-- | Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type and
--	a few display functions. 
--   Getting something on the screen is as easy as:
--  @
--    import Graphics.Gloss
--    main = `display` (InWindow \"Nice Window\" (200, 200) (10, 10)) `white` (`Circle` 80)
--  @
--   Once the window is open you can use the following:
-- 	* Quit - esc-key.
--	* Move Viewport - left-click drag, arrow keys.
--	* Rotate Viewport - right-click drag, control-left-click drag, or home\/end-keys.
--	* Zoom Viewport - mouse wheel, or page up\/down-keys.
--   Animations can be constructed similarly using the `animate`.
--   If you want to run a simulation based around finite time steps then try
--   `simulate`.
--   If you want to manage your own key\/mouse events then use `play`.
--   Gloss uses OpenGL under the hood, but you don't have to worry about any of that.
--   Gloss programs should be compiled with @-threaded@, otherwise the GHC runtime
--   will limit the frame-rate to around 20Hz.
--   To build gloss using the GLFW window manager instead of GLUT use
--        @cabal install gloss --flags=\"GLFW -GLUT\"@
-- @
-- Release Notes:
-- For 1.9:
--  Thanks to Elise Huard
--   * Split rendering code into gloss-rendering package.
-- For 1.8
--  Thanks to Francesco Mazzoli
--   * Factored out ViewPort and ViewState handling into user visible modules.
-- For 1.7:
--   * Tweaked circle level-of-detail reduction code.
--   * Increased frame rate cap to 100hz.
--   Thanks to Doug Burke
--   * Primitives for drawing arcs and sectors.
--   Thanks to Thomas DuBuisson
--   * IO versions of animate, simulate and play.
-- For 1.6:
--   Thanks to Anthony Cowley
--   * Full screen display mode.
-- For 1.5:
--   * O(1) Conversion of ForeignPtrs to bitmaps.
--   * An extra flag on the Bitmap constructor allows bitmaps to be cached
--     in texture memory between frames.
-- @
-- For more information, check out <http://gloss.ouroborus.net>.
module Graphics.Gloss 
	( module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
	, module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color
        , module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Bitmap
        , Display(..)
	, display
	, animate
        , simulate
	, play)
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Display
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Bitmap
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Display
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Animate
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Simulate
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game