{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Enumerations
-- Author : Manuel M. T. Chakravarty, Axel Simon
-- Created: 13 Januar 1999
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Manuel M. T. Chakravarty, Axel Simon
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- General enumeration types.
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Enums (

{-# LINE 56 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}
  ) where

import System.Glib.Flags (Flags)

{-# LINE 69 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}
-- | How focus is crossing the widget.
data CrossingMode = CrossingNormal
                  | CrossingGrab
                  | CrossingUngrab
                  | CrossingGtkGrab
                  | CrossingGtkUngrab
                  | CrossingStateChanged
                  | CrossingTouchBegin
                  | CrossingTouchEnd
                  | CrossingDeviceSwitch
                  deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

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-- | Used in 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Drag.DragContext' to indicate the protocol according to which DND is done.
data DragProtocol = DragProtoNone
                  | DragProtoMotif
                  | DragProtoXdnd
                  | DragProtoRootwin
                  | DragProtoWin32Dropfiles
                  | DragProtoOle2
                  | DragProtoLocal
                  deriving (Eq,Bounded,Show)
instance Enum DragProtocol where
  fromEnum DragProtoNone = 0
  fromEnum DragProtoMotif = 1
  fromEnum DragProtoXdnd = 2
  fromEnum DragProtoRootwin = 3
  fromEnum DragProtoWin32Dropfiles = 4
  fromEnum DragProtoOle2 = 5
  fromEnum DragProtoLocal = 6

  toEnum 0 = DragProtoNone
  toEnum 1 = DragProtoMotif
  toEnum 2 = DragProtoXdnd
  toEnum 3 = DragProtoRootwin
  toEnum 4 = DragProtoWin32Dropfiles
  toEnum 5 = DragProtoOle2
  toEnum 6 = DragProtoLocal
  toEnum unmatched = error ("DragProtocol.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ DragProtoNone = DragProtoMotif
  succ DragProtoMotif = DragProtoXdnd
  succ DragProtoXdnd = DragProtoRootwin
  succ DragProtoRootwin = DragProtoWin32Dropfiles
  succ DragProtoWin32Dropfiles = DragProtoOle2
  succ DragProtoOle2 = DragProtoLocal
  succ _ = undefined

  pred DragProtoMotif = DragProtoNone
  pred DragProtoXdnd = DragProtoMotif
  pred DragProtoRootwin = DragProtoXdnd
  pred DragProtoWin32Dropfiles = DragProtoRootwin
  pred DragProtoOle2 = DragProtoWin32Dropfiles
  pred DragProtoLocal = DragProtoOle2
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x DragProtoLocal
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum DragProtocol: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum DragProtocol: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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-- | Used in 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Genearl.Drag.DragContext' to indicate what the
-- destination should do with the dropped data.
-- * 'ActionDefault': Initialisation value, should not be used.
-- * 'ActionCopy': Copy the data.
-- * 'ActionMove': Move the data, i.e. first copy it, then delete it from the source.
-- * 'ActionLink': Add a link to the data. Note that this is only useful if source and
-- destination agree on what it means.
-- * 'ActionPrivate': Special action which tells the source that the destination will do
-- something that the source doesn't understand.
-- * 'ActionAsk': Ask the user what to do with the data.
data DragAction = ActionDefault
                | ActionCopy
                | ActionMove
                | ActionLink
                | ActionPrivate
                | ActionAsk
                deriving (Eq,Bounded,Show)
instance Enum DragAction where
  fromEnum ActionDefault = 1
  fromEnum ActionCopy = 2
  fromEnum ActionMove = 4
  fromEnum ActionLink = 8
  fromEnum ActionPrivate = 16
  fromEnum ActionAsk = 32

  toEnum 1 = ActionDefault
  toEnum 2 = ActionCopy
  toEnum 4 = ActionMove
  toEnum 8 = ActionLink
  toEnum 16 = ActionPrivate
  toEnum 32 = ActionAsk
  toEnum unmatched = error ("DragAction.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ ActionDefault = ActionCopy
  succ ActionCopy = ActionMove
  succ ActionMove = ActionLink
  succ ActionLink = ActionPrivate
  succ ActionPrivate = ActionAsk
  succ _ = undefined

