glualint-1.26.0: Attempts to fix your syntax erroring Lua files.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




sourceLint :: LintSettings -> FilePath -> String -> [LintMessage] Source #

Run the linters that apply to the source code of a file

lex :: LintSettings -> FilePath -> String -> Either [LintMessage] [MToken] Source #

Generate the lexicon of a source file, used as input for the parser

lexUU :: LintSettings -> String -> ([MToken], [Error LineColPos]) Source #

Use the (slower, but error-correcting) UU-parsinglib lexer to generate the lexicon

lexiconLint :: FilePath -> LintSettings -> [MToken] -> [LintMessage] Source #

Run the linting functions that inspect the lexicon

parse :: LintSettings -> FilePath -> [MToken] -> Either [LintMessage] AST Source #

Parse a lexicon into an Abstract Syntax Tree

parseUU :: [MToken] -> (AST, [Error Region]) Source #

Parse a lexicon into an Abstract Syntax Tree using the slower, but error-correcting uu-parsinglib

astLint :: FilePath -> LintSettings -> AST -> [LintMessage] Source #

Run the linters that inspect the AST

prettyprint :: LintSettings -> AST -> String Source #

Pretty print code to a string