/******************************************************************************************* * * raylib [core] example - Input Gestures for Web * * Example originally created with raylib 4.6-dev, last time updated with raylib 4.6-dev * * Example contributed by ubkp (@ubkp) and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) * * Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, * BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software * * Copyright (c) 2023 ubkp (@ubkp) * ********************************************************************************************/ #include "raylib.h" #include "math.h" // Required for the protractor angle graphic drawing #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) #include // Required for the Web/HTML5 #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global definitions and declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common variables definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int screenWidth = 800; // Update depending on web canvas const int screenHeight = 450; Vector2 messagePosition = { 160, 7 }; // Last gesture variables definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int lastGesture = 0; Vector2 lastGesturePosition = { 165, 130 }; // Gesture log variables definitions and functions declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define GESTURE_LOG_SIZE 20 char gestureLog[GESTURE_LOG_SIZE][12] = { "" }; // The gesture log uses an array (as an inverted circular queue) to store the performed gestures int gestureLogIndex = GESTURE_LOG_SIZE; // The index for the inverted circular queue (moving from last to first direction, then looping around) int previousGesture = 0; char const *GetGestureName(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return "None"; break; case 1: return "Tap"; break; case 2: return "Double Tap"; break; case 4: return "Hold"; break; case 8: return "Drag"; break; case 16: return "Swipe Right"; break; case 32: return "Swipe Left"; break; case 64: return "Swipe Up"; break; case 128: return "Swipe Down"; break; case 256: return "Pinch In"; break; case 512: return "Pinch Out"; break; default: return "Unknown"; break; } } Color GetGestureColor(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return BLACK; break; case 1: return BLUE; break; case 2: return SKYBLUE; break; case 4: return BLACK; break; case 8: return LIME; break; case 16: return RED; break; case 32: return RED; break; case 64: return RED; break; case 128: return RED; break; case 256: return VIOLET; break; case 512: return ORANGE; break; default: return BLACK; break; } } int logMode = 1; // Log mode values: 0 shows repeated events; 1 hides repeated events; 2 shows repeated events but hide hold events; 3 hides repeated events and hide hold events Color gestureColor = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; Rectangle logButton1 = { 53, 7, 48, 26 }; Rectangle logButton2 = { 108, 7, 36, 26 }; Vector2 gestureLogPosition = { 10, 10 }; // Protractor variables definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float angleLength = 90.0f; float currentAngleDegrees = 0.0f; Vector2 finalVector = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; char currentAngleStr[7] = ""; Vector2 protractorPosition = { 266.0f, 315.0f }; // Update //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Update(void) { // Handle common //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i, ii; // Iterators that will be reused by all for loops const int currentGesture = GetGestureDetected(); const float currentDragDegrees = GetGestureDragAngle(); const float currentPitchDegrees = GetGesturePinchAngle(); const int touchCount = GetTouchPointCount(); // Handle last gesture //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((currentGesture != 0) && (currentGesture != 4) && (currentGesture != previousGesture)) lastGesture = currentGesture; // Filter the meaningful gestures (1, 2, 8 to 512) for the display // Handle gesture log //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) { if (CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), logButton1)) { switch (logMode) { case 3: logMode=2; break; case 2: logMode=3; break; case 1: logMode=0; break; default: logMode=1; break; } } else if (CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), logButton2)) { switch (logMode) { case 3: logMode=1; break; case 2: logMode=0; break; case 1: logMode=3; break; default: logMode=2; break; } } } int fillLog = 0; // Gate variable to be used to allow or not the gesture log to be filled if (currentGesture !