focus name "*"). When `network` is specified, output is sent as raw IRC traffic to the network. When `channel` is specified, output is sent as chat to the given channel on the current network. When `network` and `channel` are specified, output is sent as chat to the given channel on the given network. `arguments` is split on spaces into words before being processed by getopt. Use Haskell string literal syntax to create arguments with escaped characters and spaces inside. == /url Open a URL seen in chat. The URL is opened using the executable configured under `url-opener`. When this command is active in the textbox, chat messages are filtered to only show ones with URLs. When `number` is omitted it defaults to 1. The number selects the URL to open, counting back from the most recent. == /help Show command documentation. When `command` is omitted, a list of all commands and macros is shown. When `command` is specified, detailed help for that command is shown.