{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Data.Greskell.GTraversalSpec (main,spec) where import Control.Category ((>>>), (<<<)) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), Value(Number)) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Text (Text) import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn) import Test.Hspec import Data.Greskell.Gremlin ( oIncr, oDecr, oShuffle, pEq, pNeq, pInside, pGte ) import Data.Greskell.Graph ( Element, ElementID(..), AVertex, Key, key, tLabel, tId ) import Data.Greskell.GraphSON (nonTypedGValue, GValueBody(..)) import Data.Greskell.Greskell ( toGremlin, Greskell, gvalueInt) import Data.Greskell.GTraversal ( Walk, Transform, Filter, source, (&.), ($.), sV', sE', gHas1, gHas2, gHas2P, gHasLabelP, gHasIdP, gIs, gOut', gRange, gValues, gNot, gIn', gOrder, gProperties, gHasKeyP, gHasValueP, ByComparator(..), gBy2, gBy1, gBy, gRepeat, gTimes, gUntilHead, gUntilTail, gEmitHead, gEmitTail, gEmitHeadT, gEmitTailT, gLoops ) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do spec_GraphTraversalSource spec_order_by spec_compose_steps spec_has spec_repeat spec_GraphTraversalSource :: Spec spec_GraphTraversalSource = describe "GraphTraversalSource" $ do specify "g.V()" $ do (toGremlin $ sV' [] $ source "g") `shouldBe` ("g.V()") specify "g.V(1,2,3)" $ do let ids = map (fmap ElementID . gvalueInt) $ ([1,2,3] :: [Int]) (toGremlin $ sV' ids $ source "g") `shouldBe` ("g.V(1,2,3)") spec_order_by :: Spec spec_order_by = describe "gOrder" $ do let gv = source "g" & sV' [] specify "no arg" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder []) `shouldBe` "g.V().order()" specify "empty projection" $ do -- This case is relatively rare (I think), so the API is not so convenient for now. toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [ByComparatorComp oIncr]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(Order.incr)" specify "traversal projection" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [gBy2 (gOut' ["foo"] >>> gIn' ["bar"]) oShuffle]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(__.out(\"foo\").in(\"bar\"),Order.shuffle)" specify "value projection" $ do let nameKey :: Key e Text nameKey = "name" toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [gBy2 nameKey oDecr]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(\"name\",Order.decr)" specify "T token projection" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [gBy2 tLabel oIncr]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(T.label,Order.incr)" specify "multiple .by steps of different comparison types" $ do let ageKey :: Key e Int ageKey = "age" toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [gBy2 ageKey oDecr, gBy2 tId oDecr, gBy1 (gOut' ["foo"])]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(\"age\",Order.decr).by(T.id,Order.decr).by(__.out(\"foo\"))" specify "gBy1" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [gBy1 (key "name")]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(\"name\")" specify "IsString instance of ByComparator" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder ["age"]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(\"age\")" specify "gBy" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [ByComparatorProj $ gBy tLabel]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(T.label)" specify "IsString instance of ByProjection" $ do toGremlin (gv &. gOrder [ByComparatorProjComp ("name") oIncr]) `shouldBe` "g.V().order().by(\"name\",Order.incr)" spec_compose_steps :: Spec spec_compose_steps = describe "DSL to compose steps" $ do specify "(&) and (&.)" $ do let gt = source "g" & sV' [] &. gHas2P ("x" :: Key e Int) (pEq 100) &. gOut' [] &. gRange 0 100 toGremlin gt `shouldBe` "g.V().has(\"x\",P.eq(100)).out().range(0,100)" specify "(&) and (&.) and (>>>)" $ do let vid = fmap ElementID $ gvalueInt (200 :: Int) gt = source "g" & sV' [vid] &. (gOut' [] >>> gOut' ["friends_to"] >>> gValues ["name"]) toGremlin gt `shouldBe` "g.V(200).out().out(\"friends_to\").values(\"name\")" specify "($) and ($.)" $ do let gt = gRange 20 30 $. gNot (gOut' ["friends_to"]) $. sV' [] $ source "g" toGremlin gt `shouldBe` "g.V().not(__.out(\"friends_to\")).range(20,30)" specify "($) and ($.) and (<<<)" $ do let gt = gHas2P (key "name" :: Key e Text) (pEq "hoge") <<< gIn' ["foo", "bar"] <<< gIn' [] $. sV' [] $ source "g" toGremlin gt `shouldBe` "g.V().in().in(\"foo\",\"bar\").has(\"name\",P.eq(\"hoge\"))" spec_has :: Spec spec_has = do describe "gHas1" $ do specify "IsString Key" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gHas1 "foo") `shouldBe` "g.V().has(\"foo\")" describe "gHas2" $ do specify "simple equality" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gHas2 "name" ("hoge" :: Greskell Text)) `shouldBe` "g.V().has(\"name\",\"hoge\")" describe "gHas2P" $ do specify "IsString Key and P" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gHas2P ("name" :: Key e Text) (pNeq "hoge")) `shouldBe` "g.V().has(\"name\",P.neq(\"hoge\"))" describe "gHasLabelP" $ do specify "P" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sE' [] &. gHasLabelP (pNeq "friends_to")) `shouldBe` "g.E().hasLabel(P.neq(\"friends_to\"))" describe "gHasIdP" $ do specify "P" $ do let toID :: Int -> Greskell (ElementID AVertex) toID = fmap ElementID . gvalueInt toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gHasIdP (pInside (toID 10) (toID 20))) `shouldBe` "g.V().hasId(P.inside(10,20))" describe "gHasKeyP, gProperties" $ do specify "P" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gProperties [] &. gHasKeyP (pEq "hoge")) `shouldBe` "g.V().properties().hasKey(P.eq(\"hoge\"))" describe "gHasValueP, gProperties" $ do specify "P" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gProperties ["age" :: Key e Int] &. gHasValueP (pGte 20)) `shouldBe` "g.V().properties(\"age\").hasValue(P.gte(20))" spec_repeat :: Spec spec_repeat = do let hasName :: Greskell Text -> Walk Filter AVertex AVertex hasName v = gHas2 keyName v keyName :: Key AVertex Text keyName = "name" describe "gRepeat" $ do specify "no modulation" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing Nothing Nothing (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().repeat(__.out())" specify "gTimes and gEmitHead" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing (gTimes 3) gEmitHead (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().times(3).emit().repeat(__.out())" specify "gUntilHead and gEmitTail" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing (gUntilHead $ hasName "foo") gEmitTail (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().until(__.has(\"name\",\"foo\")).repeat(__.out()).emit()" specify "gUntilTail and gEmitHeadT" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing (gUntilTail $ hasName "foo") (gEmitHeadT $ hasName "bar") (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().emit(__.has(\"name\",\"bar\")).repeat(__.out()).until(__.has(\"name\",\"foo\"))" specify "gUntilTail and gEmitTailT" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing (gUntilTail $ hasName "foo") (gEmitTailT $ hasName "bar") (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().repeat(__.out()).until(__.has(\"name\",\"foo\")).emit(__.has(\"name\",\"bar\"))" specify "gLoops without label" $ do toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat Nothing (gUntilTail $ gLoops Nothing >>> gIs 5) Nothing (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().repeat(__.out()).until(__.loops().is(5))" specify "gLoops with label" $ do let loop_label = "LP" toGremlin (source "g" & sV' [] &. gRepeat (Just loop_label) (gUntilTail $ gLoops (Just loop_label) >>> gIs 5) Nothing (gOut' [])) `shouldBe` "g.V().repeat(\"LP\",__.out()).until(__.loops(\"LP\").is(5))"