module Generics.Instant.Rewriting (
rewrite, rewriteM, validate, synthesise,
Template(..), (+->), (//), Rule,
Sampleable(..), Empty(..), HasRec(..), Finite, True, False,
) where
import Control.Monad (join, liftM, liftM2)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, gcast)
import Generics.Instant.Base
import Generics.Instant.Instances ()
data Ref :: * -> * -> * where
Rz :: Ref a (a :*: gam)
Rs :: Ref a gam -> Ref a (b :*: gam)
instance Eq (Ref a gam) where
Rz == Rz = True
Rs r == Rs r' = r == r'
_ == _ = False
class (Representable a, Typeable a, Eq a, Empty (Rep a),
Extensible (Rep a), Matchable (Rep a), Substitutable (Rep a),
Sampleable (Rep a), Diffable (Rep a), Validatable (Rep a)) =>
Rewritable a
instance Rewritable Int
instance Rewritable Float
instance Rewritable Char
type Metavar a gam = Ref a gam
class Extensible a where
data Ext a :: * -> *
toExt :: a -> Ext a U
type Scheme a gam = Ext (Rep a) gam :+: Metavar a gam
toScheme :: Rewritable a => a -> Scheme a U
toScheme = L . toExt . from
instance Extensible Int where
newtype Ext Int gam = ExtInt Int
toExt = ExtInt
instance Extensible Float where
newtype Ext Float gam = ExtFloat Float
toExt = ExtFloat
instance Extensible Char where
newtype Ext Char gam = ExtChar Char
toExt = ExtChar
instance (Extensible a, Extensible b) => Extensible (a :+: b) where
newtype Ext (a :+: b) gam = ExtSum (Ext a gam :+: Ext b gam)
toExt (L x) = ExtSum (L (toExt x))
toExt (R y) = ExtSum (R (toExt y))
instance (Extensible a, Extensible b) => Extensible (a :*: b) where
newtype Ext (a :*: b) gam = ExtCons (Ext a gam :*: Ext b gam)
toExt (x :*: y) = ExtCons (toExt x :*: toExt y)
instance Extensible U where
newtype Ext U gam = ExtNil U
toExt = ExtNil
instance (Rewritable a) => Extensible (Rec a) where
newtype Ext (Rec a) gam = ExtRec (Rec (Scheme a gam))
toExt (Rec a) = ExtRec (Rec (toScheme a))
instance (Rewritable a) => Extensible (Var a) where
newtype Ext (Var a) gam = ExtVar (Var (Scheme a gam))
toExt (Var a) = ExtVar (Var (toScheme a))
instance (Extensible a) => Extensible (C c a) where
newtype Ext (C c a) gam = ExtC (C c (Ext a gam))
toExt (C a) = ExtC (C (toExt a))
type family Guard gam :: *
type instance Guard U = Bool
type instance Guard (a :*: gam) = a -> Guard gam
data Rule' a gam =
Rule' { lhs :: Scheme a gam, rhs :: Scheme a gam, guard :: Guard gam }
data Subst :: * -> * where
Sz :: Subst U
Ss :: Rewritable a => Maybe a -> Subst gam -> Subst (a :*: gam)
(!!!) :: Subst gam -> Ref a gam -> Maybe a
Ss mb _ !!! Rz = mb
Ss _ s !!! Rs r = s !!! r
_ !!! _ = error "(!!!) failure"
total :: Monad m => Subst gam -> Ref a gam -> m a
total s r = maybe (fail "metavariable unbound") return (s !!! r)
class Nillable gam where
empty :: Subst gam
instance Nillable U where
empty = Sz
instance (Rewritable a, Nillable gam) => Nillable (a :*: gam) where
empty = Ss Nothing empty
singleton :: Nillable gam => Ref a gam -> a -> Subst gam
singleton r x = update r x empty
update :: Ref a gam -> a -> Subst gam -> Subst gam
update Rz x (Ss _ s) = Ss (Just x) s
update (Rs r) x (Ss mb s) = Ss mb (update r x s)
update _ _ _ = error "update failure"
(+++) :: Monad m => Subst gam -> Subst gam -> m (Subst gam)
Sz +++ Sz = return Sz
Ss mb@(Just x) s +++ Ss (Just x') s' | x == x' = liftM (Ss mb) (s +++ s')
| otherwise = fail "merging failure"
Ss mb@(Just _) s +++ Ss Nothing s' = liftM (Ss mb) (s +++ s')
Ss Nothing s +++ Ss mb s' = liftM (Ss mb) (s +++ s')
_ +++ _ = error "(+++) failure"
class Matchable a where
