{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, TypeFamilies #-} -- | This helper module is intended for use by the backend creators module Database.Groundhog.Generic.Migration ( Column(..) , Reference(..) , QualifiedName , TableInfo(..) , UniqueDefInfo , AlterColumn(..) , AlterTable(..) , AlterDB(..) , MigrationPack(..) , SchemaAnalyzer(..) , migrateRecursively , migrateSchema , migrateEntity , migrateList , getAlters , defaultMigConstr , showReferenceAction , readReferenceAction ) where import Database.Groundhog.Core import Database.Groundhog.Generic import Database.Groundhog.Generic.Sql (flatten, mainTableName, tableName) import Control.Applicative (Applicative) import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&)) import Control.Monad (liftM, when) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (gets, modify) import Data.Either (lefts) import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List (group, intercalate) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) data Column = Column { colName :: String , colNull :: Bool , colType :: DbTypePrimitive , colDefault :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Show) data Reference = Reference { referencedTableName :: QualifiedName , referencedColumns :: [(String, String)] -- ^ child column, parent column , referenceOnDelete :: Maybe ReferenceActionType , referenceOnUpdate :: Maybe ReferenceActionType } deriving Show -- | Schema-qualified name of a table of another database object type QualifiedName = (Maybe String, String) -- | Either column name or expression type UniqueDefInfo = UniqueDef' String (Either String String) data TableInfo = TableInfo { tableColumns :: [Column] , tableUniques :: [UniqueDefInfo] -- | constraint name and reference , tableReferences :: [(Maybe String, Reference)] } deriving Show data AlterColumn = Type DbTypePrimitive | IsNull | NotNull | Default String | NoDefault | UpdateValue String deriving Show data AlterTable = AddUnique UniqueDefInfo | DropConstraint String | DropIndex String | AddReference Reference | DropReference String | DropColumn String | AddColumn Column | AlterColumn Column [AlterColumn] deriving Show data AlterDB = AddTable String -- | Qualified table name, create statement, structure of table from DB, structure of table from datatype, alters | AlterTable QualifiedName String TableInfo TableInfo [AlterTable] -- | Qualified trigger name, qualified table name | DropTrigger QualifiedName QualifiedName -- | Qualified trigger name, qualified table name, body | AddTriggerOnDelete QualifiedName QualifiedName String -- | Qualified trigger name, qualified table name, field name, body | AddTriggerOnUpdate QualifiedName QualifiedName (Maybe String) String -- | Statement which creates the function | CreateOrReplaceFunction String -- | Qualified function name | DropFunction QualifiedName -- | Schema name, if not exists | CreateSchema String Bool deriving Show data MigrationPack conn = MigrationPack { compareTypes :: DbTypePrimitive -> DbTypePrimitive -> Bool , compareRefs :: (Maybe String, Reference) -> (Maybe String, Reference) -> Bool , compareUniqs :: UniqueDefInfo -> UniqueDefInfo -> Bool , compareDefaults :: String -> String -> Bool , migTriggerOnDelete :: QualifiedName -> [(String, String)] -> Action conn (Bool, [AlterDB]) , migTriggerOnUpdate :: QualifiedName -> [(String, String)] -> Action conn [(Bool, [AlterDB])] , migConstr :: EntityDef -> ConstructorDef -> Action conn (Bool, SingleMigration) , escape :: String -> String , autoincrementedKeyTypeName :: String , mainTableId :: String , defaultPriority :: Int -- | Sql pieces for the create table statement that add constraints and alterations for running after the table is created , addUniquesReferences :: [UniqueDefInfo] -> [Reference] -> ([String], [AlterTable]) , showSqlType :: DbTypePrimitive -> String , showColumn :: Column -> String , showAlterDb :: AlterDB -> SingleMigration , defaultReferenceOnDelete :: ReferenceActionType , defaultReferenceOnUpdate :: ReferenceActionType } mkColumns :: DbTypePrimitive -> (String, DbType) -> ([Column] -> [Column]) mkColumns listAutoKeyType field = go "" field where go prefix (fname, typ) acc = (case typ of DbEmbedded (EmbeddedDef flag ts) _ -> foldr (go prefix') acc ts where prefix' = if flag then "" else prefix ++ fname ++ [delim] DbList _ _ -> Column fullName False listAutoKeyType Nothing : acc DbTypePrimitive t nullable def _ -> Column fullName nullable t def : acc) where fullName = prefix ++ fname mkReferences :: DbTypePrimitive -> (String, DbType) -> [Reference] mkReferences autoKeyType field = concat $ traverseDbType f field where f (DbEmbedded _ ref) cols = maybe [] (return . mkReference cols) ref f (DbList lName _) cols = [mkReference cols (Right ((Nothing, lName), ["id"]), Nothing, Nothing)] f (DbTypePrimitive _ _ _ ref) cols = maybe [] (return . mkReference cols) ref mkReference :: [String] -> ParentTableReference -> Reference mkReference cols (parent, onDel, onUpd) = case parent of Left (e, Nothing) -> Reference (entitySchema e, entityName e) (zipWith' (,) cols [keyName]) onDel onUpd where keyName = case constructors e of [cDef] -> fromMaybe (error "mkReferences: autokey name is Nothing") $ constrAutoKeyName cDef _ -> "id" Left (e, (Just uName)) -> Reference (entitySchema e, entityName e) (zipWith' (,) cols (map colName parentColumns)) onDel onUpd where cDef = case constructors e of [cDef'] -> cDef' _ -> error "mkReferences: datatype with unique key cannot have more than one constructor" uDef = findOne "unique" uniqueDefName (Just uName) $ constrUniques cDef fields = map (\(fName, _) -> findOne "field" fst fName $ constrParams cDef) $ getUniqueFields uDef parentColumns = foldr (mkColumns autoKeyType) [] fields Right (parentTable, parentColumns) -> Reference parentTable (zipWith' (,) cols parentColumns) onDel onUpd zipWith' _ [] [] = [] zipWith' g (x:xs) (y:ys) = g x y: zipWith' g xs ys zipWith' _ _ _ = error "mkReferences: the lists have different length" traverseDbType :: (DbType -> [String] -> a) -> (String, DbType) -> [a] traverseDbType f field = snd $ go "" field where go prefix (fname, typ) = (case typ of t@(DbEmbedded (EmbeddedDef flag ts) _) -> (cols, f t cols : xs) where prefix' = if flag then "" else prefix ++ fname ++ [delim] (cols, xs) = concatMap' (go prefix') ts t@(DbList _ _) -> ([name], [f t [name]]) t@(DbTypePrimitive _ _ _ _) -> ([name], [f t [name]])) where name = prefix ++ fname concatMap' g xs = concat *** concat $ unzip $ map g xs -- | Create migration for a given entity and all entities it depends on. -- The stateful Map is used to avoid duplicate migrations when an entity type -- occurs several times in a datatype migrateRecursively :: (PersistBackend m, PersistEntity v) => (String -> m SingleMigration) -- ^ migrate schema -> (EntityDef -> m SingleMigration) -- ^ migrate entity -> (DbType -> m SingleMigration) -- ^ migrate list -> v -- ^ initial entity -> Migration m migrateRecursively migS migE migL v = result where result = migEntity $ entityDef proxy v proxy = (undefined :: t m a -> proxy (Conn m)) result go l@(DbList lName t) = f ("list " ++ lName) (migL l) (go t) go (DbEmbedded (EmbeddedDef _ ts) ref) = mapM_ (go . snd) ts >> migRef ref go (DbTypePrimitive _ _ _ ref) = migRef ref allSubtypes = map snd . concatMap constrParams . constructors migRef ref = case ref of Just (Left (e, _), _, _) -> migEntity e _ -> return () migEntity e = do case entitySchema e of Just name -> f ("schema " ++ name) (migS name) (return ()) Nothing -> return () f ("entity " ++ mainTableName id e) (migE e) (mapM_ go (allSubtypes e)) f name mig cont = do a <- gets (Map.lookup name) when (a == Nothing) $ lift mig >>= modify . Map.insert name >> cont migrateSchema :: SchemaAnalyzer conn => MigrationPack conn -> String -> Action conn SingleMigration migrateSchema MigrationPack{..