{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} -- | The multi-parameter type-class 'View' provides an abstraction @View v n@ of a type @n@ that exposes a value of type @v@. It allows both to 'inspect' and 'update' the value, while hiding the internal structure of the value type (@n@). module Data.View where -- | Minimal complete definition: @inspect@ and one of {@update@, @adjust@} class View v n where inspect ∷ n → v update ∷ v → n → n adjust ∷ (v → v) → n → n update v = adjust (const v) adjust f n = update (f $ inspect n) n instance View n n where inspect = id update = const -- | convenience function that can be used to access record fields of the exposed type examine ∷ View v n ⇒ (v → field) → n → field examine field = field . inspect adjustM ∷ (Monad m, View v n) ⇒ (v → m v) → n → m n adjustM f n = do n' ← f $ inspect n return $ update n' n