-- C -> Haskell Compiler: main module -- -- Author : Manuel M T Chakravarty -- Derived: 12 August 99 -- -- Version $Revision: 1.6 $ from $Date: 2005/07/03 14:58:16 $ -- -- Copyright (c) [1999..2004] Manuel M T Chakravarty -- -- This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- --- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This is the main module of the compiler. It sets the version, processes -- the command line arguments, and controls the compilation process. -- -- Originally, derived from `Main.hs' of the Nepal Compiler. -- --- DOCU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- language: Haskell 98 -- -- Usage: -- ------ -- -- c2hs [ option... ] header-file binding-file -- -- The compiler is supposed to emit a Haskell program that expands all hooks -- in the given binding file. -- -- File name suffix: -- ----------------- -- -- Note: These also depend on suffixes defined in the compiler proper. -- -- .h C header file -- .i pre-processeed C header file -- .hs Haskell file -- .chs Haskell file with C->Haskell hooks (binding file) -- .chi C->Haskell interface file -- -- Options: -- -------- -- -- -C CPPOPTS -- --cppopts=CPPOPTS -- Pass the additional options CPPOPTS to the C preprocessor. -- -- Repeated occurences accumulate. -- -- -c CPP -- --cpp=CPP -- Use the executable CPP to invoke CPP. -- -- In the case of repeated occurences, the last takes effect. -- -- -d TYPE -- --dump=TYPE -- Dump intermediate representation: -- -- + if TYPE is `trace', trace the compiler phases (to stderr) -- + if TYPE is `genbind', trace binding generation (to stderr) -- + if TYPE is `ctrav', trace C declaration traversal (to stderr) -- + if TYPE is `chs', dump the binding file (insert `.dump' into the -- file name to avoid overwriting the original file) -- -- -h, -? -- --help -- Dump brief usage information to stderr. -- -- -i DIRS -- --include=DIRS -- Search the colon separated list of directories DIRS when searching -- for .chi files. -- -- -k -- --keep -- Keep the intermediate file that contains the pre-processed C header -- (it carries the suffix `.i'). -- -- -o FILE -- --output=FILE -- Place output in file FILE. -- -- If `-o' is not specified, the default is to put the output for -- `source.chs' in `source.hs' in the same directory that contains the -- binding file. If specified, the emitted C header file is put into -- the same directory as the output file. The same holds for -- C->Haskell interface file. All generated files also share the -- basename. -- -- -t PATH -- --output-dir=PATH -- Place generated files in the directory PATH. -- -- If this option as well as the `-o' option is given, the basename of -- the file specified with `-o' is put in the directory specified with -- `-t'. -- -- -v, -- --version -- Print (on standard error output) the version and copyright -- information of the compiler (before doing anything else). -- -- -p FILE -- --precomp=FILE -- Use or generate a precompiled header. If a header file is -- given write a condensed version of the header file into -- FILE. If a binding file is given that does not contain any C -- declarations itself, use the condensed information in FILE -- to generate the binding. Using a precompiled header file will -- significantly speed up the translation of a binding module. -- -- --old-ffi [=yes|=no] -- Generate hooks using pre-standard FFI libraries. This currently -- affects only call hooks where instead of `Addr' types -- `Ptr ' is used. -- -- --lock=NAME -- Wrap each foreign function call in the function NAME. This -- function is usually a function that acquires a lock for -- the memory region that the called function is about to access. -- A wrap function can also be specificed within the file in the -- context hook, in which case it overrides the command line function. -- The wrapper function can be omitted on a call-by-call basis by -- using the nolock option in the call hook. -- --- TODO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- module Gtk2HsC2Hs (c2hsMain) where -- standard libraries import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import System.IO (openFile) import System.Process (runProcess, waitForProcess) import Control.Monad (when, unless, mapM) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) -- base libraries import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgOrder(..), OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), usageInfo, getOpt) import FNameOps (suffix, basename, dirname, stripSuffix, addPath, splitSearchPath) import Errors (interr) import UNames (saveRootNameSupply, restoreRootNameSupply) import Binary (Binary(..), putBinFileWithDict, getBinFileWithDict) -- c2hs modules import C2HSState (CST, nop, runC2HS, fatal, fatalsHandledBy, getId, ExitCode(..), stderr, IOMode(..), putStrCIO, hPutStrCIO, hPutStrLnCIO, exitWithCIO, getProgNameCIO, ioeGetErrorString, ioeGetFileName, doesFileExistCIO, removeFileCIO, liftIO, fileFindInCIO, mktempCIO, openFileCIO, hCloseCIO, SwitchBoard(..), Traces(..), setTraces, traceSet, setSwitch, getSwitch, putTraceStr) import C (AttrC, hsuffix, isuffix, loadAttrC) import CHS (CHSModule, skipToLangPragma, hasCPP, loadCHS, dumpCHS, loadAllCHI, hssuffix, chssuffix, dumpCHI) import GenHeader (genHeader) import GenBind (expandHooks) import Version (version, copyright, disclaimer) import C2HSConfig (cpp, cppopts, cppoptsdef, hpaths, tmpdir) -- wrapper running the compiler -- ============================ c2hsMain :: [String] -> IO () c2hsMain = runC2HS (version, copyright, disclaimer) . compile -- option handling -- =============== -- header is output in case of help, before the descriptions of the options; -- errTrailer is output after an error message -- header :: String -> String -> String -> String header version copyright disclaimer = version ++ "\n" ++ copyright ++ "\n" ++ disclaimer ++ "\n\nUsage: c2hs [ option... ] header-file binding-file\n" trailer, errTrailer :: String trailer = "\n\ \The header file must be a C header file matching the given \ \binding file.\n\ \The dump TYPE can be\n\ \ trace -- trace compiler phases\n\ \ genbind -- trace binding generation\n\ \ ctrav -- trace C declaration traversal\n\ \ chs -- dump the binding file (adds `.dump' to the name)\n" errTrailer = "Try the option `--help' on its own for more information.\n" -- supported option types -- data Flag = CPPOpts String -- additional options for C preprocessor | CPP String -- program name of C preprocessor | Dump DumpType -- dump internal information | Help -- print brief usage information | Keep -- keep the .i file | Include String -- list of directories to search .chi files | Output String -- file where the generated file should go | OutDir String -- directory where generates files should go | PreComp String -- write or read a precompiled header | LockFun String -- wrap each function call in this function | Version -- print version information on stderr | Error String -- error occured during processing of options deriving Eq data DumpType = Trace -- compiler trace | GenBind -- trace `GenBind' | CTrav -- trace `CTrav' | CHS -- dump binding file deriving Eq -- option description suitable for `GetOpt' -- options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option ['C'] ["cppopts"] (ReqArg CPPOpts "CPPOPTS") "pass CPPOPTS to the C preprocessor", Option ['c'] ["cpp"] (ReqArg CPP "CPP") "use executable CPP to invoke C preprocessor", Option ['d'] ["dump"] (ReqArg dumpArg "TYPE") "dump internal information (for debugging)", Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "brief help (the present message)", Option ['i'] ["include"] (ReqArg Include "INCLUDE") "include paths for .chi files", Option ['k'] ["keep"] (NoArg Keep) "keep pre-processed C header", Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg Output "FILE") "output result to FILE (should end in .hs)", Option ['t'] ["output-dir"] (ReqArg OutDir "PATH") "place generated files in PATH", Option ['p'] ["precomp"] (ReqArg PreComp "FILE") "generate or read precompiled header file FILE", Option ['l'] ["lock"] (ReqArg LockFun "NAME") "wrap each foreign call with the function NAME", Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version information"] -- convert argument of `Dump' option -- dumpArg :: String -> Flag dumpArg "trace" = Dump Trace dumpArg "genbind" = Dump GenBind dumpArg "ctrav" = Dump CTrav dumpArg "chs" = Dump CHS dumpArg _ = Error "Illegal dump type." -- main process (set up base configuration, analyse command