} schema = do x <- schemaExists schema return $ if x then Right [] else showAlterDb $ CreateSchema schema False migrateEntity :: (SchemaAnalyzer conn, PersistBackendConn conn) => MigrationPack conn -> EntityDef -> Action conn SingleMigration migrateEntity m@MigrationPack{..} e = do autoKeyType <- fmap getDefaultAutoKeyType phantomDb let name = entityName e constrs = constructors e mainTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE " ++ escape name ++ " (" ++ mainTableId ++ " " ++ autoincrementedKeyTypeName ++ ", discr INTEGER NOT NULL)" expectedMainStructure = TableInfo [Column "id" False autoKeyType Nothing, Column "discr" False DbInt32 Nothing] [UniqueDef Nothing (UniquePrimary True) [Left "id"]] [] if isSimple constrs then do x <- analyzeTable (entitySchema e, name) -- check whether the table was created for multiple constructors before case x of Just old | null $ getAlters m old expectedMainStructure -> return $ Left ["Datatype with multiple constructors was truncated to one constructor. Manual migration required. Datatype: " ++ name] _ -> liftM snd $ migConstr e $ head constrs else do mainStructure <- analyzeTable (entitySchema e, name) let constrTable c = name ++ [delim] ++ constrName c res <- mapM (migConstr e) constrs return $ case mainStructure of Nothing -> -- no constructor tables can exist if there is no main data table let orphans = filter (fst . fst) $ zip res constrs in if null orphans then mergeMigrations $ Right [(False, defaultPriority, mainTableQuery)]:map snd res else Left $ map (\(_, c) -> "Orphan constructor table found: " ++ constrTable c) orphans Just mainStructure' -> if null $ getAlters m mainStructure' expectedMainStructure then let -- the datatype had also many constructors before -- check whether any new constructors appeared and increment older discriminators, which were shifted by newer constructors inserted not in the end updateDiscriminators = go 0 . map (head &&& length) . group . map fst $ res where go acc ((False, n):(True, n2):xs) = (False, defaultPriority, "UPDATE " ++ escape name ++ " SET discr = discr + " ++ show n ++ " WHERE discr >= " ++ show acc) : go (acc + n + n2) xs go acc ((True, n):xs) = go (acc + n) xs go _ _ = [] in mergeMigrations $ Right updateDiscriminators: map snd res else Left ["Unexpected structure of main table for Datatype: " ++ name ++ ". Table info: " ++ show mainStructure'] migrateList :: (SchemaAnalyzer conn, PersistBackendConn conn) => MigrationPack conn -> DbType -> Action conn SingleMigration migrateList m@MigrationPack{..} (DbList mainName t) = do autoKeyType <- fmap getDefaultAutoKeyType phantomDb let valuesName = mainName ++ delim : "values" (valueCols, valueRefs) = (($ []) . mkColumns autoKeyType) &&& mkReferences autoKeyType $ ("value", t) refs' = Reference (Nothing, mainName) [("id", "id")] (Just Cascade) Nothing : valueRefs expectedMainStructure = TableInfo [Column "id" False autoKeyType Nothing] [UniqueDef Nothing (UniquePrimary True) [Left "id"]] [] mainQuery = "CREATE TABLE " ++ escape mainName ++ " (id " ++ autoincrementedKeyTypeName ++ ")" (addInCreate, addInAlters) = addUniquesReferences [] refs' expectedValuesStructure = TableInfo valueColumns [] (map (\x -> (Nothing, x)) refs') valueColumns = Column "id" False autoKeyType Nothing : Column "ord" False DbInt32 Nothing : valueCols valuesQuery = "CREATE TABLE " ++ escape valuesName ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " (map showColumn valueColumns ++ addInCreate) ++ ")" -- TODO: handle case when outer entity has a schema mainStructure <- analyzeTable (Nothing, mainName) valuesStructure <- analyzeTable (Nothing, valuesName) let triggerMain = [] (_, triggerValues) <- migTriggerOnDelete (Nothing, valuesName) $ mkDeletes escape ("value", t) return $ case (mainStructure, valuesStructure) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> let rest = [AlterTable (Nothing, valuesName) valuesQuery expectedValuesStructure expectedValuesStructure addInAlters] in mergeMigrations $ map