{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Lex GLua into MTokens module GLua.Lexer where import GLua.AG.Token ( Region(..), MToken(..), Token(..) ) import Data.Char (ord) import Text.ParserCombinators.UU ( P, pEnd, pErrors, (<**>), micro, pPos, parse, (<$$>), pMany, pMaybe, pReturn, pSome, ExtAlternative(opt, (<<|>)) ) import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils ( pDigit ) import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances ( Error, LineColPos(..), Str, createStr, pMunch, pSatisfy, pSym, pToken, Insertion(Insertion) ) -- | String parser that maintains positions. type LParser a = P (Str Char String LineColPos) a -- | Whitespace parser that requires at least one whitespace character parseWhitespace :: LParser String parseWhitespace = pSome $ pSatisfy (`elem` " \r\n\t") (Insertion "Whitespace" ' ' 5) -- | Whitespace parser that requires 0 or more whitespace characters parseOptionalWhitespace :: LParser String parseOptionalWhitespace = pMany $ pSatisfy (`elem` " \r\n\t") (Insertion "Whitespace" ' ' 5) -- | Blanco parser. Parses anything. Used in parsing comments. parseAnyChar :: LParser Char parseAnyChar = pSatisfy (const True) (Insertion "Any character" 'y' 5) -- See luajit's src/lj_char.c and src/lj_char.h pIdentifierCharacter :: LParser Char pIdentifierCharacter = pSatisfy validChar (Insertion "Identifying character (letter, number, emoji)" 'a' 5) where validChar :: Char -> Bool validChar c = between c '0' '9' || between c 'A' 'Z' || c == '_' || between c 'a' 'z' || ord c >= 128 pNonDigitIdentifierCharacter :: LParser Char pNonDigitIdentifierCharacter = pSatisfy validChar (Insertion "Identifying character (letter, emoji)" 'a' 5) where validChar :: Char -> Bool validChar c = between c 'A' 'Z' || c == '_' || between c 'a' 'z' || ord c >= 128 between :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Bool between c left right = c >= left && c <= right -- | Parses a C-style block comment. parseCBlockComment :: LParser String parseCBlockComment = const "" <$> pToken "*/" <<|> (:) <$> parseAnyChar <*> parseCBlockComment -- | Try to parse a block comment. -- Might actually return a single line Dash comment, because for example -- the following line is a line comment, rather than a block comment --[===== <- missing the last '[' bracket. parseBlockComment :: LParser Token parseBlockComment = pToken "[" *> nested 0 where -- The amount of =-signs in the string delimiter is n nested :: Int -> LParser Token nested n = pToken "=" *> nested (n + 1) <<|> DashBlockComment n <$ pToken "[" <*> restString n <<|> lineComment n <$> pUntilEnd -- Turns out we were describing a line comment all along, cheeky bastard! -- (the last [ of the block comment start token is missing) lineComment :: Int -> String -> Token lineComment n str = DashComment $ '[' : replicate n '=' ++ str -- Right-recursive grammar. This part searches for the rest of the string until it finds the ]=^n] token restString :: Int -> LParser String restString n = const "" <$> pToken ("]" ++ replicate n '=' ++ "]") <<|> (:) <$> parseAnyChar <*> restString n -- | Parse the string until the end. Used in parseLineComment among others. pUntilEnd :: LParser String pUntilEnd = pMunch (\c -> c /= '\n' && c /= '\r') -- | A comment that spans until the end of the line. parseLineComment :: String -> LParser String parseLineComment prefix = flip const <$> pToken prefix <*> pUntilEnd -- | Parses a multiline string except for its first character (e.g. =[ string ]=]) -- This is because the first [ could also just be parsed as a square bracket. nestedString :: LParser String nestedString = nested 0 where -- The amount of =-signs in the string delimiter is n nested :: Int -> LParser String nested n = (\str -> "=" ++ str) <$ pToken "=" <*> nested (n + 1) <<|> ('[' :) <$ pToken "[" <*> restString n -- Right-recursive grammar. This part searches for the rest of the string until it finds the ]=^n] token restString :: Int -> LParser String restString n = pToken ("]" ++ replicate n '=' ++ "]") <<|> (:) <$> parseAnyChar <*> restString n -- | Parse any kind of comment. parseComment :: LParser Token parseComment = pToken "--" <**> -- Dash block comment and dash comment both start with "--" (const <$> (parseBlockComment <<|> DashComment <$> pUntilEnd)) <<|> pToken "/" <**> (const <$> (SlashBlockComment <$ pToken "*" <*> parseCBlockComment <<|> SlashComment <$> parseLineComment "/" <<|> pReturn Divide -- The /-sign is here because it also starts with '/' )) -- | Parse single line strings e.g. "sdf", 'werf'. parseLineString :: Char -> LParser String parseLineString c = pSym c *> innerString where innerString :: LParser String innerString = pSym '\\' <**> -- Escaped character in string always starts with backslash ((\c' str esc -> esc : c' ++ str) <$> escapeSequence <*> innerString) <<|> const "" <$> pSym c <<|> -- the end of the string (:) <$> pNoNewline <*> innerString -- the next character in the string escapeSequence :: LParser String escapeSequence = (:) <$> pSym 'z' <*> parseOptionalWhitespace <<|> (:[]) <$> parseAnyChar pNoNewline :: LParser Char pNoNewline = pSatisfy (/= '\n') (Insertion "Anything but a newline" c 5) -- | Single and multiline strings. parseString :: LParser Token parseString = DQString <$> parseLineString '"' <<|> SQString <$> parseLineString '\'' <<|> -- Parse either a multiline string or just a bracket. -- Placed here because they have the first token '[' in common pSym '[' <**> ((\_ -> MLString . (:) '[') <$$> nestedString <<|> const <$> pReturn LSquare) -- | Parse any kind of number. parseNumber :: LParser Token parseNumber = TNumber <$> ((++) <$> (pZeroPrefixedNumber <<|> pNumber) <*> (pLLULL <<|> opt parseNumberSuffix "")) where -- Numbers starting with 0 can be regular numbers, hexadecimals or binary pZeroPrefixedNumber :: LParser String pZeroPrefixedNumber = pSym '0' <**> ( (\hex _0 -> _0 : hex) <$> pHexadecimal <<|> (\bin _0 -> _0 : bin) <$> pBinary <<|> (\digits _0 -> _0 : digits) <$> (pDecimal <<|> pNumber) <<|> pure (:[]) ) pNumber :: LParser String pNumber = (++) <$> pSome pDigit <*> opt pDecimal "" pDecimal :: LParser String pDecimal = (:) <$> pSym '.' <*> pMany pDigit pHexDecimal :: LParser String pHexDecimal = (:) <$> pSym '.' <*> pMany pHex pHexadecimal :: LParser String pHexadecimal = (:) <$> (pSym 'x' <<|> pSym 'X') <*> ((++) <$> pSome pHex <*> opt pHexDecimal "") pBinary :: LParser String pBinary = (:) <$> (pSym 'b' <<|> pSym 'B') <*> ((++) <$> pSome pBin <*> opt pDecimal "") pHex :: LParser Char pHex = pDigit <<|> pSym 'a' <<|> pSym 'b' <<|> pSym 'c' <<|> pSym 'd' <<|> pSym 'e' <<|> pSym 'f' <<|> pSym 'A' <<|> pSym 'B' <<|> pSym 'C' <<|> pSym 'D' <<|> pSym 'E' <<|> pSym 'F' pBin :: LParser Char pBin = pSym '0' <<|> pSym '1' -- LL/ULL suffix of a number, making it signed/unsigned int64 respectively -- http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_api.html#literals pLLULL :: LParser String pLLULL = pULL <<|> pLL pLL :: LParser String pLL = "LL" <$ (pSym 'L' <<|> pSym 'l') <* (pSym 'L' <<|> pSym 'l') pULL :: LParser String pULL = "ULL" <$ (pSym 'U' <<|> pSym 'u') <* pLL -- Parse the suffix of a number parseNumberSuffix :: LParser String parseNumberSuffix = imaginary <<|> extension where imaginary = (:[]) <$> (pSym 'i' <<|> pSym 'I') extension = (\e s d -> e : s ++ d) <$> (pSym 'e' <<|> pSym 'E' <<|> pSym 'p' <<|> pSym 'P') <*> opt (pToken "+" <<|> pToken "-") "" <*> pSome pDigit -- | Parse a keyword. Note: It must really a