Module      : Data.Filterable
Description : Generalization of filter function.
Copyright   : (c) Anton Gushcha, 2015-2016
                  Oganyan Levon, 2016
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : ncrashed@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Defines generic filter utilities for collections.
module Data.Filterable(
  , KeyHashMap(..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Data.Hashable 
import GHC.Exts
import qualified Data.Foldable as F 
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H 
import qualified Data.Sequence as S 

-- | Generic filter for collections
class Filterable f where 
  -- | Specific constraint for instance
  type FilterConstraint f o :: Constraint 
  type FilterConstraint f o = ()

  -- | Test collection for emptiness
  fNull :: FilterConstraint f a => f a -> Bool 
  -- | Filter function for collection
  fFilter :: FilterConstraint f a => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> f a
  -- | Monad version of filter 
  fFilterM :: (FilterConstraint f a, Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> f a -> m (f a)

instance Filterable [] where 
  fNull = null  
  fFilter = filter 
  fFilterM = filterM

instance Filterable S.Seq where 
  fNull = S.null  
  fFilter = S.filter 
  fFilterM p = F.foldlM (\xs x -> do
    f <- p x 
    return $! if f then xs S.|> x else xs) S.empty

-- | Wrapper around HashMap to Filterable instance over keys
newtype KeyHashMap v k = KeyHashMap { unKeyHashMap :: H.HashMap k v }

instance Filterable (KeyHashMap v) where
  type FilterConstraint (KeyHashMap v) o = (Eq o, Hashable o)
  fNull = H.null . unKeyHashMap
  fFilter p (KeyHashMap m) = KeyHashMap $ H.filterWithKey (\k _ -> p k) m
  fFilterM p (KeyHashMap m) = fmap KeyHashMap $ H.foldlWithKey' (\mxs k x -> do 
    xs <- mxs
    f <- p k 
    return $! if f then H.insert k x xs else xs) (return H.empty) m

instance (Eq k, Hashable k) => Filterable (H.HashMap k) where
  fNull = H.null  
  fFilter = H.filter 
  fFilterM p = H.foldlWithKey' (\mxs k x -> do 
    xs <- mxs
    f <- p x
    return $! if f then H.insert k x xs else xs) (return H.empty)