  pred ActionCopy = ActionDefault
  pred ActionMove = ActionCopy
  pred ActionLink = ActionMove
  pred ActionPrivate = ActionLink
  pred ActionAsk = ActionPrivate
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x ActionAsk
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum DragAction: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum DragAction: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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instance Flags DragAction
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-- | Specify which events a widget will emit signals on.
data EventMask = ExposureMask
               | PointerMotionMask
               | PointerMotionHintMask
               | ButtonMotionMask
               | Button1MotionMask
               | Button2MotionMask
               | Button3MotionMask
               | ButtonPressMask
               | ButtonReleaseMask
               | KeyPressMask
               | KeyReleaseMask
               | EnterNotifyMask
               | LeaveNotifyMask
               | FocusChangeMask
               | StructureMask
               | PropertyChangeMask
               | VisibilityNotifyMask
               | ProximityInMask
               | ProximityOutMask
               | SubstructureMask
               | ScrollMask
               | TouchMask
               | SmoothScrollMask
               | AllEventsMask
               deriving (Eq,Bounded,Show)
instance Enum EventMask where
  fromEnum ExposureMask = 2
  fromEnum PointerMotionMask = 4
  fromEnum PointerMotionHintMask = 8
  fromEnum ButtonMotionMask = 16
  fromEnum Button1MotionMask = 32
  fromEnum Button2MotionMask = 64
  fromEnum Button3MotionMask = 128
  fromEnum ButtonPressMask = 256
  fromEnum ButtonReleaseMask = 512
  fromEnum KeyPressMask = 1024
  fromEnum KeyReleaseMask = 2048
  fromEnum EnterNotifyMask = 4096
  fromEnum LeaveNotifyMask = 8192
  fromEnum FocusChangeMask = 16384
  fromEnum StructureMask = 32768
  fromEnum PropertyChangeMask = 65536
  fromEnum VisibilityNotifyMask = 131072
  fromEnum ProximityInMask = 262144
  fromEnum ProximityOutMask = 524288
  fromEnum SubstructureMask = 1048576
  fromEnum ScrollMask = 2097152
  fromEnum TouchMask = 4194304
  fromEnum SmoothScrollMask = 8388608
  fromEnum AllEventsMask = 16777214

  toEnum 2 = ExposureMask
  toEnum 4 = PointerMotionMask
  toEnum 8 = PointerMotionHintMask
  toEnum 16 = ButtonMotionMask
  toEnum 32 = Button1MotionMask
  toEnum 64 = Button2MotionMask
  toEnum 128 = Button3MotionMask
  toEnum 256 = ButtonPressMask
  toEnum 512 = ButtonReleaseMask
  toEnum 1024 = KeyPressMask
  toEnum 2048 = KeyReleaseMask
  toEnum 4096 = EnterNotifyMask
  toEnum 8192 = LeaveNotifyMask
  toEnum 16384 = FocusChangeMask
  toEnum 32768 = StructureMask
  toEnum 65536 = PropertyChangeMask
  toEnum 131072 = VisibilityNotifyMask
  toEnum 262144 = ProximityInMask
  toEnum 524288 = ProximityOutMask
  toEnum 1048576 = SubstructureMask
  toEnum 2097152 = ScrollMask
  toEnum 4194304 = TouchMask
  toEnum 8388608 = SmoothScrollMask
  toEnum 16777214 = AllEventsMask
  toEnum unmatched = error ("EventMask.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ ExposureMask = PointerMotionMask
  succ PointerMotionMask = PointerMotionHintMask
  succ PointerMotionHintMask = ButtonMotionMask
  succ ButtonMotionMask = Button1MotionMask
  succ Button1MotionMask = Button2MotionMask
  succ Button2MotionMask = Button3MotionMask
  succ Button3MotionMask = ButtonPressMask
  succ ButtonPressMask = ButtonReleaseMask
  succ ButtonReleaseMask = KeyPressMask
  succ KeyPressMask = KeyReleaseMask
  succ KeyReleaseMask = EnterNotifyMask
  succ EnterNotifyMask = LeaveNotifyMask
  succ LeaveNotifyMask = FocusChangeMask
  succ FocusChangeMask = StructureMask
  succ StructureMask = PropertyChangeMask
  succ PropertyChangeMask = VisibilityNotifyMask
  succ VisibilityNotifyMask = ProximityInMask
  succ ProximityInMask = ProximityOutMask
  succ ProximityOutMask = SubstructureMask
  succ SubstructureMask = ScrollMask
  succ ScrollMask = TouchMask
  succ TouchMask = SmoothScrollMask
  succ SmoothScrollMask = AllEventsMask
  succ _ = undefined

