% first line of Data.PcSets test suite % This file is part of gpcsets: Pitch Class Sets for Haskell % Copyright 2009 by Bruce H. McCosar. % Distributed under a BSD3 license; see the file 'LICENSE' for details. \chapter{Data.PcSets} % runghc -i../src Test/PcSets.lhs \section{Introduction} \subsection{Structure of the Test Suite}\label{structure} In the first section, ``Standard Candles'' (\ref{standardcandles}), some basic properties of the functions provided in this module are tested against a wide range of possible sets. Since a general pitch class set can have any integer modulus (and thereby almost any length in that range), these tests have to be simple to avoid excessive run times. In the second section, ``Arbitrary Sets'' (\ref{arbitrarysets}), more complicated tests are applied against the four different types in the \lstinline{Data.PcSets} module. Samples from these types are generated using QuickCheck, and have specifically limited ranges for modulus and set membership. \subsection{Imports} The library \lstinline{gpcsets} was developed using GHC version 6.10.2 on Ubuntu 9.04. If you have a reasonably modern version of GHC, you should be able to use this library and run the examples. The test suite, however, uses QuickCheck \begin{code} import Test.QuickCheck \end{code} Some additional help is needed from the standard Data.List library: \begin{code} import qualified Data.List (elemIndex,permutations,sort) import Data.Function (on) \end{code} I'm importing Data.PcSets ``qualified'' to make it clear, in the test code, which of the module's functions are involved in each test. \begin{code} import qualified Data.PcSets as P \end{code} \section{Standard Candles}\label{standardcandles} This section also serves as a demonstration for each of the functions in the module. \subsection{By Function} \subsubsection{modulus} An arbitrary \lstinline{Int} modulus should produce no error. The modulus of the set is always the absolute value of the input modulus. (Note that arbitrary Tone Rows will be tested in a later section.) \begin{code} propArbitraryIntModulus :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propArbitraryIntModulus m es = P.modulus ps == abs m where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} \subsubsection{elements}\label{elementcardinality} An input list of arbitrary integers should produce no error. The final list will always have a cardinality less than or equal to the modulus; the elements will always be between zero and the modulus minus one. (Note Haskell's lazy ``all'' evaluation will safely pass the empty set.) \begin{code} propArbitraryElements :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propArbitraryElements m_in es = P.cardinality ps `inRange` m && all (`inRange` (m - 1)) (P.elements ps) where m = abs m_in ps = P.genset m_in es x `inRange` y = x >= 0 && x <= y \end{code} \subsubsection{complement} The complement of the chromatic spectrum in a given modulus should be the empty set, and vice versa. \begin{code} propChromaticEmptyComplement :: Int -> Bool propChromaticEmptyComplement m_in = P.complement cs == ns && P.complement ns == cs where -- The modulus has to be limited, or this test will take too long. m = abs m_in `mod` 144 cs = P.genset m [0..m] ns = P.genset m [] \end{code} \subsubsection{reconcile} ``Reconciling'' a Tone Row should transpose the row so that the first element corresponds to the input value (relative to the set modulus). This should work for any \lstinline{Int}. Note: negative integers count as steps down the list, eg, an input value of $-1$ in a modulus 12 set corresponds to element 11. \begin{code} propReconciliation :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool propReconciliation m_in es n = (head . P.elements . P.reconcile n) tr == n `mod` m where -- The modulus has to be limited, or this test will take too long. m = (abs m_in `mod` 143) + 1 -- Also, always a non-empty row. tr = P.genrow m es \end{code} \subsubsection{pMap} This function is tested indirectly, as it is the basis for many of the fundamental operations that follow. \subsubsection{transpose} Transposing any set by 0 should yield the same set. \begin{code} propZeroTransposition :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propZeroTransposition m es = P.transpose 0 ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Transposing any set by some multiple of the modulus should give the same set. \begin{code} propModulusTransposition :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propModulusTransposition m es = all (== ps) [P.transpose (k * m) ps | k <- [0..10]] where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Transposing by $+n$ and then $-n$ should give the same set. \begin{code} propTranspositionReversal :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool propTranspositionReversal m es n = (P.transpose (-n) . P.transpose n) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} If $m$ is the modulus, transposing by $n$ and then $m - n$ should give the same set. \begin{code} propTranspositionCompletion :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool propTranspositionCompletion m es n = (P.transpose (m - n) . P.transpose n) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} \subsubsection{invert} Inverting twice should produce the original set. \begin{code} propDoubleInversion :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propDoubleInversion m es = (P.invert . P.invert) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Standard \lstinline{invert} should leave any occurrences of zero unchanged. Also, if zero doesn't occur in the original set, then zero should not appear in the inverse. \begin{code} propStandardInversionZero :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propStandardInversionZero m es = -- True for Just n == Just n and Nothing == Nothing. zFind ps == (zFind . P.invert) ps where ps = P.genset m es zFind = Data.List.elemIndex 0 . P.elements \end{code} \subsubsection{invertXY} In this section, \lstinline{invertXY} is tested indirectly, through \lstinline{invert}, above. More thorough tests occur in ``Arbitrary Sets'' (Section \ref{arbitrarysets}). \subsubsection{zero} Zero should transpose the set so that the first element is zero. \begin{code} propOperationZero :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propOperationZero m es = (Data.List.elemIndex 0 . P.elements . P.zero) ps == expectedAnswer where ps = P.genset m es expectedAnswer = if P.cardinality ps > 0 then Just 0 else Nothing \end{code} \subsubsection{retrograde} Applying the \lstinline{retrograde} operation twice should