-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- title: gscholar-rss author: Francesco Ariis summary: Google Scholar to RSS feed scraper tags: google scholar, scholar, rss, feed, atom published: 2018-11-05 00:00:00 revised: 2019-10-31 00:00:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ gscholar-rss ============ ``gscholar-rss`` (`Hackage entry`__) is an RSS scraper for Google Scholar, so you can be warned via RSS on the latest academic research of your choice. .. __: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gscholar-rss Getting gscholar-rss -------------------- To get ``gscholar-rss``, you can alternatively: - download the appropriate binary from the `binaries page`__ and put it somewhere visibile in your ``$PATH``. **Or** .. __: http://ariis.it/link/repos/dist/gscholar-rss/ - compile it yourself. This means getting Haskell for your platform (e.g. on Debian ``sudo apt-get install haskell-platform``). Once you have installed it: :: cabal update cabal get gscholar-rss # now `cd` into the newly created folder and run cabal build will create a binary (the location is displayed upon completion -- check for a line similar to ``Linking /home/f/spool/gs-rss...``). Using gscholar-rss ------------------ - *visit* `Google Scholar`__ and perform a search. .. __: http://scholar.google.com .. image:: gscholar.jpg :alt: Google Scholar page, "sort by date highlighted as highlighted by the picture, most likely you want to select the "Sort by date" option. - *copy* the search URL (in my case ``http://scholar.google.it/scholar?hl=en&scisbd=1&as...``) and pass it as an argument to ``gscholar-rss``. Don't forget to add quotations around your URL! :: ./gscholar-rss "http://scholar.google.it/scholar?hl=en&scisbd=1&as..." This should generate a well-formed RSS feed. Integration with feed-readers ----------------------------- Many feed-readers allow taking advantage of external programs to fetch a feed; this is exactly what ``gscholar-rss`` needs. Refer to the documentation of your feed-reader of choice on how to do that. Examples: - **Newsbeuter/Newsboat**: the relevant manual section is `Scripts and Filters (Snownews Extensions)`__, which means writing entries like this in your url-file: .. __: https://newsboat.org/releases/2.13/docs/newsboat.html#_scripts_and_filters_snownews_extensions :: "exec:gscholar-rss 'https://scholar.google.it/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=haskell&scisbd=1'" - **Liferea**: `Website scraping with liferea`__. .. __: https://lzone.de/liferea/scraping.htm Repository and contact ---------------------- I distribute `source and binaries`_ (`signed hashes`_). There is a `git repository`_ too. To report a bug, request a feature or contribute with a patch, `write to me`_. .. _`source and binaries`: http://ariis.it/link/repos/dist/gscholar-rss/ .. _`signed hashes`: http://ariis.it/link/repos/dist/sha256sum .. _`write to me`: /static/articles/mail/page.html .. _`git repository`: http://www.ariis.it/static/repos/stagit/gscholar-rss