{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  HBooru.Types
-- Copyright   :  (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013
-- License     :  GPL-3
-- Maintainer  :  fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Module definining types used by the library.
module HBooru.Types where

import Prelude hiding (id)

-- | Tags used for searching in sites. No special escaping is done.
-- Note that many sites would treat a tag like \"striped panties\"
-- as two separate tags and you wouldn't get the results you were after.
type Tag = String

-- | Data format used by various 'Site's. See instances for currently used
-- formats.
class DataFormat a where

-- | Used as one of the data formats.
data XML = XML deriving Show

-- | Used as one of the data formats.
data JSON = JSON deriving Show

instance DataFormat XML where
instance DataFormat JSON where

-- | Thanks to this class, we're able to provide instances converting
-- from a 'DataFormat' to 'Response'. This is useful if we need a 'DataFormat'
-- while we only have a type that's an instance of 'Response'. Note that the
-- functional dependency currently requires that there is only one way to coerce
-- between two types.
class Response r  CoerceResponse x r | x  r, r  x where
  -- | Given something and a 'String', we get the appropriate 'Response'.
  -- For example with @instance 'CoerceResponse' 'XML' 'XMLResponse'@:
  -- >>> toResponse XML "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  -- XMLReponse "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  toResponse  x  String  r
  -- | Given some kind of 'Response', we get the appropriate value back,
  -- depending on the class instance.
  -- For example with @instance 'CoerceResponse' 'XML' 'XMLResponse'@:
  -- >>> fromResponse $ XMLReponse "<SomeXML></SomeXML>"
  -- XML
  fromResponse  r  x

instance CoerceResponse XML XMLResponse where
  toResponse _ = XMLResponse
  fromResponse _ = XML

instance CoerceResponse JSON JSONResponse where
  toResponse _ = JSONResponse
  fromResponse _ = JSON

-- | Class specifying a parser that can fetch posts. A post usually consists of
-- links to the image, samples, and some meta-data. See
-- 'HBooru.Parsers.GenericBooru.GenericPost' for the kind of thing we usually
-- get out. The reason for this class is that sometimes we might get different
-- information based on the 'DataFormat' we use so we use type families to
-- denote this rather than forcing the library user to make do with our best
-- guess on what goes into the post. It also allows us to use different post
-- types for sites that provide different information.
class (Site s, DataFormat r)  PostParser s r where
  type ImageTy s r
  -- | Given a parser working with 'DataFormat' specified by an instance of
  -- this class, we require through 'CoerceResponse' that it is able to parse
  -- responses in the format so what we actually pass into this function is
  -- the 'Site' this parser works with (so that we can pick the appropriate data
  -- type for the posts) and a 'Response' matching the 'DataFormat' (through a
  -- class instance). For @PostParser 'Gelbooru' 'XML'@ instance, example use
  -- might go like
  -- @
  -- do fc \<- 'XMLResponse' <$> 'readFile' \"gelbooruResponse.xml\"
  --    -- the type of images is actually inferred for us
  --    let images ∷ ['HBooru.Parsers.Gelbooru.GelbooruPost']
  --        images = parseResponse 'HBooru.Parsers.Gelbooru.Gelbooru' fc
  --    return images
  -- @
  -- The cool thing is that we can't feed anything but 'XMLResponse' to an
  -- XML parser.
  parseResponse  CoerceResponse r r'  s  r'  [ImageTy s r]

-- | Describes whether a response from a 'Site' in given 'DataFormat'
-- allows us to get the information about total number of posts matching our
-- query. Some sites don't provide this information.
class (Site s, DataFormat r)  Counted s r where
  parseCount  CoerceResponse r r'  s  r'  Integer

-- | If we can make an API request to 'Site' in a specific 'DataFormat', we can
-- use instances of this class to pass in
class (Site s, DataFormat r)  Postable s r where
  -- | Given a 'Site', a 'DataFormat' and a list of 'Tag's, an instance of this
  -- class should be able to return a 'String' at which we can find data in
  -- 'DataFormat' format that honours our tags. This is effectively a URL
  -- builder for POST requests.
  postUrl  s  r  [Tag]  String
  -- | Provides information about whether there's a hard limit on the amount of
  -- posts we can fetch from the site at once. The reason for this function here
  -- rather than in 'Site' is that we might be parsing data without an API we
  -- can post to at all and we're getting our data through other means.
  hardLimit  s  Limit

-- | Describes a site for a parser. The reason why this isn't a simple data type
-- is to allow us to write additional parsers in the future without modifying
-- this library if we wish to do so.
class Site s where

-- | Rating used on *booru sites.
data Rating = Safe | Questionable | Explicit deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Denotes whethere there's a hard limit on the number of posts
-- we can fetch at a time from a site. NoLimit implies that we can fetch
-- everything at once and not that we don't know. See 'Counted' for a way to
-- potentially retrieve number of posts present on the site.
data Limit = NoLimit | Limit Integer deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | One of the formats we can receive responses from sites in. For things
-- like parsers parametrisation, use 'XML' instead and use methods in
-- 'CoerceResponse' if you need to.
data XMLResponse = XMLResponse String deriving Show

-- | One of the formats we can receive responses from sites in. For things
-- like parsers parametrisation, use 'JSON' instead and use methods in
-- 'CoerceResponse' if you need to.
data JSONResponse = JSONResponse String deriving Show

-- | Specifies what is considered a response. You'll almost certainly also
-- want new 'DataFormat' and 'CoerceResponse' instances if you're adding some
-- here. This class assumes that all responses carry the response in a string we
-- can extract. Note that this is not for use as network response if you're
-- scraping, only for putting data into after you have done all the error
-- checking and whatnot.
class Response r where
  -- | Extract the response string.
  getResponse  r  String

instance Response XMLResponse where
  getResponse (XMLResponse x) = x

instance Response JSONResponse where
  getResponse (JSONResponse x) = x

-- | Class representing a best-case scenario post. We use this
-- to convert between different posts for each site while providing
-- uniform access. The methods are just the attributes of posts seen
-- on Gelbooru-like sites.
class Post a where
  height  a  Integer
  score  a  Integer
  file_url  a  String
  parent_id  a  Maybe Integer
  sample_url  a  String
  sample_width  a  Integer
  sample_height  a  Integer
  preview_url  a  String
  rating  a  Rating
  tags  a  [String]
  id  a  Integer
  width  a  Integer
  change  a  String
  md5  a  String
  creator_id  a  Integer
  has_children  a  Maybe Bool
  created_at  a  String
  status  a  String
  source  a  String
  has_notes  a  Maybe Bool
  has_comments  a  Maybe Bool
  preview_width  a  Integer
  preview_height  a  Integer
  betweenPosts  Post b  a  PostConstructor b  b
  betweenPosts g c =
    c (height g) (score g) (file_url g) (parent_id g) (sample_url g)
      (sample_width g) (sample_height g) (preview_url g) (rating g)
      (tags g) (id g) (width g) (change g) (md5 g) (creator_id g)
      (has_children g) (created_at g) (status g) (source g) (has_notes g)
      (has_comments g) (preview_width g) (preview_height g)

-- | A cludge for use with 'betweenPosts'
type PostConstructor b =
  Integer -> Integer -> String -> Maybe Integer -> String -> Integer -> Integer
  -> String -> Rating -> [String] -> Integer -> Integer -> String -> String
  -> Integer -> Maybe Bool -> String -> String -> String -> Maybe Bool
  -> Maybe Bool -> Integer -> Integer -> b