# Grids Grids can have an arbitrary amount of dimensions, specified by a type-level list of `Nat`s. They're backed by a single contiguous Vector and gain the associated performance benefits. Currently only boxed immutable vectors are supported, but let me know if you need other variants. Here's how we might represent a Tic-Tac-Toe board: ```haskell data Piece = X | O deriving Show toPiece n = if even n then X else O ticTacToe :: Grid [3, 3] Piece ticTacToe = generate toPiece ``` You can collapse the grid down to nested lists! The output type of `toNestedLists` depends on your dimensions, e.g.: - `Grid [3, 3] Piece` will generate: `[[Piece]]` - `Grid [2, 2, 2] Char` will generate: `[[[Char]]]` - ...etc ```haskell λ> toNestedLists ticTacToe [ [X,O,X] , [O,X,O] , [X,O,X]] ``` You can even create a grid from nested lists! `fromNestedLists` returns a grid if possible, or `Nothing` if the provided lists don't match the structure of the grid you specify: ```haskell λ> fromNestedLists [[1, 2], [3, 4]] :: Maybe (Grid '[2, 2] Int) Just (Grid [[1,2] ,[3,4]]) λ> fromNestedLists [[1], [2]] :: Maybe (Grid '[2, 2] Int) Nothing ``` Grids are Representable Functors, Applicatives, Foldable, and are Traversable! You can do things like piecewise addition using their applicative instance: ```haskell λ> let g = generate id :: Grid '[2, 3] Int λ> g (Grid [[0,1,2] ,[3,4,5]]) λ> liftA2 (+) g g (Grid [[0,2,4] ,[6,8,10]]) λ> liftA2 (*) g g (Grid [[0,1,4] ,[9,16,25]]) ``` ## Indexing You can index into a grid using the `Coord` type family. The number of coordinates you need depends on the shape of the grid. The Coord is stitched together using the `:#` constructor from 1 or more `Finite` values. Each Finite value is scoped to the size of its dimension, so you'll need to prove that each index is within range (or just use `finite` to wrap an `Integer` and the compiler will trust you). Here's the type of Coord for a few different Grids: ```haskell Coord '[1] == Finite 1 Coord '[1, 2] == Finite 1 :# Finite 2 Coord '[1, 2, 3] == Finite 1 :# Finite 2 :# Finite 3 ``` You can get a value at an index out using `index` from `Data.Functor.Rep`: ```haskell λ> let g = generate id :: Grid '[2, 3] Int λ> g (Grid [[0,1,2] ,[3,4,5]]) λ> g `index` (1 :# 1) 4 λ> g `index` (1 :# 0) 3 λ> g `index` (0 :# 2) 2 ``` You can also use the `cell` Lens from `Data.Grid.Lens` to access and mutate indices: ```haskell λ> g ^. cell (0 :# 1) 1 λ> g & cell (0 :# 1) *~ 1000 (Grid [[0,1000,2],[3,4,5]]) ``` ## Creation You can generate a grid by providing a function over the integer position in the grid (`generate`) or by providing a function over the coordinate position of the cell (`tabulate`). You can also use the `fromList` and `fromNestedLists` functions which return a `Maybe (Grid dims a)` depending on whether the input list is well formed. - `fromList :: [a] -> Maybe (Grid dims a)` - `fromNestedLists :: NestedLists dims a -> Maybe (Grid dims a)` - `generate :: (Int -> a) -> Grid dims a` - `tabulate :: (Coord dims -> a) -> Grid dims a` - `pure :: a -> Grid dims a` ## Updating Use either the `cell` lens, or fmap, applicative, traversable. For batch updates using the underlying Vector implementation use `(//)` - `(//) :: Grid dims a -> [(Coord dims, a)] -> Grid dims a`