-- | Functions for modifying the graph. Although the graph structure is entirely expressed by the graph's node collection, for convenience and efficiency the graph representation also comprises a complementary collection of edges, that has to be synchronised with the node collection. Therefore each of the functions below involves a test for whether the graph structure has been changed, and if so, measures are taken to ensure the graph remains consistent. -- Invariants for graph consistency: -- - ∀n∊N ∀e∊E: n→e ⇔ e→n -- - ∀e∊E ∃n∊N: e→n module GraphRewriting.Graph.Write (module GraphRewriting.Graph.Write, module GraphRewriting.Graph.Types, module Data.View) where import Prelude.Unicode import GraphRewriting.Graph.Types import GraphRewriting.Graph.Internal import GraphRewriting.Graph.Read import qualified GraphRewriting.Graph.Write.Unsafe as Unsafe import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.View import Data.List import qualified Data.IntMap as Map import qualified Data.IntSet as Set -- | assign new value to given node writeNode ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ Node → n → Rewrite n () writeNode r = modifyNode r . const -- | modify the node value modifyNode ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ Node → (n → n) → Rewrite n () modifyNode n@(Node i) f = do esBefore ← liftM nub (inspectNode n) Unsafe.modifyNode n f esAfter ← liftM nub (inspectNode n) Unsafe.register n (esAfter \\ esBefore) Unsafe.unregister n (esBefore \\ esAfter) -- | Wraps 'update' to update aspect @v@ of a node. updateNode ∷ (View [Port] n, View v n) ⇒ Node → v → Rewrite n () updateNode n = adjustNode n . const -- | Wraps 'adjust' to adjust aspect @v@ of a node. adjustNode ∷ (View [Port] n, View v n) ⇒ Node → (v → v) → Rewrite n () adjustNode n = modifyNode n . adjust adjustNodeM ∷ (View [Port] n, View v n) ⇒ Node → (v → Rewrite n v) → Rewrite n () adjustNodeM n f = do v' ← f =<< inspectNode n updateNode n v' -- | add a new node with value @n@ to the graph newNode ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ n → Rewrite n Node newNode v = do key ← newRef let n = Node key modifyNodeMap $ Map.insert key v Unsafe.register n (inspect v) return n -- | Create a new node by cloning another, at the same time updating aspect @v@. When defining rewrites in a context where it is not known what type @n@ the nodes of the graph have, this is the only way to add new nodes to the graph. copyNode ∷ (View [Port] n, View v n) ⇒ Node → v → Rewrite n Node copyNode n f = newNode . update f =<< readNode n -- | Create a new (unconnected) edge. It is expected that the created edge is connected to a port sooner or later. Otherwise the graph will invove unconnected edges. newEdge ∷ Rewrite n Edge newEdge = liftM Edge newRef -- | remove node from the graph deleteNode ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ Node → Rewrite n () deleteNode n = do es ← liftM nub (inspectNode n) Unsafe.unregister n es modifyNodeMap (Map.delete $ nKey n) -- | Disconnect ports connected to the given edge by assigning a new (dangling) edge to each of the ports. Then the edge is deleted. deleteEdge ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ Edge → Rewrite n [Edge] deleteEdge e = do es ← liftM concat $ mapM disconnectPorts =<< attachedNodes e modifyEdgeMap $ Map.delete (eKey e) return es where disconnectPorts n = do ports ← inspectNode n (freshEdges, ports') ← liftM unzip $ mapM substPort ports updateNode n ports' return $ catMaybes freshEdges substPort p = if p ≡ e then do p' ← newEdge return (Just p', p') else return (Nothing, p) -- | Reconnects the ports connected to the second edge to the first one. Then the second edge is deleted. mergeEdges ∷ View [Port] n ⇒ Edge → Edge → Rewrite n () mergeEdges e1 e2 = when (e1 ≢ e2) $ do ns ← attachedNodes e2 mapM_ (Unsafe.adjustNode $ map replacePort) ns modifyEdgeMap $ Map.adjust (Set.union $ Set.fromList $ map nKey ns) (eKey e1) deleteEdge e2 >> return () where replacePort p = if p ≡ e2 then e1 else p