{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Raylib.Types where import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) import Foreign ( FunPtr, Ptr, Storable (alignment, peek, peekByteOff, poke, pokeByteOff, sizeOf), Word16, Word8, castPtr, fromBool, malloc, newArray, newForeignPtr, nullFunPtr, nullPtr, peekArray, toBool, withForeignPtr, ) import Foreign.C ( CBool, CChar, CFloat, CInt (..), CShort, CString, CUChar, CUInt, CUShort, castCharToCChar, newCString, peekCString, ) import Foreign.C.String (castCCharToChar) import Raylib.ForeignUtil (Freeable (rlFreeDependents), c'free, freeMaybePtr, newMaybeArray, p'free, peekMaybeArray, peekStaticArray, peekStaticArrayOff, pokeMaybeOff, pokeStaticArray, pokeStaticArrayOff, rightPad, rlFreeArray, rlFreeMaybeArray) import Raylib.Internal (c'rlGetShaderIdDefault, getPixelDataSize) ------------------------------------------------ -- Raylib enumerations ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- raylib.h data ConfigFlag = VsyncHint | FullscreenMode | WindowResizable | WindowUndecorated | WindowHidden | WindowMinimized | WindowMaximized | WindowUnfocused | WindowTopmost | WindowAlwaysRun | WindowTransparent | WindowHighdpi | WindowMousePassthrough | Msaa4xHint | InterlacedHint deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Enum ConfigFlag where fromEnum g = case g of VsyncHint -> 64 FullscreenMode -> 2 WindowResizable -> 4 WindowUndecorated -> 8 WindowHidden -> 128 WindowMinimized -> 512 WindowMaximized -> 1024 WindowUnfocused -> 2048 WindowTopmost -> 4096 WindowAlwaysRun -> 256 WindowTransparent -> 16 WindowHighdpi -> 8192 WindowMousePassthrough -> 16384 Msaa4xHint -> 32 InterlacedHint -> 65536 toEnum x = case x of 64 -> VsyncHint 2 -> FullscreenMode 4 -> WindowResizable 8 -> WindowUndecorated 128 -> WindowHidden 512 -> WindowMinimized 1024 -> WindowMaximized 2048 -> WindowUnfocused 4096 -> WindowTopmost 256 -> WindowAlwaysRun 16 -> WindowTransparent 8192 -> WindowHighdpi 16384 -> WindowMousePassthrough 32 -> Msaa4xHint 65536 -> InterlacedHint n -> error $ "(ConfigFlag.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n data TraceLogLevel = LogAll | LogTrace | LogDebug | LogInfo | LogWarning | LogError | LogFatal | LogNone deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data KeyboardKey = KeyNull | KeyApostrophe | KeyComma | KeyMinus | KeyPeriod | KeySlash | KeyZero | KeyOne | KeyTwo | KeyThree | KeyFour | KeyFive | KeySix | KeySeven | KeyEight | KeyNine | KeySemicolon | KeyEqual | KeyA | KeyB | KeyC | KeyD | KeyE | KeyF | KeyG | KeyH | KeyI | KeyJ | KeyK | KeyL | KeyM | KeyN | KeyO | KeyP | KeyQ | KeyR | KeyS | KeyT | KeyU | KeyV | KeyW | KeyX | KeyY | KeyZ | KeyLeftBracket | KeyBackslash | KeyRightBracket | KeyGrave | KeySpace | KeyEscape | KeyEnter | KeyTab | KeyBackspace | KeyInsert | KeyDelete | KeyRight | KeyLeft | KeyDown | KeyUp | KeyPageUp | KeyPageDown | KeyHome | KeyEnd | KeyCapsLock | KeyScrollLock | KeyNumLock | KeyPrintScreen | KeyPause | KeyF1 | KeyF2 | KeyF3 | KeyF4 | KeyF5 | KeyF6 | KeyF7 | KeyF8 | KeyF9 | KeyF10 | KeyF11 | KeyF12 | KeyLeftShift | KeyLeftControl | KeyLeftAlt | KeyLeftSuper | KeyRightShift | KeyRightControl | KeyRightAlt | KeyRightSuper | KeyKbMenu | KeyKp0 | KeyKp1 | KeyKp2 | KeyKp3 | KeyKp4 | KeyKp5 | KeyKp6 | KeyKp7 | KeyKp8 | KeyKp9 | KeyKpDecimal | KeyKpDivide | KeyKpMultiply | KeyKpSubtract | KeyKpAdd | KeyKpEnter | KeyKpEqual | KeyBack | KeyMenu | KeyVolumeUp | KeyVolumeDown deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum KeyboardKey where fromEnum k = case k of KeyNull -> 0 KeyApostrophe -> 39 KeyComma -> 44 KeyMinus -> 45 KeyPeriod -> 46 KeySlash -> 47 KeyZero -> 48 KeyOne -> 49 KeyTwo -> 50 KeyThree -> 51 KeyFour -> 52 KeyFive -> 53 KeySix -> 54 KeySeven -> 55 KeyEight -> 56 KeyNine -> 57 KeySemicolon -> 59 KeyEqual -> 61 KeyA -> 65 KeyB -> 66 KeyC -> 67 KeyD -> 68 KeyE -> 69 KeyF -> 70 KeyG -> 71 KeyH -> 72 KeyI -> 73 KeyJ -> 74 KeyK -> 75 KeyL -> 76 KeyM -> 77 KeyN -> 78 KeyO -> 79 KeyP -> 80 KeyQ -> 81 KeyR -> 82 KeyS -> 83 KeyT -> 84 KeyU -> 85 KeyV -> 86 KeyW -> 87 KeyX -> 88 KeyY -> 89 KeyZ -> 90 KeyLeftBracket -> 91 KeyBackslash -> 92 KeyRightBracket -> 93 KeyGrave -> 96 KeySpace -> 32 KeyEscape -> 256 KeyEnter -> 257 KeyTab -> 258 KeyBackspace -> 259 KeyInsert -> 260 KeyDelete -> 261 KeyRight -> 262 KeyLeft -> 263 KeyDown -> 264 KeyUp -> 265 KeyPageUp -> 266 KeyPageDown -> 267 KeyHome -> 268 KeyEnd -> 269 KeyCapsLock -> 280 KeyScrollLock -> 281 KeyNumLock -> 282 KeyPrintScreen -> 283 KeyPause -> 284 KeyF1 -> 290 KeyF2 -> 291 KeyF3 -> 292 KeyF4 -> 293 KeyF5 -> 294 KeyF6 -> 295 KeyF7 -> 296 KeyF8 -> 297 KeyF9 -> 298 KeyF10 -> 299 KeyF11 -> 300 KeyF12 -> 301 KeyLeftShift -> 340 KeyLeftControl -> 341 KeyLeftAlt -> 342 KeyLeftSuper -> 343 KeyRightShift -> 344 KeyRightControl -> 345 KeyRightAlt -> 346 KeyRightSuper -> 347 KeyKbMenu -> 348 KeyKp0 -> 320 KeyKp1 -> 321 KeyKp2 -> 322 KeyKp3 -> 323 KeyKp4 -> 324 KeyKp5 -> 325 KeyKp6 -> 326 KeyKp7 -> 327 KeyKp8 -> 328 KeyKp9 -> 329 KeyKpDecimal -> 330 KeyKpDivide -> 331 KeyKpMultiply -> 332 KeyKpSubtract -> 333 KeyKpAdd -> 334 KeyKpEnter -> 335 KeyKpEqual -> 336 -- Android buttons KeyBack -> 4 KeyMenu -> 82 KeyVolumeUp -> 24 KeyVolumeDown -> 25 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> KeyNull 39 -> KeyApostrophe 44 -> KeyComma 45 -> KeyMinus 46 -> KeyPeriod 47 -> KeySlash 48 -> KeyZero 49 -> KeyOne 50 -> KeyTwo 51 -> KeyThree 52 -> KeyFour 53 -> KeyFive 54 -> KeySix 55 -> KeySeven 56 -> KeyEight 57 -> KeyNine 59 -> KeySemicolon 61 -> KeyEqual 65 -> KeyA 66 -> KeyB 67 -> KeyC 68 -> KeyD 69 -> KeyE 70 -> KeyF 71 -> KeyG 72 -> KeyH 73 -> KeyI 74 -> KeyJ 75 -> KeyK 76 -> KeyL 77 -> KeyM 78 -> KeyN 79 -> KeyO 80 -> KeyP 81 -> KeyQ 82 -> KeyR 83 -> KeyS 84 -> KeyT 85 -> KeyU 86 -> KeyV 87 -> KeyW 88 -> KeyX 89 -> KeyY 90 -> KeyZ 91 -> KeyLeftBracket 92 -> KeyBackslash 93 -> KeyRightBracket 96 -> KeyGrave 32 -> KeySpace 256 -> KeyEscape 257 -> KeyEnter 258 -> KeyTab 259 -> KeyBackspace 260 -> KeyInsert 261 -> KeyDelete 262 -> KeyRight 263 -> KeyLeft 264 -> KeyDown 265 -> KeyUp 266 -> KeyPageUp 267 -> KeyPageDown 268 -> KeyHome 269 -> KeyEnd 280 -> KeyCapsLock 281 -> KeyScrollLock 282 -> KeyNumLock 283 -> KeyPrintScreen 284 -> KeyPause 290 -> KeyF1 291 -> KeyF2 292 -> KeyF3 293 -> KeyF4 294 -> KeyF5 295 -> KeyF6 296 -> KeyF7 297 -> KeyF8 298 -> KeyF9 299 -> KeyF10 300 -> KeyF11 301 -> KeyF12 340 -> KeyLeftShift 341 -> KeyLeftControl 342 -> KeyLeftAlt 343 -> KeyLeftSuper 344 -> KeyRightShift 345 -> KeyRightControl 346 -> KeyRightAlt 347 -> KeyRightSuper 348 -> KeyKbMenu 320 -> KeyKp0 321 -> KeyKp1 322 -> KeyKp2 323 -> KeyKp3 324 -> KeyKp4 325 -> KeyKp5 326 -> KeyKp6 327 -> KeyKp7 328 -> KeyKp8 329 -> KeyKp9 330 -> KeyKpDecimal 331 -> KeyKpDivide 332 -> KeyKpMultiply 333 -> KeyKpSubtract 334 -> KeyKpAdd 335 -> KeyKpEnter 336 -> KeyKpEqual -- Android buttons 4 -> KeyBack -- 82 -> KeyMenu 24 -> KeyVolumeUp 25 -> KeyVolumeDown x -> error $ "(KeyboardKey.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show x data MouseButton = MouseButtonLeft | MouseButtonRight | MouseButtonMiddle | MouseButtonSide | MouseButtonExtra | MouseButtonForward | MouseButtonBack deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data MouseCursor = MouseCursorDefault | MouseCursorArrow | MouseCursorIbeam | MouseCursorCrosshair | MouseCursorPointingHand | MouseCursorResizeEW | MouseCursorResizeNS | MouseCursorResizeNWSE | MouseCursorResizeNESW | MouseCursorResizeAll | MouseCursorNotAllowed deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data GamepadButton = GamepadButtonUnknown | GamepadButtonUnknownLeftFaceUp | GamepadButtonLeftFaceRight | GamepadButtonLeftFaceDown | GamepadButtonLeftFaceLeft | GamepadButtonRightFaceUp | GamepadButtonRightFaceRight | GamepadButtonRightFaceDown | GamepadButtonRightFaceLeft | GamepadButtonLeftTrigger1 | GamepadButtonLeftTrigger2 | GamepadButtonRightTrigger1 | GamepadButtonRightTrigger2 | GamepadButtonMiddleLeft | GamepadButtonMiddle | GamepadButtonMiddleRight | GamepadButtonLeftThumb | GamepadButtonRightThumb deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data GamepadAxis = GamepadAxisLeftX | GamepadAxisLeftY | GamepadAxisRightX | GamepadAxisRightY | GamepadAxisLeftTrigger | GamepadAxisRightTrigger deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data MaterialMapIndex = MaterialMapAlbedo | MaterialMapMetalness | MaterialMapNormal | MaterialMapRoughness | MaterialMapOcclusion | MaterialMapEmission | MaterialMapHeight | MaterialMapCubemap | MaterialMapIrradiance | MaterialMapPrefilter | MaterialMapBrdf deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data ShaderLocationIndex = ShaderLocVertexPosition | ShaderLocVertexTexcoord01 | ShaderLocVertexTexcoord02 | ShaderLocVertexNormal | ShaderLocVertexTangent | ShaderLocVertexColor | ShaderLocMatrixMvp | ShaderLocMatrixView | ShaderLocMatrixProjection | ShaderLocMatrixModel | ShaderLocMatrixNormal | ShaderLocVectorView | ShaderLocColorDiffuse | ShaderLocColorSpecular | ShaderLocColorAmbient | ShaderLocMapAlbedo | ShaderLocMapMetalness | ShaderLocMapNormal | ShaderLocMapRoughness | ShaderLocMapOcclusion | ShaderLocMapEmission | ShaderLocMapHeight | ShaderLocMapCubemap | ShaderLocMapIrradiance | ShaderLocMapPrefilter | ShaderLocMapBrdf deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data ShaderUniformDataType = ShaderUniformFloatType | ShaderUniformVec2Type | ShaderUniformVec3Type | ShaderUniformVec4Type | ShaderUniformIntType | ShaderUniformIVec2Type | ShaderUniformIVec3Type | ShaderUniformIVec4Type | ShaderUniformSampler2DType deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data ShaderUniformData = ShaderUniformFloat Float | ShaderUniformVec2 Vector2 | ShaderUniformVec3 Vector3 | ShaderUniformVec4 Vector4 | ShaderUniformInt Int | ShaderUniformIVec2 (Int, Int) | ShaderUniformIVec3 (Int, Int, Int) | ShaderUniformIVec4 (Int, Int, Int, Int) | ShaderUniformSampler2D Texture deriving (Eq, Show) data ShaderUniformDataV = ShaderUniformFloatV [Float] | ShaderUniformVec2V [Vector2] | ShaderUniformVec3V [Vector3] | ShaderUniformVec4V [Vector4] | ShaderUniformIntV [Int] | ShaderUniformIVec2V [(Int, Int)] | ShaderUniformIVec3V [(Int, Int, Int)] | ShaderUniformIVec4V [(Int, Int, Int, Int)] | ShaderUniformSampler2DV [Texture] deriving (Eq, Show) -- I don't know if there's a cleaner way to do this unpackShaderUniformData :: ShaderUniformData -> IO (ShaderUniformDataType, Ptr ()) unpackShaderUniformData x = do case x of (ShaderUniformFloat f) -> do ptr <- malloc poke ptr (realToFrac f :: CFloat) return (ShaderUniformFloatType, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformVec2 v) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac (asList v) :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec2Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformVec3 v) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac (asList v) :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec3Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformVec4 v) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac (asList v) :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec4Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformInt i) -> do ptr <- malloc poke ptr (fromIntegral i :: CInt) return (ShaderUniformIntType, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformIVec2 (i1, i2)) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral [i1, i2] :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec2Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformIVec3 (i1, i2, i3)) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral [i1, i2, i3] :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec3Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformIVec4 (i1, i2, i3, i4)) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral [i1, i2, i3, i4] :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec4Type, castPtr ptr) (ShaderUniformSampler2D texture) -> do ptr <- malloc poke ptr (fromIntegral $ texture'id texture :: CInt) return (ShaderUniformSampler2DType, castPtr ptr) unpackShaderUniformDataV :: ShaderUniformDataV -> IO (ShaderUniformDataType, Ptr (), Int) unpackShaderUniformDataV xs = do case xs of (ShaderUniformFloatV fs) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac fs :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformFloatType, castPtr