match' :: (Nillable gam, Monad m) => Ext a gam -> a -> m (Subst gam)
match :: (Rewritable a, Nillable gam, Monad m) =>
Scheme a gam -> a -> m (Subst gam)
match (L ext) x = match' ext (from x)
match (R r) x = return (singleton r x)
instance Matchable Int where
match' (ExtInt n) n' | n == n' = return empty
| otherwise = fail "structure mismatch"
instance Matchable Char where
match' (ExtChar c) c' | c == c' = return empty
| otherwise = fail "structure mismatch"
instance Matchable Float where
match' (ExtFloat f) f' | f == f' = return empty
| otherwise = fail "structure mismatch"
instance (Matchable a, Matchable b) => Matchable (a :+: b) where
match' (ExtSum (L ext)) (L x) = match' ext x
match' (ExtSum (R ext)) (R y) = match' ext y
match' _ _ = fail "structure mismatch"
instance (Matchable a, Matchable b) => Matchable (a :*: b) where
match' (ExtCons (ext :*: ext')) (x :*: y) =
join (liftM2 (+++) (match' ext x) (match' ext' y))
instance Matchable U where
match' (ExtNil U) U = return empty
instance (Rewritable a) => Matchable (Var a) where
match' (ExtVar (Var e)) (Var a) = match e a
instance (Rewritable a) => Matchable (Rec a) where
match' (ExtRec (Rec e)) (Rec a) = match e a
instance (Matchable a) => Matchable (C c a) where
match' (ExtC (C e)) (C a) = match' e a
class Substitutable a where
subst' :: Monad m => Subst gam -> Ext a gam -> m a
subst :: (Rewritable a, Monad m) => Subst gam -> Scheme a gam -> m a
subst s (L ext) = liftM to (subst' s ext)
subst s (R r) = total s r
instance Substitutable Int where
subst' _ (ExtInt n) = return n
instance Substitutable Char where
subst' _ (ExtChar c) = return c
instance Substitutable Float where
subst' _ (ExtFloat f) = return f
instance (Substitutable a, Substitutable b) => Substitutable (a :+: b) where
subst' s (ExtSum (L ext)) = liftM L (subst' s ext)
subst' s (ExtSum (R ext)) = liftM R (subst' s ext)
instance (Substitutable a, Substitutable b) => Substitutable (a :*: b) where
subst' s (ExtCons (ext :*: ext')) = liftM2 (:*:) (subst' s ext) (subst' s ext')
instance Substitutable U where
subst' _ (ExtNil U) = return U
instance (Rewritable a) => Substitutable (Rec a) where
subst' s (ExtRec (Rec scheme)) = liftM Rec (subst s scheme)
instance (Rewritable a) => Substitutable (Var a) where
subst' s (ExtVar (Var scheme)) = liftM Var (subst s scheme)
instance (Substitutable a) => Substitutable (C c a) where
subst' s (ExtC (C ext)) = liftM C (subst' s ext)
class Testable gam where
test :: Subst gam -> Guard gam -> Bool
instance Testable U where
test Sz b = b
instance Testable gam => Testable (a :*: gam) where
test (Ss (Just x) s) f = test s (f x)
test (Ss Nothing _) _ = error "invalid rule"
rewrite' :: (Rewritable a, Nillable gam, Testable gam) => Rule' a gam -> a -> a
rewrite' rule x = fromMaybe x (rewriteM' rule x)
rewriteM' :: (Rewritable a, Nillable gam, Testable gam, Monad m)
=> Rule' a gam -> a -> m a
rewriteM' rule x =
do s <- match (lhs rule) x
if (test s (guard rule)) then subst s (rhs rule) else fail "guard failed"
class Sampleable a where
left' :: a
right' :: a
left, right :: Rewritable a => a
left = to left'
right = to right'
instance (Bounded a) => Sampleable a where
left' = minBound
right' = maxBound
instance Sampleable Float where
left' = 0
right' = 1
instance (Representable a, Empty (Rep a), Representable b, Empty (Rep b)) => Sampleable (a :+: b) where
left' = L gempty
right' = R gempty
instance (Sampleable a, Sampleable b) => Sampleable (a :*: b) where
left' = left' :*: left'
right' = right' :*: right'
