{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module Raylib.Core where import Data.IORef (modifyIORef', readIORef) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Foreign ( Ptr, Storable (peek, sizeOf), castPtr, fromBool, peekArray, toBool, withArray, withArrayLen, ) import Foreign.C ( CInt (CInt), CUChar, CUInt (CUInt), peekCString, withCString, ) import Raylib.ForeignUtil (c'free, configsToBitflag, pop, popCArray, popCString, withFreeable, withMaybeCString) import Raylib.Internal (addShaderId, shaderLocations, unloadFrameBuffers, unloadShaders, unloadSingleShader, unloadTextures, unloadVaoIds, unloadVboIds) import Raylib.Native ( c'beginBlendMode, c'beginMode2D, c'beginMode3D, c'beginScissorMode, c'beginShaderMode, c'beginTextureMode, c'beginVrStereoMode, c'changeDirectory, c'clearBackground, c'clearWindowState, c'closeWindow, c'compressData, c'decodeDataBase64, c'decompressData, c'directoryExists, c'encodeDataBase64, c'exportDataAsCode, c'fileExists, c'getApplicationDirectory, c'getCameraMatrix, c'getCameraMatrix2D, c'getCharPressed, c'getClipboardText, c'getCurrentMonitor, c'getDirectoryPath, c'getFPS, c'getFileExtension, c'getFileLength, c'getFileModTime, c'getFileName, c'getFileNameWithoutExt, c'getFrameTime, c'getGamepadAxisCount, c'getGamepadAxisMovement, c'getGamepadButtonPressed, c'getGamepadName, c'getGestureDetected, c'getGestureDragAngle, c'getGestureDragVector, c'getGestureHoldDuration, c'getGesturePinchAngle, c'getGesturePinchVector, c'getKeyPressed, c'getMonitorCount, c'getMonitorHeight, c'getMonitorName, c'getMonitorPhysicalHeight, c'getMonitorPhysicalWidth, c'getMonitorPosition, c'getMonitorRefreshRate, c'getMonitorWidth, c'getMouseDelta, c'getMousePosition, c'getMouseRay, c'getMouseWheelMove, c'getMouseWheelMoveV, c'getMouseX, c'getMouseY, c'getPrevDirectoryPath, c'getRandomValue, c'getRenderHeight, c'getRenderWidth, c'getScreenHeight, c'getScreenToWorld2D, c'getScreenWidth, c'getShaderLocation, c'getShaderLocationAttrib, c'getTime, c'getTouchPointCount, c'getTouchPointId, c'getTouchPosition, c'getTouchX, c'getTouchY, c'getWindowPosition, c'getWindowScaleDPI, c'getWorkingDirectory, c'getWorldToScreen, c'getWorldToScreen2D, c'getWorldToScreenEx, c'initWindow, c'isCursorHidden, c'isCursorOnScreen, c'isFileDropped, c'isFileExtension, c'isGamepadAvailable, c'isGamepadButtonDown, c'isGamepadButtonPressed, c'isGamepadButtonReleased, c'isGamepadButtonUp, c'isGestureDetected, c'isKeyDown, c'isKeyPressed, c'isKeyReleased, c'isKeyUp, c'isMouseButtonDown, c'isMouseButtonPressed, c'isMouseButtonReleased, c'isMouseButtonUp, c'isPathFile, c'isShaderReady, c'isWindowFocused, c'isWindowFullscreen, c'isWindowHidden, c'isWindowMaximized, c'isWindowMinimized, c'isWindowReady, c'isWindowResized, c'isWindowState, c'loadDirectoryFiles, c'loadDirectoryFilesEx, c'loadDroppedFiles, c'loadFileData, c'loadFileText, c'loadShader, c'loadShaderFromMemory, c'loadVrStereoConfig, c'openURL, c'saveFileData, c'saveFileText, c'setClipboardText, c'setConfigFlags, c'setExitKey, c'setGamepadMappings, c'setGesturesEnabled, c'setMouseCursor, c'setMouseOffset, c'setMousePosition, c'setMouseScale, c'setRandomSeed, c'setShaderValue, c'setShaderValueMatrix, c'setShaderValueTexture, c'setShaderValueV, c'setTargetFPS, c'setTraceLogLevel, c'setWindowIcon, c'setWindowIcons, c'setWindowMinSize, c'setWindowMonitor, c'setWindowOpacity, c'setWindowPosition, c'setWindowSize, c'setWindowState, c'setWindowTitle, c'takeScreenshot, c'traceLog, c'updateCamera, c'waitTime, c'windowShouldClose, ) import Raylib.Types ( BlendMode, Camera2D, Camera3D, CameraMode, Color, ConfigFlag, FilePathList, GamepadAxis, GamepadButton, Gesture, Image, KeyboardKey, LoadFileDataCallback, LoadFileTextCallback, Matrix, MouseButton, MouseCursor, Ray, RenderTexture, SaveFileDataCallback, SaveFileTextCallback, Shader (shader'id), ShaderUniformData, ShaderUniformDataV, Texture, TraceLogLevel, Vector2, Vector3, VrDeviceInfo, VrStereoConfig, unpackShaderUniformData, unpackShaderUniformDataV, ) initWindow :: Int -> Int -> String -> IO () initWindow width height title = withCString title $ c'initWindow (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) windowShouldClose :: IO Bool windowShouldClose = toBool <$> c'windowShouldClose closeWindow :: IO () closeWindow = do unloadShaders unloadTextures unloadFrameBuffers unloadVaoIds unloadVboIds c'closeWindow isWindowReady :: IO Bool isWindowReady = toBool <$> c'isWindowReady isWindowFullscreen :: IO Bool isWindowFullscreen = toBool <$> c'isWindowFullscreen isWindowHidden :: IO Bool isWindowHidden = toBool <$> c'isWindowHidden isWindowMinimized :: IO Bool isWindowMinimized = toBool <$> c'isWindowMinimized isWindowMaximized :: IO Bool isWindowMaximized = toBool <$> c'isWindowMaximized isWindowFocused :: IO Bool isWindowFocused = toBool <$> c'isWindowFocused isWindowResized :: IO Bool isWindowResized = toBool <$> c'isWindowResized isWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO Bool isWindowState flags = toBool <$> c'isWindowState (fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags) setWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () setWindowState = c'setWindowState . fromIntegral . configsToBitflag clearWindowState :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () clearWindowState = c'clearWindowState . fromIntegral . configsToBitflag foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h ToggleFullscreen" toggleFullscreen :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h MaximizeWindow" maximizeWindow :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h MinimizeWindow" minimizeWindow :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h RestoreWindow" restoreWindow :: IO () setWindowIcon :: Image -> IO () setWindowIcon image = withFreeable image c'setWindowIcon setWindowIcons :: [Image] -> IO () setWindowIcons images = withArrayLen images (\l ptr -> c'setWindowIcons ptr (fromIntegral l)) setWindowTitle :: String -> IO () setWindowTitle title = withCString title c'setWindowTitle setWindowPosition :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowPosition x y = c'setWindowPosition (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowMonitor :: Int -> IO () setWindowMonitor = c'setWindowMonitor . fromIntegral setWindowMinSize :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowMinSize x y = c'setWindowMinSize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowSize :: Int -> Int -> IO () setWindowSize x y = c'setWindowSize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setWindowOpacity :: Float -> IO () setWindowOpacity opacity = c'setWindowOpacity $ realToFrac opacity foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h GetWindowHandle" getWindowHandle :: IO (Ptr ()) getScreenWidth :: IO Int getScreenWidth = fromIntegral <$> c'getScreenWidth getScreenHeight :: IO Int getScreenHeight = fromIntegral <$> c'getScreenHeight getRenderWidth :: IO Int getRenderWidth = fromIntegral <$> c'getRenderWidth getRenderHeight :: IO Int getRenderHeight = fromIntegral <$> c'getRenderHeight getMonitorCount :: IO Int getMonitorCount = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorCount getCurrentMonitor :: IO Int getCurrentMonitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getCurrentMonitor getMonitorPosition :: Int -> IO Vector2 getMonitorPosition monitor = c'getMonitorPosition (fromIntegral monitor) >>= pop getMonitorWidth :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorWidth monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorWidth (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorHeight :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorHeight monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorHeight (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorPhysicalWidth :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorPhysicalWidth monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorPhysicalWidth (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorPhysicalHeight :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorPhysicalHeight monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorPhysicalHeight (fromIntegral monitor) getMonitorRefreshRate :: Int -> IO Int getMonitorRefreshRate monitor = fromIntegral <$> c'getMonitorRefreshRate (fromIntegral monitor) getWindowPosition :: IO Vector2 getWindowPosition = c'getWindowPosition >>= pop getWindowScaleDPI :: IO Vector2 getWindowScaleDPI = c'getWindowScaleDPI >>= pop getMonitorName :: Int -> IO String getMonitorName monitor = c'getMonitorName (fromIntegral monitor) >>= peekCString setClipboardText :: String -> IO () setClipboardText text = withCString text c'setClipboardText getClipboardText :: IO String getClipboardText = c'getClipboardText >>= peekCString foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EnableEventWaiting" enableEventWaiting :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h DisableEventWaiting" disableEventWaiting :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h SwapScreenBuffer" swapScreenBuffer :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h PollInputEvents" pollInputEvents :: IO () waitTime :: Double -> IO () waitTime seconds = c'waitTime $ realToFrac seconds foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h ShowCursor" showCursor :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h HideCursor" hideCursor :: IO () isCursorHidden :: IO Bool isCursorHidden = toBool <$> c'isCursorHidden foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EnableCursor" enableCursor :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h DisableCursor" disableCursor :: IO () isCursorOnScreen :: IO Bool isCursorOnScreen = toBool <$> c'isCursorOnScreen clearBackground :: Color -> IO () clearBackground color = withFreeable color c'clearBackground foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h BeginDrawing" beginDrawing :: IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndDrawing" endDrawing :: IO () beginMode2D :: Camera2D -> IO () beginMode2D camera = withFreeable camera c'beginMode2D foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndMode2D" endMode2D :: IO () beginMode3D :: Camera3D -> IO () beginMode3D camera = withFreeable camera c'beginMode3D foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndMode3D" endMode3D :: IO () beginTextureMode :: RenderTexture -> IO () beginTextureMode renderTexture = withFreeable renderTexture c'beginTextureMode foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndTextureMode" endTextureMode :: IO () beginShaderMode :: Shader -> IO () beginShaderMode shader = withFreeable shader c'beginShaderMode foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndShaderMode" endShaderMode :: IO () beginBlendMode :: BlendMode -> IO () beginBlendMode = c'beginBlendMode . fromIntegral . fromEnum foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndBlendMode" endBlendMode :: IO () beginScissorMode :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () beginScissorMode x y width height = c'beginScissorMode (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndScissorMode" endScissorMode :: IO () beginVrStereoMode :: VrStereoConfig -> IO () beginVrStereoMode config = withFreeable config c'beginVrStereoMode foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h EndVrStereoMode" endVrStereoMode :: IO () loadVrStereoConfig :: VrDeviceInfo -> IO VrStereoConfig loadVrStereoConfig deviceInfo = withFreeable deviceInfo c'loadVrStereoConfig >>= pop loadShader :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO Shader loadShader vsFileName fsFileName = do shader <- withMaybeCString vsFileName (withMaybeCString fsFileName . c'loadShader) >>= pop addShaderId $ shader'id shader return shader loadShaderFromMemory :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> IO Shader loadShaderFromMemory vsCode fsCode = do shader <- withMaybeCString vsCode (withMaybeCString fsCode . c'loadShaderFromMemory) >>= pop addShaderId $ shader'id shader return shader isShaderReady :: Shader -> IO Bool isShaderReady shader = toBool <$> withFreeable shader c'isShaderReady getShaderLocation :: Shader -> String -> IO Int getShaderLocation shader uniformName = do let sId = shader'id shader locs <- readIORef shaderLocations -- TODO: Clean this up if possible case Map.lookup sId locs of Nothing -> do idx <- locIdx let newMap = Map.fromList [(uniformName, idx)] modifyIORef' shaderLocations (Map.insert sId newMap) return idx Just m -> case Map.lookup uniformName m of Nothing -> do idx <- locIdx let newMap = Map.insert uniformName idx m modifyIORef' shaderLocations (Map.insert sId newMap) return idx Just val -> return val where locIdx = fromIntegral <$> withFreeable shader (withCString uniformName . c'getShaderLocation) getShaderLocationAttrib :: Shader -> String -> IO Int getShaderLocationAttrib shader attribName = fromIntegral <$> withFreeable shader (withCString attribName . c'getShaderLocationAttrib) setShaderValue :: Shader -> String -> ShaderUniformData -> IO () setShaderValue shader uniformName value = do idx <- getShaderLocation shader uniformName nativeSetShaderValue shader idx value setShaderValueV :: Shader -> String -> ShaderUniformDataV -> IO () setShaderValueV shader uniformName values = do idx <- getShaderLocation shader uniformName nativeSetShaderValueV shader idx values nativeSetShaderValue :: Shader -> Int -> ShaderUniformData -> IO () nativeSetShaderValue shader locIndex value = do (uniformType, ptr) <- unpackShaderUniformData value withFreeable shader (\s -> c'setShaderValue s (fromIntegral locIndex) ptr (fromIntegral $ fromEnum uniformType)) c'free $ castPtr ptr nativeSetShaderValueV :: Shader -> Int -> ShaderUniformDataV -> IO () nativeSetShaderValueV shader locIndex values = do (uniformType, ptr, l) <- unpackShaderUniformDataV values withFreeable shader (\s -> c'setShaderValueV s (fromIntegral locIndex) ptr (fromIntegral $ fromEnum uniformType) (fromIntegral l)) c'free $ castPtr