#!/usr/bin/runhaskell {- | Module : AttributeGenerator Description : Definition of the Graphviz attributes. Copyright : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic License : 3-Clause BSD-style Maintainer : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com This module is a stand-alone that generates the correct code for Data.GraphViz.Attributes. -} module Data.GraphViz.AttributeGenerator where import Text.PrettyPrint import Data.List(transpose) import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, isJust, fromJust) import Control.Monad(liftM) import System.Environment(getArgs) type Code = Doc -- If any args are passed in, then generate the Arbitrary instance -- instead of the definition. main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let f = if null args then genCode else genArbitrary print $ f att where att = AS { tpNm = text "Attribute" , atts = attributes } genCode :: Atts -> Doc genCode att = vsep $ map ($att) cds where cds = [ createDefn , createAlias , nameAlias , showInstance , parseInstance , usedByFunc "Graphs" forGraphs , usedByFunc "Clusters" forClusters , usedByFunc "SubGraphs" forSubGraphs , usedByFunc "Nodes" forNodes , usedByFunc "Edges" forEdges , sameAttributeFunc , defValueFunc , validUnknownFunc ] genArbitrary :: Atts -> Doc genArbitrary = arbitraryInstance -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Defining data structures data Atts = AS { tpNm :: Code , atts :: [Attribute] } data Attribute = A { cnst :: Code , name :: Code , parseNames :: [Code] , valtype :: VType , parseDef :: Maybe Code , defValue :: Maybe Code , forGraphs :: Bool , forClusters :: Bool , forSubGraphs :: Bool , forNodes :: Bool , forEdges :: Bool , comment :: Doc } makeAttr :: Constructor -> [Name] -> UsedBy -> VType -> Maybe Default -- Used when parsing the field -> Maybe Default -- Used as a default value if necessary -> Maybe Default -> Maybe Minimum -> Maybe Comment -> Attribute makeAttr c ns u v df d fd m cm = A { cnst = text c , name = head ns' , parseNames = ns' , valtype = v -- just in case need to do fancy -- stuff , parseDef = liftM text df , defValue = liftM text d , forGraphs = isFor 'G' , forClusters = isFor 'C' || forSG , forSubGraphs = forSG , forNodes = isFor 'N' , forEdges = isFor 'E' , comment = cm' } where ns' = map text ns isFor f = f `elem` u forSG = isFor 'S' df' = if v == Bl then Just "'True'" else fmap ( \ t -> '\'' : t ++ "'") df mDoc (f,fc) = f <> colon <+> text fc addF f = fmap (\ dc -> (wrap (char '/') (text f), dc)) cm' = hsep . punctuate semi . map mDoc $ catMaybes [ addF "Valid for" (Just u) , addF "Default" fd , addF "Parsing Default" df' , addF "Minimum" m , addF "Notes" cm ] type Constructor = String type Name = String type UsedBy = String -- should only contain subset of "ENGCS" type Default = String type Minimum = String type Comment = String data VType = Dbl | Integ | Strng | EStrng | Bl | Cust String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) vtype :: VType -> Doc vtype Dbl = text "Double" vtype Integ = text "Int" vtype Strng = text "Text" vtype EStrng = text "EscString" vtype Bl = text "Bool" vtype (Cust t) = text t vtypeCode :: Attribute -> Code vtypeCode = vtype . valtype -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- createDefn :: Atts -> Code createDefn att = hdr $+$ constructors $+$ derivs where hdr = text "data" <+> tpNm att constructors = nest tab . asRows . firstOthers equals (char '|') . (++ [defUnknown]) . map createDefn $ atts att derivs = nest tab $ text "deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)" createDefn a = [cnst a <+> vtypeCode a , if isEmpty cm then empty else text "-- ^" <+> cm ] where cm = comment a defUnknown = [ unknownAttr <+> unknownNameAlias <+> vtype Strng , text "-- ^ /Valid for/: Assumed valid for all; the fields are 'Attribute' name and value respectively." ] createAlias :: Atts -> Code createAlias att = text "type" <+> tp <> char 's' <+> equals <+> brackets tp where tp = tpNm att nameAlias :: Atts -> Code nameAlias att = comment $$ (text "type" <+> unknownNameAlias <+> equals <+> vtype Strng) where comment = text "-- | The name for an" <+> unknownAttr <> text "; must satisfy " <+> quotes validUnknownName <> text "." unknownNameAlias :: Code unknownNameAlias = text "AttributeName" showInstance :: Atts -> Code showInstance att = hdr $+$ insts' where hdr = text "instance" <+> text "PrintDot" <+> tpNm att <+> text "where" var = char 'v' sFunc = text "unqtDot" cnct = text "<>" insts = asRows . (++ [unknownInst]) . map mkInstance $ atts att mkInstance a = [ sFunc <+> parens (cnst a <+> var) , equals <+> text "printField" <+> doubleQuotes (name a) <+> var ] unknownInst = [ sFunc <+> parens (unknownAttr <+> char 'a' <+> var) , equals <+> text "toDot" <+> char 'a' <+> text "<> equals <>" <+> text "toDot" <+> var ] insts' = nest tab $ vsep [ insts , text "listToDot" <+> equals <+> text "unqtListToDot" ] parseInstance :: Atts -> Code parseInstance att = hdr $+$ nest tab fns where hdr = text "instance" <+> text "ParseDot" <+> tpNm att <+> text "where" fn = pFunc <+> equals <+> (text "stringParse" <+> parens (text "concat" <+> ops) $$ text "`onFail`" $$ pUnknown) fns = vsep [ fn , text "parse" <+> equals <+> pFunc , text "parseList" <+> equals <+> text "parseUnqtList" ] ops = flip ($$) rbrack . asRows . firstOthers lbrack comma . map return . map parseAttr $ atts att pFunc = text "parseUnqt" pType b a | valtype a == Bl = pFld <> text "Bool" <+> cnst a | isJust $ parseDef a = pFld <> text "Def" <+> cnst a <+> fromJust (parseDef a) | otherwise = pFld <+> cnst a where pFld = text "parseField" <> if b then char 's' else empty parseAttr a = case map doubleQuotes $ parseNames a of [n] -> pType False a <+> n ns -> pType True a <+> docList ns pUnknown = text "liftM2" <+> unknownAttr <+> text "stringBlock" <+> parens (text "parseEq >> parse") arbitraryInstance :: Atts -> Code arbitraryInstance att = hdr $+$ fns where hdr = text "instance" <+> text "Arbitrary" <+> tpNm att <+> text "where" fns = nest tab $ vsep [aFn, sFn] aFn = aFunc <+> equals <+> text "oneof" <+> ops ops = flip ($$) rbrack . asRows . firstOthers lbrack comma . (++ [[aUnknown]]) . map (return . arbAttr) $ atts att aFunc = text "arbitrary" arbAttr a = text "liftM" <+> cnst a <+> arbitraryFor' a sFn = asRows . (++ [sUnknown]) . map shrinkAttr $ atts att sFunc = text "shrink" var = char 'v' shrinkAttr a = [ sFunc <+> parens (cnst a <+> var) , equals <+> text "map" <+> cnst a , dollar <+> shrinkFor (valtype a) <+> var ] aUnknown = text "liftM2" <+> unknownAttr <+> parens (text "suchThat" <+> text "arbIDString" <+> validUnknownName) <+> arbitraryFor Strng sUnknown = [ sFunc <+> parens (unknownAttr <+> char 'a' <+> var) , equals <+> text "liftM2" <+> unknownAttr , parens (text "liftM" <+> parens (text "filter" <+> validUnknownName) <+> shrinkFor Strng <+> char 'a') <+> parens (shrinkFor Strng <+> var) ] validUnknownName :: Code validUnknownName = text "validUnknown" validUnknownFunc :: Atts -> Code validUnknownFunc att = cmnt $$ asRows [tpSig, def] $$ whClause where var = text "txt" setVar = text "names" cmnt = text "-- | Determine if the provided 'Text' value is a valid name" <+> text "for an '" <> unknownAttr <> text "'." tpSig = [ validUnknownName , colon <> colon <+> text "AttributeName -> Bool" ] def = [ validUnknownName <+> var , equals <+> (text "T.toLower" <+> var <+> text "`S.notMember`" <+> setVar $$ text "&&" <+> text "isIDString" <+> var) ] whClause = nest tab $ text "where" $$ nest tab setDef setDef = setVar <+> equals <+> mkSet mkSet = parens (text "S.fromList . map T.toLower" $$ dollar <+> setList) $$ text "`S.union`" $$ text "keywords" setList = flip ($$) rbrack . asRows . firstOthers lbrack comma . flip (++) [[doubleQuotes (text "charset") <+> text "-- Defined upstream, just not used here."]] . map ((:[]) . doubleQuotes) . concatMap parseNames $ atts att arbitraryFor :: VType -> Doc arbitraryFor (Cust ('[':_)) = text "arbList" arbitraryFor _ = text "arbitrary" arbitraryFor' :: Attribute -> Doc arbitraryFor' = arbitraryFor . valtype shrinkFor :: VType -> Doc shrinkFor (Cust ('[':_)) = text "nonEmptyShrinks" shrinkFor _ = text "shrink" usedByFunc :: String -> (Attribute -> Bool) -> Atts -> Code usedByFunc