  pred PointerMotionMask = ExposureMask
  pred PointerMotionHintMask = PointerMotionMask
  pred ButtonMotionMask = PointerMotionHintMask
  pred Button1MotionMask = ButtonMotionMask
  pred Button2MotionMask = Button1MotionMask
  pred Button3MotionMask = Button2MotionMask
  pred ButtonPressMask = Button3MotionMask
  pred ButtonReleaseMask = ButtonPressMask
  pred KeyPressMask = ButtonReleaseMask
  pred KeyReleaseMask = KeyPressMask
  pred EnterNotifyMask = KeyReleaseMask
  pred LeaveNotifyMask = EnterNotifyMask
  pred FocusChangeMask = LeaveNotifyMask
  pred StructureMask = FocusChangeMask
  pred PropertyChangeMask = StructureMask
  pred VisibilityNotifyMask = PropertyChangeMask
  pred ProximityInMask = VisibilityNotifyMask
  pred ProximityOutMask = ProximityInMask
  pred SubstructureMask = ProximityOutMask
  pred ScrollMask = SubstructureMask
  pred TouchMask = ScrollMask
  pred SmoothScrollMask = TouchMask
  pred AllEventsMask = SmoothScrollMask
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x AllEventsMask
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum EventMask: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum EventMask: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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instance Flags EventMask

-- | Keyboard modifiers that are depressed when the user presses
-- a key or a mouse button.
-- * This data type is used to build lists of modifers that were active
-- during an event.
-- * The "Apple" key on Macintoshs is mapped to 'Alt2' and the 'Meta'
-- key (if available).
-- * Since Gtk 2.10, there are also 'Super', 'Hyper' and 'Meta' modifiers
-- which are simply generated from 'Alt' .. 'Compose' modifier keys,
-- depending on the mapping used by the windowing system. Due to one
-- key being mapped to e.g. 'Alt2' and 'Meta', you shouldn't pattern
-- match directly against a certain key but check whether a key is
-- in the list using the 'elem' function, say.

data Modifier = Shift
              | Lock
              | Control
              | Alt
              | Alt2
              | Alt3
              | Alt4
              | Alt5
              | Button1
              | Button2
              | Button3
              | Button4
              | Button5
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_14_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_15_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_16_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_17_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_18_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_19_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_20_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_21_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_22_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_23_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_24_MASK
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_25_MASK
              | Super
              | Hyper
              | Meta
              | MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK
              | Release
              | ModifierMask
              deriving (Bounded,Show,Eq)
instance Enum Modifier where
  fromEnum Shift = 1
  fromEnum Lock = 2
  fromEnum Control = 4
  fromEnum Alt = 8
  fromEnum Alt2 = 16
  fromEnum Alt3 = 32
  fromEnum Alt4 = 64
  fromEnum Alt5 = 128
  fromEnum Button1 = 256
  fromEnum Button2 = 512
  fromEnum Button3 = 1024
  fromEnum Button4 = 2048
  fromEnum Button5 = 4096
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK = 8192
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_14_MASK = 16384
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_15_MASK = 32768
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_16_MASK = 65536
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_17_MASK = 131072
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_18_MASK = 262144
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_19_MASK = 524288
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_20_MASK = 1048576
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_21_MASK = 2097152
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_22_MASK = 4194304
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_23_MASK = 8388608
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_24_MASK = 16777216
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_25_MASK = 33554432
  fromEnum Super = 67108864
  fromEnum Hyper = 134217728
  fromEnum Meta = 268435456
  fromEnum MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK = 536870912
  fromEnum Release = 1073741824
  fromEnum ModifierMask = 1543512063