key/word/! This parser makes sure to return an identifier when -- it's actually an identifier that starts with that keyword. parseKeyword :: Token -> String -> LParser Token parseKeyword tok word = pToken word <**> ((\k -> Identifier . (++) k) <$$> pSome pIdentifierCharacter <<|> const <$> pReturn tok) -- | Parse just an identifier. parseIdentifier :: LParser String parseIdentifier = (:) <$> pNonDigitIdentifierCharacter <*> pMany pIdentifierCharacter -- | Parse a label. parseLabel :: LParser String parseLabel = pToken "::" *> (pMaybe parseWhitespace *> parseIdentifier <* pMaybe parseWhitespace) <* pToken "::" -- | Parse anything to do with dots. Indexaction (.), concatenation (..) or varargs (...) parseDots :: LParser Token parseDots = pToken "." <**> ( -- A dot means it's either a VarArg (...), concatenation (..) or just a dot (.) const <$> (pToken "." <**> ( const VarArg <$ pToken "." <<|> const <$> pReturn Concatenate )) <<|> (\ds sfx dot -> TNumber $ dot ++ ds ++ sfx) <$> pSome pDigit <*> opt parseNumberSuffix "" <<|> const <$> pReturn Dot ) -- | Parse any kind of token. parseToken :: LParser Token parseToken = parseComment <<|> -- Constants parseString <<|> parseNumber <<|> parseKeyword TTrue "true" <<|> parseKeyword TFalse "false" <<|> parseKeyword Nil "nil" <<|> parseKeyword Not "not" <<|> parseKeyword And "and" <<|> parseKeyword Or "or" <<|> parseKeyword Function "function" <<|> parseKeyword Local "local" <<|> parseKeyword If "if" <<|> parseKeyword Then "then" <<|> parseKeyword Elseif "elseif" <<|> parseKeyword Else "else" <<|> parseKeyword For "for" <<|> parseKeyword In "in" <<|> parseKeyword Do "do" <<|> parseKeyword While "while" <<|> parseKeyword Until "until" <<|> parseKeyword Repeat "repeat" <<|> parseKeyword Continue "continue" <<|> parseKeyword Break "break" <<|> parseKeyword Return "return" <<|> parseKeyword End "end" <<|> Identifier <$> parseIdentifier <<|> Semicolon <$ pToken ";" <<|> parseDots <<|> -- Operators Plus <$ pToken "+" <<|> Minus <$ pToken "-" <<|> Multiply <$ pToken "*" <<|> Modulus <$ pToken "%" <<|> Power <$ pToken "^" <<|> TEq <$ pToken "==" <<|> Equals <$ pToken "=" <<|> TNEq <$ pToken "~=" <<|> TCNEq <$ pToken "!=" <<|> CNot <$ pToken "!" <<|> TLEQ <$ pToken "<=" <<|> TLT <$ pToken "<" <<|> TGEQ <$ pToken ">=" <<|> TGT <$ pToken ">" <<|> Label <$> parseLabel <<|> Colon <$ pToken ":" <<|> Comma <$ pToken "," <<|> Hash <$ pToken "#" `micro` 10 <<|> -- Add micro cost to prevent conflict with parseHashBang CAnd <$ pToken "&&" <<|> COr <$ pToken "||" <<|> LRound <$ pToken "(" <<|> RRound <$ pToken ")" <<|> LCurly <$ pToken "{" <<|> RCurly <$ pToken "}" <<|> -- Other square bracket is parsed in parseString RSquare <$ pToken "]" <<|> Whitespace <$> parseWhitespace -- | A thing of which the region is to be parsed annotated :: (Region -> a -> b) -> LParser a -> LParser b annotated f p = (\s t e -> f (Region s e) t) <$> pPos <*> p <*> pPos -- | parse located MToken parseMToken :: LParser MToken parseMToken = annotated MToken parseToken -- | Parse a list of tokens and turn them into MTokens. parseTokens :: LParser [MToken] parseTokens = pMany parseMToken -- | Parse the potential #!comment on the first line -- Lua ignores the first line if it starts with # parseHashBang :: LParser String parseHashBang = opt (pToken "#" <* pUntilEnd) "" -- | Lex a string with a given lexer lexFromString :: LParser a -> String -> (a, [Error LineColPos]) lexFromString p = parse ((,) <$> p <*> pErrors <* pEnd) . createStr (LineColPos 0 0 0) -- | Parse a string into MTokens. Also returns parse errors. execParseTokens :: String -> ([MToken], [Error LineColPos]) execParseTokens = parse ((,) <$ parseHashBang <*> parseTokens <*> pErrors <* pEnd) . createStr (LineColPos 0 0 0)