import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid import Graphics.DrawingCombinators ((%%)) import qualified Graphics.DrawingCombinators as Draw import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW import System.Environment(getArgs) resX, resY :: Int resX = 640 resY = 480 initScreen :: IO GLFW.Window initScreen = do True <- GLFW.init -- Do we want to give these window hints? -- [GLFW.DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8, -- GLFW.DisplayDepthBits 8] Just win <- GLFW.createWindow (fromIntegral resX) (fromIntegral resY) "Graphics-drawingcombinators demo" Nothing Nothing GLFW.makeContextCurrent $ Just win return win unitText :: Draw.Font -> String -> Draw.Image Any unitText font str = (Draw.translate (-1,0) %% Draw.scale (2/w) (2/w) %% Draw.text font str) `mappend` Draw.tint (Draw.Color 1 0 0 1) (Draw.line (-1,0) (1,0)) where w = Draw.textWidth font str quadrants :: (Monoid a) => Draw.Image a -> Draw.Image a quadrants img = mconcat [ (Draw.translate (-0.5,0.5) %%), (Draw.translate (0.5,0.5) `Draw.compose` Draw.rotate (-pi/2) %%), (Draw.translate (0.5,-0.5) `Draw.compose` Draw.rotate pi %%), (Draw.translate (-0.5,-0.5) `Draw.compose` Draw.rotate (pi/2) %%)] (Draw.scale 0.5 0.5 %% img) fromAny :: Alternative f => a -> Any -> f a fromAny _ (Any False) = empty fromAny msg (Any True) = pure msg circleText :: Draw.Font -> String -> Draw.Image [String] circleText font str = mconcat [ fromAny str <$> unitText font str , fromAny "circle" <$> Draw.tint (Draw.Color 0 0 1 0.5) ] toGLCoors :: GLFW.Window -> (Double, Double) -> IO Draw.R2 toGLCoors win (x, y) = do (w, h) <- GLFW.getFramebufferSize win return (coor x w, - coor y h) where coor a b = realToFrac (2 * a / fromIntegral b - 1) main :: IO () main = do win <- initScreen args <- getArgs (font, pic) <- case args of [fontName, picName] -> do font <- Draw.openFont fontName pic <- Draw.openSprite picName return (font, pic) _ -> error "Usage: drawingcombinators-example some_font.ttf some_img.png" doneRef <- newIORef False GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback win $ Just $ const $ writeIORef doneRef True let mkImage rotation = Draw.rotate rotation %% quadrants ( mconcat [ Draw.scale 0.2 0.2 %% fromAny "sprite" <$> Draw.sprite pic , circleText font "Hej, World!" ] ) imageRef <- newIORef $ mkImage 0 GLFW.setMouseButtonCallback win $ Just $ const $ \_button press _mods -> when (press == GLFW.MouseButtonState'Pressed) $ do image <- readIORef imageRef pos <- GLFW.getCursorPos win glPos <- toGLCoors win pos let strs = Draw.sample image glPos print strs let waitClose rotation = do isDone <- readIORef doneRef unless isDone $ do let image = mkImage rotation writeIORef imageRef image Draw.clearRender image GLFW.swapBuffers win GLFW.pollEvents waitClose $ rotation - 0.01 waitClose 0 GLFW.terminate return ()