line, and execute -- compilation process) -- -- * Exceptions are caught and reported -- compile :: [String] -> CST s () compile cmdLine = do setup case getOpt RequireOrder options cmdLine of ([Help] , [] , []) -> doExecute [Help] [] ([Version], [] , []) -> doExecute [Version] [] (opts , args, []) | properArgs args -> doExecute opts args | otherwise -> raiseErrs [wrongNoOfArgsErr] (_ , _ , errs) -> raiseErrs errs where properArgs [file1, file2] = suffix file1 == hsuffix && suffix file2 == chssuffix properArgs _ = False -- doExecute opts args = execute opts args `fatalsHandledBy` failureHandler -- wrongNoOfArgsErr = "Supply the header file followed by the binding file.\n\ \The header file can be omitted if it is supplied in the binding file.\n\ \The binding file can be omitted if the --precomp flag is given.\n" -- -- exception handler -- failureHandler err = do let msg = ioeGetErrorString err fnMsg = case ioeGetFileName err of Nothing -> "" Just s -> " (file: `" ++ s ++ "')" hPutStrLnCIO stderr (msg ++ fnMsg) exitWithCIO $ ExitFailure 1 -- set up base configuration -- setup :: CST s () setup = do setCPP cpp addCPPOpts cppopts addHPaths hpaths -- output error message -- raiseErrs :: [String] -> CST s a raiseErrs errs = do hPutStrCIO stderr (concat errs) hPutStrCIO stderr errTrailer exitWithCIO $ ExitFailure 1 -- Process tasks -- ------------- -- execute the compilation task -- -- * if `Help' is present, emit the help message and ignore the rest -- * if `Version' is present, do it first (and only once) -- * actual compilation is only invoked if we have one or two extra arguments -- (otherwise, it is just skipped) -- execute :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> CST s () execute opts args | Help `elem` opts = help | otherwise = do let vs = filter (== Version) opts opts' = filter (/= Version) opts mapM_ processOpt (atMostOne vs ++ opts') let (headerFile, bndFile) = determineFileTypes args preCompFile <- getSwitch preCompSB unless (preCompFile==Nothing) $ preCompileHeader headerFile (fromJust preCompFile) `fatalsHandledBy` ioErrorHandler let bndFileWithoutSuffix = stripSuffix bndFile unless (null bndFile) $ do computeOutputName bndFileWithoutSuffix process headerFile preCompFile bndFileWithoutSuffix `fatalsHandledBy` ioErrorHandler where atMostOne = (foldl (\_ x -> [x]) []) determineFileTypes [hfile, bfile] = (hfile, bfile) determineFileTypes [file] | suffix file==hsuffix = (file, "") | otherwise = ("", file) determineFileTypes [] = ("", "") ioErrorHandler ioerr = do name <- getProgNameCIO putStrCIO $ name ++ ": " ++ ioeGetErrorString ioerr ++ "\n" exitWithCIO $ ExitFailure 1 -- emit help message -- help :: CST s () help = do (version, copyright, disclaimer) <- getId putStrCIO (usageInfo (header version copyright disclaimer) options) putStrCIO trailer -- process an option -- -- * `Help' cannot occur -- processOpt :: Flag -> CST s () processOpt (CPPOpts cppopt ) = addCPPOpts [cppopt] processOpt (CPP cpp ) = setCPP cpp processOpt (Dump dt ) = setDump dt processOpt (Keep ) = setKeep processOpt (Include dirs ) = setInclude dirs processOpt (Output fname ) = setOutput fname processOpt (OutDir fname ) = setOutDir fname processOpt (PreComp fname ) = setPreComp fname processOpt (LockFun name ) = setLockFun name processOpt Version = do (version, _, _) <- getId putStrCIO (version ++ "\n") processOpt (Error msg ) = abort msg -- emit error message and raise an error -- abort :: String -> CST s () abort msg = do hPutStrLnCIO stderr msg hPutStrCIO stderr errTrailer fatal "Error in command line options" -- Compute the base name for all generated files (Haskell, C header, and .chi -- file) -- -- * The result is available from the `outputSB' switch -- computeOutputName :: FilePath -> CST s () computeOutputName bndFileNoSuffix = do output <- getSwitch outputSB outDir <- getSwitch outDirSB let dir = if null outDir && null output then dirname bndFileNoSuffix else if null outDir then dirname output else outDir let base = if null output then basename bndFileNoSuffix else basename output setSwitch $ \sb -> sb { outputSB = dir `addPath` base, outDirSB = dir } -- set switches -- ------------ -- set the options for the C proprocessor -- -- * any header search path that is