showAlterDb $ [AddTable mainQuery, AddTable valuesQuery] ++ rest ++ triggerMain ++ triggerValues (Just mainStructure', Just valuesStructure') -> let f name a b = if null $ getAlters m a b then [] else ["List table " ++ name ++ " error. Expected: " ++ show b ++ ". Found: " ++ show a] errors = f mainName mainStructure' expectedMainStructure ++ f valuesName valuesStructure' expectedValuesStructure in if null errors then Right [] else Left errors (_, Nothing) -> Left ["Found orphan main list table " ++ mainName] (Nothing, _) -> Left ["Found orphan list values table " ++ valuesName] migrateList _ t = fail $ "migrateList: expected DbList, got " ++ show t getAlters :: MigrationPack m -> TableInfo -- ^ From database -> TableInfo -- ^ From datatype -> [AlterTable] getAlters m@MigrationPack{..} (TableInfo oldColumns oldUniques oldRefs) (TableInfo newColumns newUniques newRefs) = tableAlters where (oldOnlyColumns, newOnlyColumns, commonColumns) = matchElements ((==) `on` colName) oldColumns newColumns (oldOnlyUniques, newOnlyUniques, commonUniques) = matchElements compareUniqs oldUniques newUniques (oldOnlyRefs, newOnlyRefs, _) = matchElements compareRefs oldRefs newRefs primaryColumns = lefts $ concatMap uniqueDefFields $ filter ((== UniquePrimary True) . uniqueDefType) oldUniques colAlters = mapMaybe (\(a, b) -> mkAlterColumn b $ migrateColumn m a b) (filter ((`notElem` primaryColumns) . colName . fst) commonColumns) mkAlterColumn col alters = if null alters then Nothing else Just $ AlterColumn col alters tableAlters = map (DropColumn . colName) oldOnlyColumns ++ map AddColumn newOnlyColumns ++ colAlters ++ map dropUnique oldOnlyUniques ++ map AddUnique newOnlyUniques ++ concatMap (uncurry migrateUniq) commonUniques ++ map (DropReference . fromMaybe (error "getAlters: old reference does not have name") . fst) oldOnlyRefs ++ map (AddReference . snd) newOnlyRefs -- from database, from datatype migrateColumn :: MigrationPack m -> Column -> Column -> [AlterColumn] migrateColumn MigrationPack{..} (Column _ isNull1 type1 def1) (Column _ isNull2 type2 def2) = modDef ++ modNull ++ modType where modNull = case (isNull1, isNull2) of (False, True) -> [IsNull] (True, False) -> case def2 of Nothing -> [NotNull] Just s -> [UpdateValue s, NotNull] _ -> [] modType = if compareTypes type1 type2 then [] else [Type type2] modDef = case (def1, def2) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> [] (Just def1', Just def2') | compareDefaults def1' def2' -> [] _ -> [maybe NoDefault Default def2] -- from database, from datatype migrateUniq :: UniqueDefInfo -> UniqueDefInfo -> [AlterTable] migrateUniq u1@(UniqueDef _ _ cols1) u2@(UniqueDef _ _ cols2) = if haveSameElems (==) cols1 cols2 then [] else [dropUnique u1, AddUnique u2] dropUnique :: UniqueDefInfo -> AlterTable dropUnique (UniqueDef name typ _) = (case typ of UniqueConstraint -> DropConstraint name' UniqueIndex -> DropIndex name' UniquePrimary _ -> DropConstraint name') where name' = fromMaybe (error $ "dropUnique: constraint which should be dropped does not have a name") name defaultMigConstr :: (SchemaAnalyzer conn, PersistBackendConn conn) => MigrationPack conn -> EntityDef -> ConstructorDef -> Action conn (Bool, SingleMigration) defaultMigConstr m@MigrationPack{..} e constr = do let simple = isSimple $ constructors e name = entityName e qualifiedCName = (entitySchema e, if simple then name else name ++ [delim] ++ constrName constr) autoKeyType <- fmap getDefaultAutoKeyType phantomDb tableStructure <- analyzeTable qualifiedCName let dels = concatMap (mkDeletes escape) $ constrParams constr (triggerExisted, delTrigger) <- migTriggerOnDelete qualifiedCName dels updTriggers <- liftM (concatMap snd) $ migTriggerOnUpdate qualifiedCName dels let (expectedTableStructure, (addTable, addInAlters)) = (case constrAutoKeyName constr of Nothing -> (TableInfo columns uniques (mkRefs refs), f [] columns uniques refs) Just keyName -> let keyColumn = Column