{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Selectors/FileChooserDialog.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Widget FileChooserDialog
-- Author : Duncan Coutts
-- Created: 24 April 2004
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Duncan Coutts
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- A file chooser dialog, suitable for \"File\/Open\" or \"File\/Save\"
-- commands
-- * Module available since Gtk+ version 2.4
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Selectors.FileChooserDialog (
-- * Detail
-- | 'FileChooserDialog' is a dialog box suitable for use with \"File\/Open\"
-- or \"File\/Save as\" commands. This widget works by putting a
-- 'FileChooserWidget' inside a 'Dialog'. It exposes the 'FileChooser',
-- interface, so you can use all of the
-- 'FileChooser' functions on the file chooser dialog as well as those for
-- 'Dialog'.
-- Note that 'FileChooserDialog' does not have any methods of its own.
-- Instead, you should use the functions that work on a 'FileChooser'.

-- ** Response Codes
-- | 'FileChooserDialog' inherits from 'Dialog', so buttons that go in its
-- action area have response codes such as 'ResponseAccept' and
-- 'ResponseCancel'.

-- * Class Hierarchy
-- |
-- @
-- | 'GObject'
-- | +----'Object'
-- | +----'Widget'
-- | +----'Container'
-- | +----'Bin'
-- | +----'Window'
-- | +----'Dialog'
-- | +----FileChooserDialog
-- @

-- * Types
  castToFileChooserDialog, gTypeFileChooserDialog,

  -- * Constructors

  ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)

import System.Glib.FFI
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
{-# LINE 81 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Selectors/FileChooserDialog.chs" #-}
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Selectors.FileChooser
{-# LINE 82 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Selectors/FileChooserDialog.chs" #-}
import System.Glib.GObject (objectNew)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Object (makeNewObject)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Dialog
import System.Glib.GValue (allocaGValue)
import System.Glib.GValueTypes (valueSetMaybeString)
import System.Glib.Attributes

{-# LINE 91 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Selectors/FileChooserDialog.chs" #-}

-- Interfaces

instance FileChooserClass FileChooserDialog

-- Constructors

-- | Creates a new 'FileChooserDialog'.
  :: Maybe String -- ^ Title of the dialog (or default)
  -> Maybe Window -- ^ Transient parent of the dialog (or none)
  -> FileChooserAction -- ^ Open or save mode for the dialog
  -> [(String, ResponseId)] -- ^ Buttons and their response codes
  -> IO FileChooserDialog
fileChooserDialogNew title parent action buttons =
  internalFileChooserDialogNew title parent action buttons Nothing

-- | Creates a new 'FileChooserDialog' with a specified backend. This is
-- especially useful if you use 'fileChooserSetLocalOnly' to allow non-local
-- files and you use a more expressive vfs, such as gnome-vfs, to load files.
  :: Maybe String -- ^ Title of the dialog (or default)
  -> Maybe Window -- ^ Transient parent of the dialog (or none)
  -> FileChooserAction -- ^ Open or save mode for the dialog
  -> [(String, ResponseId)] -- ^ Buttons and their response codes
  -> String -- ^ The name of the filesystem backend to use
  -> IO FileChooserDialog
fileChooserDialogNewWithBackend title parent action buttons backend =
  internalFileChooserDialogNew title parent action buttons (Just backend)

-- Annoyingly, the constructor for FileChooserDialog uses varargs so we can't
-- call it using the Haskell FFI. The GTK people do not consider this an api
-- bug, see <http:
-- The solution is to call objectNew and add the buttons manually.

internalFileChooserDialogNew ::
  Maybe String -> -- Title of the dialog (or default)
  Maybe Window -> -- Transient parent of the dialog (or none)
  FileChooserAction -> -- Open or save mode for the dialog
  [(String, ResponseId)] -> -- Buttons and their response codes
  Maybe String -> -- The name of the backend to use (optional)
  IO FileChooserDialog
internalFileChooserDialogNew title parent action buttons backend = do
  objType <- gtk_file_chooser_dialog_get_type
{-# LINE 140 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Selectors/FileChooserDialog.chs" #-}
  dialog <-makeNewObject mkFileChooserDialog $ liftM castPtr $
           if (isJust backend)
             then allocaGValue $ \backendGValue -> do
                  valueSetMaybeString backendGValue backend
                  objectNew objType [("file-system-backend", backendGValue)]
             else objectNew objType []
  when (isJust title)
       (set dialog [windowTitle := fromJust title])
  when (isJust parent)
       (set dialog [windowTransientFor := fromJust parent])
  dialog `fileChooserSetAction` action
  mapM_ (\(btnName, btnResponse) ->
          dialogAddButton dialog btnName btnResponse) buttons
  return dialog

foreign import ccall unsafe "gtk_file_chooser_dialog_get_type"
  gtk_file_chooser_dialog_get_type :: (IO CUInt)