ptr, length fs) (ShaderUniformVec2V vs) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac $ concatMap asList vs :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec2Type, castPtr ptr, length vs) (ShaderUniformVec3V vs) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac $ concatMap asList vs :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec3Type, castPtr ptr, length vs) (ShaderUniformVec4V vs) -> do ptr <- newArray (map realToFrac $ concatMap asList vs :: [CFloat]) return (ShaderUniformVec4Type, castPtr ptr, length vs) (ShaderUniformIntV is) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral is :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIntType, castPtr ptr, length is) (ShaderUniformIVec2V is) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral $ concatMap (\(x, y) -> [x, y]) is :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec2Type, castPtr ptr, length is) (ShaderUniformIVec3V is) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral $ concatMap (\(x, y, z) -> [x, y, z]) is :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec3Type, castPtr ptr, length is) (ShaderUniformIVec4V is) -> do ptr <- newArray (map fromIntegral $ concatMap (\(x, y, z, w) -> [x, y, z, w]) is :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformIVec4Type, castPtr ptr, length is) (ShaderUniformSampler2DV textures) -> do ptr <- newArray (map (fromIntegral . texture'id) textures :: [CInt]) return (ShaderUniformSampler2DType, castPtr ptr, length textures) -- I genuinely have no idea where this is used. data ShaderAttributeDataType = ShaderAttribFloat | ShaderAttribVec2 | ShaderAttribVec3 | ShaderAttribVec4 deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) data PixelFormat = PixelFormatUnset | PixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale | PixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha | PixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 | PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 | PixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 | PixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 | PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 | PixelFormatUncompressedR32 | PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 | PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 | PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb | PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba | PixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba | PixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba | PixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb | PixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb | PixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba | PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb | PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba | PixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba | PixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable PixelFormat where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr :: Ptr CInt) return (toEnum $ fromIntegral val) poke ptr v = do poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) instance Enum PixelFormat where fromEnum n = case n of PixelFormatUnset -> 0 PixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale -> 1 PixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha -> 2 PixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 -> 3 PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 -> 4 PixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 -> 5 PixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 -> 6 PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 -> 7 PixelFormatUncompressedR32 -> 8 PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 -> 9 PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 -> 10 PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb -> 11 PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba -> 12 PixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba -> 13 PixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba -> 14 PixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb -> 15 PixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb -> 16 PixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba -> 17 PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb -> 18 PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba -> 19 PixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba -> 20 PixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba -> 21 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> PixelFormatUnset 1 -> PixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale 2 -> PixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha 3 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 4 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 5 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 6 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 7 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 8 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR32 9 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 10 -> PixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 11 -> PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb 12 -> PixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba 13 -> PixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba 14 -> PixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba 15 -> PixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb 16 -> PixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb 17 -> PixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba 18 -> PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb 19 -> PixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba 20 -> PixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba 21 -> PixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba _ -> error $ "(PixelFormat.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n data TextureFilter = TextureFilterPoint | TextureFilterBilinear | TextureFilterTrilinear | TextureFilterAnisotropic4x | TextureFilterAnisotropic8x | TextureFilterAnisotropic16x deriving (Enum) data TextureWrap = TextureWrapRepeat | TextureWrapClamp | TextureWrapMirrorRepeat | TextureWrapMirrorClamp deriving (Enum) data CubemapLayout = CubemapLayoutAutoDetect | CubemapLayoutLineVertical | CubemapLayoutLineHorizontal | CubemapLayoutCrossThreeByFour | CubemapLayoutCrossThreeByThree | CubemapLayoutPanorama deriving (Enum) data FontType = FontDefault | FontBitmap | FontSDF deriving (Enum) data BlendMode = BlendAlpha | BlendAdditive | BlendMultiplied | BlendAddColors | BlendSubtractColors | BlendAlphaPremultiply | BlendCustom | BlendCustomSeparate deriving (Enum) data Gesture = GestureNone | GestureTap | GestureDoubleTap | GestureHold | GestureDrag | GestureSwipeRight | GestureSwipeLeft | GestureSwipeUp | GestureSwipeDown | GesturePinchIn | GesturePinchOut deriving (Show) -- NOTE: This is not the ideal solution, I need to make this unjanky instance Enum Gesture where fromEnum n = case n of GestureNone -> 0 GestureTap -> 1 GestureDoubleTap -> 2 GestureHold -> 4 GestureDrag -> 8 GestureSwipeRight -> 16 GestureSwipeLeft -> 32 GestureSwipeUp -> 64 GestureSwipeDown -> 128 GesturePinchIn -> 256 GesturePinchOut -> 512 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> GestureNone 1 -> GestureTap 2 -> GestureDoubleTap 4 -> GestureHold 8 -> GestureDrag 16 -> GestureSwipeRight 32 -> GestureSwipeLeft 64 -> GestureSwipeUp 128 -> GestureSwipeDown 256 -> GesturePinchIn 512 -> GesturePinchOut _ -> error $ "(Gesture.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n data CameraMode = CameraModeCustom | CameraModeFree | CameraModeOrbital | CameraModeFirstPerson | CameraModeThirdPerson deriving (Enum) data CameraProjection = CameraPerspective | CameraOrthographic deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable CameraProjection where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return (toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt)) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) data NPatchLayout = NPatchNinePatch | NPatchThreePatchVertical | NPatchThreePatchHorizontal deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable NPatchLayout where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) data MusicContextType = MusicAudioNone | MusicAudioWAV | MusicAudioOGG | MusicAudioFLAC | MusicAudioMP3 | MusicAudioQOA | MusicModuleXM | MusicModuleMOD deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable MusicContextType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) ---- rlgl.h -- | OpenGL version data RLGLVersion = -- | OpenGL 1.1 RLOpenGL11 | -- | OpenGL 2.1 (GLSL 120) RLOpenGL21 | -- | OpenGL 3.3 (GLSL 330) RLOpenGL33 | -- | OpenGL 4.3 (using GLSL 330) RLOpenGL43 | -- | OpenGL ES 2.0 (GLSL 100) RLOpenGLES20 deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLGLVersion where fromEnum n = case n of RLOpenGL11 -> 0 RLOpenGL21 -> 1 RLOpenGL33 -> 2 RLOpenGL43 -> 3 RLOpenGLES20 -> 4 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> RLOpenGL11 1 -> RLOpenGL21 2 -> RLOpenGL33 3 -> RLOpenGL43 4 -> RLOpenGLES20 _ -> error $ "(RLGLVersion.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLGLVersion where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Trace log level. -- NOTE: Organized by priority level data RLTraceLogLevel = -- | Display all logs RLLogAll | -- | Trace logging, intended for internal use only RLLogTrace | -- | Debug logging, used for internal debugging, it should be disabled on release builds RLLogDebug | -- | Info logging, used for program execution info RLLogInfo | -- | Warning logging, used on recoverable failures RLLogWarning | -- | Error logging, used on unrecoverable failures RLLogError | -- | Fatal logging, used to abort program: exit(EXIT_FAILURE) RLLogFatal | -- | Disable logging RLLogNone deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLTraceLogLevel where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Texture pixel formats. -- NOTE: Support depends on OpenGL version data RLPixelFormat = -- | 8 bit per pixel (no alpha) RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale | -- | 8*2 bpp (2 channels) RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha | -- | 16 bpp RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 | -- | 24 bpp RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 | -- | 16 bpp (1 bit alpha) RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 | -- | 16 bpp (4 bit alpha) RLPixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 | -- | 32 bpp RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 | -- | 32 bpp (1 channel - float) RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32 | -- | 32*3 bpp (3 channels - float) RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 | -- | 32*4 bpp (4 channels - float) RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 | -- | 4 bpp (no alpha) RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb | -- | 4 bpp (1 bit alpha) RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba | -- | 8 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba | -- | 8 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba | -- | 4 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb | -- | 4 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb | -- | 8 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba | -- | 4 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb | -- | 4 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba | -- | 8 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba | -- | 2 bpp RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLPixelFormat where fromEnum n = case n of RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale -> 1 RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha -> 2 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 -> 3 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 -> 4 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 -> 5 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 -> 6 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 -> 7 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32 -> 8 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 -> 9 RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 -> 10 RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb -> 11 RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba -> 12 RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba -> 13 RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba -> 14 RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb -> 15 RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb -> 16 RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba -> 17 RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb -> 18 RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba -> 19 RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba -> 20 RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba -> 21 toEnum n = case n of 1 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayscale 2 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedGrayAlpha 3 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G6B5 4 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8 5 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR5G5B5A1 6 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR4G4B4A4 7 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR8G8B8A8 8 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32 9 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32 10 -> RLPixelFormatUncompressedR32G32B32A32 11 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgb 12 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt1Rgba 13 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt3Rgba 14 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedDxt5Rgba 15 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc1Rgb 16 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2Rgb 17 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedEtc2EacRgba 18 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgb 19 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedPvrtRgba 20 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc4x4Rgba 21 -> RLPixelFormatCompressedAstc8x8Rgba _ -> error $ "(RLPixelFormat.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLPixelFormat where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Texture parameters: filter mode. -- NOTE 1: Filtering considers mipmaps if available in the texture. -- NOTE 2: Filter is accordingly set for minification and magnification. data RLTextureFilter = -- | No filter, just pixel approximation RLTextureFilterPoint | -- | Linear filtering RLTextureFilterBilinear | -- | Trilinear filtering (linear with mipmaps) RLTextureFilterTrilinear | -- | Anisotropic filtering 4x RLTextureFilterAnisotropic4x | -- | Anisotropic filtering 8x RLTextureFilterAnisotropic8x | -- | Anisotropic filtering 16x RLTextureFilterAnisotropic16x deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLTextureFilter where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Color blending modes (pre-defined) data RLBlendMode = -- | Blend textures considering alpha (default) RlBlendAlpha | -- | Blend textures adding colors RlBlendAdditive | -- | Blend textures multiplying colors RlBlendMultiplied | -- | Blend textures adding colors (alternative) RlBlendAddColors | -- | Blend textures subtracting colors (alternative) RlBlendSubtractColors | -- | Blend premultiplied textures considering alpha RlBlendAlphaPremultiply | -- | Blend textures using custom src/dst factors (use rlSetBlendFactors()) RlBlendCustom | -- | Blend textures using custom src/dst factors (use rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate()) RlBlendCustomSeparate deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLBlendMode where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Shader location point type data RLShaderLocationIndex = -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: position RLShaderLocVertexPosition | -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord01 RLShaderLocVertexTexcoord01 | -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: texcoord02 RLShaderLocVertexTexcoord02 | -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: normal RLShaderLocVertexNormal | -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: tangent RLShaderLocVertexTangent | -- | Shader location: vertex attribute: color RLShaderLocVertexColor | -- | Shader location: matrix uniform: model-view-projection RLShaderLocMatrixMVP | -- | Shader location: matrix uniform: view (camera transform) RLShaderLocMatrixView | -- | Shader location: matrix uniform: projection RLShaderLocMatrixProjection | -- | Shader location: matrix uniform: model (transform) RLShaderLocMatrixModel | -- | Shader location: matrix uniform: normal RLShaderLocMatrixNormal | -- | Shader location: vector uniform: view RLShaderLocVectorView | -- | Shader location: vector uniform: diffuse color RLShaderLocColorDiffuse | -- | Shader location: vector uniform: specular color RLShaderLocColorSpecular | -- | Shader location: vector uniform: ambient color RLShaderLocColorAmbient | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: albedo (same as: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_DIFFUSE) RLShaderLocMapAlbedo | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: metalness (same as: RL_SHADER_LOC_MAP_SPECULAR) RLShaderLocMapMetalness | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: normal RLShaderLocMapNormal | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: roughness RLShaderLocMapRoughness | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: occlusion RLShaderLocMapOcclusion | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: emission RLShaderLocMapEmission | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: height RLShaderLocMapHeight | -- | Shader location: samplerCube texture: cubemap RLShaderLocMapCubemap | -- | Shader location: samplerCube texture: irradiance RLShaderLocMapIrradiance | -- | Shader location: samplerCube texture: prefilter RLShaderLocMapPrefilter | -- | Shader location: sampler2d texture: brdf RLShaderLocMapBRDF deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLShaderLocationIndex where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Shader uniform data type data RLShaderUniformDataType = -- | Shader uniform type: float RLShaderUniformFloat | -- | Shader uniform type: vec2 (2 float) RLShaderUniformVec2 | -- | Shader uniform type: vec3 (3 float) RLShaderUniformVec3 | -- | Shader uniform type: vec4 (4 float) RLShaderUniformVec4 | -- | Shader uniform type: int RLShaderUniformInt | -- | Shader uniform type: ivec2 (2 int) RLShaderUniformIVec2 | -- | Shader uniform type: ivec3 (3 int) RLShaderUniformIVec3 | -- | Shader uniform type: ivec4 (4 int) RLShaderUniformIVec4 | -- | Shader uniform type: sampler2d RLShaderUniformSampler2D deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLShaderUniformDataType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Shader attribute data types data RLShaderAttributeDataType = -- | Shader attribute type: float RLShaderAttribFloat | -- | Shader attribute type: vec2 (2 float) RLShaderAttribVec2 | -- | Shader attribute type: vec3 (3 float) RLShaderAttribVec3 | -- | Shader attribute type: vec4 (4 float) RLShaderAttribVec4 deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLShaderAttributeDataType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Framebuffer attachment type. -- NOTE: By default up to 8 color channels are defined, but it can be more data RLFramebufferAttachType = -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 0 RLAttachmentColorChannel0 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 1 RLAttachmentColorChannel1 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 2 RLAttachmentColorChannel2 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 3 RLAttachmentColorChannel3 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 4 RLAttachmentColorChannel4 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 5 RLAttachmentColorChannel5 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 6 RLAttachmentColorChannel6 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: color 7 RLAttachmentColorChannel7 | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: depth RLAttachmentDepth | -- | Framebuffer attachment type: stencil RLAttachmentStencil deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLFramebufferAttachType where fromEnum n = case n of RLAttachmentColorChannel0 -> 0 RLAttachmentColorChannel1 -> 1 RLAttachmentColorChannel2 -> 2 RLAttachmentColorChannel3 -> 3 RLAttachmentColorChannel4 -> 4 RLAttachmentColorChannel5 -> 5 RLAttachmentColorChannel6 -> 6 RLAttachmentColorChannel7 -> 7 RLAttachmentDepth -> 100 RLAttachmentStencil -> 200 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel0 1 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel1 2 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel2 3 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel3 4 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel4 5 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel5 6 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel6 7 -> RLAttachmentColorChannel7 100 -> RLAttachmentDepth 200 -> RLAttachmentStencil _ -> error $ "(RLFramebufferAttachType.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLFramebufferAttachType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type data RLFramebufferAttachTextureType = -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +X side RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveX | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -X side RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeX | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +Y side RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveY | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -Y side RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeY | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, +Z side RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveZ | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: cubemap, -Z side RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeZ | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: texture2d RLAttachmentTexture2D | -- | Framebuffer texture attachment type: renderbuffer RLAttachmentRenderBuffer deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLFramebufferAttachTextureType where fromEnum n = case n of RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveX -> 0 RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeX -> 1 RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveY -> 2 RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeY -> 3 RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveZ -> 4 RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeZ -> 5 RLAttachmentTexture2D -> 100 RLAttachmentRenderBuffer -> 200 toEnum n = case n of 0 -> RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveX 1 -> RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeX 2 -> RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveY 3 -> RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeY 4 -> RLAttachmentCubemapPositiveZ 5 -> RLAttachmentCubemapNegativeZ 100 -> RLAttachmentTexture2D 200 -> RLAttachmentRenderBuffer _ -> error $ "(RLFramebufferAttachTextureType.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLFramebufferAttachTextureType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Face culling mode data RLCullMode = RLCullFaceFront | RLCullFaceBack deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) instance Storable RLCullMode where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Matrix modes (equivalent to OpenGL) data RLMatrixMode -- | GL_MODELVIEW = RLModelView -- | GL_PROJECTION | RLProjection -- | GL_TEXTURE | RLTexture deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLMatrixMode where fromEnum n = case n of RLModelView -> 0x1700 RLProjection -> 0x1701 RLTexture -> 0x1702 toEnum n = case n of 0x1700 -> RLModelView 0x1701 -> RLProjection 0x1702 -> RLTexture _ -> error $ "(RLMatrixMode.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLMatrixMode where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Primitive assembly draw modes data RLDrawMode -- | GL_LINES = RLLines -- | GL_TRIANGLES | RLTriangles -- | GL_QUADS | RLQuads deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLDrawMode where fromEnum n = case n of RLLines -> 0x0001 RLTriangles -> 0x0004 RLQuads -> 0x0007 toEnum n = case n of 0x0001 -> RLLines 0x0004 -> RLTriangles 0x0007 -> RLQuads _ -> error $ "(RLDrawMode.