set with `-IDIR' is also added to -- `hpathsSB' -- addCPPOpts :: [String] -> CST s () addCPPOpts opts = do let iopts = [opt | opt <- opts, "-I" `isPrefixOf` opt, "-I-" /= opt] addHPaths . map (drop 2) $ iopts addOpts opts where addOpts opts = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {cppOptsSB = cppOptsSB sb ++ opts} -- set the program name of the C proprocessor -- setCPP :: FilePath -> CST s () setCPP fname = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {cppSB = fname} -- add header file search paths -- addHPaths :: [FilePath] -> CST s () addHPaths paths = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {hpathsSB = paths ++ hpathsSB sb} -- set the given dump option -- setDump :: DumpType -> CST s () setDump Trace = setTraces $ \ts -> ts {tracePhasesSW = True} setDump GenBind = setTraces $ \ts -> ts {traceGenBindSW = True} setDump CTrav = setTraces $ \ts -> ts {traceCTravSW = True} setDump CHS = setTraces $ \ts -> ts {dumpCHSSW = True} -- set flag to keep the pre-processed header file -- setKeep :: CST s () setKeep = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {keepSB = True} -- set the search directories for .chi files -- -- * Several -i flags are accumulated. Later paths have higher priority. -- -- * The current directory is always searched last because it is the -- standard value in the compiler state. -- setInclude :: String -> CST s () setInclude str = do let fp = splitSearchPath str setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {chiPathSB = fp ++ (chiPathSB sb)} -- set the output file name -- setOutput :: FilePath -> CST s () setOutput fname = do when (suffix fname /= hssuffix) $ raiseErrs ["Output file should end in .hs!\n"] setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {outputSB = stripSuffix fname} -- set the output directory -- setOutDir :: FilePath -> CST s () setOutDir fname = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {outDirSB = fname} -- set the name of the generated header file -- setHeader :: FilePath -> CST s () setHeader fname = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb {headerSB = fname} -- set the file name in which the precompiled header ends up -- setPreComp :: FilePath -> CST s () setPreComp fname = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb { preCompSB = Just fname } -- set the name of the wrapper function that acquires a lock -- setLockFun :: String -> CST s () setLockFun name = setSwitch $ \sb -> sb { lockFunSB = Just name } -- compilation process -- ------------------- -- read the binding module, construct a header, run it through CPP, read it, -- and finally generate the Haskell target -- -- * the header file name (first argument) may be empty; otherwise, it already -- contains the right suffix -- -- * the binding file name has been stripped of the .chs suffix -- process :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> CST s () process headerFile preCompFile bndFileStripped = do -- load the Haskell binding module, any imported module with CHI information is -- only inserted as file name, the content of the CHI modules is inserted below -- using 'loadAllCHI'. This ensures that we don't look for a CHI file that is -- commented out using an #ifdef -- (chsMod , warnmsgs) <- loadCHS bndFile putStrCIO warnmsgs -- check if a CPP language pragma is present and, if so, run CPP on the file -- and re-read it chsMod <- case skipToLangPragma chsMod of Nothing -> loadAllCHI chsMod Just chsMod | not (hasCPP chsMod) -> loadAllCHI chsMod | otherwise -> do outFName <- getSwitch outputSB let outFileBase = if null outFName then basename bndFile else outFName let ppFile = outFileBase ++ "_pp" ++ chssuffix cpp <- getSwitch cppSB cppOpts <- getSwitch cppOptsSB let args = cppOpts ++ [cppoptsdef, headerFile, bndFile] tracePreproc (unwords (cpp:args)) exitCode <- liftIO $ do ppHnd <- openFile ppFile WriteMode process <- runProcess cpp args Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just ppHnd) Nothing waitForProcess process case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> fatal "Error during preprocessing chs file" _ -> nop (chsMod , warnmsgs) <- loadCHS ppFile keep <- getSwitch keepSB unless keep $ removeFileCIO ppFile case skipToLangPragma chsMod of