produce the original set. \begin{code} propDoubleRetrograde :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propDoubleRetrograde m es = (P.retrograde . P.retrograde) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} \subsubsection{rotate} Rotating by zero should produce the original set. \begin{code} propZeroRotation :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propZeroRotation m es = P.rotate 0 ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Rotating by the set cardinality should produce the original set. \begin{code} propLengthRotation :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propLengthRotation m es = P.rotate (P.cardinality ps) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Rotating by $+n$ and $-n$ should produce the original set. \begin{code} propRotationReversal :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool propRotationReversal m es n = (P.rotate (-n) . P.rotate n) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} Rotating by $+n$ and $c-n$, where $c$ is the cardinality, should produce the original set. \begin{code} propRotationCompletion :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool propRotationCompletion m es n = (P.rotate (c - n) . P.rotate n) ps == ps where ps = P.genset m es c = P.cardinality ps \end{code} \subsubsection{sort} Sorting a sorted set should produce the same sorted set. \begin{code} propDoubleSortEquivalence :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propDoubleSortEquivalence m es = (P.sort . P.sort) ps == P.sort ps where ps = P.genset m es \end{code} \subsubsection{normal} More thorough testing of the \lstinline{normal} function occurs in ``Arbitrary Sets'' (Section \ref{arbitrarysets}). Here the ``Standard Candles'' are particular, known examples of the \lstinline{normal} operation. The normal of a major triad in any inversion should be the same major triad in first inversion. \begin{code} propNormalOfMajorTriad :: Int -> Bool propNormalOfMajorTriad n = all (== maj) $ map P.normal perms where maj = P.transpose n (P.stdset [0,4,7]) -- some major triad, 1st inv. perms = map P.stdset . Data.List.permutations . P.elements $ maj \end{code} The normal of a \emph{minor} triad in any inversion should be the same minor triad in first inversion. \begin{code} propNormalOfMinorTriad :: Int -> Bool propNormalOfMinorTriad n = all (== minor) $ map P.normal perms where minor = P.transpose n (P.stdset [0,3,7]) -- some minor triad, 1st inv. perms = map P.stdset . Data.List.permutations . P.elements $ minor \end{code} \subsubsection{reduced} Like \lstinline{normal}, \lstinline{reduced} is tested more thoroughly in the ``Arbitrary Sets'' Section (\ref{arbitrarysets}). Here some specific examples are tested. The reduced form of a major triad---in any transposition, and in any permutation---should be [0,4,7]. \begin{code} propReducedMajorTriad :: Int -> Bool propReducedMajorTriad n = all (== [0,4,7]) $ map (P.elements . P.reduced) perms where maj = P.transpose n (P.stdset [0,4,7]) -- some major triad, 1st inv. perms = map P.stdset . Data.List.permutations . P.elements $ maj \end{code} The reduced form of a \emph{minor} triad---in any transposition, and in any permutation---should be [0,3,7]. \begin{code} propReducedMinorTriad :: Int -> Bool propReducedMinorTriad n = all (== [0,3,7]) $ map (P.elements . P.reduced) perms where minor = P.transpose n (P.stdset [0,3,7]) -- some minor triad, 1st inv. perms = map P.stdset . Data.List.permutations . P.elements $ minor \end{code} \subsubsection{prime} In this section, the \lstinline{prime} operation is tested against known prime forms. The prime form for both major and minor triads is [0,3,7]. This should not change with any transposition or permutation of the major and minor triads. \begin{code} propMajorMinorPrimes :: Int -> Int -> Bool propMajorMinorPrimes m n = all (== [0,3,7]) $ map (P.elements . P.prime) perms where ma = P.transpose m (P.stdset [0,4,7]) mi = P.transpose n (P.stdset [0,3,7]) perms = concatMap f [ma,mi] f = map P.stdset . Data.List.permutations . P.elements \end{code} The prime form for the major scale [0,2,4,5,7,9,11] is [0,1,3,5,6,8,10]. This should not change with any transposition or permutation of the major scale elements. (Permutation isn't tested here, only rotation and reversal \ldots{} testing the $7!$ permutations for the major scale would be rather computation-intensive.) \begin{code} propMajorScalePrime :: Int -> Int -> Bool propMajorScalePrime m n = all (== [0,1,3,5,6,8,10]) [f ms | f <- ops] where ms = P.transpose m (P.stdset [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]) ops = [P.elements . P.prime . g . h | g <- [id, P.rotate n], h <- [id, P.retrograde]] \end{code} \subsubsection{cardinality} Cardinality is fundamental to many of the other set operations; it was specifically tested in an earlier section (\ref{elementcardinality}). \subsubsection{binaryValue} Because the \lstinline{binaryValue} function involves an exponential, tests on sets of arbitrarily large modulus would give unacceptable run times for the test suite. Therefore, full testing of this function will occur in ``Arbitrary Sets'' (Section \ref{arbitrarysets}). \subsubsection{avec} Two specific cases will be tested in this section. The 12-tone chromatic scale (sorted ascending) should give an interval vector of [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], regardless of rotation or transposition. \begin{code} propAscendingChromaticAvec :: Int -> Int -> Bool propAscendingChromaticAvec m n = all (all (== 1)) [(P.avec . f) ps | f <- ops] where ps = P.stdset [0..11] ops = [g . h | g <- [id,P.rotate m], h <- [id,P.transpose n]] \end{code} When the same set is sorted descending, the intervals should all be ``11'': \begin{code} propDescendingChromaticAvec :: Int -> Int -> Bool propDescendingChromaticAvec m n = all (all (== 11)) [(P.avec . f) ps | f <- ops] where ps = (P.retrograde . P.stdset) [0..11] ops = [g . h | g <- [id,P.rotate m], h <- [id,P.transpose n]] \end{code} \subsubsection{cvec} One specific case will be tested in this section. The 12-tone chromatic scale should have a combination vector of all 12's -- no matter the rotation, transposition, or permutation, all 12 of the notes should map to other notes of the set under \lstinline{transpose n . invert}. \begin{code} propChromaticCombination :: Int -> Int -> Bool propChromaticCombination m n = all (all (== 12)) [(P.cvec . f) ps | f <- ops] where ps = P.stdset [0..11] ops = [g . h . i | g <- [id,P.rotate m], h <- [id,P.transpose n], i <- [id,P.retrograde] ] \end{code} \subsubsection{ivec} Two known