keyName False autoKeyType Nothing in if simple then (TableInfo (keyColumn:columns) (uniques ++ [UniqueDef Nothing (UniquePrimary True) [Left keyName]]) (mkRefs refs) , f [escape keyName ++ " " ++ autoincrementedKeyTypeName] columns uniques refs) else let columns' = keyColumn:columns refs' = refs ++ [Reference (entitySchema e, name) [(keyName, mainTableId)] (Just Cascade) Nothing] uniques' = uniques ++ [UniqueDef Nothing UniqueConstraint [Left keyName]] in (TableInfo columns' uniques' (mkRefs refs'), f [] columns' uniques' refs')) where (columns, refs) = foldr (mkColumns autoKeyType) [] &&& concatMap (mkReferences autoKeyType) $ constrParams constr uniques = map (\u -> u {uniqueDefFields = concatMap (either (map Left . ($ []) . flatten id) (return . Right)) $ uniqueDefFields u}) $ constrUniques constr f autoKey cols uniqs refs' = (addTable', addInAlters') where (addInCreate, addInAlters') = addUniquesReferences uniqs refs' items = autoKey ++ map showColumn cols ++ addInCreate addTable' = "CREATE TABLE " ++ tableName escape e constr ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " items ++ ")" mkRefs = map (\r -> (Nothing, r)) (migErrs, constrExisted, mig) = case tableStructure of Nothing -> let rest = AlterTable qualifiedCName addTable expectedTableStructure expectedTableStructure addInAlters in ([], False, [AddTable addTable, rest]) Just oldTableStructure -> let alters = getAlters m oldTableStructure expectedTableStructure alterTable = if null alters then [] else [AlterTable qualifiedCName addTable oldTableStructure expectedTableStructure alters] in ([], True, alterTable) -- this can happen when an ephemeral field was added. Consider doing something else except throwing an error allErrs = if constrExisted == triggerExisted || (constrExisted && null dels) then migErrs else ["Both trigger and constructor table must exist: " ++ show qualifiedCName] ++ migErrs return $ (constrExisted, if null allErrs then mergeMigrations $ map showAlterDb $ mig ++ delTrigger ++ updTriggers else Left allErrs) -- on delete removes all ephemeral data -- returns column name and delete statement for the referenced table mkDeletes :: (String -> String) -> (String, DbType) -> [(String, String)] mkDeletes esc = concat . traverseDbType f where f (DbList ref _) [col] = [(col, "DELETE FROM " ++ esc ref ++ " WHERE id=old." ++ esc col ++ ";")] f _ _ = [] showReferenceAction :: ReferenceActionType -> String showReferenceAction NoAction = "NO ACTION" showReferenceAction Restrict = "RESTRICT" showReferenceAction Cascade = "CASCADE" showReferenceAction SetNull = "SET NULL" showReferenceAction SetDefault = "SET DEFAULT" readReferenceAction :: String -> Maybe ReferenceActionType readReferenceAction c = case c of "NO ACTION" -> Just NoAction "RESTRICT" -> Just Restrict "CASCADE" -> Just Cascade "SET NULL" -> Just SetNull "SET DEFAULT" -> Just SetDefault _ -> Nothing class PersistBackendConn conn => SchemaAnalyzer conn where schemaExists :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => String -- ^ Schema name -> m Bool getCurrentSchema :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => m (Maybe String) listTables :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => Maybe String -- ^ Schema name -> m [String] listTableTriggers :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => QualifiedName -- ^ Qualified table name -> m [String] analyzeTable :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => QualifiedName -- ^ Qualified table name -> m (Maybe TableInfo) analyzeTrigger :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => QualifiedName -- ^ Qualified trigger name -> m (Maybe String) analyzeFunction :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => QualifiedName -- ^ Qualified function name -> m (Maybe (Maybe [DbTypePrimitive], Maybe DbTypePrimitive, String)) -- ^ Argument types, return type, and body getMigrationPack :: (PersistBackend m, Conn m ~ conn) => m (MigrationPack conn)