nm p att = cmnt $$ asRows (tpSig : trs ++ [fls]) where nm' = text nm dt = tpNm att cmnt = text "-- | Determine if this '" <> dt <> text "' is valid for use with" <+> nm' <> dot tpSig = [ fn , colon <> colon <+> dt <+> text "->" <+> text "Bool" ] fn = text "usedBy" <> nm' tr = text "True" trs = map aTr as' ++ [unknownATr] fl = text "False" fls = [ fn <+> char '_' , equals <+> fl ] as' = filter p $ atts att aTr a = [ fn <+> cnst a <> braces empty , equals <+> tr ] unknownATr = [ fn <+> unknownAttr <> braces empty , equals <+> tr ] sameAttributeFunc :: Atts -> Code sameAttributeFunc att = cmnt $$ asRows (tpSig : stmts ++ [unknownAtr, rst]) where cmnt = text "-- | Determine if two '" <> dt <> text "s' are the same type of '"<> dt <> text"'." sFunc = text "sameAttribute" dt = tpNm att tpSig = [ sFunc , char ' ' -- first arg, for some reason won't line up -- properly if its empty , empty -- second arg , colon <> colon <+> dt <+> text "->" <+> dt <+> text "->" <+> text "Bool" ] stmts = map sf $ atts att sf a = [ sFunc , cnst a <> braces empty , cnst a <> braces empty , equals <+> tr ] tr = text "True" catchAll = char '_' unknownAtr = [ sFunc , parens $ unknownAttr <+> text "a1" <+> catchAll , parens $ unknownAttr <+> text "a2" <+> catchAll , equals <+> text "a1" <+> equals <> equals <+> text "a2" ] rst = [ sFunc , catchAll , catchAll , equals <+> text "False" ] defValueFunc :: Atts -> Code defValueFunc att = cmnt $$ asRows (tpSig : stmts ++ [unknownAtr]) where cmnt = text "-- | Return the default value for a specific" <+> quotes dt <+> text "if possible; graph/cluster values are preferred" <+> text "over node/edge values." dFunc = text "defaultAttributeValue" dt = tpNm att tpSig = [ dFunc , colon <> colon <+> dt <+> text "->" <+> text "Maybe" <+> dt ] stmts = map sf . filter (isJust . defValue) $ atts att sf a = [ dFunc <+> cnst a <> braces empty , equals <+> text "Just" <+> text "$" <+> cnst a <+> fromJust (defValue a) ] unknownAtr = [ dFunc <+> char '_' , equals <+> text "Nothing" ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper functions -- Size of a tab character tab :: Int tab = 2 firstOthers :: Doc -> Doc -> [[Doc]] -> [[Doc]] firstOthers _ _ [] = [] firstOthers f o (d:ds) = (f : d) : map ((:) o) ds wrap :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc wrap w d = w <> d <> w vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc vsep = vcat . punctuate newline where newline = char '\n' asRows :: [[Doc]] -> Doc asRows as = vcat $ map padR asL where asL = map (map (\d -> (d, docLen d))) as cWidths = map (maximum . map snd) $ transpose asL shiftLen rls = let (rs,ls) = unzip rls in zip rs (0:ls) padR = hsep . zipWith append (0 : cWidths) . shiftLen append l' (d,l) = hcat (repl (l' - l) space) <> d repl n xs | n <= 0 = [] | otherwise = replicate n xs -- A really hacky thing to do, but oh well... -- Don't use this for multi-line Docs! docLen :: Doc -> Int docLen = length . render docList :: [Doc] -> Doc docList = brackets . hsep . punctuate comma dot :: Doc dot = char '.' -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The actual attributes attributes :: [Attribute] attributes = [ makeAttr "Damping" ["Damping"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.99") (Just "@0.99@") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "K" ["K"] "GC" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.3") (Just "@0.3@") (Just "@0@") (Just "sfdp, fdp only") , makeAttr "URL" ["URL", "href"] "ENGC" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, postscript, map only") , makeAttr "ArrowHead" ["arrowhead"] "E" (Cust "ArrowType") Nothing (Just "normal") (Just "@'normal'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "ArrowSize" ["arrowsize"] "E" Dbl Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1.0@") (Just "@0.