instance Sampleable U where
left' = U
right' = U
instance (Rewritable a) => Sampleable (Rec a) where
left' = Rec left
right' = Rec right
instance (Rewritable a) => Sampleable (Var a) where
left' = Var left
right' = Var right
instance (Sampleable a) => Sampleable (C c a) where
left' = C left'
right' = C right'
class Diffable a where
diff' :: Typeable b => Ext a gam -> Ext a gam -> Maybe (Ext a (b :*: gam))
diff :: (Rewritable a, Typeable b) =>
Scheme a gam -> Scheme a gam -> Maybe (Scheme a (b :*: gam))
diff (L ext) (L ext') =
maybe (scast (R Rz)) (Just . L) (diff' ext ext')
diff (R r) (R r') | r == r' = Just (R (Rs r))
diff _ _ = Nothing
newtype FlipScheme gam a = Flip {unFlip :: Scheme a gam}
scast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
Scheme b (b :*: gam) -> Maybe (Scheme a (b :*: gam))
scast = fmap unFlip . gcast . Flip
(><) :: (Rewritable a, Typeable b) =>
Scheme a gam -> Scheme a gam -> (Scheme a (b :*: gam))
scheme >< scheme' = fromJust (diff scheme scheme')
instance Diffable Int where
diff' (ExtInt n) (ExtInt n') | n == n' = Just (ExtInt n)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance Diffable Char where
diff' (ExtChar c) (ExtChar c') | c == c' = Just (ExtChar c)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance Diffable Float where
diff' (ExtFloat f) (ExtFloat f') | f == f' = Just (ExtFloat f)
| otherwise = Nothing
instance (Diffable a, Diffable b) => Diffable (a :+: b) where
diff' (ExtSum (L ext)) (ExtSum (L ext')) =
fmap (ExtSum . L) (diff' ext ext')
diff' (ExtSum (R ext)) (ExtSum (R ext')) =
fmap (ExtSum . R) (diff' ext ext')
diff' _ _ = Nothing
instance (Diffable a, Diffable b) => Diffable (a :*: b) where
diff' (ExtCons (a :*: ext)) (ExtCons (b :*: ext')) =
fmap ExtCons (liftM2 (:*:) (diff' a b) (diff' ext ext'))
instance Diffable U where
diff' (ExtNil U) (ExtNil U) = Just (ExtNil U)
instance (Rewritable a) => Diffable (Rec a) where
diff' (ExtRec (Rec s)) (ExtRec (Rec s')) = fmap ExtRec (liftM Rec (diff s s'))
instance (Rewritable a) => Diffable (Var a) where
diff' (ExtVar (Var s)) (ExtVar (Var s')) = fmap ExtVar (liftM Var (diff s s'))
instance (Diffable a) => Diffable (C c a) where
diff' (ExtC (C a)) (ExtC (C b)) = fmap ExtC (liftM C (diff' a b))
data Template a = Template a a Bool
infix 0 //
infix 1 +->
(+->) :: a -> a -> Template a
l +-> r = Template l r True
(//) :: Template a -> Bool -> Template a
Template l r _ // g = Template l r g
class (Rewritable (Obj a)) => IsRule a where
type Obj a :: *
type Env a :: *
synthesise' :: a -> Rule' (Obj a) (Env a)
instance (Rewritable a) => IsRule (Template a) where
type Obj (Template a) = a
type Env (Template a) = U
synthesise' (Template l r g) =
Rule' {lhs = toScheme l, rhs = toScheme r, guard = g}
instance (Rewritable a, IsRule b) => IsRule (a -> b) where
type Obj (a -> b) = Obj b
type Env (a -> b) = a :*: Env b
synthesise' f = Rule'
{ lhs = lhs l >< lhs r
, rhs = rhs l >< rhs r
, guard = guard . synthesise' . f
l = synthesise' (f left)
r = synthesise' (f right)
class Validatable a where
record :: Ext a gam -> Record gam -> Record gam
record _ = id
data Record :: * -> * where
RNil :: Record U
RCons :: Bool -> Record gam -> Record (a :*: gam)
class Recordable gam where
blank :: Record gam
instance Recordable U where
blank = RNil
instance Recordable gam => Recordable (a :*: gam) where
blank = RCons False blank
record' :: Rewritable a => Scheme a gam -> Record gam -> Record gam
record' (L e) rec = record e rec
