{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, FlexibleContexts #-} module GraphRewriting.GL.Canvas (setupCanvas) where import Prelude.Unicode import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as GL import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL (($=)) import GraphRewriting.Graph import GraphRewriting.Graph.Read import qualified GraphRewriting.Graph.Write.Unsafe as Unsafe import GraphRewriting.Pattern import GraphRewriting.GL.Render import GraphRewriting.GL.Global import Data.IORef import GraphRewriting.Layout.Rotation import GraphRewriting.Layout.Position import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe) import Data.Vector.Class setupCanvas ∷ (View Position n, Render n', View Rotation n', View Position n') ⇒ (Graph n → Graph n') → (Edge → [n'] → [(Vector2, Vector2)]) → IORef (GlobalVars n) → IO GL.Window setupCanvas project hyperEdgeToLines globalVars = do canvas ← GL.createWindow "Graph" GL.clearColor $= (GL.Color4 1 1 1 0 ∷ GL.Color4 GL.GLclampf) GL.lineWidth $= 2 aspect ← newIORef 1 focus ← newIORef $ GL.Vector3 0 0 0 zoom ← newIORef (1 ∷ GL.GLdouble) origLayoutStep ← layoutStep <$> readIORef globalVars registerCallbacks origLayoutStep aspect focus zoom project hyperEdgeToLines globalVars GL.cursor $= GL.LeftArrow return canvas registerCallbacks origLayoutStep aspect focus zoom project hyperEdgeToLines globalVars = do autozoom GL.displayCallback $= display GL.reshapeCallback $= Just reshape GL.keyboardMouseCallback $= Just inputCallback where zoomBy factor = modifyIORef zoom (* factor) >> readIORef globalVars >>= redisplay . canvas inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.WheelUp) _ _ _ = zoomBy 1.1 inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.WheelDown) _ _ _ = zoomBy 0.9 inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.RightButton) GL.Down mod pos = do pause globalVars rule ← selectedRule <$> readIORef globalVars node ← nodeAt pos case node of Nothing → return () Just n → do gv ← readIORef globalVars idx ← getRuleIndex gv (nextIs n rule) (getRules gv) case idx of Nothing -> return () Just i -> do let newRuleTree = branchSums $ increaseCounter 0 i 1 (getRules gv) modifyIORef globalVars $ \x -> x {getRules = newRuleTree} applyRule (nextIs n rule) globalVars inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.RightButton) GL.Up mod (GL.Position x y) = resume globalVars inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.LeftButton) GL.Up mod pos = do modifyIORef globalVars $ \v → v {layoutStep = origLayoutStep} GL.addTimerCallback 50 $ GL.motionCallback $= Nothing inputCallback (GL.MouseButton GL.LeftButton) GL.Down mod from = do node ← nodeAt from case node of Nothing → GL.motionCallback $= Just (scrollCallback from) Just n → do let fixN node = if n ≡ node then do pos ← examineNode position node origLayoutStep node Unsafe.updateNode node (Position pos) else origLayoutStep node modifyIORef globalVars $ \v → v {layoutStep = fixN} GL.motionCallback $= Just (dragCallback n) where dragCallback n to = do GL.motionCallback $= Nothing GL.Vertex3 tx ty _ ← unproject to let v = Vector2 (convertGLdouble tx) (convertGLdouble ty) modifyGraph (execGraph $ Unsafe.updateNode n (Position v)) globalVars GL.addTimerCallback 40 $ GL.motionCallback $= Just (dragCallback n) scrollCallback from to = do GL.motionCallback $= Nothing GL.Vertex3 fx fy _ ← unproject from GL.Vertex3 tx ty _ ← unproject to modifyIORef focus $ \(GL.Vector3 x y _) → GL.Vector3 (x + tx - fx) (y + ty - fy) 0 redisplay =<< canvas <$> readIORef globalVars GL.addTimerCallback 40 $ GL.motionCallback $= Just (scrollCallback to) inputCallback (GL.Char 'z') GL.Up _ _ = autozoom inputCallback (GL.Char ' ') GL.Up _ _ = do isPaused ← paused <$> readIORef globalVars if isPaused then resume globalVars else pause globalVars inputCallback _ _ _ _ = return () autozoom = let margin = 2 in do ns ← nodes . graph <$> readIORef globalVars let maxDist = maximum $ map abs $ concat [[v2x p, v2y p] | p ← examine position `map` ns] writeIORef focus $ GL.Vector3 0 0 0 writeIORef zoom $ 1 / (convertDouble maxDist + margin) display = do GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer] GL.loadIdentity a ← readIORef aspect if a < 1 then GL.ortho2D (-1) 1 (-1/a) (1/a) else GL.ortho2D (-1*a) (1*a) (-1) 1 z ← readIORef zoom GL.scale z z 1 GL.translate =<< readIORef focus GL.color (GL.Color3 0 0 0 ∷ GL.Color3 GL.GLfloat) g ← project . graph <$> readIORef globalVars mapM_ (uncurry renderLine) (concatMap (uncurry hyperEdgeToLines) (edges g)) hl ← highlighted <$> readIORef globalVars mapM_ (renderNode hl) (evalGraph readNodeList g `zip` nodes g) w ← liftM menu $ readIORef globalVars -- GL.currentWindow $= Just w GL.postRedisplay (Just w) -- redisplay the menu subwindow GL.swapBuffers nodeAt ∷ GL.Position → IO (Maybe Node) nodeAt glPos = do GL.Vertex3 x y _ ← unproject glPos let pos = Vector2 (convertGLdouble x) (convertGLdouble y) g ← project . graph <$> readIORef globalVars return $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ evalGraph (readOnly $ withNodes $ checkPos pos) g where checkPos pos n = do npos ← examineNode position n return $ if (vmag (pos - npos) < 1) then Just n else Nothing reshape s@(GL.Size w h) = do writeIORef aspect newAspect GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, s) GL.matrixMode $= GL.Projection GL.loadIdentity GL.perspective 0 newAspect (-1) 1 GL.matrixMode $= GL.Modelview 0 where newAspect = fromIntegral w / fromIntegral (max 1 h) unproject ∷ GL.Position → IO (GL.Vertex3 GL.GLdouble) unproject (GL.Position x y) = do GL.Size winWidth winHeight ← GL.get GL.windowSize let pos = GL.Vertex3 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral $ fromIntegral winHeight - y) 0 modelview ← getMatrix (GL.Modelview 1) projection ← getMatrix GL.Projection viewport ← GL.get GL.viewport GL.unProject pos modelview projection viewport getMatrix ∷ GL.MatrixMode → IO (GL.GLmatrix GL.GLdouble) getMatrix = GL.get . GL.matrix . Just renderNode ∷ (Render n, View Position n, View Rotation n) ⇒ Set.Set Node → (Node,n) → IO () renderNode highlighted (ref,n) = GL.preservingMatrix $ do GL.translate (vector $ examine position n) GL.rotate (convertDouble $ examine rotation n * 180 / pi) (GL.Vector3 0 0 1 ∷ GL.Vector3 GL.GLdouble) if ref `Set.member` highlighted then GL.color (GL.Color3 1 0 0 ∷ GL.Color3 GL.GLfloat) else GL.color (GL.Color3 0 0 0 ∷ GL.Color3 GL.GLfloat) render n renderLine ∷ Vector2 → Vector2 → IO () renderLine p1 p2 = GL.renderPrimitive GL.Lines $ vertex p1 >> vertex p2