-- | Geometric functions concerning angles. If not otherwise specified, all angles are in radians.
module Graphics.Gloss.Geometry.Angle
	( degToRad
	, radToDeg
	, normaliseAngle )

-- | Convert degrees to radians
{-# INLINE degToRad #-}
degToRad :: Float -> Float
degToRad d	= d * pi / 180

-- | Convert radians to degrees
{-# INLINE radToDeg #-}
radToDeg :: Float -> Float
radToDeg r	= r * 180 / pi

-- | Normalise an angle to be between 0 and 2*pi radians
{-# INLINE normaliseAngle #-}
normaliseAngle :: Float -> Float
normaliseAngle f
	| f < 0	
	= normaliseAngle (f + 2 * pi)
	| f > 2 * pi
	= normaliseAngle (f - 2 * pi)

	| otherwise
	= f