{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- -*-haskell-*- -- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) CustomStore TreeModel -- -- Author : Duncan Coutts, Axel Simon -- -- Created: 11 Feburary 2006 -- -- Copyright (C) 2005 Duncan Coutts, Axel Simon -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- | -- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable (depends on GHC) -- -- Standard model to store list data. -- module Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.ListStore ( -- * Types ListStore, -- * Constructors listStoreNew, listStoreNewDND, -- * Implementation of Interfaces listStoreDefaultDragSourceIface, listStoreDefaultDragDestIface, -- * Methods listStoreIterToIndex, listStoreGetValue, listStoreSetValue, listStoreToList, listStoreGetSize, listStoreInsert, listStorePrepend, listStoreAppend, listStoreRemove, listStoreClear, ) where import Control.Monad (liftM, when) import Data.IORef import Data.Ix (inRange) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=606 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Foldable as F #else import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Sequence as Seq import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Sequence (Seq) #endif import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types (GObjectClass(..), TreeModelClass) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Types (TypedTreeModelClass, TreeIter(..)) import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.CustomStore import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.TreeModel import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.TreeDrag import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO ) newtype ListStore a = ListStore (CustomStore (IORef (Seq a)) a) instance TypedTreeModelClass ListStore instance TreeModelClass (ListStore a) instance GObjectClass (ListStore a) where toGObject (ListStore tm) = toGObject tm unsafeCastGObject = ListStore . unsafeCastGObject -- | Create a new 'TreeModel' that contains a list of elements. listStoreNew :: [a] -> IO (ListStore a) listStoreNew xs = listStoreNewDND xs (Just listStoreDefaultDragSourceIface) (Just listStoreDefaultDragDestIface) -- | Create a new 'TreeModel' that contains a list of elements. In addition, specify two -- interfaces for drag and drop. -- listStoreNewDND :: [a] -- ^ the initial content of the model -> Maybe (DragSourceIface ListStore a) -- ^ an optional interface for drags -> Maybe (DragDestIface ListStore a) -- ^ an optional interface to handle drops -> IO (ListStore a) -- ^ the new model listStoreNewDND xs mDSource mDDest = do rows <- newIORef (Seq.fromList xs) customStoreNew rows ListStore TreeModelIface { treeModelIfaceGetFlags = return [TreeModelListOnly], treeModelIfaceGetIter = \[n] -> readIORef rows >>= \rows -> return (if Seq.null rows then Nothing else Just (TreeIter 0 (fromIntegral n) 0 0)), treeModelIfaceGetPath = \(TreeIter _ n _ _) -> return [fromIntegral n], treeModelIfaceGetRow = \(TreeIter _ n _ _) -> readIORef rows >>= \rows -> if inRange (0, Seq.length rows - 1) (fromIntegral n) then return (rows `Seq.index` fromIntegral n) else fail "ListStore.getRow: iter does not refer to a valid entry", treeModelIfaceIterNext = \(TreeIter _ n _ _) -> readIORef rows >>= \rows -> if inRange (0, Seq.length rows - 1) (fromIntegral (n+1)) then return (Just (TreeIter 0 (n+1) 0 0)) else return Nothing, treeModelIfaceIterChildren = \_ -> return Nothing, treeModelIfaceIterHasChild = \_ -> return False, treeModelIfaceIterNChildren = \index -> readIORef rows >>= \rows -> case index of Nothing -> return $! Seq.length rows _ -> return 0, treeModelIfaceIterNthChild = \index n -> case index of Nothing -> return (Just (TreeIter 0 (fromIntegral n) 0 0)) _ -> return Nothing, treeModelIfaceIterParent = \_ -> return Nothing, treeModelIfaceRefNode = \_ -> return (), treeModelIfaceUnrefNode = \_ -> return () } mDSource mDDest -- | Convert a 'TreeIter' to an an index into the 'ListStore'. Note that this -- function merely extracts the second element of the 'TreeIter'. listStoreIterToIndex :: TreeIter -> Int listStoreIterToIndex (TreeIter _ n _ _) = fromIntegral n -- | Default drag functions for 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.ListStore'. These -- functions allow the rows of the model to serve as drag source. Any row is -- allowed to be dragged and the data set in the 'SelectionDataM' object is -- set with 'treeSetRowDragData', i.e. it contains the model and the -- 'TreePath' to the row. listStoreDefaultDragSourceIface :: DragSourceIface ListStore row listStoreDefaultDragSourceIface = DragSourceIface { treeDragSourceRowDraggable = \_ _-> return True, treeDragSourceDragDataGet = treeSetRowDragData, treeDragSourceDragDataDelete = \model (dest:_) -> do liftIO $ listStoreRemove model dest return True } -- | Default drop functions for 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.ListStore'. These -- functions accept a row and insert the row into the new location if it is -- dragged into a tree view -- that uses the same model. listStoreDefaultDragDestIface :: DragDestIface ListStore row listStoreDefaultDragDestIface = DragDestIface { treeDragDestRowDropPossible = \model dest -> do mModelPath <- treeGetRowDragData case mModelPath of Nothing -> return False Just (model', source) -> return (toTreeModel model==toTreeModel model'), treeDragDestDragDataReceived = \model (dest:_) -> do mModelPath <- treeGetRowDragData case mModelPath of