=0) { if (logMode == 3) // 3 hides repeated events and hide hold events { if (((currentGesture != 4) && (currentGesture != previousGesture)) || (currentGesture < 3)) fillLog = 1; } else if (logMode == 2) // 2 shows repeated events but hide hold events { if (currentGesture != 4) fillLog = 1; } else if (logMode == 1) // 1 hides repeated events { if (currentGesture != previousGesture) fillLog = 1; } else // 0 shows repeated events { fillLog = 1; } } if (fillLog) // If one of the conditions from logMode was met, fill the gesture log { previousGesture = currentGesture; gestureColor = GetGestureColor(currentGesture); if (gestureLogIndex <= 0) gestureLogIndex = GESTURE_LOG_SIZE; gestureLogIndex--; // Copy the gesture respective name to the gesture log array TextCopy(gestureLog[gestureLogIndex], GetGestureName(currentGesture)); } // Handle protractor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (currentGesture > 255) // aka Pinch In and Pinch Out { currentAngleDegrees = currentPitchDegrees; } else if (currentGesture > 15) // aka Swipe Right, Swipe Left, Swipe Up and Swipe Down { currentAngleDegrees = currentDragDegrees; } else if (currentGesture > 0) // aka Tap, Doubletap, Hold and Grab { currentAngleDegrees = 0.0f; } float currentAngleRadians = ((currentAngleDegrees +90.0f)*PI/180); // Convert the current angle to Radians finalVector = (Vector2){ (angleLength*sinf(currentAngleRadians)) + protractorPosition.x, (angleLength*cosf(currentAngleRadians)) + protractorPosition.y }; // Calculate the final vector for display // Handle touch and mouse pointer points //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_TOUCH_COUNT 32 Vector2 touchPosition[MAX_TOUCH_COUNT] = { 0 }; Vector2 mousePosition = {0, 0}; if (currentGesture != GESTURE_NONE) { if (touchCount != 0) { for (i = 0; i < touchCount; i++) touchPosition[i] = GetTouchPosition(i); // Fill the touch positions } else mousePosition = GetMousePosition(); } // Draw //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(RAYWHITE); // Draw common //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawText("*", messagePosition.x + 5, messagePosition.y + 5, 10, BLACK); DrawText("Example optimized for Web/HTML5\non Smartphones with Touch Screen.", messagePosition.x + 15, messagePosition.y + 5, 10, BLACK); DrawText("*", messagePosition.x + 5, messagePosition.y + 35, 10, BLACK); DrawText("While running on Desktop Web Browsers,\ninspect and turn on Touch Emulation.", messagePosition.x + 15, messagePosition.y + 35, 10, BLACK); // Draw last gesture //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawText("Last gesture", lastGesturePosition.x + 33, lastGesturePosition.y - 47, 20, BLACK); DrawText("Swipe Tap Pinch Touch", lastGesturePosition.x + 17, lastGesturePosition.y - 18, 10, BLACK); DrawRectangle(lastGesturePosition.x + 20, lastGesturePosition.y, 20, 20, lastGesture == GESTURE_SWIPE_UP ? RED : LIGHTGRAY); DrawRectangle(lastGesturePosition.x, lastGesturePosition.y + 20, 20, 20, lastGesture == GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT ? RED : LIGHTGRAY); DrawRectangle(lastGesturePosition.x + 40, lastGesturePosition.y + 20, 20, 20, lastGesture == GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT ? RED : LIGHTGRAY); DrawRectangle(lastGesturePosition.x + 20, lastGesturePosition.y + 40, 20, 20, lastGesture == GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN ? RED : LIGHTGRAY); DrawCircle(lastGesturePosition.x + 80, lastGesturePosition.y + 16, 10, lastGesture == GESTURE_TAP ? BLUE : LIGHTGRAY); DrawRing( (Vector2){lastGesturePosition.x + 103, lastGesturePosition.y + 16}, 6.0f, 11.0f, 0.0f, 360.0f, 0, lastGesture == GESTURE_DRAG ? LIME : LIGHTGRAY); DrawCircle(lastGesturePosition.x + 80, lastGesturePosition.y + 43, 10, lastGesture == GESTURE_DOUBLETAP ? SKYBLUE : LIGHTGRAY); DrawCircle(lastGesturePosition.x + 103, lastGesturePosition.y + 43, 10, lastGesture == GESTURE_DOUBLETAP ? SKYBLUE : LIGHTGRAY); DrawTriangle((Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 122, lastGesturePosition.y + 16 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 137, lastGesturePosition.y + 26 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 137, lastGesturePosition.y + 6 }, lastGesture == GESTURE_PINCH_OUT? ORANGE : LIGHTGRAY); DrawTriangle((Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 147, lastGesturePosition.y + 6 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 147, lastGesturePosition.y + 26 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 162, lastGesturePosition.y + 16 }, lastGesture == GESTURE_PINCH_OUT? ORANGE : LIGHTGRAY); DrawTriangle((Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 125, lastGesturePosition.y + 33 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 125, lastGesturePosition.y + 53 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 140, lastGesturePosition.y + 43 }, lastGesture == GESTURE_PINCH_IN? VIOLET : LIGHTGRAY); DrawTriangle((Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 144, lastGesturePosition.y + 43 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 159, lastGesturePosition.y + 53 }, (Vector2){ lastGesturePosition.x + 159, lastGesturePosition.y + 33 }, lastGesture == GESTURE_PINCH_IN? VIOLET : LIGHTGRAY); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) DrawCircle(lastGesturePosition.x + 180, lastGesturePosition.y + 7 + i*15, 5, touchCount <= i? LIGHTGRAY : gestureColor); // Draw gesture log //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawText("Log", gestureLogPosition.x, gestureLogPosition.y, 20, BLACK); // Loop in both directions to print the gesture log array in the inverted order (and looping around if the index started somewhere in the middle) for (i = 0, ii = gestureLogIndex; i < GESTURE_LOG_SIZE; i++, ii = (ii + 1) % GESTURE_LOG_SIZE) DrawText(gestureLog[ii], gestureLogPosition.x, gestureLogPosition.y + 410 - i*20, 20, (i == 0 ? gestureColor : LIGHTGRAY)); Color logButton1Color, logButton2Color; switch (logMode) { case 3: logButton1Color=MAROON; logButton2Color=MAROON; break; case 2: logButton1Color=GRAY; logButton2Color=MAROON; break; case 1: logButton1Color=MAROON; logButton2Color=GRAY; break; default: logButton1Color=GRAY; logButton2Color=GRAY; break; } DrawRectangleRec(logButton1, logButton1Color); DrawText("Hide", logButton1.x + 7, logButton1.y + 3, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Repeat", logButton1.x + 7, logButton1.y + 13, 10, WHITE); DrawRectangleRec(logButton2, logButton2Color); DrawText("Hide", logButton1.x + 62, logButton1.y + 3, 10, WHITE); DrawText("Hold", logButton1.x + 62, logButton1.y + 13, 10, WHITE); // Draw protractor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawText("Angle", protractorPosition.x + 55, protractorPosition.y + 76, 10, BLACK); const char *angleString = TextFormat("%f", currentAngleDegrees); const int angleStringDot = TextFindIndex(angleString, "."); const char *angleStringTrim = TextSubtext(angleString, 0, angleStringDot + 3); DrawText( angleStringTrim, protractorPosition.x + 55, protractorPosition.y + 92, 20, gestureColor); DrawCircle(protractorPosition.x, protractorPosition.y, 80.0f, WHITE); DrawLineEx((Vector2){ protractorPosition.x - 90, protractorPosition.y }, (Vector2){ protractorPosition.x + 90, protractorPosition.y }, 3.0f, LIGHTGRAY); DrawLineEx((Vector2){ protractorPosition.x, protractorPosition.y - 90 }, (Vector2){ protractorPosition.x, protractorPosition.y + 90 }, 3.0f, LIGHTGRAY); DrawLineEx((Vector2){ protractorPosition.x - 80, protractorPosition.y - 45 }, (Vector2){ protractorPosition.x + 80, protractorPosition.y + 45 }, 3.0f, GREEN); DrawLineEx((Vector2){ protractorPosition.x - 80, protractorPosition.y + 45 }, (Vector2){ protractorPosition.x + 80, protractorPosition.y - 45 }, 3.0f, GREEN); DrawText("0", protractorPosition.x + 96, protractorPosition.y - 9, 20, BLACK); DrawText("30", protractorPosition.x + 74, protractorPosition.y - 68, 20, BLACK); DrawText("90", protractorPosition.x - 11, protractorPosition.y - 110, 20, BLACK); DrawText("150", protractorPosition.x - 100, protractorPosition.y - 68, 20, BLACK); DrawText("180", protractorPosition.x - 124, protractorPosition.y - 9, 20, BLACK); DrawText("210", protractorPosition.x - 100, protractorPosition.y + 50, 20, BLACK); DrawText("270", protractorPosition.x - 18, protractorPosition.y + 92, 20, BLACK); DrawText("330", protractorPosition.x + 72, protractorPosition.y + 50, 20, BLACK); if (currentAngleDegrees != 0.0f) DrawLineEx(protractorPosition, finalVector, 3.0f, gestureColor); // Draw touch and mouse pointer points //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (currentGesture != GESTURE_NONE) { if ( touchCount != 0 ) { for (i = 0; i < touchCount; i++) { DrawCircleV(touchPosition[i], 50.0f, Fade(gestureColor, 0.5f)); DrawCircleV(touchPosition[i], 5.0f, gestureColor); } if (touchCount == 2) DrawLineEx(touchPosition[0], touchPosition[1], ((currentGesture == 512)? 8 : 12), gestureColor); } else { DrawCircleV(mousePosition, 35.0f, Fade(gestureColor, 0.5f)); DrawCircleV(mousePosition, 5.0f, gestureColor); } } EndDrawing(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Program main entry point //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined( PLATFORM_WEB ) // Using Emscripten EM_ASM_INT macro, get the page canvas width const int canvasWidth = EM_ASM_INT( return document.getElementById('canvas').getBoundingClientRect().width; ); if (canvasWidth > 400) screenWidth = canvasWidth; else screenWidth = 400; // Set a minimum width for the screen #endif InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [core] example - input gestures web"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main game loop //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) emscripten_set_main_loop(Update, 0, 1); #else SetTargetFPS(60); while (!WindowShouldClose()) Update(); // Detect window close button or ESC key #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // De-Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return 0; }