  toEnum 1 = Shift
  toEnum 2 = Lock
  toEnum 4 = Control
  toEnum 8 = Alt
  toEnum 16 = Alt2
  toEnum 32 = Alt3
  toEnum 64 = Alt4
  toEnum 128 = Alt5
  toEnum 256 = Button1
  toEnum 512 = Button2
  toEnum 1024 = Button3
  toEnum 2048 = Button4
  toEnum 4096 = Button5
  toEnum 16384 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_14_MASK
  toEnum 32768 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_15_MASK
  toEnum 65536 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_16_MASK
  toEnum 131072 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_17_MASK
  toEnum 262144 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_18_MASK
  toEnum 524288 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_19_MASK
  toEnum 1048576 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_20_MASK
  toEnum 2097152 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_21_MASK
  toEnum 4194304 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_22_MASK
  toEnum 8388608 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_23_MASK
  toEnum 16777216 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_24_MASK
  toEnum 33554432 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_25_MASK
  toEnum 67108864 = Super
  toEnum 134217728 = Hyper
  toEnum 268435456 = Meta
  toEnum 536870912 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK
  toEnum 1073741824 = Release
  toEnum 1543512063 = ModifierMask
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Modifier.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ Shift = Lock
  succ Lock = Control
  succ Control = Alt
  succ Alt = Alt2
  succ Alt2 = Alt3
  succ Alt3 = Alt4
  succ Alt4 = Alt5
  succ Alt5 = Button1
  succ Button1 = Button2
  succ Button2 = Button3
  succ Button3 = Button4
  succ Button4 = Button5
  succ Button5 = MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK
  succ Super = Hyper
  succ Hyper = Meta
  succ MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK = Release
  succ Release = ModifierMask
  succ _ = undefined

  pred Lock = Shift
  pred Control = Lock
  pred Alt = Control
  pred Alt2 = Alt
  pred Alt3 = Alt2
  pred Alt4 = Alt3
  pred Alt5 = Alt4
  pred Button1 = Alt5
  pred Button2 = Button1
  pred Button3 = Button2
  pred Button4 = Button3
  pred Button5 = Button4
  pred MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK = Button5
  pred Hyper = Super
  pred Meta = Hyper
  pred Release = MODIFIER_RESERVED_29_MASK
  pred ModifierMask = Release
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x ModifierMask
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum Modifier: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum Modifier: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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instance Flags Modifier
{-# LINE 204 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}
-- | Information on from what level of the widget hierarchy the mouse
-- cursor came.
-- ['NotifyAncestor'] The window is entered from an ancestor or left towards
-- an ancestor.
-- ['NotifyVirtual'] The pointer moves between an ancestor and an inferior
-- of the window.
-- ['NotifyInferior'] The window is entered from an inferior or left
-- towards an inferior.
-- ['NotifyNonlinear'] The window is entered from or left towards a
-- window which is neither an ancestor nor an inferior.
-- ['NotifyNonlinearVirtual'] The pointer moves between two windows which
-- are not ancestors of each other and the window is part of the ancestor
-- chain between one of these windows and their least common ancestor.
-- ['NotifyUnknown'] The level change does not fit into any of the other
-- categories or could not be determined.
data NotifyType = NotifyAncestor
                | NotifyVirtual
                | NotifyInferior
                | NotifyNonlinear
                | NotifyNonlinearVirtual
                | NotifyUnknown
                deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum NotifyType where
  fromEnum NotifyAncestor = 0
  fromEnum NotifyVirtual = 1
  fromEnum NotifyInferior = 2
  fromEnum NotifyNonlinear = 3
  fromEnum NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4
  fromEnum NotifyUnknown = 5

  toEnum 0 = NotifyAncestor
  toEnum 1 = NotifyVirtual
  toEnum 2 = NotifyInferior
  toEnum 3 = NotifyNonlinear
  toEnum 4 = NotifyNonlinearVirtual
  toEnum 5 = NotifyUnknown
  toEnum unmatched = error ("NotifyType.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ NotifyAncestor = NotifyVirtual
  succ NotifyVirtual = NotifyInferior
  succ NotifyInferior = NotifyNonlinear
  succ NotifyNonlinear = NotifyNonlinearVirtual
  succ NotifyNonlinearVirtual = NotifyUnknown
  succ _ = undefined

  pred NotifyVirtual = NotifyAncestor
  pred NotifyInferior = NotifyVirtual
  pred NotifyNonlinear = NotifyInferior
  pred NotifyNonlinearVirtual = NotifyNonlinear
  pred NotifyUnknown = NotifyNonlinearVirtual
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x NotifyUnknown
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum NotifyType: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum NotifyType: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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-- | in which direction was scrolled?
data ScrollDirection = ScrollUp
                     | ScrollDown
                     | ScrollLeft
                     | ScrollRight
                     | ScrollSmooth
                     deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