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLDrawMode where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | Texture parameters (equivalent to OpenGL defines) data RLTextureParam -- | GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S = RLTextureParamWrapS -- | GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T | RLTextureParamWrapT -- | GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER | RLTextureParamMagFilter -- | GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER | RLTextureParamMinFilter -- | GL_NEAREST | RLTextureParamFilterNearest -- | GL_LINEAR | RLTextureParamFilterLinear -- | GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST | RLTextureParamFilterMipNearest -- | GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR | RLTextureParamFilterNearestMipLinear -- | GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST | RLTextureParamFilterLinearMipNearest -- | GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR | RLTextureParamFilterMipLinear -- | Anisotropic filter (custom identifier) | RLTextureParamFilterAnisotropic -- | Texture mipmap bias, percentage ratio (custom identifier) | RLTextureParamMipmapBiasRatio deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLTextureParam where fromEnum n = case n of RLTextureParamWrapS -> 0x2802 RLTextureParamWrapT -> 0x2803 RLTextureParamMagFilter -> 0x2800 RLTextureParamMinFilter -> 0x2801 RLTextureParamFilterNearest -> 0x2600 RLTextureParamFilterLinear -> 0x2601 RLTextureParamFilterMipNearest -> 0x2700 RLTextureParamFilterNearestMipLinear -> 0x2702 RLTextureParamFilterLinearMipNearest -> 0x2701 RLTextureParamFilterMipLinear -> 0x2703 RLTextureParamFilterAnisotropic -> 0x3000 RLTextureParamMipmapBiasRatio -> 0x4000 toEnum n = case n of 0x2802 -> RLTextureParamWrapS 0x2803 -> RLTextureParamWrapT 0x2800 -> RLTextureParamMagFilter 0x2801 -> RLTextureParamMinFilter 0x2600 -> RLTextureParamFilterNearest 0x2601 -> RLTextureParamFilterLinear 0x2700 -> RLTextureParamFilterMipNearest 0x2702 -> RLTextureParamFilterNearestMipLinear 0x2701 -> RLTextureParamFilterLinearMipNearest 0x2703 -> RLTextureParamFilterMipLinear 0x3000 -> RLTextureParamFilterAnisotropic 0x4000 -> RLTextureParamMipmapBiasRatio _ -> error $ "(RLTextureParam.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLTextureParam where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | OpenGL shader type data GLShaderType -- | GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER = GLFragmentShader -- | GL_VERTEX_SHADER | GLVertexShader -- | GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER | GLGeometryShader -- | GL_COMPUTE_SHADER | GLComputeShader deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum GLShaderType where fromEnum n = case n of GLFragmentShader -> 0x8B30 GLVertexShader -> 0x8B31 GLGeometryShader -> 0x8DD9 GLComputeShader -> 0x91B9 toEnum n = case n of 0x8B30 -> GLFragmentShader 0x8B31 -> GLVertexShader 0x8DD9 -> GLGeometryShader 0x91B9 -> GLComputeShader _ -> error $ "(GLShaderType.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable GLShaderType where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) -- | GL buffer usage hint data RLBufferHint -- | GL_STREAM_DRAW = RLBufferHintStreamDraw -- | GL_STREAM_READ | RLBufferHintStreamRead -- | GL_STREAM_COPY | RLBufferHintStreamCopy -- | GL_STATIC_DRAW | RLBufferHintStaticDraw -- | GL_STATIC_READ | RLBufferHintStaticRead -- | GL_STATIC_COPY | RLBufferHintStaticCopy -- | GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW | RLBufferHintDynamicDraw -- | GL_DYNAMIC_READ | RLBufferHintDynamicRead -- | GL_DYNAMIC_COPY | RLBufferHintDynamicCopy deriving (Eq, Show) instance Enum RLBufferHint where fromEnum n = case n of RLBufferHintStreamDraw -> 0x88E0 RLBufferHintStreamRead -> 0x88E1 RLBufferHintStreamCopy -> 0x88E2 RLBufferHintStaticDraw -> 0x88E4 RLBufferHintStaticRead -> 0x88E5 RLBufferHintStaticCopy -> 0x88E6 RLBufferHintDynamicDraw -> 0x88E8 RLBufferHintDynamicRead -> 0x88E9 RLBufferHintDynamicCopy -> 0x88EA toEnum n = case n of 0x88E0 -> RLBufferHintStreamDraw 0x88E1 -> RLBufferHintStreamRead 0x88E2 -> RLBufferHintStreamCopy 0x88E4 -> RLBufferHintStaticDraw 0x88E5 -> RLBufferHintStaticRead 0x88E6 -> RLBufferHintStaticCopy 0x88E8 -> RLBufferHintDynamicDraw 0x88E9 -> RLBufferHintDynamicRead 0x88EA -> RLBufferHintDynamicCopy _ -> error $ "(RLBufferHint.toEnum) Invalid value: " ++ show n instance Storable RLBufferHint where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 4 peek ptr = do val <- peek (castPtr ptr) return $ toEnum $ fromEnum (val :: CInt) poke ptr v = poke (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral (fromEnum v) :: CInt) ------------------------------------------------ -- Raylib typeclasses -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ class Vector a where -- List representation of the vector asList :: a -> [Float] -- Vector-vector addition (|+|) :: a -> a -> a -- Vector-vector subtraction (|-|) :: a -> a -> a v1 |-| v2 = v1 |+| inverse v2 -- Vector-scalar multiplication (|*|) :: a -> Float -> a -- Vector-scalar division (|/|) :: a -> Float -> a v |/| num = v |*| (1 / num) -- Vector-vector dot product (|.|) :: a -> a -> Float -- Zero vector zero :: a -- Vector additive inverse inverse :: a -> a -- Normalize vector (same direction, magnitude 1) normalize :: a -> a normalize v = v |/| magnitude v -- Vector magnitude magnitude :: a -> Float magnitude x = sqrt $ x |.| x ------------------------------------------------ -- Raylib structures --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- raylib.h data Vector2 = Vector2 { vector2'x :: Float, vector2'y :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Vector2 where sizeOf _ = 8 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do x <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CFloat) y <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) return $ Vector2 x y poke _p (Vector2 x y) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (realToFrac x :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac y :: CFloat) return () instance Vector Vector2 where asList (Vector2 x y) = [x, y] (Vector2 x1 y1) |+| (Vector2 x2 y2) = Vector2 (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (Vector2 x y) |*| num = Vector2 (x * num) (y * num) (Vector2 x1 y1) |.| (Vector2 x2 y2) = (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) zero = Vector2 0 0 inverse (Vector2 x y) = Vector2 (- x) (- y) data Vector3 = Vector3 { vector3'x :: Float, vector3'y :: Float, vector3'z :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Vector3 where sizeOf _ = 12 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do x <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CFloat) y <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) z <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CFloat) return $ Vector3 x y z poke _p (Vector3 x y z) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (realToFrac x :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac y :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 8 (realToFrac z :: CFloat) return () -- Vector cross-product cross :: Vector3 -> Vector3 -> Vector3 (Vector3 x1 y1 z1) `cross` (Vector3 x2 y2 z2) = Vector3 (y1 * z2 - z1 * y2) (z1 * x2 - x1 * z2) (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) instance Vector Vector3 where asList (Vector3 x y z) = [x, y, z] (Vector3 x1 y1 z1) |+| (Vector3 x2 y2 z2) = Vector3 (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2) (Vector3 x y z) |*| num = Vector3 (x * num) (y * num) (z * num) (Vector3 x1 y1 z1) |.| (Vector3 x2 y2 z2) = (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) zero = Vector3 0 0 0 inverse (Vector3 x y z) = Vector3 (- x) (- y) (- z) data Vector4 = Vector4 { vector4'x :: Float, vector4'y :: Float, vector4'z :: Float, vector4'w :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Vector4 where sizeOf _ = 16 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do x <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CFloat) y <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) z <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CFloat) w <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CFloat) return $ Vector4 x y z w poke _p (Vector4 x y z w) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (realToFrac x :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac y :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 8 (realToFrac z :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 12 (realToFrac w :: CFloat) return () instance Vector Vector4 where asList (Vector4 x y z w) = [x, y, z, w] (Vector4 x1 y1 z1 w1) |+| (Vector4 x2 y2 z2 w2) = Vector4 (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2) (w1 + w2) (Vector4 x y z w) |*| num = Vector4 (x * num) (y * num) (z * num) (w * num) (Vector4 x1 y1 z1 w1) |.| (Vector4 x2 y2 z2 w2) = (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2) + (z1 * z2) + (w1 * w2) zero = Vector4 0 0 0 0 inverse (Vector4 x y z w) = Vector4 (- x) (- y) (- z) (- w) type Quaternion = Vector4 data Matrix = Matrix { matrix'm0 :: Float, matrix'm4 :: Float, matrix'm8 :: Float, matrix'm12 :: Float, matrix'm1 :: Float, matrix'm5 :: Float, matrix'm9 :: Float, matrix'm13 :: Float, matrix'm2 :: Float, matrix'm6 :: Float, matrix'm10 :: Float, matrix'm14 :: Float, matrix'm3 :: Float, matrix'm7 :: Float, matrix'm11 :: Float, matrix'm15 :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Matrix where sizeOf _ = 64 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do m0 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CFloat) m4 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) m8 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CFloat) m12 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CFloat) m1 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CFloat) m5 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 20 :: IO CFloat) m9 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CFloat) m13 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 28 :: IO CFloat) m2 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO CFloat) m6 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 36 :: IO CFloat) m10 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 40 :: IO CFloat) m14 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 44 :: IO CFloat) m3 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 48 :: IO CFloat) m7 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 52 :: IO CFloat) m11 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 56 :: IO CFloat) m15 <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 60 :: IO CFloat) return $ Matrix m0 m4 m8 m12 m1 m5 m9 m13 m2 m6 m10 m14 m3 m7 m11 m15 poke _p (Matrix m0 m4 m8 m12 m1 m5 m9 m13 m2 m6 m10 m14 m3 m7 m11 m15) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (realToFrac m0 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac m4 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 8 (realToFrac m8 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 12 (realToFrac m12 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 16 (realToFrac m1 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 20 (realToFrac m5 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 24 (realToFrac m9 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 28 (realToFrac m13 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 32 (realToFrac m2 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 36 (realToFrac m6 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 40 (realToFrac m10 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 44 (realToFrac m14 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 48 (realToFrac m3 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 52 (realToFrac m7 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 56 (realToFrac m11 :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 60 (realToFrac m15 :: CFloat) return () vectorToColor :: Vector4 -> Color vectorToColor (Vector4 x y z w) = Color (round $ x * 255) (round $ y * 255) (round $ z * 255) (round $ w * 255) data Color = Color { color'r :: Word8, color'g :: Word8, color'b :: Word8, color'a :: Word8 } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Color where sizeOf _ = 4 alignment _ = 1 peek _p = do r <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUChar) g <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 1 :: IO CUChar) b <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 2 :: IO CUChar) a <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 3 :: IO CUChar) return $ Color r g b a poke _p (Color r g b a) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral r :: CUChar) pokeByteOff _p 1 (fromIntegral g :: CUChar) pokeByteOff _p 2 (fromIntegral b :: CUChar) pokeByteOff _p 3 (fromIntegral a :: CUChar) return () data Rectangle = Rectangle { rectangle'x :: Float, rectangle'y :: Float, rectangle'width :: Float, rectangle'height :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Rectangle where sizeOf _ = 16 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do x <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CFloat) y <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) width <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CFloat) height <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CFloat) return $ Rectangle x y width height poke _p (Rectangle x y width height) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (realToFrac x :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac y :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 8 (realToFrac width :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 12 (realToFrac height :: CFloat) return () data Image = Image { image'data :: [Word8], image'width :: Int, image'height :: Int, image'mipmaps :: Int, image'format :: PixelFormat } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Image where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do width <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CInt) height <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CInt) mipmaps <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CInt) format <- peekByteOff _p 20 ptr <- (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO (Ptr CUChar)) arr <- peekArray (getPixelDataSize width height (fromEnum format)) ptr return $ Image (map fromIntegral arr) width height mipmaps format poke _p (Image arr width height mipmaps format) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 =<< newArray (map fromIntegral arr :: [CUChar]) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral width :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 (fromIntegral height :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 16 (fromIntegral mipmaps :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 20 format return () instance Freeable Image where rlFreeDependents _ ptr = do dataPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 0 :: IO (Ptr CUChar)) c'free $ castPtr dataPtr data Texture = Texture { texture'id :: Integer, texture'width :: Int, texture'height :: Int, texture'mipmaps :: Int, texture'format :: PixelFormat } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Texture where sizeOf _ = 20 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do tId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUInt) width <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) height <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CInt) mipmaps <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CInt) format <- peekByteOff _p 16 return $ Texture tId width height mipmaps format poke _p (Texture tId width height mipmaps format) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral tId :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral width :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral height :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 (fromIntegral mipmaps :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 16 format return () type Texture2D = Texture type TextureCubemap = Texture data RenderTexture = RenderTexture { renderTexture'id :: Integer, renderTexture'texture :: Texture, renderTexture'depth :: Texture } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable RenderTexture where sizeOf _ = 44 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do rtId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUInt) texture <- peekByteOff _p 4 depth <- peekByteOff _p 24 return $ RenderTexture rtId texture depth poke _p (RenderTexture rtId texture depth) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral rtId :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 texture pokeByteOff _p 24 depth return () type RenderTexture2D = RenderTexture data NPatchInfo = NPatchInfo { nPatchInfo'source :: Rectangle, nPatchInfo'left :: Int, nPatchInfo'top :: Int, nPatchInfo'right :: Int, nPatchInfo'bottom :: Int, nPatchInfo'layout :: NPatchLayout } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable NPatchInfo where sizeOf _ = 36 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do source <- peekByteOff _p 0 left <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CInt) top <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 20 :: IO CInt) right <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CInt) bottom <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 28 :: IO CInt) layout <- peekByteOff _p 32 return $ NPatchInfo source left right top bottom layout poke _p (NPatchInfo source left right top bottom layout) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 source pokeByteOff _p 16 (fromIntegral left :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 20 (fromIntegral right :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 24 (fromIntegral top :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 28 (fromIntegral bottom :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 32 layout return () data GlyphInfo = GlyphInfo { glyphInfo'value :: Int, glyphInfo'offsetX :: Int, glyphInfo'offsetY :: Int, glyphInfo'advanceX :: Int, glyphInfo'image :: Image } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable GlyphInfo where sizeOf _ = 40 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do value <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) offsetX <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) offsetY <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CInt) advanceX <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CInt) image <- peekByteOff _p 16 return $ GlyphInfo value offsetX offsetY advanceX image poke _p (GlyphInfo value offsetX offsetY advanceX image) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral value :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral offsetX :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral offsetY :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 (fromIntegral advanceX :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 16 image return () instance Freeable GlyphInfo where rlFreeDependents _ ptr = do dataPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr CUChar)) c'free $ castPtr dataPtr data Font = Font { font'baseSize :: Int, font'glyphCount :: Int, font'glyphPadding :: Int, font'texture :: Texture, font'recs :: [Rectangle], font'glyphs :: [GlyphInfo] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Font where sizeOf _ = 48 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do baseSize <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) glyphCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) glyphPadding <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CInt) texture <- peekByteOff _p 12 recPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO (Ptr Rectangle)) recs <- peekArray glyphCount recPtr glyphPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 40 :: IO (Ptr GlyphInfo)) glyphs <- peekArray glyphCount glyphPtr return $ Font baseSize glyphCount glyphPadding texture recs glyphs poke _p (Font baseSize glyphCount glyphPadding texture recs glyphs) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral baseSize :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral glyphCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral glyphPadding :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 texture pokeByteOff _p 32 =<< newArray recs pokeByteOff _p 40 =<< newArray glyphs return () instance Freeable Font where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do recsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 32 :: IO (Ptr Rectangle)) c'free $ castPtr recsPtr glyphsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 40 :: IO (Ptr GlyphInfo)) rlFreeArray (font'glyphs val) glyphsPtr data Camera3D = Camera3D { camera3D'position :: Vector3, camera3D'target :: Vector3, camera3D'up :: Vector3, camera3D'fovy :: Float, camera3D'projection :: CameraProjection } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Camera3D where sizeOf _ = 44 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do position <- peekByteOff _p 0 target <- peekByteOff _p 12 up <- peekByteOff _p 24 fovy <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 36 :: IO CFloat) projection <- peekByteOff _p 40 return $ Camera3D position target up fovy projection poke _p (Camera3D position target up fovy projection) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 position pokeByteOff _p 12 target pokeByteOff _p 24 up pokeByteOff _p 36 (realToFrac fovy :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 40 projection return () type Camera = Camera3D data Camera2D = Camera2D { camera2D'offset :: Vector2, camera2D'target :: Vector2, camera2D'rotation :: Float, camera2D'zoom :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Camera2D where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do offset <- peekByteOff _p 0 target <- peekByteOff _p 8 rotation <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CFloat) zoom <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 20 :: IO CFloat) return $ Camera2D offset target rotation zoom poke _p (Camera2D offset target rotation zoom) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 offset pokeByteOff _p 8 target pokeByteOff _p 16 (realToFrac rotation :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 20 (realToFrac zoom :: CFloat) return () data Mesh = Mesh { mesh'vertexCount :: Int, mesh'triangleCount :: Int, mesh'vertices :: [Vector3], mesh'texcoords :: [Vector2], mesh'texcoords2 :: Maybe [Vector2], mesh'normals :: [Vector3], mesh'tangents :: Maybe [Vector4], mesh'colors :: Maybe [Color], mesh'indices :: Maybe [Word16], mesh'animVertices :: Maybe [Vector3], mesh'animNormals :: Maybe [Vector3], mesh'boneIds :: Maybe [Word8], mesh'boneWeights :: Maybe [Float], mesh'vaoId :: Integer, mesh'vboId :: Maybe [Integer] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Mesh where sizeOf _ = 112 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do vertexCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) triangleCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) verticesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) vertices <- peekArray vertexCount verticesPtr texcoordsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) texcoords <- peekArray vertexCount texcoordsPtr texcoords2Ptr <- (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) texcoords2 <- peekMaybeArray vertexCount texcoords2Ptr normalsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) normals <- peekArray vertexCount normalsPtr tangentsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 40 :: IO (Ptr Vector4)) tangents <- peekMaybeArray vertexCount tangentsPtr colorsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 48 :: IO (Ptr Color)) colors <- peekMaybeArray vertexCount colorsPtr indicesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 56 :: IO (Ptr CUShort)) indices <- (\m -> map fromIntegral <$> m) <$> peekMaybeArray vertexCount indicesPtr animVerticesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 64 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) animVertices <- peekMaybeArray vertexCount animVerticesPtr animNormalsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 72 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) animNormals <- peekMaybeArray vertexCount animNormalsPtr boneIdsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 80 :: IO (Ptr CUChar)) boneIds <- (\m -> map fromIntegral <$> m) <$> peekMaybeArray (vertexCount * 4) boneIdsPtr boneWeightsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 88 :: IO (Ptr CFloat)) boneWeights <- (map realToFrac <$>) <$> peekMaybeArray (vertexCount * 4) boneWeightsPtr vaoId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 96 :: IO CUInt) vboIdPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 104 :: IO (Ptr CUInt)) vboId <- (\m -> map fromIntegral <$> m) <$> peekMaybeArray 7 vboIdPtr return $ Mesh vertexCount triangleCount vertices texcoords texcoords2 normals tangents colors indices animVertices animNormals boneIds boneWeights vaoId vboId poke _p (Mesh vertexCount triangleCount vertices texcoords texcoords2 normals tangents colors indices animVertices animNormals boneIds boneWeights vaoId vboId) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral vertexCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral triangleCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 =<< newArray vertices pokeByteOff _p 16 =<< newArray texcoords newMaybeArray texcoords2 >>= pokeByteOff _p 24 pokeByteOff _p 32 =<< newArray normals newMaybeArray tangents >>= pokeByteOff _p 40 newMaybeArray colors >>= pokeByteOff _p 48 newMaybeArray (map fromIntegral <$> indices :: Maybe [CUShort]) >>= pokeByteOff _p 56 newMaybeArray animVertices >>= pokeByteOff _p 64 newMaybeArray animNormals >>= pokeByteOff _p 72 newMaybeArray (map fromIntegral <$> boneIds :: Maybe [CUChar]) >>= pokeByteOff _p 80 newMaybeArray (map realToFrac <$> boneWeights :: Maybe [CFloat]) >>= pokeByteOff _p 88 pokeByteOff _p 96 (fromIntegral vaoId :: CUInt) newMaybeArray (map fromIntegral <$> vboId :: Maybe [CUInt]) >>= pokeByteOff _p 104 return () instance Freeable Mesh where rlFreeDependents _ ptr = do verticesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr Float)) c'free $ castPtr verticesPtr texcoordsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) c'free $ castPtr texcoordsPtr texcoords2Ptr <- (peekByteOff ptr 24 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr texcoords2Ptr normalsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 32 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) c'free $ castPtr normalsPtr tangentsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 40 :: IO (Ptr Vector4)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr tangentsPtr colorsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 48 :: IO (Ptr Color)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr colorsPtr indicesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 56 :: IO (Ptr CUShort)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr indicesPtr animVerticesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 64 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr animVerticesPtr animNormalsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 72 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr animNormalsPtr boneIdsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 80 :: IO (Ptr CUChar)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr boneIdsPtr boneWeightsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 88 :: IO (Ptr CFloat)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr boneWeightsPtr vboIdPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 104 :: IO (Ptr CUInt)) c'free $ castPtr vboIdPtr data Shader = Shader { shader'id :: Integer, shader'locs :: [Int] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Shader where sizeOf _ = 16 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do sId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUInt) locsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr CInt)) locs <- map fromIntegral <$> peekArray 32 locsPtr return $ Shader sId locs poke _p (Shader sId locs) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral sId :: CUInt) defaultShaderId <- c'rlGetShaderIdDefault locsArr <- newArray (map fromIntegral locs :: [CInt]) if sId == fromIntegral defaultShaderId then do locsPtr <- newForeignPtr p'free locsArr withForeignPtr locsPtr $ pokeByteOff _p 8 else pokeByteOff _p 8 locsArr return () instance Freeable Shader where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do defaultShaderId <- c'rlGetShaderIdDefault unless (shader'id val == fromIntegral defaultShaderId) ( do locsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr CInt)) c'free $ castPtr locsPtr ) data MaterialMap = MaterialMap { materialMap'texture :: Texture, materialMap'color :: Color, materialMap'value :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable MaterialMap where sizeOf _ = 28 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do texture <- peekByteOff _p 0 color <- peekByteOff _p 20 value <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CFloat) return $ MaterialMap texture color value poke _p (MaterialMap texture color value) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 texture pokeByteOff _p 20 color pokeByteOff _p 24 (realToFrac value :: CFloat) return () data Material = Material { material'shader :: Shader, material'maps :: Maybe [MaterialMap], material'params :: [Float] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Material where sizeOf _ = 40 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do shader <- peekByteOff _p 0 mapsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr MaterialMap)) maps <- peekMaybeArray 12 mapsPtr params <- map realToFrac <$> peekStaticArrayOff 4 (castPtr _p :: Ptr CFloat) 24 return $ Material shader maps params poke _p (Material shader maps params) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 shader pokeByteOff _p 16 =<< newMaybeArray maps pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p :: Ptr CFloat) 24 (map realToFrac params :: [CFloat]) return () instance Freeable Material where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do rlFreeDependents (material'shader val) (castPtr ptr :: Ptr Shader) mapsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr MaterialMap)) rlFreeMaybeArray (material'maps val) mapsPtr data Transform = Transform { transform'translation :: Vector3, transform'rotation :: Quaternion, transform'scale :: Vector3 } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Transform where sizeOf _ = 40 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do translation <- peekByteOff _p 0 rotation <- peekByteOff _p 12 scale <- peekByteOff _p 28 return $ Transform translation rotation scale poke _p (Transform translation rotation scale) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 translation pokeByteOff _p 12 rotation pokeByteOff _p 28 scale return () data BoneInfo = BoneInfo { boneInfo'name :: String, boneinfo'parent :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable BoneInfo where sizeOf _ = 36 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do name <- map castCCharToChar . takeWhile (/= 0) <$> peekStaticArray 32 (castPtr _p :: Ptr CChar) parent <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO CInt) return $ BoneInfo name parent poke _p (BoneInfo name parent) = do pokeStaticArray (castPtr _p :: Ptr CChar) (rightPad 32 0 $ map castCharToCChar name) pokeByteOff _p 32 (fromIntegral parent :: CInt) return () data Model = Model { model'transform :: Matrix, model'meshes :: [Mesh], model'materials :: [Material], model'meshMaterial :: [Int], model'boneCount :: Int, model'bones :: Maybe [BoneInfo], model'bindPose :: Maybe [Transform] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Model where sizeOf _ = 120 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do transform <- peekByteOff _p 0 meshCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 64 :: IO CInt) materialCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 68 :: IO CInt) meshesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 72 :: IO (Ptr Mesh)) meshes <- peekArray meshCount meshesPtr materialsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 80 :: IO (Ptr Material)) materials <- peekArray materialCount materialsPtr meshMaterialPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 88 :: IO (Ptr CInt)) meshMaterial <- map fromIntegral <$> peekArray meshCount meshMaterialPtr boneCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 96 :: IO CInt) bonesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 104 :: IO (Ptr BoneInfo)) bones <- peekMaybeArray boneCount bonesPtr bindPosePtr <- (peekByteOff _p 112 :: IO (Ptr Transform)) bindPose <- peekMaybeArray boneCount bindPosePtr return $ Model transform meshes materials meshMaterial boneCount bones bindPose poke _p (Model transform meshes materials meshMaterial boneCount bones bindPose) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 transform pokeByteOff _p 64 (fromIntegral $ length meshes :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 68 (fromIntegral $ length materials :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 72 =<< newArray meshes pokeByteOff _p 80 =<< newArray materials pokeByteOff _p 88 =<< newArray (map fromIntegral meshMaterial :: [CInt]) pokeByteOff _p 96 (fromIntegral boneCount :: CInt) newMaybeArray bones >>= pokeByteOff _p 104 newMaybeArray bindPose >>= pokeByteOff _p 112 return () instance Freeable Model where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do meshesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 72 :: IO (Ptr Mesh)) rlFreeArray (model'meshes val) meshesPtr materialsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 80 :: IO (Ptr Material)) rlFreeArray (model'materials val) materialsPtr meshMaterialPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 88 :: IO (Ptr CInt)) c'free $ castPtr meshMaterialPtr bonesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 104 :: IO (Ptr BoneInfo)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr bonesPtr bindPosePtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 112 :: IO (Ptr Transform)) freeMaybePtr $ castPtr bindPosePtr data ModelAnimation = ModelAnimation { modelAnimation'boneCount :: Int, modelAnimation'frameCount :: Int, modelAnimation'bones :: [BoneInfo], modelAnimation'framePoses :: [[Transform]] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable ModelAnimation where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do boneCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) frameCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) bonesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr BoneInfo)) bones <- peekArray boneCount bonesPtr framePosesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr (Ptr Transform))) framePosesPtrArr <- peekArray frameCount framePosesPtr framePoses <- mapM (peekArray boneCount) framePosesPtrArr return $ ModelAnimation boneCount frameCount bones framePoses poke _p (ModelAnimation boneCount frameCount bones framePoses) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral boneCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral frameCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 =<< newArray bones mapM newArray framePoses >>= newArray >>= pokeByteOff _p 16 return () instance Freeable ModelAnimation where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do bonesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr BoneInfo)) c'free $ castPtr bonesPtr framePosesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr (Ptr Transform))) framePosesPtrArr <- peekArray (modelAnimation'frameCount val) framePosesPtr forM_ framePosesPtrArr (c'free . castPtr) c'free $ castPtr framePosesPtr data Ray = Ray { ray'position :: Vector3, ray'direction :: Vector3 } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Ray where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do position <- peekByteOff _p 0 direction <- peekByteOff _p 12 return $ Ray position direction poke _p (Ray position direction) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 position pokeByteOff _p 12 direction return () data RayCollision = RayCollision { rayCollision'hit :: Bool, rayCollision'distance :: Float, rayCollision'point :: Vector3, rayCollision'normal :: Vector3 } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable RayCollision where sizeOf _ = 32 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do hit <- toBool <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CBool) distance <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CFloat) point <- peekByteOff _p 8 normal <- peekByteOff _p 20 return $ RayCollision hit distance point normal poke _p (RayCollision