ptr setShaderValueMatrix :: Shader -> Int -> Matrix -> IO () setShaderValueMatrix shader locIndex mat = withFreeable shader (\s -> withFreeable mat (c'setShaderValueMatrix s (fromIntegral locIndex))) setShaderValueTexture :: Shader -> Int -> Texture -> IO () setShaderValueTexture shader locIndex tex = withFreeable shader (\s -> withFreeable tex (c'setShaderValueTexture s (fromIntegral locIndex))) -- | Unloads a shader from GPU memory (VRAM). Shaders are automatically unloaded -- when `closeWindow` is called, so manually unloading shaders is not required. -- In larger projects, you may want to manually unload shaders to avoid having -- them in VRAM for too long. unloadShader :: Shader -> IO () unloadShader shader = unloadSingleShader (shader'id shader) getMouseRay :: Vector2 -> Camera3D -> IO Ray getMouseRay mousePosition camera = withFreeable mousePosition (withFreeable camera . c'getMouseRay) >>= pop getCameraMatrix :: Camera3D -> IO Matrix getCameraMatrix camera = withFreeable camera c'getCameraMatrix >>= pop getCameraMatrix2D :: Camera2D -> IO Matrix getCameraMatrix2D camera = withFreeable camera c'getCameraMatrix2D >>= pop getWorldToScreen :: Vector3 -> Camera3D -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreen position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getWorldToScreen) >>= pop getScreenToWorld2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> IO Vector2 getScreenToWorld2D position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getScreenToWorld2D) >>= pop getWorldToScreenEx :: Vector3 -> Camera3D -> Int -> Int -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreenEx position camera width height = withFreeable position (\p -> withFreeable camera (\c -> c'getWorldToScreenEx p c (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))) >>= pop getWorldToScreen2D :: Vector2 -> Camera2D -> IO Vector2 getWorldToScreen2D position camera = withFreeable position (withFreeable camera . c'getWorldToScreen2D) >>= pop setTargetFPS :: Int -> IO () setTargetFPS fps = c'setTargetFPS $ fromIntegral fps getFPS :: IO Int getFPS = fromIntegral <$> c'getFPS getFrameTime :: IO Float getFrameTime = realToFrac <$> c'getFrameTime getTime :: IO Double getTime = realToFrac <$> c'getTime getRandomValue :: Int -> Int -> IO Int getRandomValue minVal maxVal = fromIntegral <$> c'getRandomValue (fromIntegral minVal) (fromIntegral maxVal) setRandomSeed :: Integer -> IO () setRandomSeed seed = c'setRandomSeed $ fromIntegral seed takeScreenshot :: String -> IO () takeScreenshot fileName = withCString fileName c'takeScreenshot setConfigFlags :: [ConfigFlag] -> IO () setConfigFlags flags = c'setConfigFlags $ fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags traceLog :: TraceLogLevel -> String -> IO () traceLog logLevel text = withCString text $ c'traceLog $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum logLevel setTraceLogLevel :: TraceLogLevel -> IO () setTraceLogLevel = c'setTraceLogLevel . fromIntegral . fromEnum openURL :: String -> IO () openURL url = withCString url c'openURL foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h SetLoadFileDataCallback" setLoadFileDataCallback :: LoadFileDataCallback -> IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h SetSaveFileDataCallback" setSaveFileDataCallback :: SaveFileDataCallback -> IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h SetLoadFileTextCallback" setLoadFileTextCallback :: LoadFileTextCallback -> IO () foreign import ccall safe "raylib.h SetSaveFileTextCallback" setSaveFileTextCallback :: SaveFileTextCallback -> IO () loadFileData :: String -> IO [Integer] loadFileData fileName = withFreeable 0 ( \size -> do withCString fileName ( \path -> do ptr <- c'loadFileData path size arrSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek size map fromIntegral <$> popCArray arrSize ptr ) ) saveFileData :: (Storable a) => String -> Ptr a -> Integer -> IO Bool saveFileData fileName contents bytesToWrite = toBool <$> withCString fileName (\s -> c'saveFileData s (castPtr contents) (fromIntegral bytesToWrite)) exportDataAsCode :: [Integer] -> Integer -> String -> IO Bool exportDataAsCode contents size fileName = toBool <$> withArray (map fromInteger contents) (\c -> withCString fileName (c'exportDataAsCode c (fromIntegral size))) loadFileText :: String -> IO String loadFileText fileName = withCString fileName c'loadFileText >>= popCString saveFileText :: String -> String -> IO Bool saveFileText fileName text = toBool <$> withCString fileName (withCString text . c'saveFileText) fileExists :: String -> IO Bool fileExists fileName = toBool <$> withCString fileName c'fileExists directoryExists :: String -> IO Bool directoryExists dirPath = toBool <$> withCString dirPath c'directoryExists isFileExtension :: String -> String -> IO Bool isFileExtension fileName ext = toBool <$> withCString fileName (withCString ext . c'isFileExtension) getFileLength :: String -> IO Bool getFileLength fileName = toBool <$> withCString fileName c'getFileLength getFileExtension :: String -> IO String getFileExtension fileName = withCString fileName c'getFileExtension >>= peekCString getFileName :: String -> IO String getFileName filePath = withCString filePath c'getFileName >>= peekCString getFileNameWithoutExt :: String -> IO String getFileNameWithoutExt fileName = withCString fileName c'getFileNameWithoutExt >>= peekCString getDirectoryPath :: String -> IO String getDirectoryPath filePath = withCString filePath c'getDirectoryPath >>= peekCString getPrevDirectoryPath :: String -> IO String getPrevDirectoryPath dirPath = withCString dirPath c'getPrevDirectoryPath >>= peekCString getWorkingDirectory :: IO String getWorkingDirectory = c'getWorkingDirectory >>= peekCString getApplicationDirectory :: IO String getApplicationDirectory = c'getApplicationDirectory >>= peekCString changeDirectory :: String -> IO Bool changeDirectory dir = toBool <$> withCString dir c'changeDirectory isPathFile :: String -> IO Bool isPathFile path = toBool <$> withCString path c'isPathFile loadDirectoryFiles :: String -> IO FilePathList loadDirectoryFiles dirPath = withCString dirPath c'loadDirectoryFiles >>= pop loadDirectoryFilesEx :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO FilePathList loadDirectoryFilesEx basePath filterStr scanSubdirs = withCString basePath (\b -> withCString filterStr (\f -> c'loadDirectoryFilesEx b f (fromBool scanSubdirs))) >>= pop isFileDropped :: IO Bool isFileDropped = toBool <$> c'isFileDropped loadDroppedFiles :: IO FilePathList loadDroppedFiles = c'loadDroppedFiles >>= pop getFileModTime :: String -> IO Integer getFileModTime fileName = fromIntegral <$> withCString fileName c'getFileModTime compressData :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] compressData contents = do withArrayLen (map fromIntegral contents) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do compressed <- c'compressData c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr compressedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray compressedSize compressed return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) decompressData :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] decompressData compressedData = do withArrayLen (map fromIntegral compressedData) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do decompressed <- c'decompressData c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr decompressedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray decompressedSize decompressed return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) encodeDataBase64 :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] encodeDataBase64 contents = do withArrayLen (map fromIntegral contents) ( \size c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do encoded <- c'encodeDataBase64 c (fromIntegral $ size * sizeOf (0 :: CUChar)) ptr encodedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray encodedSize encoded return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) decodeDataBase64 :: [Integer] -> IO [Integer] decodeDataBase64 encodedData = do withArray (map fromIntegral encodedData) ( \c -> do withFreeable 0 ( \ptr -> do decoded <- c'decodeDataBase64 c ptr decodedSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek ptr arr <- peekArray decodedSize decoded return $ map fromIntegral arr ) ) isKeyPressed :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyPressed key = toBool <$> c'isKeyPressed (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyDown :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyDown key = toBool <$> c'isKeyDown (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyReleased :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyReleased key = toBool <$> c'isKeyReleased (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) isKeyUp :: KeyboardKey -> IO Bool isKeyUp key = toBool <$> c'isKeyUp (fromIntegral $ fromEnum key) setExitKey :: KeyboardKey -> IO () setExitKey = c'setExitKey . fromIntegral . fromEnum getKeyPressed :: IO KeyboardKey getKeyPressed = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getKeyPressed getCharPressed :: IO Int getCharPressed = fromIntegral <$> c'getCharPressed isGamepadAvailable :: Int -> IO Bool isGamepadAvailable gamepad = toBool <$> c'isGamepadAvailable (fromIntegral