= Window Commands :toc: == /channel Set the current focused window. See also: focus === Examples `+/c libera:#haskell+` + `+/c #haskell+` + `+/c libera:+` == /focus Set the current focused window. When only `network` is specified this switches to the network status window. When `network` and `target` are specified this switches to that chat window. Nickname and channels can be specified in the `target` parameter. See also: query, channel == /clear Clear a window. If no arguments are provided, the current window is cleared. If `channel` is not provided, the `network` window is cleared. If `channel` is `*`, all windows for `network` are cleared. If `channel` is provided, that chat window is cleared. If a window is cleared and no longer active (e.g. due to leaving a channel), that window will be removed entirely. == /windows Show a list of all windows. `kind`, if specified, is one of `networks`, `channels` or `users`, and limits the list to the type of window specified. == /splits This command defines the set of focuses that will always be visible, even when unfocused. If no focuses are listed, the set will be cleared. === Examples `+/splits #haskell #haskell-lens nickserv+` + `+/splits * libera:#haskell libera:chanserv+` + `+/splits+` See also: splits+, splits- == /splits+ Add focuses to the splits set. Omit the list of focuses to add the current window. === Examples `+/splits+ #haskell #haskell-lens+` + `+/splits+ libera:#libera+` + `+/splits++` == /splits- Remove focuses from the splits set. Omit the list of focuses to remove the current window. == /ignore Toggle the soft-ignore on each of the space-delimited given nicknames. Ignores can use `*` (many) and `?` (one) wildcards. Masks can be of the form `nick[[!user]@host]` and use a case-insensitive comparison. If no masks are specified the current ignore list is displayed. === Examples `+/ignore+` + `+/ignore nick1 nick2 nick3+` + `+/ignore nick@host+` + `+/ignore nick!user@host+` + `+/ignore *@host+` + `+/ignore *!baduser@*+` == /grep Filter view contents using a regular expression. Clear the regular expression by calling this without an argument. `/grep` is case-sensitive by default. === Flags `-A n` - Show n messages after match `-B n` - Show n messages before match `-C n` - Show n messages before and after match `-F` - Use plain-text match instead of regular expression `-i` - Case insensitive match `-v` - Invert pattern match `-m n` - Limit results to n matches `--` - Stop processing flags == /dump Dump the current window's contents to a file. This command always outputs as if detailed mode is active. == /mentions Show a list of all messages that were highlighted as important. When using `/grep` the important messages are those matching the regular expression instead. == /setwindow Set window property. === Properties `louder`: Upgrades normal messages to important. + `loud`: Uses default message importance. + `imponly`: Downgrades normal messages to boring. + `quiet`: Downgrades important messages to normal. + `quieter`: Downgrades message importance one step. + `silent`: Downgrades message importance to boring. `show` / `hide`: Toggles if window appears in window command shortcuts. == /setname Set window shortcut letter. If no letter is provided the next available letter will automatically be assigned. Available letters are configured in the `window-names` config setting, which defaults to the characters available from the top letter and number rows on a QWERTY keyboard.