{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, EmptyDataDecls, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Data.LinearProgram.GLPK.Internal (GLPK, MsgLev (..), Preprocessing (..), Direction(..), BacktrackTechnique(..),
	BranchingTechnique(..), Cuts(..), runGLPK, addCols,
	addRows, createIndex, findCol, findRow, getColPrim, getRowPrim, getObjVal,
	mipColVal, mipRowVal, mipObjVal, mipSolve, setColBounds, setColKind, setColName, setMatRow,
	setObjCoef, setObjectiveDirection, setRowBounds, setRowName, solveSimplex) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Debug.Trace

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array

import Data.Bits
-- import Data.Bounds
import Data.LinearProgram.Types

data GlpProb

foreign import ccall "c_glp_create_prob" glpCreateProb :: IO (Ptr GlpProb)
-- foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_obj_name" glpSetObjName :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_obj_dir" glpSetObjDir :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_add_rows" glpAddRows :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_add_cols" glpAddCols :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_row_name" glpSetRowName :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_col_name" glpSetColName :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_row_bnds" glpSetRowBnds :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_col_bnds" glpSetColBnds :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_obj_coef" glpSetObjCoef :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_mat_row" glpSetMatRow :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_delete_prob" glpDelProb :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_create_index" glpCreateIndex :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_find_row" glpFindRow :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_find_col" glpFindCol :: Ptr GlpProb -> CString -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_solve_simplex" glpSolveSimplex :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_get_obj_val" glpGetObjVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "c_glp_get_row_prim" glpGetRowPrim :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "c_glp_get_col_prim" glpGetColPrim :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "c_glp_set_col_kind" glpSetColKind :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "c_glp_mip_solve" glpMipSolve :: 
	Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CDouble -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "c_glp_mip_obj_val" glpMIPObjVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "c_glp_mip_row_val" glpMIPRowVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "c_glp_mip_col_val" glpMIPColVal :: Ptr GlpProb -> CInt -> IO CDouble

newtype GLPK a = GLP {execGLPK :: Ptr GlpProb -> IO a}

runGLPK :: GLPK a -> IO a
runGLPK m = do	lp <- glpCreateProb
		ans <- execGLPK m lp
		glpDelProb lp
		return ans

instance Monad GLPK where
	{-# INLINE return #-}
	{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
	return x = GLP $ \ _ -> return x
	m >>= k = GLP $ \ lp -> do	x <- execGLPK m lp
					execGLPK (k x) lp

instance MonadIO GLPK where
	liftIO m = GLP (const m)

setObjectiveDirection :: Direction -> GLPK ()
setObjectiveDirection dir = GLP $ flip glpSetObjDir 
	(case dir of	Min	-> 1
			Max	-> 2)

addRows :: Int -> GLPK Int
addRows n = GLP $ liftM (subtract 1 . fromIntegral) . flip glpAddRows (fromIntegral n)

addCols :: Int -> GLPK Int
addCols n = GLP $ liftM (subtract 1 . fromIntegral) . flip glpAddCols (fromIntegral n)

setRowName :: Int -> String -> GLPK ()
setRowName i nam = GLP $ withCString nam . flip glpSetRowName (fromIntegral (i+1))

setColName :: Int -> String -> GLPK ()
setColName i nam = GLP $ withCString nam . flip glpSetColName (fromIntegral (i+1))

setRowBounds :: Real a => Int -> Bounds a -> GLPK ()
setRowBounds i bds = GLP $ \ lp -> onBounds (glpSetRowBnds lp (fromIntegral (i+1))) bds

setColBounds :: Real a => Int -> Bounds a -> GLPK ()
setColBounds i bds = GLP $ \ lp -> onBounds (glpSetColBnds lp (fromIntegral (i+1))) bds

onBounds :: Real a => (CInt -> CDouble -> CDouble -> x) -> Bounds a -> x
onBounds f bds = case bds of
	Free		-> f 1 0 0
	LBound a	-> f 2 (realToFrac a) 0
	UBound a	-> f 3 0 (realToFrac a)
	Bound a b	-> f 4 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b)
	Equ a		-> f 5 (realToFrac a) 0

setObjCoef :: Real a => Int -> a -> GLPK ()
setObjCoef i v = GLP $ \ lp -> glpSetObjCoef lp (fromIntegral (i + 1)) (realToFrac v)