Nothing -> return False Just (model', (source:_)) -> if toTreeModel model/=toTreeModel model' then return False else liftIO $ do row <- listStoreGetValue model source listStoreInsert model dest row return True } -- | Extract the value at the given index. -- listStoreGetValue :: ListStore a -> Int -> IO a listStoreGetValue (ListStore model) index = readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) >>= return . (`Seq.index` index) -- | Update the value at the given index. The index must exist. -- listStoreSetValue :: ListStore a -> Int -> a -> IO () listStoreSetValue (ListStore model) index value = do modifyIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (Seq.update index value) treeModelRowChanged model [index] (TreeIter 0 (fromIntegral index) 0 0) -- | Extract all data from the store. -- listStoreToList :: ListStore a -> IO [a] listStoreToList (ListStore model) = liftM #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=606 F.toList #else Seq.toList #endif $ readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) -- | Query the number of elements in the store. listStoreGetSize :: ListStore a -> IO Int listStoreGetSize (ListStore model) = liftM Seq.length $ readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) -- | Insert an element in front of the given element. The element is appended -- if the index is greater or equal to the size of the list. listStoreInsert :: ListStore a -> Int -> a -> IO () listStoreInsert (ListStore model) index value = do seq <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) when (index >= 0) $ do let index' | index > Seq.length seq = Seq.length seq | otherwise = index writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (insert index' value seq) stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model treeModelRowInserted model [index'] (TreeIter stamp (fromIntegral index') 0 0) where insert :: Int -> a -> Seq a -> Seq a insert i x xs = front Seq.>< x Seq.<| back where (front, back) = Seq.splitAt i xs -- | Prepend the element to the store. listStorePrepend :: ListStore a -> a -> IO () listStorePrepend (ListStore model) value = do modifyIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (\seq -> value Seq.<| seq) stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model treeModelRowInserted model [0] (TreeIter stamp 0 0 0) -- | Prepend a list to the store. Not implemented yet. listStorePrependList :: ListStore a -> [a] -> IO () listStorePrependList store list = mapM_ (listStoreInsert store 0) (reverse list) -- | Append an element to the store. Returns the index of the inserted -- element. listStoreAppend :: ListStore a -> a -> IO Int listStoreAppend (ListStore model) value = do index <- atomicModifyIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (\seq -> (seq Seq.|> value, Seq.length seq)) stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model treeModelRowInserted model [index] (TreeIter stamp (fromIntegral index) 0 0) return index {- listStoreAppendList :: ListStore a -> [a] -> IO () listStoreAppendList (ListStore model) values = do seq <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) let seq' = Seq.fromList values startIndex = Seq.length seq endIndex = startIndex + Seq.length seq' - 1 writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (seq Seq.>< seq') stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model flip mapM [startIndex..endIndex] $ \index -> treeModelRowInserted model [index] (TreeIter stamp (fromIntegral index) 0 0) -} -- | Remove the element at the given index. -- listStoreRemove :: ListStore a -> Int -> IO () listStoreRemove (ListStore model) index = do seq <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) when (index >=0 && index < Seq.length seq) $ do writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) (delete index seq) treeModelRowDeleted model [index] where delete :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a delete i xs = front Seq.>< Seq.drop 1 back where (front, back) = Seq.splitAt i xs -- | Empty the store. listStoreClear :: ListStore a -> IO () listStoreClear (ListStore model) = -- Since deleting rows can cause callbacks (eg due to selection changes) -- we have to make sure the model is consitent with the view at each -- intermediate step of clearing the store. Otherwise at some intermediate -- stage when the view has only been informed about some delections, the -- user might query the model expecting to find the remaining rows are there -- but find them deleted. That'd be bad. -- let loop (-1) Seq.EmptyR = return () loop n (seq Seq.:> _) = do writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) seq treeModelRowDeleted model [n] loop (n-1) (Seq.viewr seq) in do seq <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) loop (Seq.length seq - 1) (Seq.viewr seq) -- | Permute the rows of the store. Not yet implemented. listStoreReorder :: ListStore a -> [Int] -> IO () listStoreReorder store = undefined -- | Swap two rows of the store. Not yet implemented. listStoreSwap :: ListStore a -> Int -> Int -> IO () listStoreSwap store = undefined -- | Move the element at the first index in front of the element denoted by -- the second index. Not yet implemented. listStoreMoveBefore :: ListStore a -> Int -> Int -> IO () listStoreMoveBefore store = undefined -- | Move the element at the first index past the element denoted by the -- second index. Not yet implemented. listStoreMoveAfter :: ListStore a -> Int -> Int -> IO () listStoreMoveAfter store = undefined