{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module GLL.Combinators.Visit.Join where

import GLL.Types.Grammar
import GLL.Types.Abstract
import GLL.Combinators.Visit.Sem
import GLL.Combinators.Visit.Grammar
import GLL.Combinators.Options

import Control.Compose (OO(..),unOO)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Text (pack)

-- | A combinator expression representing a symbol.
-- A 'SymbExpr' either represents a terminal or a nonterminal.
-- In the latter case it is constructed with (a variant of) '<:=>' and 
-- adds a rule to the grammar of which the represented symbol is the 
-- left-hand side.
data SymbExpr t a = SymbExpr (Symbol t, Grammar_Expr t, Sem_Symb t a)
-- | A combinator expression representing a BNF-grammar. The terminals of
-- the grammar are of type 't'. When used to parse, the expression yields
-- semantic results of type 'a'. 
type BNF t a = SymbExpr t a
-- | 
-- A combinator expression representing an alternative: 
-- the right-hand side of a production.
data AltExpr t a = AltExpr ([Symbol t], Grammar_Expr t, Sem_Alt t a)

-- | A list of alternatives represents the right-hand side of a rule.
type AltExprs = OO [] AltExpr

mkNtRule :: (Show t, Ord t, HasAlts b) => Bool -> Bool -> String -> b t a -> SymbExpr t a
mkNtRule use_ctx left_biased x' altPs' =
    let vas1 = map (\(AltExpr (f,_,_)) -> f) altPs 
        vas2 = map (\(AltExpr (_,s,_)) -> s) altPs
        vas3 = map (\(AltExpr (_,_,t)) -> t) altPs
        alts  = map (Prod x) vas1    
        altPs = altsOf altPs'
        x     = pack x'
    in SymbExpr (Nt x, grammar_nterm x alts vas2, sem_nterm use_ctx left_biased x alts vas3)

join_apply :: (Show t, Ord t, IsSymbExpr s) => (a -> b) -> s t a -> AltExpr t b
join_apply f p' = 
    let SymbExpr (vpa1,vpa2,vpa3) = mkRule p' in AltExpr
          ([vpa1],grammar_apply vpa2, sem_apply f vpa3)

join_seq :: (Show t, Ord t, IsAltExpr i, IsSymbExpr s) => 
              CombinatorOptions -> i t (a -> b) -> s t a -> AltExpr t b
join_seq local_opts pl' pr' = 
  let AltExpr (vimp1,vimp2,vimp3) = toAlt pl'
      SymbExpr (vpa1,vpa2,vpa3)  = mkRule pr' in AltExpr
  (vimp1++[vpa1], grammar_seq vimp2 vpa2, sem_seq local_opts vimp3 vpa3)

-- | 
-- Class for lifting to 'SymbExpr'.
class IsSymbExpr a where
    toSymb :: (Show t, Ord t) => a t b -> SymbExpr t b
    -- | Synonym of 'toSymb' for creating /derived combinators/. 
    mkRule :: (Show t, Ord t) => a t b -> BNF t b
    mkRule = toSymb

instance IsSymbExpr AltExpr where
    toSymb = toSymb . OO . (:[]) 

instance IsSymbExpr SymbExpr where
    toSymb = id 

instance IsSymbExpr AltExprs where
    toSymb a = mkNtRule False False mkName a 
        where mkName = "_toSb(" ++ intercalate ")|(" (map op (unOO a)) ++ ")_"
                where op (AltExpr (rhs,_,_)) = "(" ++ intercalate ")*(" (map show rhs) ++ ")"
-- | 
-- Class for lifting to 'AltExprs'. 
class HasAlts a where
    altsOf :: (Show t, Ord t) => a t b -> [AltExpr t b]

instance HasAlts AltExpr where
    altsOf = (:[])

instance HasAlts SymbExpr where
    altsOf = altsOf . toAlt

instance HasAlts AltExprs where
    altsOf = unOO 

-- | 
-- Class for lifting to 'AltExpr'. 
class IsAltExpr a where
    toAlt :: (Show t, Ord t) => a t b -> AltExpr t b

instance IsAltExpr AltExpr where
    toAlt = id

instance IsAltExpr SymbExpr where
    toAlt p = join_apply id p

instance IsAltExpr AltExprs where
    toAlt = toAlt . mkRule