# Haskell Google Sheets A Haskell library for interacting with the Google Sheets API. ## Usage example ```hs import Web.Google.Sheets main :: IO () main = do let token = "..." range = RangeWithSheetName (Just (FullRange 0 0 2 0)) sheetName spreadsheetId = "..." value :: Either String [[Text]] <- runReq defaultHttpConfig (getValues token Nothing spreadsheetId range defaultGetValueParams) print value ``` ## Todo - [x] Fix parser for `values` - [x] Switch to using Natural - [ ] Write README and CHANGELOG - [ ] Write examples - [x] Finish documentation - [x] Proof read documentation - [ ] Finish tests - [ ] InsertDataOption - [x] Consider location of `Types` module - [x] Check contents of `Types` module - [ ] Write tests for `FromSheet` instances - [ ] Consider adding pre-commit