{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Glue.CachingSpec where import Data.Typeable import Glue.Caching import Glue.Types import Test.QuickCheck.Instances() import Test.Hspec import Data.IORef import Test.QuickCheck import Control.Exception.Base hiding (throw, throwIO) import Control.Exception.Lifted import qualified Data.HashSet as S import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M data CachingTestException = CachingTestException Int deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance Exception CachingTestException type TestResp = MultiGetResponse Int Int spec :: Spec spec = do describe "cacheWithBasic" $ do it "For a second request, the value comes from the cache" $ do property $ \(request :: Int, result :: Int) -> do ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let service req = do if req == request then return () else throwIO (CachingTestException (-1)) callCount <- atomicModifyIORef' ref (\c -> (c + 1, c + 1)) if callCount > 1 then throwIO (CachingTestException callCount) else return result cache <- newIORef M.empty let lookupWith r = fmap (M.lookup r) $ readIORef cache let insertWith req resp = atomicModifyIORef' cache (\c -> (M.insert req resp c, ())) let cachedService = cacheWithBasic lookupWith insertWith service (cachedService request) `shouldReturn` result (cachedService request) `shouldReturn` result describe "cacheWithMulti" $ do it "For a second request, the value comes from the cache" $ do property $ \(result :: TestResp) -> do let request = S.fromList $ M.keys result ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let service req = do if req == request then return () else throwIO (CachingTestException (-1)) callCount <- atomicModifyIORef' ref (\c -> (c + 1, c + 1)) if callCount > 1 then throwIO (CachingTestException callCount) else return result cache <- newIORef M.empty let lookupWith rs = fmap (M.filterWithKey (\k -> \_ -> S.member k rs)) $ readIORef cache let insertWith resp = atomicModifyIORef' cache (\c -> (M.union resp c, ())) let cachedService = cacheWithMulti lookupWith insertWith service (cachedService request) `shouldReturn` result (cachedService request) `shouldReturn` result it "Merges the cached values as appropriate from subsequent requests" $ do property $ \(first :: TestResp, second :: TestResp, both :: TestResp) -> do let uniqueFirst = M.difference first (M.union second both) let uniqueSecond = M.difference second (M.union first both) let uniqueBoth = M.difference both (M.union first second) let uniqueAll = M.union uniqueFirst $ M.union uniqueSecond uniqueBoth let firstResult = M.union uniqueFirst uniqueBoth let secondResult = M.union uniqueSecond uniqueBoth let firstRequest = S.fromList $ M.keys firstResult let secondRequest = S.fromList $ M.keys secondResult ref <- newIORef (0 :: Int) let service req = do callCount <- atomicModifyIORef' ref (\c -> (c + 1, c + 1)) if callCount > 2 then throwIO (CachingTestException callCount) else return $ M.filterWithKey (\k -> \_ -> S.member k req) uniqueAll cache <- newIORef M.empty let lookupWith rs = fmap (M.filterWithKey (\k -> \_ -> S.member k rs)) $ readIORef cache let insertWith resp = atomicModifyIORef' cache (\c -> (M.union resp c, ())) let cachedService = cacheWithMulti lookupWith insertWith service (cachedService firstRequest) `shouldReturn` firstResult (cachedService secondRequest) `shouldReturn` secondResult (cachedService firstRequest) `shouldReturn` firstResult (cachedService secondRequest) `shouldReturn` secondResult