{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveTraversable, GADTs, DeriveGeneric #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-} -- | -- Module: Data.Greskell.Graph -- Description: Haskell counterpart of Gremlin graph structure data types -- Maintainer: Toshio Ito -- -- This module defines types and functions about TinkerPop graph -- structure API. module Data.Greskell.Graph ( -- * Element Element(..), ElementData(..), ElementID(..), unsafeCastElementID, Vertex, Edge, -- * Property Property(..), -- * T Enum T, tId, tKey, tLabel, tValue, -- * Cardinality Enum Cardinality, cList, cSet, cSingle, -- * Typed Key (accessor of a Property) Key(..), key, unsafeCastKey, -- ** Key-value pair KeyValue(..), (=:), -- ** Heterogeneous list of keys Keys(..), singletonKeys, (-:), -- * Concrete data types -- $concrete_types -- ** Vertex AVertex(..), -- ** Edge AEdge(..), -- ** VertexProperty AVertexProperty(..), -- ** Property AProperty(..) ) where import Control.Applicative (empty, (<$>), (<*>), (<|>)) import Data.Aeson (Value(..), FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import Data.Foldable (toList, Foldable(foldr), foldlM) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NL import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Semigroup ((<>), Semigroup) import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Data.Traversable (Traversable(traverse)) import Data.Vector (Vector) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Greskell.GraphSON ( GraphSON(..), GraphSONTyped(..), FromGraphSON(..), (.:), GValue, GValueBody(..), parseJSONViaGValue ) import Data.Greskell.GraphSON.GValue (gValueBody, gValueType) import Data.Greskell.Greskell ( Greskell, unsafeGreskellLazy, string, ToGreskell(..) ) import Data.Greskell.NonEmptyLike (NonEmptyLike) import Data.Greskell.PMap (PMapKey(..), Single, Multi) -- $setup -- -- >>> import Data.Greskell.Greskell (toGremlin) -- | ID of a graph element @e@ (vertex, edge and vertex property). -- -- @since newtype ElementID e = ElementID { unElementID :: GValue -- ^ Although it's exposed, it is recommended NOT to rely on the -- internal of 'ElementID'. That's because it depends on graph -- implementation. } deriving (Show,Eq,Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, FromGraphSON, Hashable) -- | Unsafely convert the element type. instance Functor ElementID where fmap _ e = unsafeCastElementID e -- | Unsafely cast the phantom type of 'ElementID'. -- -- @since unsafeCastElementID :: ElementID a -> ElementID b unsafeCastElementID (ElementID e) = ElementID e -- | Types that keep reference to TinkerPop graph Elements. -- -- @since class ElementData e where -- | ID of this Element. elementId :: e -> ElementID e -- | Label of this Element. elementLabel :: e -> Text -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element@ interface in a -- TinkerPop graph. -- -- Since greskell-, 'ElementData' is a super-class of -- 'Element'. class ElementData e => Element e where -- | Property type of the 'Element'. It should be of 'Property' -- class. type ElementProperty e :: * -> * -- | Container type of the properties of the 'Element'. It should be -- of 'NonEmptyLike' class. -- -- @since type ElementPropertyContainer e :: * -> * -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex@ interface in a -- TinkerPop graph. class (Element v) => Vertex v -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge@ interface in a -- TinkerPop graph. class (Element e) => Edge e -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Property@ interface in a -- TinkerPop graph. class Property p where -- | Get key of this property. propertyKey :: p v -> Text -- | Get value of this property. propertyValue :: p v -> v -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T@ enum. -- -- 'T' is a token to get data @b@ from an Element @a@. data T a b instance GraphSONTyped (T a b) where gsonTypeFor _ = "g:T" -- | @T.id@ token. tId :: Element a => Greskell (T a (ElementID a)) tId = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.id" -- | @T.key@ token. tKey :: (Element (p v), Property p) => Greskell (T (p v) Text) tKey = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.key" -- | @T.label@ token. tLabel :: Element a => Greskell (T a Text) tLabel = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.label" -- | @T.value@ token. tValue :: (Element (p v), Property p) => Greskell (T (p v) v) tValue = unsafeGreskellLazy "T.value" -- | @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty.Cardinality@ enum. -- -- @since data Cardinality -- Developer note: while 'tId' creates a Greskell of "T.id", 'cList' -- creates just "list", not "VertexProperty.Cardinality.list". This is -- because Neptune (Amazon's cloud-based graph database) happens to -- support "list" but not "VertexProperty.Cardinality.list" (it -- supports "T.id", though.) -- See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/access-graph-gremlin-differences.html -- -- Future versions of greskell may support some configuration -- mechanism to control how to format Gremlin symbols such as those in -- Cardinality, T, Order, P, Direction etc. -- | @list@ Cardinality. -- -- >>> toGremlin cList -- "list" -- -- @since cList :: Greskell Cardinality cList = unsafeGreskellLazy "list" -- | @set@ Cardinality. -- -- @since cSet :: Greskell Cardinality cSet = unsafeGreskellLazy "set" -- | @single@ Cardinality. -- -- @since cSingle :: Greskell Cardinality cSingle = unsafeGreskellLazy "single" -- | A property key accessing value @b@ in an Element @a@. In Gremlin, -- it's just a String type. -- -- >>> toGremlin ("age" :: Key AVertex Int) -- "\"age\"" -- >>> toGremlin (key "created_at" :: Key AEdge Text) -- "\"created_at\"" -- >>> keyText ("name" :: Key AVertex Text) -- "name" -- -- Since greskell-, 'Key' is newtype of 'Text'. Before that, it -- was newtype of 'Greskell' 'Text'. newtype Key a b = Key { unKey :: Text } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | Unsafely convert the value type @b@. instance Functor (Key a) where fmap _ (Key t) = Key t instance IsString (Key a b) where fromString = Key . fromString -- | Return Gremlin String literal. instance ToGreskell (Key a b) where type GreskellReturn (Key a b) = Text toGreskell = string . unKey -- | @since instance PMapKey (Key a b) where type PMapValue (Key a b) = b keyText (Key t) = t -- | Create a 'Key' a text. key :: Text -> Key a b key = Key -- | Unsafely cast the type signature of the 'Key'. -- -- @since unsafeCastKey :: Key a1 b1 -> Key a2 b2 unsafeCastKey = Key . unKey -- | Pair of 'Key' and its value. Mainly used for writing properties -- into the database. -- -- Type @a@ is the type of 'Element' that keeps the 'KeyValue' -- pair. It drops the type of the value, so that you can construct a -- heterogeneous list of key-value pairs for a given 'Element'. -- -- @since data KeyValue a where -- | Key and value KeyValue :: Key a b -> Greskell b -> KeyValue a -- | Key without value -- -- @since KeyNoValue :: Key a b -> KeyValue a -- | Constructor operator of 'KeyValue'. -- -- @since (=:) :: Key a b -> Greskell b -> KeyValue a (=:) = KeyValue -- | Heterogeneous list of 'Key's. It keeps the parent type @a@, but -- discards the value type @b@. -- -- @since data Keys a where -- | Empty 'Keys'. KeysNil :: Keys a -- | Add a 'Key' to 'Keys'. KeysCons :: Key a b -> Keys a -> Keys a instance Semigroup (Keys a) where a <> b = case a of KeysNil -> b KeysCons x rest -> KeysCons x (rest <> b) instance Monoid (Keys a) where mempty = KeysNil mappend = (<>) -- | 'Keys' with a single 'Key'. -- -- @since singletonKeys :: Key a b -> Keys a singletonKeys k = KeysCons k KeysNil -- | Prepend a 'Key' to 'Keys'. -- -- @since (-:) :: Key a b -> Keys a -> Keys a (-:) = KeysCons infixr 5 -: -- $concrete_types -- Graph structure data types based on Aeson. -- -- You can use those types directly in your programs. You can also -- define your own graph types by wrapping those with @newtype@. See -- [README.md](https://github.com/debug-ito/greskell#make-your-own-graph-structure-types) -- for detail. -- -- Historical note: -- -- - Since version, the concrete data types don't keep -- properties, and IDs are of 'ElementID' type. -- - In version and before, these conrete data types were -- based on @GraphSON Value@. In version, this was changed to -- 'GValue', so that it can parse nested data structures encoded in -- GraphSON. -- | General