cabal-version: 2.4 name: h-raylib version: synopsis: Raylib bindings for Haskell category: graphics description: This library includes Haskell bindings to the Raylib library. It supports Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD. bug-reports: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Anut maintainer: Anut extra-doc-files: extra-source-files: lib/*.c lib/*.h lib/rglfw.m raylib/src/*.c raylib/src/*.h raylib/src/external/*.h raylib/src/external/*.c raylib/src/external/glfw/deps/*.c raylib/src/external/glfw/deps/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/deps/glad/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/deps/mingw/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/deps/vs2008/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/include/GLFW/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/src/*.c raylib/src/external/glfw/src/*.h raylib/src/external/glfw/src/*.m flag detect-platform description: Detect platform and automatically add platform-specific configuration default: True manual: True flag platform-windows description: Build for Windows default: False manual: True flag platform-mac description: Build for macOS/OSX default: False manual: True flag platform-linux description: Build for Linux default: False manual: True flag platform-bsd description: Build for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, or NetBSD default: False manual: True flag mingw-cross description: Cross-compiling for mingw (used in combination with Windows) default: False manual: True flag examples description: Build the example projects default: False manual: True common example-options default-language: Haskell2010 if !flag(examples) buildable: False else build-depends: , base , h-raylib executable basic-window import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/basic-window/src main-is: Main.hs executable basic-images import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/basic-images/src main-is: Main.hs executable basic-models import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/basic-models/src main-is: Main.hs executable basic-audio import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/basic-audio/src main-is: Main.hs executable custom-font-text import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/custom-font-text/src main-is: Main.hs executable first-person-camera import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/first-person-camera/src main-is: Main.hs executable camera-ray-collision import: example-options hs-source-dirs: examples/camera-ray-collision/src main-is: Main.hs library exposed-modules: Raylib.Audio Raylib.Colors Raylib.Core Raylib.Models Raylib.Shapes Raylib.Text Raylib.Textures Raylib.Types other-modules: Raylib.Native Raylib.Util Raylib.Internal build-depends: base >=4.0 && <4.17.0 hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, DeriveAnyClass if (flag(platform-windows) || (flag(detect-platform) && os(windows))) if flag(mingw-cross) extra-libraries: opengl32 gdi32 winmm shell32 gcc gcc_eh else extra-libraries: opengl32 gdi32 winmm shell32 gcc_eh cc-options: -DPLATFORM_DESKTOP -D_ftelli64=ftello64 -D_fseeki64=fseeko64 elif (flag(platform-linux) || (flag(detect-platform) && os(linux))) extra-libraries: GL c m pthread dl rt X11 Xinerama Xcursor Xrandr Xi Xext cc-options: -Wno-unused-result -DPLATFORM_DESKTOP elif (flag(platform-mac) || (flag(detect-platform) && os(osx))) frameworks: OpenGL Cocoa IOKit CoreVideo CoreAudio CoreFoundation cc-options: -DPLATFORM_DESKTOP elif (flag(platform-bsd) || (flag(detect-platform) && ((os(freebsd) || os(netbsd)) || os(openbsd)))) extra-libraries: GL pthread cc-options: -DPLATFORM_DESKTOP else -- Unsupported OS, do nothing. If you can get it working on an -- OS that isn't on here, please add it here. if (flag(platform-mac) || (flag(detect-platform) && os(osx))) -- Use rgflw.m instead of .c on Mac to force objective-c c-sources: lib/rl_bindings.c lib/rglfw.m raylib/src/raudio.c raylib/src/rcore.c raylib/src/rmodels.c raylib/src/rshapes.c raylib/src/rtext.c raylib/src/rtextures.c raylib/src/utils.c else c-sources: lib/rl_bindings.c lib/rl_internal.c raylib/src/raudio.c raylib/src/rcore.c raylib/src/rglfw.c raylib/src/rmodels.c raylib/src/rshapes.c raylib/src/rtext.c raylib/src/rtextures.c raylib/src/utils.c include-dirs: lib raylib/src raylib/src/external/glfw/include