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-- | visibility of a window
data VisibilityState = VisibilityUnobscured
                     | VisibilityPartialObscured
                     | VisibilityFullyObscured
                     deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

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-- | The state a @DrawWindow@ is in.
data WindowState = WindowStateWithdrawn
                 | WindowStateIconified
                 | WindowStateMaximized
                 | WindowStateSticky
                 | WindowStateFullscreen
                 | WindowStateAbove
                 | WindowStateBelow
                 | WindowStateFocused
                 deriving (Eq,Bounded,Show)
instance Enum WindowState where
  fromEnum WindowStateWithdrawn = 1
  fromEnum WindowStateIconified = 2
  fromEnum WindowStateMaximized = 4
  fromEnum WindowStateSticky = 8
  fromEnum WindowStateFullscreen = 16
  fromEnum WindowStateAbove = 32
  fromEnum WindowStateBelow = 64
  fromEnum WindowStateFocused = 128

  toEnum 1 = WindowStateWithdrawn
  toEnum 2 = WindowStateIconified
  toEnum 4 = WindowStateMaximized
  toEnum 8 = WindowStateSticky
  toEnum 16 = WindowStateFullscreen
  toEnum 32 = WindowStateAbove
  toEnum 64 = WindowStateBelow
  toEnum 128 = WindowStateFocused
  toEnum unmatched = error ("WindowState.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ WindowStateWithdrawn = WindowStateIconified
  succ WindowStateIconified = WindowStateMaximized
  succ WindowStateMaximized = WindowStateSticky
  succ WindowStateSticky = WindowStateFullscreen
  succ WindowStateFullscreen = WindowStateAbove
  succ WindowStateAbove = WindowStateBelow
  succ WindowStateBelow = WindowStateFocused
  succ _ = undefined

  pred WindowStateIconified = WindowStateWithdrawn
  pred WindowStateMaximized = WindowStateIconified
  pred WindowStateSticky = WindowStateMaximized
  pred WindowStateFullscreen = WindowStateSticky
  pred WindowStateAbove = WindowStateFullscreen
  pred WindowStateBelow = WindowStateAbove
  pred WindowStateFocused = WindowStateBelow
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x WindowStateFocused
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum WindowState: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum WindowState: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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instance Flags WindowState

-- | Determines a window edge or corner.
data WindowEdge = WindowEdgeNorthWest
                | WindowEdgeNorth
                | WindowEdgeNorthEast
                | WindowEdgeWest
                | WindowEdgeEast
                | WindowEdgeSouthWest
                | WindowEdgeSouth
                | WindowEdgeSouthEast
                deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

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-- | These are hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function
-- the window has. The window manager can use this when determining decoration
-- and behaviour of the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window.
-- See the extended window manager hints specification for more details about
-- window types.
data WindowTypeHint = WindowTypeHintNormal
                    | WindowTypeHintDialog
                    | WindowTypeHintMenu
                    | WindowTypeHintToolbar
                    | WindowTypeHintSplashscreen
                    | WindowTypeHintUtility
                    | WindowTypeHintDock
                    | WindowTypeHintDesktop
                    | WindowTypeHintDropdownMenu
                    | WindowTypeHintPopupMenu
                    | WindowTypeHintTooltip
                    | WindowTypeHintNotification
                    | WindowTypeHintCombo
                    | WindowTypeHintDnd
                    deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