record' (R Rz) (RCons _ rec) = RCons True rec
record' (R (Rs r)) (RCons b rec) = RCons b (record' (R r) rec)
record' _ _ = error "record' failure"
instance Validatable Int
instance Validatable Float
instance Validatable Char
instance Validatable U
instance (Validatable a, Validatable b) => Validatable (a :+: b) where
record (ExtSum (L e)) = record e
record (ExtSum (R e)) = record e
instance (Validatable a, Validatable b) => Validatable (a :*: b) where
record (ExtCons (e :*: es)) = record e . record es
instance (Rewritable a) => Validatable (Rec a) where
record (ExtRec (Rec e)) = record' e
instance (Rewritable a) => Validatable (Var a) where
record (ExtVar (Var e)) = record' e
instance (Validatable a) => Validatable (C c a) where
record (ExtC (C e)) = record e
validate' :: forall a gam. (Rewritable a, Recordable gam)
=> Rule' a gam -> Bool
validate' r = conj (record' (lhs r) blank)
conj :: forall gam'. Record gam' -> Bool
conj RNil = True
conj (RCons b rec) = b && conj rec
class Empty a where
empty' :: a
instance Empty U where empty' = U
instance (HasRec a, Empty a, Empty b) => Empty (a :+: b) where
empty' = if hasRec' (empty' :: a) then R empty' else L empty'
instance (Empty a, Empty b) => Empty (a :*: b) where
empty' = empty' :*: empty'
instance (Empty a) => Empty (C c a) where
empty' = C empty'
instance (Rewritable a) => Empty (Var a) where
empty' = Var gempty
instance (Rewritable a) => Empty (Rec a) where
empty' = Rec gempty
instance Empty Int where empty' = 0
instance Empty Float where empty' = 0
instance Empty Char where empty' = '\NUL'
gempty :: (Representable a, Empty (Rep a)) => a
gempty = to empty'
class HasRec a where
hasRec' :: a -> Bool
hasRec' _ = False
instance HasRec U
instance HasRec (Var a)
instance (HasRec a, HasRec b) => HasRec (a :*: b) where
hasRec' (a :*: b) = hasRec' a || hasRec' b
instance (HasRec a, HasRec b) => HasRec (a :+: b) where
hasRec' (L x) = hasRec' x
hasRec' (R x) = hasRec' x
instance (HasRec a) => HasRec (C c a) where
hasRec' (C x) = hasRec' x
instance HasRec (Rec a) where
hasRec' _ = True
instance HasRec Int
instance HasRec Float
instance HasRec Char
type family Finite a :: *
type instance Finite Int = True
type instance Finite Float = True
type instance Finite Char = True
type instance Finite U = True
type instance Finite (a :+: b) = Or (Finite a) (Finite b)
type instance Finite (a :*: b) = And (Finite a) (Finite b)
type instance Finite (Rec a) = False
type instance Finite (Var a) = True
type instance Finite (C c a) = Finite a
data True
data False
type family And p q
type instance And True True = True
type instance And True False = False
type instance And False True = False
type instance And False False = False
type family Or p q
type instance Or True True = True
type instance Or True False = True
type instance Or False True = True
type instance Or False False = False
type family FiniteEnv gam
type instance FiniteEnv U = True
type instance FiniteEnv (a :*: gam) = And (Finite (Rep a)) (FiniteEnv gam)
data Rule a where
Rule :: (Nillable gam, Recordable gam, Testable gam)
=> Rule' a gam -> Rule a
validate :: Rewritable a => Rule a -> Bool
validate (Rule rule) = validate' rule
synthesise :: (IsRule a, Nillable (Env a), Recordable (Env a),
Testable (Env a), FiniteEnv (Env a) ~ True)
=> a -> Rule (Obj a)
synthesise r = Rule (synthesise' r)
rewrite :: Rewritable a => Rule a -> a -> a
rewrite (Rule rule) x = rewrite' rule x
rewriteM :: (Rewritable a, Monad m) => Rule a -> a -> m a
rewriteM (Rule rule) x = rewriteM' rule x