vertex type you can use for 'Vertex' class. data AVertex = AVertex { avId :: ElementID AVertex, -- ^ ID of this vertex avLabel :: Text -- ^ Label of this vertex } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | @since instance ElementData AVertex where elementId = avId elementLabel = avLabel instance Element AVertex where type ElementProperty AVertex = AVertexProperty type ElementPropertyContainer AVertex = Multi instance Vertex AVertex instance GraphSONTyped AVertex where gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Vertex" instance FromJSON AVertex where parseJSON = parseJSONViaGValue instance FromGraphSON AVertex where parseGraphSON gv = case gValueBody gv of GObject o -> AVertex <$> (o .: "id") <*> (o .: "label") _ -> empty -- | General edge type you can use for 'Edge' class. data AEdge = AEdge { aeId :: ElementID AEdge, -- ^ ID of this edge. aeLabel :: Text -- ^ Label of this edge. } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | @since instance ElementData AEdge where elementId = aeId elementLabel = aeLabel instance Element AEdge where type ElementProperty AEdge = AProperty type ElementPropertyContainer AEdge = Single instance Edge AEdge instance GraphSONTyped AEdge where gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Edge" instance FromJSON AEdge where parseJSON = parseJSONViaGValue instance FromGraphSON AEdge where parseGraphSON gv = case gValueBody gv of GObject o -> AEdge <$> (o .: "id") <*> (o .: "label") _ -> empty -- | General simple property type you can use for 'Property' class. -- -- If you are not sure about the type @v@, just use 'GValue'. data AProperty v = AProperty { apKey :: Text, apValue :: v } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) -- | Parse Property of GraphSON 1.0. -- -- In version and before, the constraint was @FromJSON v@. -- This has changed. instance FromGraphSON v => FromJSON (AProperty v) where parseJSON = parseJSONViaGValue -- | Parse Property of GraphSON 1.0. instance FromGraphSON v => FromGraphSON (AProperty v) where parseGraphSON gv = case gValueBody gv of GObject o -> AProperty <$> (o .: "key") <*> (o .: "value") _ -> empty instance Property AProperty where propertyKey = apKey propertyValue = apValue instance GraphSONTyped (AProperty v) where gsonTypeFor _ = "g:Property" instance Functor AProperty where fmap f sp = sp { apValue = f $ apValue sp } instance Foldable AProperty where foldr f start sp = f (apValue sp) start instance Traversable AProperty where traverse f sp = fmap (\v -> sp { apValue = v } ) $ f $ apValue sp -- | General vertex property type you can use for VertexProperty. -- -- If you are not sure about the type @v@, just use 'GValue'. data AVertexProperty v = AVertexProperty { avpId :: ElementID (AVertexProperty v), -- ^ ID of this vertex property. avpLabel :: Text, -- ^ Label and key of this vertex property. avpValue :: v -- ^ Value of this vertex property. } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | In version and before, the constraint was @FromJSON v@. -- This has changed. instance FromGraphSON v => FromJSON (AVertexProperty v) where parseJSON = parseJSONViaGValue instance FromGraphSON v => FromGraphSON (AVertexProperty v) where parseGraphSON gv = case gValueBody gv of GObject o -> AVertexProperty <$> (o .: "id") <*> (o .: "label") <*> (o .: "value") _ -> empty instance GraphSONTyped (AVertexProperty v) where gsonTypeFor _ = "g:VertexProperty" -- | @since instance ElementData (AVertexProperty v) where elementId = avpId elementLabel = avpLabel instance Element (AVertexProperty v) where type ElementProperty (AVertexProperty v) = AProperty type ElementPropertyContainer (AVertexProperty v) = Single instance Property AVertexProperty where propertyKey = avpLabel propertyValue = avpValue -- | Map the property value. instance Functor AVertexProperty where fmap f vp = vp { avpValue = f $ avpValue vp, avpId = unsafeCastElementID $ avpId vp } instance Foldable AVertexProperty where foldr f start vp = f (avpValue vp) start -- | Traverse the property value. instance Traversable AVertexProperty where traverse f vp = fmap setValue $ f $ avpValue vp where setValue v = vp { avpValue = v, avpId = unsafeCastElementID $ avpId vp }