name: gpcsets version: cabal-version: >= 1.6 category: Data license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Bruce H. McCosar maintainer: stability: alpha build-type: Simple synopsis: Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell. description: An implementation of musical pitch class sets for Haskell. This library is capable of handling standard 12-tone pitch class sets and tone rows. However, it is also capable of handling GENERAL pitch class sets, which may come from alternative equal temperament systems. extra-source-files: INSTALL README test/ test/Test/*.lhs test/Test/PcSets/*.lhs doc/Makefile doc/*.pdf doc/examples/Makefile doc/examples/*.lhs doc/library/Makefile doc/library/build/*.tex doc/library/include/*.tex doc/testsuite/Makefile doc/testsuite/build/*.tex doc/testsuite/include/*.tex Library build-depends: base hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.PcSets Data.PcSets.Catalog Data.PcSets.Compact Data.PcSets.Notes Data.PcSets.Svg ghc-options: -Wall