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "ArrowTail" ["arrowtail"] "E" (Cust "ArrowType") Nothing (Just "normal") (Just "@'normal'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Aspect" ["aspect"] "G" (Cust "AspectType") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Bb" ["bb"] "G" (Cust "Rect") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "write only") , makeAttr "BgColor" ["bgcolor"] "GC" (Cust "Color") Nothing (Just "(X11Color Transparent)") (Just "@'X11Color' 'Transparent'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Center" ["center"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "ClusterRank" ["clusterrank"] "G" (Cust "ClusterMode") Nothing (Just "Local") (Just "@'Local'@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "ColorScheme" ["colorscheme"] "ENCG" (Cust "ColorScheme") Nothing (Just "X11") (Just "@'X11'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Color" ["color"] "ENC" (Cust "[Color]") Nothing (Just "[X11Color Black]") (Just "@['X11Color' 'Black']@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Comment" ["comment"] "ENG" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Compound" ["compound"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False")(Just "@'False'@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Concentrate" ["concentrate"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Constraint" ["constraint"] "E" Bl (Just "True") (Just "True") (Just "@'True'@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Decorate" ["decorate"] "E" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "DefaultDist" ["defaultdist"] "G" Dbl Nothing Nothing (Just "@1+(avg. len)*sqrt(|V|)@") (Just "@epsilon@") (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "Dimen" ["dimen"] "G" Integ Nothing (Just "2") (Just "@2@") (Just "@2@") (Just "sfdp, fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "Dim" ["dim"] "G" Integ Nothing (Just "2") (Just "@2@") (Just "@2@") (Just "sfdp, fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "Dir" ["dir"] "E" (Cust "DirType") Nothing Nothing (Just "@'Forward'@ (directed), @'NoDir'@ (undirected)") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "DirEdgeConstraints" ["diredgeconstraints"] "G" (Cust "DEConstraints") (Just "EdgeConstraints") (Just "NoConstraints") (Just "@'NoConstraints'@") Nothing (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "Distortion" ["distortion"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "@-100.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "DPI" ["dpi", "resolution"] "G" Dbl Nothing Nothing (Just "@96.0@, @0.0@") Nothing (Just "svg, bitmap output only; \\\"resolution\\\" is a synonym") , makeAttr "EdgeURL" ["edgeURL", "edgehref"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "EdgeTarget" ["edgetarget"] "E" EStrng Nothing Nothing (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "EdgeTooltip" ["edgetooltip"] "E" EStrng Nothing Nothing (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, cmap only") , makeAttr "Epsilon" ["epsilon"] "G" Dbl Nothing Nothing (Just "@.0001 * # nodes@ (@mode == 'KK'@), @.0001@ (@mode == 'Major'@)") Nothing (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "ESep" ["esep"] "G" (Cust "DPoint") Nothing (Just "(DVal 3)") (Just "@'DVal' 3@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "FillColor" ["fillcolor"] "NC" (Cust "Color") Nothing (Just "(X11Color Black)")(Just "@'X11Color' 'LightGray'@ (nodes), @'X11Color' 'Black'@ (clusters)") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "FixedSize" ["fixedsize"] "N" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "FontColor" ["fontcolor"] "ENGC" (Cust "Color") Nothing (Just "(X11Color Black)") (Just "@'X11Color' 'Black'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "FontName" ["fontname"] "ENGC" Strng Nothing (Just "\"Times-Roman\"") (Just "@\\\"Times-Roman\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "FontNames" ["fontnames"] "G" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg only") , makeAttr "FontPath" ["fontpath"] "G" Strng Nothing Nothing (Just "system dependent") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "FontSize" ["fontsize"] "ENGC" Dbl Nothing (Just "14") (Just "@14.0@") (Just "@1.