-- StdDIS for FFI
-- (c) Thomas Nordin and Alastair Reid, 1997-2003

module Foreign.GreenCard
        ( module Foreign
        , module Foreign.C

        , MbString
        , marshall_bool_,      unmarshall_bool_
        , marshall_string_,    unmarshall_string_   
        , marshall_stringLen_, unmarshall_stringLen_
	   -- re-exporting base Prelude types
	   -- (useful when generating source that
	   --  import StdDIS qualified.)
	, Float
	, Double
	, Char
        ) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

marshall_bool_ :: Bool -> IO Int
marshall_bool_ True  = return 1
marshall_bool_ False = return 0

unmarshall_bool_ :: Int -> IO Bool
unmarshall_bool_ 0 = return False
unmarshall_bool_ _ = return True

-- Ignore "IO" part of result type

-- Strings

type MbString      = Maybe String

marshall_string_ :: [Char] -> IO CString
marshall_string_ = newCString

marshall_stringLen_ :: [Char] -> IO CStringLen
marshall_stringLen_ = newCStringLen 

unmarshall_string_ :: CString -> IO String
unmarshall_string_ = peekCString

unmarshall_stringLen_ :: CString -> Int -> IO String
unmarshall_stringLen_ ptr l = peekCStringLen (ptr, l)

-- Stable pointers

-- Use "stable" to create a stable pointer
-- Use "stablePtr" to manipulate (previously constructed) stable pointers 
-- in Haskell.

-- Foreign pointers

-- Use "foreignP" to create a stable pointer
-- Use "foreignPtr" to manipulate (previously constructed) foreign pointers 
-- in Haskell.

-- End of StdDIS