{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, UnicodeSyntax, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Guess.Combinator (combinator) where -- ^ Guess a value for a combinator -- -- Based on De-typechecker: converting from a type to a term -- by -- http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2005-March/015423.html import Guess.Combinator.Lib -- | Guess a combinator given its type -- -- Example: -- -- >>> let f = combinator :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c -- >>> f (:[]) ((,) True) 10 -- [(True, 10)] combinator ∷ GuessCombinator t HNil ⇒ t combinator = combinatorWith emptyEnv -- | Tests test = ((combinator ∷ a → (a → b) → b) 'O' (:"K"), "OK") .*. (combinator 'O' (:"K") :: String, "OK") .*. ((combinator ∷ a → (a → b) → b) 1 (+2), 3) .*. ((combinator ∷ (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c) Just Right True, Just (Right True)) .*. ((combinator ∷ a → b → a) 'a' 'b', 'a') .*. ((combinator ∷ (t → t1) → t → t2 → t1) Just 1 'c', Just 1) .*. ((combinator ∷ (b → c) → (a → b) → a → c) (:[]) ((,) True) 10, [(True, 10)]) .*. ((combinator ∷ (((a → b → c) → (a → b) → a → c)→ (t3 → t1 → t2 → t3) → t) → t) (\f g → f (g 1) (:[]) 2), 1) .*. ((combinator ∷ ((a → b) → c) → (a → b) → c) ($2) (+3), 5) .*. (combinator 'a' True ∷ Bool, True) .*. HNil -- | A type/value pair -- -- The list representation of the type is also kept. newtype TypeToTermT tl t = TypeToTermT t deriving Show -- | GuessCombinator +type +env -- Guess a combinator given its type and an environment class GuessCombinator t env where combinatorWith ∷ env → t instance (IsFunction t flag, GuessWith' flag t env) ⇒ GuessCombinator t env where combinatorWith = guessWith' (Proxy ∷ Proxy flag) class GuessWith' flag t env where guessWith' ∷ (Proxy flag) → env → t -- | If its a function, add the argument to the environment and guess the result instance (IsFunction x flagx, FunToList' flagx x tlx, IsFunction y flagy, GuessWith' flagy y ((TypeToTermT tlx x) :*: env)) ⇒ GuessWith' HTrue (x → y) env where guessWith' _ env = \(v ∷ x) → guessWith' (Proxy ∷ Proxy flagy) (((TypeToTermT v) ∷ TypeToTermT tlx x) .*. env) -- | If it's not a function, let RResolve find a suitable value instance (RResolve env ((t :*: HNil) :*: HNil) HNil t) ⇒ GuessWith' HFalse t env where guessWith' _ env = rresolve env (Proxy ∷ Proxy ((t :*: HNil) :*: HNil)) HNil -- | RResolve +env +goals +retlist -ret -- Type-level SLD resolution algorithm -- -- env: a list of TypeToTermT -- goals: the tail of a flattened type -- retlist: a function and arguments, reversed, such as any one of tails [a, b, b -> a -> ret] -- ret: resulting type/value (a collapsed retlist) class RResolve env goals tl t | env goals tl → t where rresolve ∷ env → (Proxy goals) → tl → t -- | When there are no goals left and the retlist is a singleton, return it instance RResolve env HNil (t :*: HNil) t where rresolve _ _ (HCons t HNil) = t -- | When there are no goals left and the retlist is not a singleton, collapse the retlist instance RResolve env HNil (t1 :*: tr) (t→r) ⇒ RResolve env HNil (t :*: t1 :*: tr) r where rresolve g _ (HCons t r) = (rresolve g (Proxy ∷ Proxy HNil) r) t -- | When the type we want is not a function, look it up in the environment. -- If we have a function that returns it, save the function and guess its arguments. instance (RHLookup g env (TypeToTermT (g :*: assum) g'), HReverse assum assum', RResolve env assum' (g' :*: HNil) ra, RResolve env gr (ra :*: pt) t) ⇒ RResolve env ((g :*: HNil) :*: gr) pt t where rresolve env _ pt = rresolve env (Proxy ∷ Proxy gr) (ra .*. pt) where TypeToTermT t1 = rhlookup (Proxy ∷ Proxy g) env ra ∷ ra = rresolve env (Proxy ∷ Proxy assum') (t1 .*. HNil) -- | The instance for improper combinators was left as an exercise. -- -- When we need a function, build the function, add its arguments to the -- environment and guess the result. instance (HReverse (gc :*: gcr) revr, ExtendEnv env revr ra env' f, RResolve env' ((g :*: HNil) :*: HNil) HNil ra, RResolve env gr (f :*: pt) t) ⇒ RResolve env ((g :*: gc :*: gcr) :*: gr) pt t where rresolve (env ∷ env) _ (pt ∷ pt) = rresolve env (Proxy ∷ Proxy gr) (f .*. pt) where f ∷ f f = extendEnv env (Proxy ∷ Proxy revr) $ \(env' ∷ env') → rresolve env' (Proxy ∷ Proxy ((g :*: HNil) :*: HNil)) HNil -- | Extend an environment with the arguments of a function. -- -- The argument list must be the reverse of the tail of the flattened -- function type. -- -- Given a continutation, return a function that builds the environment. -- For example: -- extendEnv [] [[a] [b]] k = \a b -> k env' class ExtendEnv env vs ret env' fun | env vs ret → env' fun where extendEnv ∷ env → (Proxy vs) → (env' → ret) → fun instance ExtendEnv env HNil ret env ret where extendEnv env _ k = k env instance (ExtendEnv env rest ret env' fun, ListToFun pt t) ⇒ ExtendEnv env (pt :*: rest) ret ((TypeToTermT pt t) :*: env') (t → fun) where extendEnv env _ f = \(t ∷ t) → extendEnv env (Proxy ∷ Proxy rest) $ \env' → f ((TypeToTermT t ∷ TypeToTermT pt t) .*. env') -- | Lookup in the `associative' type-indexed list class RHLookup t l w | t l → w where rhlookup ∷ (Proxy t) → l → w instance (TypeEq t t' flag, RHLookup' flag t ((TypeToTermT (t' :*: at) tt') :*: r) w) ⇒ RHLookup t ((TypeToTermT (t' :*: at) tt') :*: r) w where rhlookup = rhlookup' (Proxy ∷ Proxy flag) class RHLookup' flag t l w | flag t l → w where rhlookup' ∷ (Proxy flag) → (Proxy t) → l → w instance RHLookup' HTrue t ((TypeToTermT (t :*: at) tt) :*: r) (TypeToTermT (t :*: at) tt) where rhlookup' _ _ (HCons t _) = t instance RHLookup t r w ⇒ RHLookup' HFalse t ((TypeToTermT tl' t') :*: r) w where rhlookup' _ t (HCons _ r) = rhlookup t r -- | An empty environment. emptyEnv = HNil -- | Add a type/value to the environment consEnv ∷ FunToList t tl ⇒ t → env → TypeToTermT tl t :*: env consEnv x env = TypeToTermT x .*. env