interval vector cases are tested at once here. For the two sets below, the same interval vector (all 1's) should be returned no matter the transposition or permutation of the set. These are the ``All Interval Tetrachords'', [0,1,4,6] and [0,1,3,7] (in 12-TET). \begin{code} propAllIntervalTetrachordIvec :: Int -> Bool propAllIntervalTetrachordIvec n = all (all (== 1)) [(P.ivec . f) ps | f <- ops, ps <- series] where tets1 = map P.stdset (Data.List.permutations [0,1,4,6]) tets2 = map P.stdset (Data.List.permutations [0,1,3,7]) series = tets1 ++ tets2 ops = [id, P.transpose n] \end{code} \subsubsection{rowP, rowR, rowI, rowRI} Since these tests involve Tone Rows, these functions will be tested in Section \ref{arbitrarysets}. A Tone Row can have any integer modulus. However, a Tone Row has \emph{all} the possible elements in the set. This means if a row is generated randomly from a purely arbitrary \lstinline{Int}, it could lead to an extraordinarily long list. In section \ref{arbitrarysets}, the modulus ranges are limited. \subsection{General Truths} \subsubsection{Empty Sets In, Empty Sets Out} None of the functions tested here should fail when given an empty set as input. This includes the null modulus set, \lstinline{GenSet 0 []}. The functions tested below should simply return an empty set of the same modulus. Arbitrary Empty Sets: \begin{code} propEmptySetBulletproof :: Int -> Int -> Bool propEmptySetBulletproof m n = all (== emptyset) [f emptyset | f <- ops] where emptyset = P.genset m [] ops = [P.transpose n, P.invert, P.zero, P.retrograde, P.rotate n, P.sort, P.normal, P.reduced, P.prime] \end{code} Null Modulus Sets: \begin{code} propNullModulusBulletproof :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool propNullModulusBulletproof es n = all (== nullset) [f nullset | f <- ops] where nullset = P.genset 0 es ops = [P.transpose n, P.invert, P.zero, P.retrograde, P.rotate n, P.sort, P.normal, P.reduced, P.prime] \end{code} The Null Row (this is the only possible null row; for all other modulus values, the row is nonempty): \begin{code} propNullRowBulletproof :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool propNullRowBulletproof es n = all (== nullrow) [f nullrow | f <- ops] where nullrow = P.genrow 0 es ops = [P.transpose n, P.invert, P.zero, P.retrograde, P.rotate n, P.rowP n, P.rowR n, P.rowI n, P.rowRI n] \end{code} \subsubsection{Empty Sets to Scalars} The cardinality of any empty set should always be 0 (note that cardinality is not defined for Tone Rows, since they should always be at their maximum length, or modulus): \begin{code} propEmptyCardinalityZero :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propEmptyCardinalityZero m es = all (== 0) (map P.cardinality emptysets) where emptysets = [P.genset m [], P.genset 0 es] \end{code} The binary value of any empty set should always be 0 (note that binary value is not defined for Tone Rows, since all those of the same modulus would be equivalent): \begin{code} propEmptyBinaryValueZero :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propEmptyBinaryValueZero m es = all (== 0) (map P.binaryValue emptysets) where emptysets = [P.genset m [], P.genset 0 es] \end{code} \subsubsection{Empty Sets to Vectors} The ascending vector for any empty set should always be an empty list: \begin{code} propEmptyAvecOperations :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propEmptyAvecOperations m es = all (== []) (map P.avec emptysets) where emptysets = [P.genset m [], P.genset 0 es] \end{code} The interval vector for any empty set should always be a list half the length of the modulus (rounded down), with all of the entries equal to zero: \begin{code} propEmptyIvecOperations :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propEmptyIvecOperations m_in es = P.ivec emptyset == zeroline && P.ivec nullset == [] where -- To prevent excessively long tests, the random modulus -- is restricted to the range 0 to 144. m = abs m_in `mod` 144 emptyset = P.genset m [] nullset = P.genset 0 es zeroline = replicate (m `div` 2) 0 \end{code} The common tone vector for any empty set should be a list with the same length as the modulus, with all of the entries equal to zero: \begin{code} propEmptyCvecOperations :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool propEmptyCvecOperations m_in es = P.cvec emptyset == zeroline && P.cvec nullset == [] where -- To prevent excessively long tests, the random modulus -- is restricted to the range 0 to 144. m = abs m_in `mod` 144 emptyset = P.genset m [] nullset = P.genset 0 es zeroline = replicate m 0 \end{code} \subsubsection{Empty Row Operations} Any Permutation-Transformation operation on the null row should produce only the null row: \begin{code} propNullRowOperations :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool propNullRowOperations es n = all (== nullrow) [f nullrow | f <- ops] where nullrow = P.genrow 0 es ops = [P.rowP n, P.rowR n, P.rowI n, P.rowRI n] \end{code} \section{Arbitrary Sets}\label{arbitrarysets} \subsection{QuickCheck} As was discussed in the introduction (Section \ref{structure}), the tests in this section involve arbitrary sets generated by QuickCheck. These are generated using only a limited range of possible values for the set modulus and cardinality. This ensures that, even though the tests are complicated, they do not become exponentially long. However, the price of limiting range is limiting the scope of the test suite. It is hoped the approach of having simple tests over a large input range and complicated tests over a smaller input range provides sufficient coverage. \subsubsection{Random General Sets} A random General Pitch Class set should have a modulus between 0 and 144, and a size somewhere between 0 and the maximum value allowed by the modulus. \begin{code} instance Arbitrary P.GenSet where arbitrary = do m <- choose (-144,144) es <- listOf (choose(-144,144)) s <- choose (0, abs m) let ps = if length es < abs m then es else take s es return $ P.genset m ps \end{code} \subsubsection{Random Standard Sets} Care is taken, here, so that the input of an arbitrarily large list of integers doesn't always collapse the set to the chromatic scale. \begin{code} instance Arbitrary P.StdSet where arbitrary = do es <- listOf (choose(-144,144)) s <- choose (0, 12) let ps = if length es < 12 then es else take s es return $ P.stdset ps \end{code} \subsubsection{Random General Rows} Just as with the General Sets, the General Rows are limited in modulus to the range 0 -- 144. \begin{code} instance Arbitrary P.GenRow where arbitrary = do m <- choose (-24,24) es <- listOf (choose(-144,144)) s <- choose (0, abs m) let ps = if length es < abs m then es else take s es return $ P.genrow m ps \end{code} \subsubsection{Random Standard Rows} Here, the limitation is not so critical. A Standard Tone Row will always have modulus 12 and 12 elements. \begin{code} instance Arbitrary P.StdRow where arbitrary = do es <- listOf (choose(-144,144)) s <- choose (0, 12) let ps = if length es < 12 then es else take s es return $ P.stdrow ps \end{code} \subsection{By Function} Some of these tests are duplicates of those that came earlier. However, they ensure that the arbitrary sets aren't ``playing by their own rules.'' \subsubsection{modulus} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The cardinality of a general set (of arbitrary modulus) should be between 0 and the modulus. \begin{code} propGenSetModulus :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetModulus ps = 0 <= c && c <= P.modulus ps where c = P.cardinality ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The cardinality of a standard set should be between 0 and 12. \begin{code} propStdSetModulus :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetModulus ps = 0 <= c && c <= 12 where c = P.cardinality ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} A general Tone Row should always have a number of elements equal to the modulus. \begin{code} propGenRowModulus :: P.GenRow -> Bool propGenRowModulus tr = (length . P.elements) tr == P.modulus tr \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} A standard Tone Row should always have 12 elements. \begin{code} propStdRowModulus :: P.StdRow -> Bool propStdRowModulus tr = (length . P.elements) tr == 12 \end{code} \subsubsection{elements} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The elements of a general set should all be between 0 and $m - 1$, where $m$ is the modulus. \begin{code} propGenSetElements :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetElements ps = all (\e -> 0 <= e && e <= m - 1) (P.elements ps) where m = P.modulus ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The only elements in a general set should be in the range 0 to 11. \begin{code} propStdSetElements :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetElements = all (\e -> 0 <= e && e <= 12) . P.elements \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} A general row should contain every element from 0 to $m - 1$, where $m$ is the modulus. \begin{code} propGenRowElements :: P.GenRow -> Bool propGenRowElements tr = (Data.List.sort . P.elements) tr == expected where m = P.modulus tr expected = if m == 0 then [] else [0..(m-1)] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} A standard row should have all of the elements from 0 to 11. \begin{code} propStdRowElements :: P.StdRow -> Bool propStdRowElements tr = (Data.List.sort . P.elements) tr == [0..11] \end{code} \subsubsection{complement} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The complement of a general set, when added to the original set, should give the chromatic spectrum for that modulus. \begin{code} propGenSetComplement :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetComplement ps = (Data.List.sort . concatMap P.elements) [ps,cs] == expected where m = P.modulus ps expected = if m == 0 then [] else [0..(m-1)] cs = P.complement ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The complement of a standard set, when added to the original set, should give the chromatic scale. \begin{code} propStdSetComplement :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetComplement ps = (Data.List.sort . concatMap P.elements) [ps,cs] == [0..11] where cs = P.complement ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General or Standard Row.} Complement is not defined for this class, since it would make little sense. \subsubsection{reconcile} ``Reconcile'' was tested in ``Standard Candles'' (Section \ref{standardcandles}). Here it will be tested as part of the Tone Row Operations (rowP, rowI, rowR, rowRI). \subsubsection{transpose} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The difference between the elements of the original and transposed set should be the transposition amount (with respect to the modulus). \begin{code} propGenSetTransposeDiff :: Int -> P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetTransposeDiff n ps = all (== nmod) (zipWith (\a b -> (b - a) `mod` m) os ts) where m = P.modulus ps nmod = n `mod` m os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.transpose n) ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The difference between the elements of the original and transposed set should be the transposition amount (mod 12). \begin{code} propStdSetTransposeDiff :: Int -> P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetTransposeDiff n ps = all (== nmod) (zipWith (\a b -> (b - a) `mod` 12) os ts) where nmod = n `mod` 12 os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.transpose n) ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} The difference between the elements of the original and transposed row should be the transposition amount (with respect to the modulus). \begin{code} propGenRowTransposeDiff :: Int -> P.GenRow -> Bool propGenRowTransposeDiff n tr = all (== nmod) (zipWith (\a b -> (b - a) `mod` m) os ts) where m = P.modulus tr nmod = n `mod` m os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.transpose n) tr \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} The difference between the elements of the original and transposed row should be the transposition amount (mod 12). \begin{code} propStdRowTransposeDiff :: Int -> P.StdRow -> Bool propStdRowTransposeDiff n tr = all (== nmod) (zipWith (\a b -> (b - a) `mod` 12) os ts) where nmod = n `mod` 12 os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.transpose n) tr \end{code} \subsubsection{invert} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The sum for each element of a set with its inverse should be zero (within the modulus of the set). \begin{code} propGenSetInverseSum :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetInverseSum ps = all (== 0) (zipWith (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` m) os ts) where m = P.modulus ps os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.invert) ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The sum for each element of a set with its inverse should be zero (mod 12). \begin{code} propStdSetInverseSum :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetInverseSum ps = all (== 0) (zipWith (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` 12) os ts) where