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "Group" ["group"] "N" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "HeadURL" ["headURL", "headhref"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "HeadClip" ["headclip"] "E" Bl (Just "True") (Just "True") (Just "@'True'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "HeadLabel" ["headlabel"] "E" (Cust "Label") Nothing (Just "(StrLabel \"\")") (Just "'StrLabel' @\\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "HeadPort" ["headport"] "E" (Cust "PortPos") Nothing (Just "(CompassPoint CenterPoint)") (Just "@'CompassPoint' 'CenterPoint'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "HeadTarget" ["headtarget"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "HeadTooltip" ["headtooltip"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, cmap only") , makeAttr "Height" ["height"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.5") (Just "@0.5@") (Just "@0.02@") Nothing , makeAttr "ID" ["id"] "GNE" (Cust "Label") Nothing (Just "(StrLabel \"\")") (Just "@'StrLabel' \\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, postscript, map only") , makeAttr "Image" ["image"] "N" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "ImageScale" ["imagescale"] "N" (Cust "ScaleType") (Just "UniformScale") (Just "NoScale") (Just "@'NoScale'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelURL" ["labelURL", "labelhref"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "LabelAngle" ["labelangle"] "E" Dbl Nothing (Just "(-25)") (Just "@-25.0@") (Just "@-180.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "LabelDistance" ["labeldistance"] "E" Dbl Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1.0@") (Just "@0.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "LabelFloat" ["labelfloat"] "E" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelFontColor" ["labelfontcolor"] "E" (Cust "Color") Nothing (Just "(X11Color Black)") (Just "@'X11Color' 'Black'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelFontName" ["labelfontname"] "E" Strng Nothing (Just "\"Times-Roman\"") (Just "@\\\"Times-Roman\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelFontSize" ["labelfontsize"] "E" Dbl Nothing (Just "14") (Just "@14.0@") (Just "@1.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "LabelJust" ["labeljust"] "GC" (Cust "Justification") Nothing (Just "JCenter") (Just "@'JCenter'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelLoc" ["labelloc"] "GCN" (Cust "VerticalPlacement") Nothing (Just "VTop") (Just "@'VTop'@ (clusters), @'VBottom'@ (root graphs), @'VCenter'@ (nodes)") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LabelTarget" ["labeltarget"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "LabelTooltip" ["labeltooltip"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, cmap only") , makeAttr "Label" ["label"] "ENGC" (Cust "Label") Nothing (Just "(StrLabel \"\")") (Just "@'StrLabel' \\\"\\N\\\"@ (nodes), @'StrLabel' \\\"\\\"@ (otherwise)") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Landscape" ["landscape"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "LayerSep" ["layersep"] "G" (Cust "LayerSep") Nothing (Just "(LSep \" :\\t\")") (Just "@'LSep' \\\" :\\t\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Layers" ["layers"] "G" (Cust "LayerList") Nothing (Just "(LL [])") (Just "@'LL' []@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Layer" ["layer"] "EN" (Cust "LayerRange") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Layout" ["layout"] "G" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Len" ["len"] "E" Dbl Nothing Nothing (Just "@1.0@ (neato), @0.3@ (fdp)") Nothing (Just "fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "LevelsGap" ["levelsgap"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") Nothing (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "Levels" ["levels"] "G" Integ Nothing (Just "maxBound") (Just "@'maxBound'@") (Just "@0@") (Just "sfdp only") , makeAttr "LHead" ["lhead"] "E" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "LPos" ["lp"] "EGC" (Cust "Point") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "write only") , makeAttr "LTail" ["ltail"] "E" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Margin" ["margin"] "NG" (Cust "DPoint") Nothing