gamepad) getGamepadName :: Int -> IO String getGamepadName gamepad = c'getGamepadName (fromIntegral gamepad) >>= peekCString isGamepadButtonPressed :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonPressed gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonPressed (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonDown :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonDown gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonDown (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonReleased :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonReleased gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonReleased (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isGamepadButtonUp :: Int -> GamepadButton -> IO Bool isGamepadButtonUp gamepad button = toBool <$> c'isGamepadButtonUp (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) getGamepadButtonPressed :: IO GamepadButton getGamepadButtonPressed = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getGamepadButtonPressed getGamepadAxisCount :: Int -> IO Int getGamepadAxisCount gamepad = fromIntegral <$> c'getGamepadAxisCount (fromIntegral gamepad) getGamepadAxisMovement :: Int -> GamepadAxis -> IO Float getGamepadAxisMovement gamepad axis = realToFrac <$> c'getGamepadAxisMovement (fromIntegral gamepad) (fromIntegral $ fromEnum axis) setGamepadMappings :: String -> IO Int setGamepadMappings mappings = fromIntegral <$> withCString mappings c'setGamepadMappings isMouseButtonPressed :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonPressed button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonPressed (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonDown :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonDown button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonDown (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonReleased :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonReleased button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonReleased (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) isMouseButtonUp :: MouseButton -> IO Bool isMouseButtonUp button = toBool <$> c'isMouseButtonUp (fromIntegral $ fromEnum button) getMouseX :: IO Int getMouseX = fromIntegral <$> c'getMouseX getMouseY :: IO Int getMouseY = fromIntegral <$> c'getMouseY getMousePosition :: IO Vector2 getMousePosition = c'getMousePosition >>= pop getMouseDelta :: IO Vector2 getMouseDelta = c'getMouseDelta >>= pop setMousePosition :: Int -> Int -> IO () setMousePosition x y = c'setMousePosition (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setMouseOffset :: Int -> Int -> IO () setMouseOffset x y = c'setMouseOffset (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) setMouseScale :: Float -> Float -> IO () setMouseScale x y = c'setMouseScale (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) getMouseWheelMove :: IO Float getMouseWheelMove = realToFrac <$> c'getMouseWheelMove getMouseWheelMoveV :: IO Vector2 getMouseWheelMoveV = c'getMouseWheelMoveV >>= pop setMouseCursor :: MouseCursor -> IO () setMouseCursor cursor = c'setMouseCursor . fromIntegral $ fromEnum cursor getTouchX :: IO Int getTouchX = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchX getTouchY :: IO Int getTouchY = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchY getTouchPosition :: Int -> IO Vector2 getTouchPosition index = c'getTouchPosition (fromIntegral index) >>= pop getTouchPointId :: Int -> IO Int getTouchPointId index = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchPointId (fromIntegral index) getTouchPointCount :: IO Int getTouchPointCount = fromIntegral <$> c'getTouchPointCount setGesturesEnabled :: [Gesture] -> IO () setGesturesEnabled flags = c'setGesturesEnabled (fromIntegral $ configsToBitflag flags) isGestureDetected :: Gesture -> IO Bool isGestureDetected gesture = toBool <$> c'isGestureDetected (fromIntegral $ fromEnum gesture) getGestureDetected :: IO Gesture getGestureDetected = toEnum . fromIntegral <$> c'getGestureDetected getGestureHoldDuration :: IO Float getGestureHoldDuration = realToFrac <$> c'getGestureHoldDuration getGestureDragVector :: IO Vector2 getGestureDragVector = c'getGestureDragVector >>= pop getGestureDragAngle :: IO Float getGestureDragAngle = realToFrac <$> c'getGestureDragAngle getGesturePinchVector :: IO Vector2 getGesturePinchVector = c'getGesturePinchVector >>= pop getGesturePinchAngle :: IO Float getGesturePinchAngle = realToFrac <$> c'getGesturePinchAngle updateCamera :: Camera3D -> CameraMode -> IO Camera3D updateCamera camera mode = withFreeable camera ( \c -> do c'updateCamera c (fromIntegral $ fromEnum mode) peek c )