Just chsMod -> loadAllCHI chsMod traceCHSDump chsMod -- -- extract CPP and inline-C embedded in the .chs file (all CPP and -- inline-C fragments are removed from the .chs tree and conditionals are -- replaced by structured conditionals) -- (header, strippedCHSMod, warnmsgs) <- genHeader chsMod putStrCIO warnmsgs pcFileExists <- maybe (return False) doesFileExistCIO preCompFile cheader <- if null header && pcFileExists then do -- there are no cpp directives in the .chs file, use the precompiled header -- traceReadPrecomp (fromJust preCompFile) WithNameSupply cheader <- liftIO $ getBinFileWithDict (fromJust preCompFile) return cheader else do -- -- create new header file, make it #include `headerFile', and emit -- CPP and inline-C of .chs file into the new header -- outFName <- getSwitch outputSB let newHeaderFile = outFName ++ hsuffix let preprocFile = basename newHeaderFile ++ isuffix newHeader <- openFileCIO newHeaderFile WriteMode unless (null headerFile) $ hPutStrLnCIO newHeader $ "#include \"" ++ headerFile ++ "\"" mapM (hPutStrCIO newHeader) header hCloseCIO newHeader setHeader newHeaderFile -- -- run C preprocessor over the header -- cpp <- getSwitch cppSB cppOpts <- getSwitch cppOptsSB let args = cppOpts ++ [newHeaderFile] tracePreproc (unwords (cpp:args)) exitCode <- liftIO $ do preprocHnd <- openFile preprocFile WriteMode process <- runProcess cpp args Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just preprocHnd) Nothing waitForProcess process case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> fatal "Error during preprocessing custom header file" _ -> nop -- -- load and analyse the C header file -- (cheader, warnmsgs) <- loadAttrC preprocFile putStrCIO warnmsgs -- -- remove the custom header and the pre-processed header -- keep <- getSwitch keepSB unless keep $ removeFileCIO preprocFile return cheader -- -- expand binding hooks into plain Haskell -- (hsMod, chi, warnmsgs) <- expandHooks cheader strippedCHSMod putStrCIO warnmsgs -- -- output the result -- outFName <- getSwitch outputSB let hsFile = if null outFName then basename bndFile else outFName dumpCHS hsFile hsMod True dumpCHI hsFile chi -- different suffix will be appended where bndFile = bndFileStripped ++ chssuffix traceReadPrecomp fName = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW $ "Reading precompiled header file " ++ fName ++ "...\n" tracePreproc cmd = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW $ "Invoking cpp as `" ++ cmd ++ "'...\n" traceCHSDump mod = do flag <- traceSet dumpCHSSW when flag $ (do putStrCIO ("...dumping CHS to `" ++ chsName ++ "'...\n") dumpCHS chsName mod False) chsName = basename bndFile ++ ".dump" preCompileHeader :: FilePath -> FilePath -> CST s () preCompileHeader headerFile preCompFile = do let preprocFile = basename headerFile ++ isuffix pcFileExists <- doesFileExistCIO preCompFile unless pcFileExists $ do hpaths <- getSwitch hpathsSB realHeaderFile <- headerFile `fileFindInCIO` hpaths -- -- run C preprocessor over the header -- cpp <- getSwitch cppSB cppOpts <- getSwitch cppOptsSB let args = cppOpts ++ [realHeaderFile] tracePreproc (unwords (cpp:args)) exitCode <- liftIO $ do preprocHnd <- openFile preprocFile WriteMode process <- runProcess cpp args Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just preprocHnd) Nothing waitForProcess process case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> fatal "Error during preprocessing" _ -> nop -- -- load and analyse the C header file -- (cheader, warnmsgs) <- loadAttrC preprocFile putStrCIO warnmsgs -- -- save the attributed C to disk -- liftIO $ putBinFileWithDict preCompFile (WithNameSupply cheader) -- -- remove the pre-processed header -- keep <- getSwitch keepSB unless keep $ removeFileCIO preprocFile return () where tracePreproc cmd = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW $ "Invoking cpp as `" ++ cmd ++ "'...\n" -- dummy type so we can save and restore the name supply data WithNameSupply a = WithNameSupply a instance Binary a => Binary (WithNameSupply a) where put_ bh (WithNameSupply x) = do put_ bh x nameSupply <- saveRootNameSupply put_ bh nameSupply get bh = do x <- get bh nameSupply <- get bh restoreRootNameSupply nameSupply return (WithNameSupply x)