Nothing (Just "device dependent") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "MaxIter" ["maxiter"] "G" Integ Nothing Nothing (Just "@100 * # nodes@ (@mode == 'KK'@), @200@ (@mode == 'Major'@), @600@ (fdp)") Nothing (Just "fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "MCLimit" ["mclimit"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1.0@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "MinDist" ["mindist"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1.0@") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "circo only") , makeAttr "MinLen" ["minlen"] "E" Integ Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1@") (Just "@0@") (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Model" ["model"] "G" (Cust "Model") Nothing (Just "ShortPath") (Just "@'ShortPath'@") Nothing (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "Mode" ["mode"] "G" (Cust "ModeType") Nothing (Just "Major") (Just "@'Major'@") Nothing (Just "neato only") , makeAttr "Mosek" ["mosek"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing (Just "neato only; requires the Mosek software") , makeAttr "NodeSep" ["nodesep"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.25") (Just "@0.25@") (Just "@0.02@") (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "NoJustify" ["nojustify"] "GCNE" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Normalize" ["normalize"] "G" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "Nslimit1" ["nslimit1"] "G" Dbl Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Nslimit" ["nslimit"] "G" Dbl Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Ordering" ["ordering"] "G" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Orientation" ["orientation"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "@360.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "OutputOrder" ["outputorder"] "G" (Cust "OutputMode") Nothing (Just "BreadthFirst") (Just "@'BreadthFirst'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "OverlapScaling" ["overlap_scaling"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "(-4)") (Just "@-4@") (Just "@-1.0e10@") (Just "prism only") , makeAttr "Overlap" ["overlap"] "G" (Cust "Overlap") (Just "KeepOverlaps") (Just "KeepOverlaps") (Just "@'KeepOverlaps'@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "PackMode" ["packmode"] "G" (Cust "PackMode") Nothing (Just "PackNode") (Just "@'PackNode'@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "Pack" ["pack"] "G" (Cust "Pack") (Just "DoPack") (Just "DontPack") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "Pad" ["pad"] "G" (Cust "DPoint") Nothing (Just "(DVal 0.0555)") (Just "@'DVal' 0.0555@ (4 points)") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "PageDir" ["pagedir"] "G" (Cust "PageDir") Nothing (Just "Bl") (Just "@'Bl'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Page" ["page"] "G" (Cust "Point") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "PenColor" ["pencolor"] "C" (Cust "Color") Nothing (Just "(X11Color Black)") (Just "@'X11Color' 'Black'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "PenWidth" ["penwidth"] "CNE" Dbl Nothing (Just "1") (Just "@1.0@") (Just "@0.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "Peripheries" ["peripheries"] "NC" Integ Nothing (Just "1") (Just "shape default (nodes), @1@ (clusters)") (Just "0") Nothing , makeAttr "Pin" ["pin"] "N" Bl (Just "True") (Just "False") (Just "@'False'@") Nothing (Just "fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "Pos" ["pos"] "EN" (Cust "Pos") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "QuadTree" ["quadtree"] "G" (Cust "QuadType") (Just "NormalQT") (Just "NormalQT") (Just "@'NormalQT'@") Nothing (Just "sfdp only") , makeAttr "Quantum" ["quantum"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "@0.