os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.invert) ps \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} The sum for each element of a row with its inverse should be zero (within the modulus of the set). \begin{code} propGenRowInverseSum :: P.GenRow -> Bool propGenRowInverseSum tr = all (== 0) (zipWith (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` m) os ts) where m = P.modulus tr os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.invert) tr \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} The sum for each element of a row with its inverse should be zero (mod 12). \begin{code} propStdRowInverseSum :: P.StdRow -> Bool propStdRowInverseSum tr = all (== 0) (zipWith (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` 12) os ts) where os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.invert) tr \end{code} \subsubsection{invertXY} {\bf General Rules}---In each case below, random values are chosen for $x$ and $y$. These are to be interpreted with respect to the modulus of the set, that is, an arbitrary integer input of 147 is pitch class 3 in modulus 12 space. The operation \lstinline{invertXY} $x$ $y$ should transform all occurrences of $x$ into $y$, and vice versa. If $x$ does not appear in the original set, then $y$ should not appear in the inverted set; the same applies for $y$ going to $x$. {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} \begin{code} propGenSetIXY :: Int -> Int -> P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetIXY x y ps = loc xmod os == loc ymod ts && loc ymod os == loc xmod ts where m = P.modulus ps xmod = x `mod` m ymod = y `mod` m os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.invertXY x y) ps loc e es = e `Data.List.elemIndex` es \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} \begin{code} propStdSetIXY :: Int -> Int -> P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetIXY x y ps = loc xmod os == loc ymod ts && loc ymod os == loc xmod ts where xmod = x `mod` 12 ymod = y `mod` 12 os = P.elements ps ts = (P.elements . P.invertXY x y) ps loc e es = e `Data.List.elemIndex` es \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} \begin{code} propGenRowIXY :: Int -> Int -> P.GenRow -> Bool propGenRowIXY x y tr = loc xmod os == loc ymod ts && loc ymod os == loc xmod ts where m = P.modulus tr xmod = x `mod` m ymod = y `mod` m os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.invertXY x y) tr loc e es = e `Data.List.elemIndex` es \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} \begin{code} propStdRowIXY :: Int -> Int -> P.StdRow -> Bool propStdRowIXY x y tr = loc xmod os == loc ymod ts && loc ymod os == loc xmod ts where xmod = x `mod` 12 ymod = y `mod` 12 os = P.elements tr ts = (P.elements . P.invertXY x y) tr loc e es = e `Data.List.elemIndex` es \end{code} \subsubsection{zero, retrograde, rotate, sort} These functions are more fully tested in ``Standard Candles'' (Section \ref{standardcandles}). \subsubsection{normal} Three properties of the normal will be tested here---first, on General Sets. After this, it will be tested against Standard Sets. (Normal is not defined for Tone Rows, since it would only give the ascending chromatic scale in that modulus.) {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The normal of a normal set should be the same normal set. \begin{code} propDoubleNormalEquivalence :: P.GenSet -> Bool propDoubleNormalEquivalence ps = (P.normal . P.normal) ps == P.normal ps \end{code} The normal of a set should contain the same elements as the original set. (Verified here by sorting the elements on either side of the equality.) \begin{code} propNormalPreservesElements :: P.GenSet -> Bool propNormalPreservesElements ps = (P.sort . P.normal) ps == P.sort ps \end{code} The normal form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation of these elements. (Here, to avoid enormous testing times for large sets, I'm only considering permutations through retrograde and rotate.) \begin{code} propNormalResilience :: P.GenSet -> Int -> Bool propNormalResilience ps n = all (== ns) [f ps | f <- ops] where ns = P.normal ps ops = [P.normal . g . h | g <- [id, P.rotate n], h <- [id, P.retrograde]] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} Now, the same three properties are tested against Standard Sets. The normal of a normal set should be the same normal set. \begin{code} propStdDoubleNormalEquivalence :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdDoubleNormalEquivalence ps = (P.normal . P.normal) ps == P.normal ps \end{code} The normal of a set should contain the same elements as the original set. \begin{code} propStdNormalPreservesElements :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdNormalPreservesElements ps = (P.sort . P.normal) ps == P.sort ps \end{code} The normal form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation of these elements. \begin{code} propStdNormalResilience :: P.StdSet -> Int -> Bool propStdNormalResilience ps n = all (== ns) [f ps | f <- ops] where ns = P.normal ps ops = [P.normal . g . h | g <- [id, P.rotate n], h <- [id, P.retrograde]] \end{code} \subsubsection{reduced} Two properties of the reduced operator will be tested here---first, on General Sets. After this, it will be tested against Standard Sets. (Reduced is not defined for Tone Rows, since it would only give the ascending chromatic scale in that modulus.) {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The reduced form of a reduced set should be the same reduced set. \begin{code} propDoubleReducedEquivalence :: P.GenSet -> Bool propDoubleReducedEquivalence ps = (P.reduced . P.reduced) ps == P.reduced ps \end{code} The reduced form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation {\em or transposition} of those elements. (Here, to avoid enormous testing times for large sets, I'm only considering permutations through retrograde, rotate, and transpose.) \begin{code} propReducedResilience :: P.GenSet -> Int -> Int -> Bool propReducedResilience ps m n = all (== rs) [f ps | f <- ops] where rs = P.reduced ps ops = [P.reduced . g . h . i | g <- [id, P.rotate m], h <- [id, P.retrograde], i <- [id, P.transpose n] ] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The reduced form of a reduced set should be the same reduced set. \begin{code} propStdDoubleReducedEquivalence :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdDoubleReducedEquivalence ps = (P.reduced . P.reduced) ps == P.reduced ps \end{code} The reduced form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation {\em or transposition} of those elements. \begin{code} propStdReducedResilience :: P.StdSet -> Int -> Int -> Bool propStdReducedResilience ps m n = all (== rs) [f ps | f <- ops] where rs = P.reduced ps ops = [P.reduced . g . h . i | g <- [id, P.rotate m], h <- [id, P.retrograde], i <- [id, P.transpose n] ] \end{code} \subsubsection{prime} Two properties of the prime set operator will be tested here---first, on General Sets. After this, it will be tested against Standard Sets. (Prime is not defined for Tone Rows, since it would only give the ascending chromatic scale in that modulus.) {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} The prime form of a set in prime form should be the same prime set. \begin{code} propDoublePrimeEquivalence :: P.GenSet -> Bool propDoublePrimeEquivalence ps = (P.prime . P.prime) ps == P.prime ps \end{code} The prime form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation, transposition, {\em or inversion} of those elements. (Here, to avoid enormous testing times for large sets, I'm only considering permutations through retrograde, rotate, transpose, and invert.) \begin{code} propPrimeResilience :: P.GenSet -> Int -> Int -> Bool propPrimeResilience ps m n = all (== ps') [f ps | f <- ops] where ps' = P.prime ps ops = [P.prime . g . h . i . j | g <- [id, P.rotate m], h <- [id, P.retrograde], i <- [id, P.transpose n], j <- [id, P.invert] ] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} The prime form of a set in prime form should be the same prime set. \begin{code} propStdDoublePrimeEquivalence :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdDoublePrimeEquivalence ps = (P.prime . P.prime) ps == P.prime ps \end{code} The prime form should be the same for any set containing a particular set of elements, regardless of the permutation, transposition, {\em or inversion} of those elements. (Here, to avoid enormous testing times for large sets, I'm only considering permutations through retrograde, rotate, transpose, and invert.) \begin{code} propStdPrimeResilience :: P.StdSet -> Int -> Int -> Bool propStdPrimeResilience ps m n = all (== ps') [f ps | f <- ops] where ps' = P.prime ps ops = [P.prime . g . h . i . j | g <- [id, P.rotate m], h <- [id, P.retrograde], i <- [id, P.transpose n], j <- [id, P.invert] ] \end{code} \subsubsection{cardinality} Cardinality is indirectly tested by a number of other tests in this suite. \subsubsection{binaryValue} The binary value of a pitch class set can be thought of as a ``norm'' operation on the set, with the lowest values going to sets which are packed closest in toward the lower numbers. It is only defined for Pitch Class Sets; it would make little sense for Tone Rows, which always contain all the possible elements, and therefore would all have the same binary value. Below, the following two properties are tested for General and Standard Sets: \begin{itemize} \item If two sets have the same modulus and the same binary value, they should have all of the same elements. \item The binary value should be independent of the arrangement of the elements in the set. \end{itemize} {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} Sets with equal modulus and binary value should have the same elements. To test this, the set will be compared against all its possible transpositions. \begin{quote} {\bf Technical Note:} the sets are sorted before they are compared. A random transposition can generate exactly same elements, but in a different order; this evens the playing field and makes the two directly comparable as lists. \end{quote} \begin{code} propSameBinaryValue :: P.GenSet -> Bool propSameBinaryValue ps = all (`proposition` ps) tps where m = P.modulus ps -- generate a list of transpositions 0 to m tps = take m $ iterate (P.transpose 1) ps -- if the transpositions have the same binary -- value, they must be the same set. sameBV = (==) `on` P.binaryValue a `proposition` b = if a `sameBV` b then P.sort a == P.sort b else P.sort a /= P.sort b \end{code} The binary value should be independent of the permutation of elements in the set. (To avoid enormous testing times for large sets, I'm only considering permutations through retrograde and rotate.) \begin{code} propBinaryResilience :: P.GenSet -> Int -> Bool propBinaryResilience ps n = all (== b) [f ps | f <- ops] where b = P.binaryValue ps ops = [P.binaryValue . g . h | g <- [id,P.retrograde], h <- [id,P.rotate n] ] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} Sets with equal modulus and binary value should have the same elements. To test this, the set will be compared against all its possible transpositions. \begin{code} propSameStdBinaryValue :: P.StdSet -> Bool propSameStdBinaryValue ps = all (`proposition` ps) tps where -- generate a list of transpositions 0 to 12 tps = take 12 $ iterate (P.transpose 1) ps -- if the transpositions have the same binary -- value, they must be the same set. sameBV = (==) `on` P.binaryValue a `proposition` b = if a `sameBV` b then P.sort a == P.sort b else P.sort a /= P.sort b \end{code} The binary value should be independent of the permutation of elements in the set. \begin{code} propStdBinaryResilience :: P.StdSet -> Int -> Bool propStdBinaryResilience ps n = all (== b) [f ps | f <- ops] where b = P.binaryValue ps ops = [P.binaryValue . g . h | g <- [id,P.retrograde], h <- [id,P.rotate n] ] \end{code} \subsubsection{avec} Given the first element of a set and its ascending vector, it should be possible to reproduce the entire set. (The ascending vector is only defined for Pitch Class Sets; for Tone Rows, the ordering of the elements provides the same information.) {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} \begin{code} propGenSetAvecRegeneration :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetAvecRegeneration ps = regeneratedSet == ps where m = P.modulus ps ascent = P.avec ps first = (head . P.elements) ps regeneratedSet = if P.cardinality ps == 0 then P.genset m [] else P.genset m (init newseries) newseries = scanl (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` m) first ascent \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} \begin{code} propStdSetAvecRegeneration :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetAvecRegeneration ps = regeneratedSet == ps where ascent = P.avec ps first = (head . P.elements) ps regeneratedSet = if P.cardinality ps == 0 then P.stdset [] else P.stdset (init newseries) newseries = scanl (\a b -> (a + b) `mod` 12) first ascent \end{code} \subsubsection{cvec} For a given pitch class set, the common tone vector should be the number of common tones under the operation \lstinline{(transpose n . invert)} for each entry $n$ in the vector. {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} \begin{code} propGenSetCvecDefinition :: P.GenSet -> Bool propGenSetCvecDefinition ps = actualCombinations == expectedCombinations where m = P.modulus ps expectedCombinations = P.cvec ps actualCombinations = map tryCom possibleRange possibleRange = if m == 0 then [] else [0..