hCM- Conceptual modelling support for Haskell

Copyright(c) Marek Suchánek 2017
Safe HaskellSafe



Conceptual model simple visulization functions via DOT format.



nl2br :: String -> String Source #

Helper function for converting new lines to HTML.

metaElementToDotModel :: ConceptualModel m => m -> MetaElement -> String Source #

Convert MetaElement to DOT code fragment for the model visualization.

filterEntitiesType :: [MetaElement] -> [MetaElement] Source #

Filtering MetaElements by type names, i.e. every entity type will be just once.

elementToDotModel :: (ConceptualModel m, CMElement e) => m -> e -> String Source #

Convert element in model to DOT for model visualization.

modelToDotModel :: ConceptualModel m => m -> String Source #

Convert whole model to DOT for model visualization.

metaElementToDotInstance :: ConceptualModel m => m -> MetaElement -> String Source #

Convert MetaElement to DOT code fragment for the instance visualization.

makeDotId :: String -> String Source #

Create DOT identifier based on given string.

makeDisplayId :: String -> String Source #

Create showable identifier based on given string.

filterEntitiesInstance :: [MetaElement] -> [MetaElement] Source #

Filtering MetaElements by identifier, i.e. every instance will be just once.

elementToDotInstance :: (ConceptualModel m, CMElement e) => m -> e -> String Source #

Convert element in model to DOT for instance visualization.

modelToDotInstance :: ConceptualModel m => m -> String Source #

Convert whole model to DOT for instance visualization.