setMatRow :: Real a => Int -> [(Int, a)] -> GLPK ()
setMatRow i row = GLP $ \ lp -> 
	allocaArray (len+1) $ \ (ixs :: Ptr CInt) -> allocaArray (len+1) $ \ (coeffs :: Ptr CDouble) -> do
		pokeArray ixs (0:map (fromIntegral . (+1) . fst) row)
		pokeArray coeffs (0:map (realToFrac . snd) row)
		glpSetMatRow lp (fromIntegral (i+1)) (fromIntegral len) ixs coeffs
	where	len = length row

createIndex :: GLPK ()
createIndex = GLP glpCreateIndex

findRow :: String -> GLPK Int
findRow nam = GLP $ liftM (subtract 1 . fromIntegral) . withCString nam . glpFindRow

findCol :: String -> GLPK Int
findCol nam = GLP $ liftM (subtract 1 . fromIntegral) . withCString nam . glpFindCol

data MsgLev = MsgOff | MsgErr | MsgOn | MsgAll

solveSimplex :: MsgLev -> Int -> Bool -> GLPK Bool
solveSimplex msglev tmLim presolve = GLP $ \ lp -> liftM (== 0) $ glpSolveSimplex lp
	(getMsgLev msglev)
	(if presolve then 1 else 0)
	where	tmLim' = fromIntegral (tmLim * 1000)

getMsgLev :: MsgLev -> CInt
getMsgLev msglev = case msglev of
	MsgOff	-> 0
	MsgErr	-> 1
	MsgOn	-> 2
	MsgAll	-> 3

getObjVal :: GLPK Double
getObjVal = liftM realToFrac $ GLP glpGetObjVal

getRowPrim :: Int -> GLPK Double
getRowPrim i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpGetRowPrim` fromIntegral (i+1))

getColPrim :: Int -> GLPK Double
getColPrim i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpGetColPrim` fromIntegral (i+1))

setColKind :: Int -> VarKind -> GLPK ()
setColKind i kind = GLP $ \ lp -> glpSetColKind lp (fromIntegral (i+1)) (case kind of
	ContVar -> 1
	IntVar	-> 2
	BinVar	-> 3)

data BranchingTechnique = FirstFrac | LastFrac | MostFrac | DrTom | HybridP
data BacktrackTechnique = DepthFirst | BreadthFirst | LocBound | ProjHeur
data Preprocessing = NoPre | RootPre | AllPre
data Cuts = GMI | MIR | Cov | Clq deriving (Eq)

mipSolve :: MsgLev -> BranchingTechnique -> BacktrackTechnique -> Preprocessing -> Bool ->
	[Cuts] -> Double -> Int -> Bool -> GLPK Bool
mipSolve msglev brt btt pp fp cuts mipgap tmlim presol =
		liftM (== 0) $ GLP $ \ lp -> glpMipSolve lp (getMsgLev msglev)
						brt' btt' pp' fp' tmlim' cuts' mipgap' presol'
	where	brt' = case brt of
			FirstFrac	-> 1
			LastFrac	-> 2
			MostFrac	-> 3
			DrTom		-> 4
			HybridP		-> 5
		btt' = case btt of
			DepthFirst	-> 1
			BreadthFirst	-> 2
			LocBound	-> 3
			ProjHeur	-> 4
		pp' = case pp of
			NoPre	-> 0
			RootPre	-> 1
			AllPre	-> 2
		fp' = if fp then 1 else 0
		cuts' = (if GMI `elem` cuts then 1 else 0) .|.
			(if MIR `elem` cuts then 2 else 0) .|.
			(if Cov `elem` cuts then 4 else 0) .|.
			(if Clq `elem` cuts then 8 else 0)
		mipgap' = realToFrac mipgap
		tmlim' = fromIntegral (1000 * tmlim)
		presol' = if presol then 1 else 0

mipObjVal :: GLPK Double
mipObjVal = liftM realToFrac $ GLP glpMIPObjVal

mipRowVal :: Int -> GLPK Double
mipRowVal i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpMIPRowVal` fromIntegral (i+1))

mipColVal :: Int -> GLPK Double
mipColVal i = liftM realToFrac $ GLP (`glpMIPRowVal` fromIntegral (i+1))