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "RankDir" ["rankdir"] "G" (Cust "RankDir") Nothing (Just "FromTop") (Just "@'FromTop'@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "RankSep" ["ranksep"] "G" (Cust "[Double]") Nothing Nothing (Just "@[0.5]@ (dot), @[1.0]@ (twopi)") (Just "[0.02]") (Just "twopi, dot only") , makeAttr "Rank" ["rank"] "S" (Cust "RankType") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Ratio" ["ratio"] "G" (Cust "Ratios") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Rects" ["rects"] "N" (Cust "[Rect]") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "write only") 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"SearchSize" ["searchsize"] "G" Integ Nothing (Just "30") (Just "@30@") Nothing (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Sep" ["sep"] "G" (Cust "DPoint") Nothing (Just "(DVal 4)") (Just "@'DVal' 4@") Nothing (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "ShapeFile" ["shapefile"] "N" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Shape" ["shape"] "N" (Cust "Shape") Nothing (Just "Ellipse") (Just "@'Ellipse'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "ShowBoxes" ["showboxes"] "ENG" Integ Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0@") (Just "@0@") (Just "dot only") , makeAttr "Sides" ["sides"] "N" Integ Nothing (Just "4") (Just "@4@") (Just "@0@") Nothing , makeAttr "Size" ["size"] "G" (Cust "Point") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Skew" ["skew"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "@-100.0@") Nothing , makeAttr "Smoothing" ["smoothing"] "G" (Cust "SmoothType") Nothing (Just "NoSmooth") (Just "@'NoSmooth'@") Nothing (Just "sfdp only") , makeAttr "SortV" ["sortv"] "GCN" (Cust "Word16") Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0@") (Just "@0@") Nothing , makeAttr "Splines" ["splines"] "G" (Cust "EdgeType") (Just "SplineEdges") (Just "SplineEdges") Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "Start" ["start"] "G" (Cust "StartType") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "fdp, neato only") , makeAttr "StyleSheet" ["stylesheet"] "G" Strng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg only") , makeAttr "Style" ["style"] "ENC" (Cust "[StyleItem]") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "TailURL" ["tailURL", "tailhref"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "TailClip" ["tailclip"] "E" Bl (Just "True") (Just "True") (Just "@'True'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "TailLabel" ["taillabel"] "E" (Cust "Label") Nothing (Just "(StrLabel \"\")") (Just "@'StrLabel' \\\"\\\"@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "TailPort" ["tailport"] "E" (Cust "PortPos") Nothing (Just "(CompassPoint CenterPoint)") (Just "@'CompassPoint' 'CenterPoint'@") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "TailTarget" ["tailtarget"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "TailTooltip" ["tailtooltip"] "E" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, cmap only") , makeAttr "Target" ["target"] "ENGC" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "none") Nothing (Just "svg, map only") , makeAttr "Tooltip" ["tooltip"] "NEC" EStrng Nothing (Just "\"\"") (Just "@\\\"\\\"@") Nothing (Just "svg, cmap only") , makeAttr "TrueColor" ["truecolor"] "G" Bl (Just "True") Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "bitmap output only") , makeAttr "Vertices" ["vertices"] "N" (Cust "[Point]") Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just "write only") , makeAttr "ViewPort" ["viewport"] "G" (Cust "ViewPort") Nothing Nothing (Just "none") Nothing Nothing , makeAttr "VoroMargin" ["voro_margin"] "G" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.05") (Just "@0.05@") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "not dot") , makeAttr "Weight" ["weight"] "E" Dbl Nothing Nothing (Just "@1.0@") (Just "@0@ (dot), @1@ (neato,fdp,sfdp)") Nothing , makeAttr "Width" ["width"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0.75") (Just "@0.75@") (Just "@0.01@") Nothing , makeAttr "Z" ["z"] "N" Dbl Nothing (Just "0") (Just "@0.0@") (Just "@-MAXFLOAT@, @-1000@") Nothing ] unknownAttr :: Doc unknownAttr = text "UnknownAttribute" attrs = take 10 $ drop 5 attributes attrs' = AS (text "Attribute") attrs bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a bool f t b = if b then t else f dollar :: Doc dollar = char '$'