(m-1)] tryCom n = commonTones ps ((P.transpose n . P.invert) ps) commonTones a b = length (filter (`elem` (P.elements b)) (P.elements a)) \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} \begin{code} propStdSetCvecDefinition :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdSetCvecDefinition ps = actualCombinations == expectedCombinations where expectedCombinations = P.cvec ps actualCombinations = map tryCom [0..11] tryCom n = commonTones ps ((P.transpose n . P.invert) ps) commonTones a b = length (filter (`elem` (P.elements b)) (P.elements a)) \end{code} \subsubsection{ivec} For a given pitch class set, the interval vector should be consistent and independent of the permutation of the elements of the set. (Here, to avoid excessive test times, the only permutations considered are rotate and retrograde). {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} \begin{code} propGenSetIvecResilience :: P.GenSet -> Int -> Bool propGenSetIvecResilience ps n = all (== ivals) [f ps | f <- ops] where ivals = P.ivec ps ops = [P.ivec . g . h | g <- [id,P.retrograde], h <- [id,P.rotate n] ] \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} \begin{code} propStdSetIvecResilience :: P.StdSet -> Int -> Bool propStdSetIvecResilience ps n = all (== ivals) [f ps | f <- ops] where ivals = P.ivec ps ops = [P.ivec . g . h | g <- [id,P.retrograde], h <- [id,P.rotate n] ] \end{code} \subsubsection{rowP} Application of the row operation ``P'' should return a new row in it's \emph{primary} form (same interval pattern as the original), with the first note transposed to $n$. (Here, $n$ is understood to be relative to the modulus of the set.) {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} \begin{code} propGenRowPrimary :: P.GenRow -> Int -> Bool propGenRowPrimary tr n = -- this test ignores the null modulus row m == 0 || (first == nmod && intervals == same) where m = P.modulus tr nmod = n `mod` m pr = P.rowP n tr first = (head . P.elements) pr intervals = diffs pr same = diffs tr diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` m \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} \begin{code} propStdRowPrimary :: P.StdRow -> Int -> Bool propStdRowPrimary tr n = first == nmod && intervals == same where nmod = n `mod` 12 pr = P.rowP n tr first = (head . P.elements) pr intervals = diffs pr same = diffs tr diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` 12 \end{code} \subsubsection{rowR} Application of the row operation ``R'' should return a new row in it's \emph{retrograde} form (reversed interval pattern compared to the original), with the first note transposed to $n$. (Here, $n$ is understood to be relative to the modulus of the set.) {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} \begin{code} propGenRowRetrograde :: P.GenRow -> Int -> Bool propGenRowRetrograde tr n = -- this test ignores the null modulus row m == 0 || (first == nmod && intervals == reversed) where m = P.modulus tr nmod = n `mod` m rr = P.rowR n tr first = (head . P.elements) rr intervals = diffs rr reversed = diffs (P.retrograde tr) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` m \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} \begin{code} propStdRowRetrograde :: P.StdRow -> Int -> Bool propStdRowRetrograde tr n = first == nmod && intervals == reversed where nmod = n `mod` 12 rr = P.rowR n tr first = (head . P.elements) rr intervals = diffs rr reversed = diffs (P.retrograde tr) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` 12 \end{code} \subsubsection{rowI} Application of the row operation ``I'' should return a new row in it's \emph{inverse} form (inverted interval pattern compared to the original), with the first note transposed to $n$. (Here, $n$ is understood to be relative to the modulus of the set.) {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} \begin{code} propGenRowInverse :: P.GenRow -> Int -> Bool propGenRowInverse tr n = -- this test ignores the null modulus row m == 0 || (first == nmod && intervals == opposite) where m = P.modulus tr nmod = n `mod` m ir = P.rowI n tr first = (head . P.elements) ir intervals = diffs ir opposite = map (f m) (diffs tr) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` m \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} \begin{code} propStdRowInverse :: P.StdRow -> Int -> Bool propStdRowInverse tr n = first == nmod && intervals == opposite where nmod = n `mod` 12 ir = P.rowI n tr first = (head . P.elements) ir intervals = diffs ir opposite = map (f 12) (diffs tr) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` 12 \end{code} \subsubsection{rowRI} Application of the row operation ``RI'' should return a new row in it's \emph{retrograde inverse} form (reversed and inverted interval pattern compared to the original), with the first note transposed to $n$. (Here, $n$ is understood to be relative to the modulus of the set.) {\bf Arbitrary General Row.} \begin{code} propGenRowRetroInverse :: P.GenRow -> Int -> Bool propGenRowRetroInverse tr n = -- this test ignores the null modulus row m == 0 || (first == nmod && intervals == opposite) where m = P.modulus tr nmod = n `mod` m rir = P.rowRI n tr first = (head . P.elements) rir intervals = diffs rir opposite = map (f m) (diffs (P.retrograde tr)) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` m \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Row.} \begin{code} propStdRowRetroInverse :: P.StdRow -> Int -> Bool propStdRowRetroInverse tr n = first == nmod && intervals == opposite where nmod = n `mod` 12 rir = P.rowRI n tr first = (head . P.elements) rir intervals = diffs rir opposite = map (f 12) (diffs (P.retrograde tr)) diffs r = zipWith f ((P.elements . P.rotate 1) r) (P.elements r) f a b = (a - b) `mod` 12 \end{code} \subsection{General Truths} Here the tests become quite complex, involving multiple combinations and interactions of the operations above. \subsubsection{Minimal Ascending Vector} Putting a set in normal or reduced form implies that it is in ``closest packed'' form. Therefore, the ascending vector for a set should be at a minimum compared to other permutations of the same set. In practice, it is difficult to test every possible permutation. Therefore, here, each set will be tested in original (random) form vs. normal and reduced forms. The sum of the interval vectors for normal and reduced should be less than or equal to that of the random set---never greater. {\bf Arbitrary General Set.