gps2htmlReport-0.3.1: GPS to HTML Summary Report



This module provides the JourneyCharts and HTMLGenerator modules with statistics for the charts, and the journey statistics



ptsElevation :: [WptType] -> [(LocalTime, Double)]Source

Takes all WayPoints, and creates a list of tuples containing (TimeStamp,Elevation)

avrSpeedOverTime :: [(LocalTime, Speed)] -> Double -> Double -> [(LocalTime, Speed)] -> [(LocalTime, Speed)]Source

Takes all WayPoints, and creates a list of tuples containing (TimeStamp,AvrSpeedAtThisPoint)

accumDistance :: [WptType] -> Double -> [(LocalTime, Distance)]Source

Takes all WayPoints, and creates a list of tuples containing (TimeStamp,JourneyDistanceAtPoint)

findPoint :: [WptType] -> WptType -> (WptType -> Maybe Double) -> (Double -> Double -> Bool) -> Maybe (LocalTime, Double)Source

Takes all WayPoints, an element in wptType, and an Eq function, returning a single WayPoint

journeyDistance :: (Lat a, Lon a) => [a] -> DistanceSource

Calculates the total journey distance

meanElevation :: Ele a => [a] -> DoubleSource

Calculates the average elevation throughout the journey

journeyTime :: Time a => [a] -> NominalDiffTimeSource

Calculates the total journey time

maxSpeed :: [WptType] -> SpeedSource

Calculates the maximum speed

meanJourneySpeed :: (Lat a, Lon a, Time a) => [a] -> DistanceSource

Calculates the average speed of the journey

dateOfJourney :: Time a => [a] -> Maybe DaySource

Extracts the date of the journey (from the first WayPoint)