hit distance point normal) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromBool hit :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (realToFrac distance :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 8 point pokeByteOff _p 20 normal return () data BoundingBox = BoundingBox { boundingBox'min :: Vector3, boundingBox'max :: Vector3 } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable BoundingBox where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do bMin <- peekByteOff _p 0 bMax <- peekByteOff _p 12 return $ BoundingBox bMin bMax poke _p (BoundingBox bMin bMax) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 bMin pokeByteOff _p 12 bMax return () data Wave = Wave { wave'frameCount :: Integer, wave'sampleRate :: Integer, wave'sampleSize :: Integer, wave'channels :: Integer, wave'data :: [Int] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable Wave where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do frameCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUInt) sampleRate <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CUInt) sampleSize <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CUInt) channels <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CUInt) wDataPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr CShort)) wData <- map fromIntegral <$> peekArray (fromInteger $ frameCount * channels) wDataPtr return $ Wave frameCount sampleRate sampleSize channels wData poke _p (Wave frameCount sampleRate sampleSize channels wData) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral frameCount :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral sampleRate :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral sampleSize :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 (fromIntegral channels :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 16 =<< newArray (map fromIntegral wData :: [CShort]) return () instance Freeable Wave where rlFreeDependents _ ptr = do dataPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr CShort) c'free $ castPtr dataPtr -- RAudioBuffer/Processor don't work perfectly right now, I need to fix them later on. -- They are currently used as `Ptr`s because peeking/poking them every time -- an audio function is called doesn't work properly (they are stored in a -- linked list in C, which makes it very difficult to properly marshal them) data RAudioBuffer = RAudioBuffer { rAudioBuffer'converter :: [Int], -- Implemented as an array of 39 integers because binding the entire `ma_data_converter` type is too painful rAudioBuffer'callback :: AudioCallback, rAudioBuffer'processor :: Maybe RAudioProcessor, rAudioBuffer'volume :: Float, rAudioBuffer'pitch :: Float, rAudioBuffer'pan :: Float, rAudioBuffer'playing :: Bool, rAudioBuffer'paused :: Bool, rAudioBuffer'looping :: Bool, rAudioBuffer'usage :: Int, rAudioBuffer'isSubBufferProcessed :: [Bool], rAudioBuffer'sizeInFrames :: Integer, rAudioBuffer'frameCursorPos :: Integer, rAudioBuffer'framesProcessed :: Integer, rAudioBuffer'data :: [Word8], rAudioBuffer'next :: Maybe RAudioBuffer, rAudioBuffer'prev :: Maybe RAudioBuffer } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable RAudioBuffer where sizeOf _ = 392 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do base <- loadBase _p nextPtr <- peekByteOff _p 376 next <- loadNext nextPtr prevPtr <- peekByteOff _p 384 prev <- loadPrev prevPtr return $ let p = base ((\a -> a {rAudioBuffer'prev = Just p}) <$> next) ((\a -> a {rAudioBuffer'next = Just p}) <$> prev) in p where getBytesPerSample = ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4] !!) loadBase ptr = do converter <- map fromIntegral <$> (peekStaticArray 39 (castPtr ptr) :: IO [CInt]) callback <- peekByteOff ptr 312 pPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 320 :: IO (Ptr RAudioProcessor) processor <- if pPtr == nullPtr then return Nothing else Just <$> peek pPtr volume <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff ptr 328 :: IO CFloat) pitch <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff ptr 332 :: IO CFloat) pan <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff ptr 336 :: IO CFloat) playing <- toBool <$> (peekByteOff ptr 340 :: IO CBool) paused <- toBool <$> (peekByteOff ptr 341 :: IO CBool) looping <- toBool <$> (peekByteOff ptr 342 :: IO CBool) usage <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff ptr 344 :: IO CInt) isSubBufferProcessed <- map toBool <$> peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr ptr :: Ptr CBool) 348 sizeInFrames <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff ptr 352 :: IO CUInt) frameCursorPos <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff ptr 356 :: IO CUInt) framesProcessed <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff ptr 360 :: IO CUInt) bData <- map fromIntegral <$> (peekArray (fromIntegral $ sizeInFrames * 2 * getBytesPerSample (head converter)) =<< (peekByteOff ptr 368 :: IO (Ptr CUChar))) return $ RAudioBuffer converter callback processor volume pitch pan playing paused looping usage isSubBufferProcessed sizeInFrames frameCursorPos framesProcessed bData loadNext ptr = if ptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else do base <- loadBase ptr nextPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 376 next <- loadNext nextPtr let p = base ((\a -> a {rAudioBuffer'prev = Just p}) <$> next) Nothing in return (Just p) loadPrev ptr = if ptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else do base <- loadBase ptr prevPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 384 prev <- loadPrev prevPtr let p = base Nothing ((\a -> a {rAudioBuffer'next = Just p}) <$> prev) in return (Just p) poke _p a = do pokeBase _p a pokeNext _p $ rAudioBuffer'next a pokePrev _p $ rAudioBuffer'prev a return () where pokeBase ptr (RAudioBuffer converter callback processor volume pitch pan playing paused looping usage isSubBufferProcessed sizeInFrames frameCursorPos framesProcessed bData _ _) = do pokeStaticArray (castPtr ptr) (map fromIntegral converter :: [CInt]) pokeByteOff ptr 312 callback pokeMaybeOff (castPtr ptr) 320 processor pokeByteOff ptr 328 (realToFrac volume :: CFloat) pokeByteOff ptr 332 (realToFrac pitch :: CFloat) pokeByteOff ptr 336 (realToFrac pan :: CFloat) pokeByteOff ptr 340 (fromBool playing :: CBool) pokeByteOff ptr 341 (fromBool paused :: CBool) pokeByteOff ptr 342 (fromBool looping :: CBool) pokeByteOff ptr 344 (fromIntegral usage :: CInt) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr ptr) 348 (map fromBool isSubBufferProcessed :: [CBool]) pokeByteOff ptr 352 (fromIntegral sizeInFrames :: CUInt) pokeByteOff ptr 356 (fromIntegral frameCursorPos :: CUInt) pokeByteOff ptr 360 (fromIntegral framesProcessed :: CUInt) pokeByteOff ptr 368 =<< newArray (map fromIntegral bData :: [CUChar]) return () pokeNext basePtr pNext = case pNext of Nothing -> pokeByteOff basePtr 376 nullPtr Just val -> do nextPtr <- malloc pokeBase nextPtr val pokeNext nextPtr (rAudioBuffer'next val) pokeByteOff nextPtr 384 basePtr pokeByteOff basePtr 376 nextPtr pokePrev basePtr pPrev = case pPrev of Nothing -> pokeByteOff basePtr 384 nullPtr Just val -> do prevPtr <- malloc pokeBase prevPtr val pokeByteOff prevPtr 376 basePtr pokePrev prevPtr (rAudioBuffer'prev val) pokeByteOff basePtr 384 prevPtr data RAudioProcessor = RAudioProcessor { rAudioProcessor'process :: Maybe AudioCallback, rAudioProcessor'next :: Maybe RAudioProcessor, rAudioProcessor'prev :: Maybe RAudioProcessor } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable RAudioProcessor where sizeOf _ = 24 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do process <- loadProcess _p nextPtr <- peekByteOff _p 8 next <- loadNext nextPtr prevPtr <- peekByteOff _p 16 prev <- loadPrev prevPtr return $ let p = RAudioProcessor process ((\a -> a {rAudioProcessor'prev = Just p}) <$> next) ((\a -> a {rAudioProcessor'next = Just p}) <$> prev) in p where loadProcess ptr = do funPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 0 if funPtr == nullFunPtr then return Nothing else return (Just funPtr) loadNext ptr = if ptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else do process <- loadProcess ptr nextPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 8 next <- loadNext nextPtr let p = RAudioProcessor process ((\a -> a {rAudioProcessor'prev = Just p}) <$> next) Nothing in return (Just p) loadPrev ptr = if ptr == nullPtr then return Nothing else do process <- loadProcess ptr prevPtr <- peekByteOff ptr 16 prev <- loadPrev prevPtr let p = RAudioProcessor process Nothing ((\a -> a {rAudioProcessor'next = Just p}) <$> prev) in return (Just p) poke _p (RAudioProcessor process next prev) = do pokeMaybeOff (castPtr _p) 0 process pokeNext (castPtr _p) next pokePrev (castPtr _p) prev return () where pokeNext basePtr pNext = case pNext of Nothing -> pokeByteOff basePtr 8 nullPtr Just val -> do nextPtr <- malloc pokeMaybeOff nextPtr 0 (rAudioProcessor'process val) pokeNext nextPtr (rAudioProcessor'next val) pokeByteOff nextPtr 16 basePtr pokeByteOff basePtr 8 nextPtr pokePrev basePtr pPrev = case pPrev of Nothing -> pokeByteOff basePtr 16 nullPtr Just val -> do prevPtr <- malloc pokeMaybeOff prevPtr 0 (rAudioProcessor'process val) pokeByteOff prevPtr 8 basePtr pokePrev prevPtr (rAudioProcessor'prev val) pokeByteOff basePtr 16 prevPtr data AudioStream = AudioStream { audioStream'buffer :: Ptr RAudioBuffer, audioStream'processor :: Ptr RAudioProcessor, audioStream'sampleRate :: Integer, audioStream'sampleSize :: Integer, audiostream'channels :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable AudioStream where sizeOf _ = 32 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do buffer <- peekByteOff _p 0 processor <- peekByteOff _p 8 sampleRate <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CUInt) sampleSize <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 20 :: IO CUInt) channels <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CUInt) return $ AudioStream buffer processor sampleRate sampleSize channels poke _p (AudioStream buffer processor sampleRate sampleSize channels) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 buffer pokeByteOff _p 8 processor pokeByteOff _p 16 (fromIntegral sampleRate :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 20 (fromIntegral sampleSize :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 24 (fromIntegral channels :: CUInt) return () data Sound = Sound { sound'stream :: AudioStream, sound'frameCount :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Sound where sizeOf _ = 40 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do stream <- peekByteOff _p 0 frameCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO CUInt) return $ Sound stream frameCount poke _p (Sound stream frameCount) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 stream pokeByteOff _p 32 (fromIntegral frameCount :: CUInt) return () data Music = Music { music'stream :: AudioStream, music'frameCount :: Integer, music'looping :: Bool, music'ctxType :: MusicContextType, music'ctxData :: Ptr () } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable Music where sizeOf _ = 56 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do stream <- peekByteOff _p 0 frameCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO CUInt) looping <- toBool <$> (peekByteOff _p 36 :: IO CBool) ctxType <- peekByteOff _p 40 ctxData <- peekByteOff _p 48 return $ Music stream frameCount looping ctxType ctxData poke _p (Music stream frameCount looping ctxType ctxData) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 stream pokeByteOff _p 32 (fromIntegral frameCount :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 36 (fromBool looping :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 40 ctxType pokeByteOff _p 48 ctxData return () data VrDeviceInfo = VrDeviceInfo { vrDeviceInfo'hResolution :: Int, vrDeviceInfo'vResolution :: Int, vrDeviceInfo'hScreenSize :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'vScreenSize :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'vScreenCenter :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'eyeToScreenDistance :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'lensSeparationDistance :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'interpupillaryDistance :: Float, vrDeviceInfo'lensDistortionValues :: [Float], vrDeviceInfo'chromaAbCorrection :: [Float] } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable VrDeviceInfo where sizeOf _ = 64 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do hResolution <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) vResolution <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) hScreenSize <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CFloat) vScreenSize <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CFloat) vScreenCenter <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO CFloat) eyeToScreenDistance <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 20 :: IO CFloat) lensSeparationDistance <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CFloat) interpupillaryDistance <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 28 :: IO CFloat) lensDistortionValues <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 4 (castPtr _p) 32 :: IO [CFloat]) chromaAbCorrection <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 4 (castPtr _p) 48 :: IO [CFloat]) return $ VrDeviceInfo hResolution vResolution hScreenSize vScreenSize vScreenCenter eyeToScreenDistance lensSeparationDistance interpupillaryDistance lensDistortionValues chromaAbCorrection poke _p (VrDeviceInfo hResolution vResolution hScreenSize vScreenSize vScreenCenter eyeToScreenDistance lensSeparationDistance interpupillaryDistance lensDistortionValues chromaAbCorrection) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral hResolution :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral vResolution :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (realToFrac hScreenSize :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 12 (realToFrac vScreenSize :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 16 (realToFrac vScreenCenter :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 20 (realToFrac eyeToScreenDistance :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 24 (realToFrac lensSeparationDistance :: CFloat) pokeByteOff _p 28 (realToFrac interpupillaryDistance :: CFloat) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 32 (map realToFrac lensDistortionValues :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 48 (map realToFrac chromaAbCorrection :: [CFloat]) return () data VrStereoConfig = VrStereoConfig { vrStereoConfig'projection :: [Matrix], vrStereoConfig'viewOffset :: [Matrix], vrStereoConfig'leftLensCenter :: [Float], vrStereoConfig'rightLensCenter :: [Float], vrStereoConfig'leftScreenCenter :: [Float], vrStereoConfig'rightScreenCenter :: [Float], vrStereoConfig'scale :: [Float], vrStereoConfig'scaleIn :: [Float] } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable VrStereoConfig where sizeOf _ = 304 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do projection <- peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 0 viewOffset <- peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 128 leftLensCenter <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 256 :: IO [CFloat]) rightLensCenter <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 264 :: IO [CFloat]) leftScreenCenter <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 272 :: IO [CFloat]) rightScreenCenter <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 280 :: IO [CFloat]) scale <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 288 :: IO [CFloat]) scaleIn <- map realToFrac <$> (peekStaticArrayOff 2 (castPtr _p) 296 :: IO [CFloat]) return $ VrStereoConfig projection viewOffset leftLensCenter rightLensCenter leftScreenCenter rightScreenCenter scale scaleIn poke _p (VrStereoConfig projection viewOffset leftLensCenter rightLensCenter leftScreenCenter rightScreenCenter scale scaleIn) = do pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 0 projection pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 128 viewOffset pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 256 (map realToFrac leftLensCenter :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 264 (map realToFrac rightLensCenter :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 272 (map realToFrac leftScreenCenter :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 280 (map realToFrac rightScreenCenter :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 288 (map realToFrac scale :: [CFloat]) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 296 (map realToFrac scaleIn :: [CFloat]) return () data FilePathList = FilePathList { filePathlist'capacity :: Integer, filePathList'paths :: [String] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable FilePathList where sizeOf _ = 16 alignment _ = 4 peek _p = do capacity <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CUInt) count <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CUInt) pathsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr CString)) pathsCStrings <- peekArray count pathsPtr paths <- mapM peekCString pathsCStrings return $ FilePathList capacity paths poke _p (FilePathList capacity paths) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral capacity :: CUInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral (length paths) :: CUInt) pathsCStrings <- mapM newCString paths pokeByteOff _p 8 =<< newArray pathsCStrings return () instance Freeable FilePathList where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do pathsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr CString)) pathsCStrings <- peekArray (length $ filePathList'paths val) pathsPtr mapM_ (c'free . castPtr) pathsCStrings c'free $ castPtr pathsPtr ---- rlgl.h -- | Dynamic vertex buffers (position + texcoords + colors + indices arrays) data RLVertexBuffer = RLVertexBuffer { -- | Number of elements in the buffer (QUADS) rlVertexBuffer'elementCount :: Int, -- | Vertex position (shader-location = 0) rlVertexBuffer'vertices :: [Vector3], -- | Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1) rlVertexBuffer'texcoords :: [Vector2], -- | Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3) rlVertexBuffer'colors :: [Color], -- | Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) (6 indices per quad) rlVertexBuffer'indices :: [Integer], -- | OpenGL Vertex Array Object id rlVertexBuffer'vaoId :: Integer, -- | OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (4 types of vertex data) rlVertexBuffer'vboId :: [Integer] } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable RLVertexBuffer where sizeOf _ = 64 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do elementCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) verticesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) vertices <- peekArray elementCount verticesPtr texcoordsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) texcoords <- peekArray elementCount texcoordsPtr colorsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO (Ptr Color)) colors <- peekArray elementCount colorsPtr indicesPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 32 :: IO (Ptr CUInt)) indices <- map fromIntegral <$> peekArray elementCount indicesPtr vaoId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 40 :: IO CUInt) vboId <- map fromIntegral <$> peekStaticArrayOff 4 (castPtr _p :: Ptr CUInt) 44 return $ RLVertexBuffer elementCount vertices texcoords colors indices vaoId vboId poke _p (RLVertexBuffer elementCount vertices texcoords colors indices vaoId vboId) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral elementCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 =<< newArray vertices pokeByteOff _p 16 =<< newArray texcoords pokeByteOff _p 24 =<< newArray colors pokeByteOff _p 32 =<< newArray (map fromIntegral indices :: [CUInt]) pokeByteOff _p 40 (fromIntegral vaoId :: CUInt) pokeStaticArrayOff (castPtr _p) 44 (map fromIntegral vboId :: [CUInt]) return () instance Freeable RLVertexBuffer where rlFreeDependents _ ptr = do verticesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr Vector3)) c'free $ castPtr verticesPtr texcoordsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr Vector2)) c'free $ castPtr texcoordsPtr colorsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 24 :: IO (Ptr Color)) c'free $ castPtr colorsPtr indicesPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 32 :: IO (Ptr CUInt)) c'free $ castPtr indicesPtr -- | Draw call type. -- NOTE: Only texture changes register a new draw, other state-change-related elements are not -- used at this moment (vaoId, shaderId, matrices), raylib just forces a batch draw call if any -- of those state changes happen (this is done in the core module). data RLDrawCall = RLDrawCall { -- | Drawing mode: LINES, TRIANGLES, QUADS rlDrawCall'mode :: RLDrawMode, -- | Number of vertices of the draw rlDrawCall'vertexCount :: Int, -- | Number of vertices required for index alignment (LINES, TRIANGLES) rlDrawCall'vertexAlignment :: Int, -- | Texture id to be used on the draw -> Used to create new draw call if changed rlDrawCall'textureId :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Show, Freeable) instance Storable RLDrawCall where sizeOf _ = 16 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do mode <- peekByteOff _p 0 vertexCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) vertexAlignment <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO CInt) textureId <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 12 :: IO CUInt) return $ RLDrawCall mode vertexCount vertexAlignment textureId poke _p (RLDrawCall mode vertexCount vertexAlignment textureId) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 mode pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral vertexCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 (fromIntegral vertexAlignment :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 12 (fromIntegral textureId :: CUInt) return () -- rlRenderBatch type data RLRenderBatch = RLRenderBatch { -- | Number of vertex buffers (multi-buffering support) rlRenderBatch'bufferCount :: Int, -- | Current buffer tracking in case of multi-buffering rlRenderBatch'currentBuffer :: Int, -- | Dynamic buffer(s) for vertex data rlRenderBatch'vertexBuffers :: [RLVertexBuffer], -- | Draw calls array, depends on textureId rlRenderBatch'draws :: [RLDrawCall], -- | Draw calls counter rlRenderBatch'drawCounter :: Int, -- | Current depth value for next draw rlRenderBatch'currentDepth :: Float } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Storable RLRenderBatch where sizeOf _ = 32 alignment _ = 8 peek _p = do bufferCount <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 0 :: IO CInt) currentBuffer <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 4 :: IO CInt) vertexBuffersPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 8 :: IO (Ptr RLVertexBuffer)) vertexBuffers <- peekArray bufferCount vertexBuffersPtr drawsPtr <- (peekByteOff _p 16 :: IO (Ptr RLDrawCall)) draws <- peekArray 256 drawsPtr drawCounter <- fromIntegral <$> (peekByteOff _p 24 :: IO CInt) currentDepth <- realToFrac <$> (peekByteOff _p 28 :: IO CFloat) return $ RLRenderBatch bufferCount currentBuffer vertexBuffers draws drawCounter currentDepth poke _p (RLRenderBatch bufferCount currentBuffer vertexBuffers draws drawCounter currentDepth) = do pokeByteOff _p 0 (fromIntegral bufferCount :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 4 (fromIntegral currentBuffer :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 8 =<< newArray vertexBuffers pokeByteOff _p 16 =<< newArray draws pokeByteOff _p 24 (fromIntegral drawCounter :: CInt) pokeByteOff _p 28 (realToFrac currentDepth :: CFloat) return () instance Freeable RLRenderBatch where rlFreeDependents val ptr = do vertexBuffersPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 8 :: IO (Ptr RLVertexBuffer)) rlFreeArray (rlRenderBatch'vertexBuffers val) vertexBuffersPtr drawsPtr <- (peekByteOff ptr 16 :: IO (Ptr RLDrawCall)) c'free $ castPtr drawsPtr ------------------------------------------------ -- Raylib callbacks ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ type LoadFileDataCallback = FunPtr (CString -> Ptr CUInt -> IO (Ptr CUChar)) type SaveFileDataCallback = FunPtr (CString -> Ptr () -> CUInt -> IO CInt) type LoadFileTextCallback = FunPtr (CString -> IO CString) type SaveFileTextCallback = FunPtr (CString -> CString -> IO CInt) type AudioCallback = FunPtr (Ptr () -> CUInt -> IO ())