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-- | Defines the reference point of a window and the meaning of coordinates
-- passed to 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window.windowMove'. See
-- 'Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window.windowMove' and the "implementation notes"
-- section of the extended window manager hints specification for more details.
data Gravity = GravityNorthWest
             | GravityNorth
             | GravityNorthEast
             | GravityWest
             | GravityCenter
             | GravityEast
             | GravitySouthWest
             | GravitySouth
             | GravitySouthEast
             | GravityStatic
             deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum Gravity where
  fromEnum GravityNorthWest = 1
  fromEnum GravityNorth = 2
  fromEnum GravityNorthEast = 3
  fromEnum GravityWest = 4
  fromEnum GravityCenter = 5
  fromEnum GravityEast = 6
  fromEnum GravitySouthWest = 7
  fromEnum GravitySouth = 8
  fromEnum GravitySouthEast = 9
  fromEnum GravityStatic = 10

  toEnum 1 = GravityNorthWest
  toEnum 2 = GravityNorth
  toEnum 3 = GravityNorthEast
  toEnum 4 = GravityWest
  toEnum 5 = GravityCenter
  toEnum 6 = GravityEast
  toEnum 7 = GravitySouthWest
  toEnum 8 = GravitySouth
  toEnum 9 = GravitySouthEast
  toEnum 10 = GravityStatic
  toEnum unmatched = error ("Gravity.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ GravityNorthWest = GravityNorth
  succ GravityNorth = GravityNorthEast
  succ GravityNorthEast = GravityWest
  succ GravityWest = GravityCenter
  succ GravityCenter = GravityEast
  succ GravityEast = GravitySouthWest
  succ GravitySouthWest = GravitySouth
  succ GravitySouth = GravitySouthEast
  succ GravitySouthEast = GravityStatic
  succ _ = undefined

  pred GravityNorth = GravityNorthWest
  pred GravityNorthEast = GravityNorth
  pred GravityWest = GravityNorthEast
  pred GravityCenter = GravityWest
  pred GravityEast = GravityCenter
  pred GravitySouthWest = GravityEast
  pred GravitySouth = GravitySouthWest
  pred GravitySouthEast = GravitySouth
  pred GravityStatic = GravitySouthEast
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x GravityStatic
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum Gravity: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum Gravity: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

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-- | Returned by 'pointerGrab' and 'keyboardGrab' to indicate success or the
-- reason for the failure of the grab attempt.
-- [@0@] the resource was successfully grabbed.
-- [@GrabAlreadyGrabbed@] the resource is actively grabbed by another client.
-- [@2@] the resource was grabbed more recently than the
-- specified time.
-- [@3@] the grab window or the confine_to window are not
-- viewable.
-- [@4@] the resource is frozen by an active grab of another client.
data GrabStatus = GrabSuccess
                | GrabAlreadyGrabbed
                | GrabInvalidTime
                | GrabNotViewable
                | GrabFrozen
                deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum GrabStatus where
  fromEnum GrabSuccess = 0
  fromEnum GrabAlreadyGrabbed = 1
  fromEnum GrabInvalidTime = 2
  fromEnum GrabNotViewable = 3
  fromEnum GrabFrozen = 4

  toEnum 0 = GrabSuccess
  toEnum 1 = GrabAlreadyGrabbed
  toEnum 2 = GrabInvalidTime
  toEnum 3 = GrabNotViewable
  toEnum 4 = GrabFrozen
  toEnum unmatched = error ("GrabStatus.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

  succ GrabSuccess = GrabAlreadyGrabbed
  succ GrabAlreadyGrabbed = GrabInvalidTime
  succ GrabInvalidTime = GrabNotViewable
  succ GrabNotViewable = GrabFrozen
  succ _ = undefined

  pred GrabAlreadyGrabbed = GrabSuccess
  pred GrabInvalidTime = GrabAlreadyGrabbed
  pred GrabNotViewable = GrabInvalidTime
  pred GrabFrozen = GrabNotViewable
  pred _ = undefined

  enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
                 | otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
  enumFrom x = enumFromTo x GrabFrozen
  enumFromThen _ _ =     error "Enum GrabStatus: enumFromThen not implemented"
  enumFromThenTo _ _ _ =     error "Enum GrabStatus: enumFromThenTo not implemented"

{-# LINE 288 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}

-- | Specifies why a selection ownership was changed.
-- [@OwnerChangeNewOwner@] some other application claimed the ownership
-- [@OwnerChangeDestroy@] the window was destroyed
-- [@OwnerChangeClose@] the client was closed
data OwnerChange = OwnerChangeNewOwner
                 | OwnerChangeDestroy
                 | OwnerChangeClose
                 deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

{-# LINE 299 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Enums.chs" #-}