import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView as New import Data.Tree main = do initGUI win <- windowNew -- Create a tree model with some unsorted data. rawmodel <- New.treeStoreNew [Node ("zoo",8) [], Node ("foo",5) [], Node ("bar",20) [], Node ("baz",2) []] -- Create a sorting proxy model, that is, a model that permutates the -- rows of a different model such that they appear to be sorted. model <- New.treeModelSortNewWithModel rawmodel -- Define two sorting functions, one being the default sorting function and -- the other one being the sorting function for the 'SortColumnId' 2. -- 'SortColumnId's are arbitrary positive numbers, i.e., we could have chosen -- any other unique number. New.treeSortableSetDefaultSortFunc model $ \iter1 iter2 -> do (t1,_) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel iter1 (t2,_) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel iter2 return (compare t1 t2) New.treeSortableSetSortFunc model 2 $ \iter1 iter2 -> do (_,n1) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel iter1 (_,n2) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel iter2 return (compare n1 n2) -- Create the view. view <- New.treeViewNewWithModel model -- Create and insert two columns, one with the heading Name, one with the -- heading Number. Associate the 'SortColumnId' 2 with the latter column such -- that clicking on the Number header will sort the rows by the numbers. col <- New.treeViewColumnNew New.treeViewColumnSetTitle col "Name" rend <- New.cellRendererTextNew New.cellLayoutPackStart col rend True New.cellLayoutSetAttributeFunc col rend model $ \iter -> do cIter <- New.treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter model iter (n,_) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel cIter set rend [New.cellText := n] New.treeViewAppendColumn view col col' <- New.treeViewColumnNew New.treeViewColumnSetTitle col' "Number" rend <- New.cellRendererTextNew New.cellLayoutPackStart col' rend True New.cellLayoutSetAttributeFunc col' rend model $ \iter -> do cIter <- New.treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter model iter (_,c) <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel cIter set rend [New.cellText := show c] New.treeViewAppendColumn view col' New.treeViewColumnSetSortColumnId col' 2 -- Create a button that shows information on the current state of the sorting -- settings. button <- buttonNewWithLabel "Dump Info" button `onClicked` do sId <- New.treeViewColumnGetSortColumnId col putStrLn ("tvc1 sort id is "++show sId) sId <- New.treeViewColumnGetSortColumnId col' putStrLn ("tvc2 sort id is "++show sId) sId <- New.treeSortableGetSortColumnId model putStrLn ("sort id is "++show sId) -- Show all entries of the proxy model let recurse Nothing = return () recurse (Just iter) = do cIter <- New.treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter model iter row <- New.treeModelGetRow rawmodel cIter putStrLn ("iter "++show cIter++": "++show row) mIter <- New.treeModelIterNext model iter recurse mIter mIter <- New.treeModelGetIterFirst model recurse mIter -- Put it all together. vBox <- vBoxNew False 3 boxPackStartDefaults vBox view boxPackEnd vBox button PackNatural 0 containerAdd win vBox widgetShowAll win win `onDestroy` mainQuit mainGUI