} \begin{code} propMinimalAscendingVector :: P.GenSet -> Bool propMinimalAscendingVector ps = all (<= randomCase) [f ps | f <- ops'] where randomCase = sum . P.avec $ ps ops = [P.normal,P.reduced] ops' = map ((sum . P.avec) .) ops \end{code} {\bf Arbitrary Standard Set.} \begin{code} propStdMinimalAscendingVector :: P.StdSet -> Bool propStdMinimalAscendingVector ps = all (<= randomCase) [f ps | f <- ops'] where randomCase = sum . P.avec $ ps ops = [P.normal,P.reduced] ops' = map ((sum . P.avec) .) ops \end{code} \section{Runtime Code} \begin{code} confess :: (Testable prop) => String -> prop -> IO () confess s p = putStr r >> quickCheck p where t = 38 - length s pad = if t < 1 then " " else replicate t ' ' r = " " ++ s ++ pad \end{code} \begin{code} main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Standard Candles -- By Function" -- confess "Arbitrary Integer Modulus" propArbitraryIntModulus confess "Arbitrary Element Ranges" propArbitraryElements confess "Chromatic / Empty Complement" propChromaticEmptyComplement confess "Tone Row Reconciliation" propReconciliation confess "Zero Transposition" propZeroTransposition confess "Modulus Transposition" propModulusTransposition confess "Transposition Reversal" propTranspositionReversal confess "Transposition Completion" propTranspositionCompletion confess "Double Inversion Identity" propDoubleInversion confess "Zero Unchanged by Inversion" propStandardInversionZero confess "Operation Zero" propOperationZero confess "Double Retrogade Identity" propDoubleRetrograde confess "Zero Rotation" propZeroRotation confess "Length Rotation" propLengthRotation confess "Rotation Reversal" propRotationReversal confess "Rotation Completion" propRotationCompletion confess "Double Sort Equivalence" propDoubleSortEquivalence confess "Normal of Major Triad" propNormalOfMajorTriad confess "Normal of Minor Triad" propNormalOfMinorTriad confess "Reduced Major Triad Equivalence" propReducedMajorTriad confess "Reduced Minor Triad Equivalence" propReducedMinorTriad confess "Major and Minor Prime Form" propMajorMinorPrimes confess "Major Scale Prime Form" propMajorScalePrime confess "Ascending Chromatic Avec" propAscendingChromaticAvec confess "Descending Chromatic Avec" propDescendingChromaticAvec confess "Chromatic Combination Vector" propChromaticCombination confess "All Interval Tetrachord Ivec" propAllIntervalTetrachordIvec -- putStrLn "Standard Candles -- General Truths" -- confess "Empty Set Bulletproof" propEmptySetBulletproof confess "Null Modulus Bulletproof" propNullModulusBulletproof confess "Null Row Bulletproof" propNullRowBulletproof confess "Empty Cardinality Zero" propEmptyCardinalityZero confess "Empty Binary Value Zero" propEmptyBinaryValueZero confess "Empty Ascending Vector" propEmptyAvecOperations confess "Empty / Zero Interval Vector" propEmptyIvecOperations confess "Empty / Zero Common Tone Vector" propEmptyCvecOperations confess "Null Row Operations" propNullRowOperations -- putStrLn "Arbitrary Input -- By Function" -- confess "General Set Modulus" propGenSetModulus confess "Standard Set Modulus" propStdSetModulus confess "General Row Modulus" propGenRowModulus confess "Standard Row Modulus" propStdRowModulus confess "General Set Elements" propGenSetElements confess "Standard Set Elements" propStdSetElements confess "General Row Elements" propGenRowElements confess "Standard Row Elements" propStdRowElements confess "General Set Complement" propGenSetComplement confess "Standard Set Complement" propStdSetComplement confess "General Set Transpose Difference" propGenSetTransposeDiff confess "Standard Set Transpose Difference" propStdSetTransposeDiff confess "General Row Transpose Difference" propGenRowTransposeDiff confess "Standard Row Transpose Difference" propStdRowTransposeDiff confess "General Set Inverse Sum" propGenSetInverseSum confess "Standard Set Inverse Sum" propStdSetInverseSum confess "General Row Inverse Sum" propGenRowInverseSum confess "Standard Row Inverse Sum" propStdRowInverseSum confess "General Set InvertXY Exchange" propGenSetIXY confess "Standard Set InvertXY Exchange" propStdSetIXY confess "General Row InvertXY Exchange" propGenRowIXY confess "Standard Row InvertXY Exchange" propStdRowIXY confess "Double Normal Equivalence" propDoubleNormalEquivalence confess "Normal Preserves Elements" propNormalPreservesElements confess "Normal Resilience" propNormalResilience confess "Standard Double Normal Equivalence" propStdDoubleNormalEquivalence confess "Standard Normal Preserves Elements" propStdNormalPreservesElements confess "Standard Normal Resilience" propStdNormalResilience confess "Double Reduced Equivalence" propDoubleReducedEquivalence confess "Reduced Resilience" propReducedResilience confess "Standard Double Reduced Equivalence" propStdDoubleReducedEquivalence confess "Standard Reduced Resilience" propStdReducedResilience confess "Double Prime Equivalence" propDoublePrimeEquivalence confess "Prime Resilience [long]" propPrimeResilience confess "Standard Double Prime Equivalence" propStdDoublePrimeEquivalence confess "Standard Prime Resilience" propStdPrimeResilience confess "Same Binary Value" propSameBinaryValue confess "Binary Resilience" propBinaryResilience confess "Same Standard Binary Value" propSameStdBinaryValue confess "Standard Binary Resilience" propStdBinaryResilience confess "General Set Avec Regeneration" propGenSetAvecRegeneration confess "Standard Set Avec Regeneration" propStdSetAvecRegeneration confess "General Set Cvec Definition" propGenSetCvecDefinition confess "Standard Set Cvec Definition" propStdSetCvecDefinition confess "General Set Ivec Resilience" propGenSetIvecResilience confess "Standard Set Ivec Resilience" propStdSetIvecResilience confess "General Row Primary" propGenRowPrimary confess "Standard Row Primary" propStdRowPrimary confess "General Row Retrograde" propGenRowRetrograde confess "Standard Row Retrograde" propStdRowRetrograde confess "General Row Inverse" propGenRowInverse confess "Standard Row Inverse" propStdRowInverse confess "General Row Retrograde Inverse" propGenRowRetroInverse confess "Standard Row Retrograde Inverse" propStdRowRetroInverse -- putStrLn "Arbitrary Input -- General Truths" -- confess "Minimal Ascending Vector" propMinimalAscendingVector confess "Standard Minimal Ascending Vector" propStdMinimalAscendingVector -- putStrLn "All tests complete." \end{code} % last line in test suite for Data.PcSets